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Updated by Kevin Scheiwe on Jun 21, 2013
10 items   1 followers   1 votes   19 views

21st Century Learning

Video ranking of the 21st century

Did You Know?

A great factual, slide video with intense music that really helped get the point across. The facts about where we are as a country were great, and alarming at the same time. Again, I wish it was updated (i.e. Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram... no Myspace!).

A Vision of Students Today

This video by KSU students was the most real in my opinion. It was done with facts about the 21st century student, in a 20th century setting. College-aged students are a great example for this topic as they are experiencing the transition to the 21st century learner.

Rethinking Learning: The 21st Century Learner | MacArthur Foundation

This video by the MacArthur Foundation, was very well done and seemed to be very informative. Referencing the gamer mentality as well as the idea that the 21st century learner needs to learn the tools and skills to take-on the content.

21st Century Skills: What Do We Do?

With intense music (relative to the actual content!) the video was engaging using text/graphics, aligned with the music. Although relatively low-tech, it get's the point across. .

A Vision of K-12 Students Today

This video was very similar to the KSU one with college kids. This one used grade-school students to get their points across. The music was relatively low key and the background color made the video seem a bit out-dated. Either way, the video seemed more effective then half the others.

21st Century Learning Matters

This video felt a little older (out-dated) as well, especially with the forward from the Library of Congress. The music and some of the sound effects also seemed old. The content was good, and the video was put together well.

Teaching the 21st Century Learner

A good video focused on the pedagogy of education and the differences of the early learners and the 21st learners. The text slides were good and engaging.

Engage Me!

This video was another take on the cue cards with elementary students. I found the music to be a bit boring and the text/card messages were not too enlightening. They made a good use of the video and graphics.

Pay Attention - Final Final Cut

The TeacherTube video was very informative and presented a little better would of been excellent to learn from. The length added with the basic text slides was hard to pay attention to. On the other hand, this video was the only that can remember cited sources.

21st Century Literacy

This video/slideshow was short (positive) but lacked the flair needed for the audience to engage and read each slide. Some of the text slides were quite long, while others were very static, with no effects. This was the least effective video to me.