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Updated by Rosa Perry on Jan 25, 2015
Headline for Unions & Pollies
Rosa Perry Rosa Perry
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Unions & Pollies

Unions mean better pay, benefits, and working conditions for their members; they force employers to treat employees with dignity and respect; and at their best, they provide a way for workers to make society both more democratic and egalitarian.


Union Governance & Corruption -MBA Supports Royal Commission

Wilhelm Harnisch, CEO of Master Builders Australia explains why the peak lobby of the nation's building and construction industry welcomes the Royal Commission into union governance and corruption

Royal Commission into Union corruption: Alyshia Gates

Union whistleblower Kathy Jackson says the corruption allegations against her have politically destroyed her. Watch World News Australia 6.30pm nightly and 10.30pm Mon-Fri on SBS ONE.

The Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption

The Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption was established on 13 March 2014 by the former Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, Her Excellency the Hon Quentin Bryce AC CVO.
The Hon John Dyson Heydon AC QC has been appointed to lead the Royal Commission in accordance with the Terms of Reference as set out in the Letters Patent. The Commissioner has been asked to provide a report of his findings and recommendations on or before 31 December 2014.

SDA Union Transform and Transpose

SDA Union Transform and Transpose. 454 likes ยท 3 talking about this. We, deeply dissatisfied with the actions (or the lack thereof) of our union's...

Join the NUW - National Union of Workers

Whatever your situation, your stronger in the union: we organise for equality, dignity and respect. We campaign for safe workplaces, fair conditions and wages, and jobs everyone can count on.

Bleijie to crack down on unions using safety as 'weapon'
Topics: building, jarrod bleijie, occupational health and safety QUEENSLAND Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie has announced proposed changes to legislation to ensure unions cannot use safety as an industrial weapon at building sites across the state. Mr Bleijie revealed the changes at the Master Builders Building and Construction Awards ceremony on Friday in Brisbane.
The Real Kevin Rudd

The real Kevin Rudd: a man despised by those who know him, who spent three years undermining Australia's first female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard.

The Bullying of Julia Gillard

The bullying of Australia's first female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard.

The Four Workplace Bully Types

Dr. Gary Namie explains the four main types of workplace bullying tactics.

SDA Retail Union Induction at McDonalds

Young children feel compelled and intimidated to join the Shop, Distributive and Employees' Association on the spot. There was supposed to be a letter advising parents about the union and it was missing. SDA provide a parent flyer for the person to take home.

ABC News24 3rd Dec 2012 Australian Labor Party Conference re marriage equality

Joe de Bruyn didn't get the answer he wanted.
An unedited grab from the ABC24 news report from 3 December 2012 on the Australian Labor Party Conference when they voted by a clear and vocal majority to support marriage equality - and where Shop Distributive and Allied Employee's Union leader Joe de Bruyn is firmly shouted down when calling for the Conference to continue to deny marriage equality.

The SDA ('Shoppies' Union) power over SA Labor government

Channel 7 Adelaide ran this story on the power of the SDA (Shoppies Union) over the Rann Labor government in South Australia 17th. August 2011

Battle surrounds union's alleged anti-gay stance

Alan Swetman says the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association is lecturing young employees to stand against gay rights, euthanasia and abortion. Photo: Tony Moore A Queensland union's alleged stance against gay marriage, euthanasia and abortion has triggered an ugly membership battle and prompted questions over the Labor Party's top Senate candidate.

SDA petitions for leadership change

BRISBANE: The organiser of a rally to confront the leadership of the powerful Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association (SDA) on issues including marriage equality says it's time the union's leadership is publically challenged.

Anti-gay-marriage lectures 'just not unionism'

Alan Swetman and Duncan Hart. Young people do not want to be lectured on the purported evils of same-sex marriage and abortion by a church group, according to a Brisbane union representative who argues Australia's largest union has lost touch with its base.