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Updated by mk2949412 on Apr 29, 2021
mk2949412 mk2949412
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Yoga Types For Everyone

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga - Benefits of Hatha Yoga asanas includes better sleep & strengthing the core muscles. Watch & practice yoga for strenght with illustration.

Yoga for Lower Back Pain

Yoga for Lower Back Pain - Practice yoga poses for back pain to reduce back tension. Get relief from back pain with asana for back pain with guided videos.

Breathing Exercises Yoga

Deep breathing benefits in betterment of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Practice breathing exercises to reduce stress & anxiety.

Yoga Poses for Flexibility

Yoga Pose for Flexibility increases the blood flow & warms up all the muscles. Try yoga splits & other flexible poses for upper, lower, full body & spinal flexibility.

Morning Workout

Morning Workout - Practice the best morning workout. Workout in the morning to feel the freshness. Early morning workout guided sessions are now available online by our trainers.

Calorie Burning Exercises

Calorie Burning Exercises - Practice calorie burning exercises at home. We have online guided video sessions available with guidance from our trainers.

Yoga for Senior Citizen

Yoga for Senior Citizen - Learn different types of yoga sequences for seniors. we have various online video sessions which help old people doing yoga. Practice yoga for old people from our trainers.

Physical Activities for Kids

Physical Activities for Kids - Exercise for children's growth and development available online. Learn various fitness exercises for kids with our guided video sessions available on our website.

Personal Development

Personal Development - Learn self growth, personal and professional development. Our online video sessions teach you self improvement which helps in personal growth and development.

Yoga Nidra for Relaxation

Yoga Nidra for Relaxation - Practice yoga nidra for complete relaxation & stress relief by shobhit raj. Regular practice of yoga nidra deep sleep will help rejuvenate and relax mind & body