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Updated by brodenmickelsen on Apr 24, 2021
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Dallas Criminal Defense Attorney

Clint Broden & Mick Mickelsen are Board Certified by Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Criminal Appellate Law and Criminal Defense Law.

In cases that come down to the word of a police officer against that of a defendant, juries often believe the police officer.

What Do I Need To Know About Filing A Criminal Appeal?

If you have been convicted of a criminal offense, you might have the right to appeal your case. When you file an appeal, you are asking a higher court to review the lower court’s decision.

Murder Suspect In Texas Was Left Unchecked For Two Weeks After GPS Company Repossessed His Ankle Bracelet

Electronic monitoring systems are widely used in Texas as an alternative to incarceration and for defendants on bond who are awaiting a trial.

What Factors Matter Most To Appellate Justices When Reviewing A Notice Of Appeal?

When a verdict is delivered in a criminal case, it isn’t always what the defendant envisioned as the outcome. An unfavorable verdict is difficult enough to process, and in some cases, the sentence ordered by the judge may not seem justified or fair. When a defendant finds themselves in this situation, their trial lawyer will likely suggest that they file a notice of appeal.

Can Text Messages Be Used Against You In White-Collar Litigation?

Texting has become one of the most frequently used methods of communication. We tend to send texts back and forth without thinking much at all about the contents of the message.

Homicides Spike In Dallas As Killings Fall Elsewhere In Texas

Murder rates are falling in most Texas cities. However, Dallas is a glaring exception to the rule as the homicide rate heads for a 10-year high.

Key Texas Ruling Requires Defense Lawyers At Bail Hearings

Texas’ controversial cash bail system has been undermined by a series of recent court rulings. This month, Galveston was ordered to change its rules when a federal judge said defense lawyers should be at bail hearings for poor defendants.

What Does It Take To Get A Criminal Case Dismissed?

In some cases, it may be possible to get a criminal case dismissed. This is one of the main reasons for working with an experienced Dallas criminal defense lawyer. Your lawyer can help you explore your options for getting your case dismissed.

Did Antisemitism Influence Death Row Sentence For Man Accused Of Killing A Police Officer?

Randy Halprin has been on Texas’ Death Row for a decade for a high-profile prison escape that resulted in the killing of a police officer a decade ago.

Defense Attorney For Crime Cases Explains Texas Criminal Trespass Basics

If you enter someone else’s property without permission, you can be charged with a crime called criminal trespass. In addition to being charged with a crime,

Many people who are charged with theft in Texas fail to take the offense seriously. Although theft is a property crime rather than a violent crime, you can still be imprisoned for the offense.

Controversial Texas Driver Responsibility Program Will End On September 1

It’s tough to get your life back on track after a DWI or another serious traffic offense.

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do If You’re Under Federal Investigation

Finding out that you’re the subject or target of a federal investigation can be an extremely scary experience.

Dallas Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer | Federal Crime Attorneys, Dallas, TX

Our Dallas Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer practice federal criminal defense at the trial, appeals & conviction stages.

Can Making A Prank Call Get Me Arrested?

Almost everyone indulges in a few youthful mistakes when they’re a teen or young adult.

Harris County Moves To Reform Its Controversial Bail System

Harris County, the most populous place in Texas, has bowed to pressure to reform its bail practices and settle a federal lawsuit.

Can A 16-Year-old Be Tried As An Adult In Dallas?

In Texas, the age of adult criminal responsibility is 17. However, younger defendants can be tried as adults in certain circumstances.

Counterfeiting Goods Is A Serious Crime

Selling, trafficking, or counterfeiting goods can lead to harsh penalties. If you're facing federal charges, call the Law Office of Broden & Mickelsen.

Rent-to-own Owners Receive New Protections Against Criminal Charges

Many people who rent-to-own furniture and other goods in Texas don’t realize failing to make payments can result in criminal charges or even a term in jail.

Deeper into the Tax Law Firm Vocation

Attorneys would be the pros that offer you the lawful aid from the disputes and problems which have valid outcomes.

Major 3 Advantages of Selecting IRS Attorneys

Frequently men and women make blunders while still filing to their own taxation yields . This contributes them to many different bodily issues and fiscal issues afterwards.

Dogs have powerful noses. According to researchers at Florida State University, they can smell up to 100,000 times better than humans. Considering how amazing a dog’s sense of smell is, it’s probably no wonder why police use dogs to detect illegal substances. But what does the law say about drug sniffing dogs? Can police use a drug sniffing dog whenever they feel like it? What are your rights when it comes to traffic stops and contraband dogs?

Should You Self Report A Known Corporate Crime?

Should you report a corporate crime that has occurred within your company or organization? Understand the reasons why businesses don’t report and why maybe they should rethink that approach.

What Is Evading Arrest Or Detention In A Motor Vehicle In Texas?

Evading arrest or detention in a motor vehicle in Texas can be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances of the crime.

Are There Passenger Rights During A Traffic Stop In Texas?

When you ride as a passenger in a vehicle, you are giving a certain amount of control over to the driver. For example, if the driver is exceeding the speed limit, you could find yourself in a situation being pulled over and stopped by the police.