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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Most Colourful Festivals in Singapore
Joanna James Joanna James
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Most Colourful Festivals in Singapore

Singapore boasts cosmopolitan energy with a distinctive multi-cultural lifestyle. It should come as no surprise then that Singapore has some of the most distinct and colourful festivals found anywhere in the world. These celebrations have a long-standing role in the Singaporean culture and are often closely associated with momentous historical events that helped shape the city through the ages. What’s more, if you’re staying at one of the Orchard Road hotels – say, for example, the Grand Park Orchard – you’ll only be a few minutes away from the celebrations out in the city!


New Year's Day

New Year's Day

Singapore Arts Festival

Singapore Arts Festival

Singapore Dragon Boat Festival

Singapore Dragon Boat Festival

Vesak Day

Vesak Day

Singapore Food Festival

Singapore Food Festival
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