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Updated by wen wa on Apr 08, 2021
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Sub-health, which caused my libido to decrease, how can I improve it

Sub-health, which caused my libido to decrease, how can I improve it

Sub-health, which caused my libido to decrease, how can I improve it
In fact, the vast majority of white-collar workers, especially high-pressure workers, have a large part of sub-health. The so-called sub-health refers to the state of non-illness and non-health, which is a critical state, or "gray state." It is a transitional period between health and disease in the human body, and most people know the state of illness. Why don't we first judge whether there is a sub-health state: There are the following 12 types of sub-health:
1. Frequent fatigue, even if you have enough sleep, the fatigue will not be eliminated;
2. Unexplained general weakness, for example, if you go up a few steps, you feel collapsed; you feel weak after working in the afternoon;
3. Frequent insomnia and dreaminess;
4. Often dizzy, unable to concentrate;
5. My memory is decreased, and sometimes I forget what I just wanted to do. For example, I forget to bring my key when I go out, I am interrupted when I am doing something, and then I can’t remember what I have to do next;
6. Poor appetite or picky eaters, poor mood or high temperature will have no appetite;
7. The pharynx is dry and painful, and there is a feeling of tightness in the throat. Check for congestion in the pharynx but no symptoms of inflammation;
8. Unexplained chest tightness, chest pain, low back pain, muscle pain and joint pain that cannot be determined at a specific location;
9. Depressed, easily anxious or nervous, often feeling irritable or fearful;
10. Can't be interested in anything, like to be in a daze, and often have a blank mind;
11. Body temperature often exceeds 37.5°C, but is lower than 38°C; 12. Reduced libido and decreased sexual function. *Source: Xinhuanet Date: 2019-07-26 "12 early warning manifestations show that the body is in a sub-healthy state" If you have one or more of the above manifestations, it means you are already in a sub-healthy state. If there are more than 5 symptoms, it means that your body is in urgent need of conditioning. Next, I will divide the ways I think can improve sub-health: Especially now that the autumn and winter seasons change, most of the sub-health problems have begun to show up. Up. Do the following 8 points to scientifically improve immunity, fight viruses, and help improve sub-health.
1. Pay attention to your own physical condition. Before this, I was a relatively healthy person, but this is just staying in the diet. Weight loss and fitness or something. However, little attention has been paid to the health of the actual diet structure. Physical fitness is not very good. During this epidemic, at this time, when I was busy, I obviously felt that I was physically weak and I was in a sub-healthy state. At that time, I overweighted and my body became weaker. Then I encountered an epidemic, thinking that I must not fall down. (Especially when the epidemic had a fever, it was really super nervous) At that time, I gradually began to care about my health, from life to diet. I don't have high physical fitness. Although I don't have any obvious symptoms at ordinary times, my resistance will be manifested at this time, and I will become a susceptible group.
2. Eat less sugar and reduce the intake of refined foods as soon as possible. In addition to sugar, you should also consume less refined processed foods, such as fruit juices and beverages. Excessive intake of sugar into the body cannot be metabolized and discharged in time, and it will have a glycation reaction with the skin's keratin and cause the accumulation of free radicals, making the skin rough, dull, and yellow. Once the sugar is consumed too much, the glycation reaction of the skin will harden the collagen of the muscle base and break the fibers between the proteins, making the skin loose and lose its elasticity. It is also easy to cause inflammation. Therefore, during the epidemic, we must pay more attention to diet, and don't let too much sugar and refined foods burden the skin.
3. Eat more vegetables, meat and eggs to add protein and fiber. Now I have a health plan for myself. Eat regularly, drink less, eat more vegetarian food, eat more fruits and vegetables, supplement vitamins, reduce fat intake, and maintain a healthy weight. Obesity of the body is also a manifestation of unhealthy, and various functions will be affected. Eat three meals a day on time. Ensure that there are enough staple foods in each meal. Use whole grains for meat and vegetables instead of staple foods. Meat refuses to eat pork. Start eating beef, shrimp, chicken breast and other so-called protein-rich meat staples. -Two fist vegetables per meal-a large handful of lean meat with two hands every day-one finger thick and two finger wide fruit every day-one fist a day and finally add a vitamin as a supplement, it is almost enough.
4. A certain amount of exercise Get up in the morning and exercise in the morning to maintain the habit of exercise. Life lies in exercise. Exercise must be strengthened to promote the body's metabolism. Appropriate but not excessive exercise can promote blood circulation, detoxification of the lymphatic system, and improve immunity. Exercise can also improve metabolism, increase muscle mass, promote dopamine secretion, improve mood, improve long-term immunity, and so on. Exercise at least 3 times a week, even half an hour of brisk walking, jogging, strength training, etc., can help you improve your immunity. Moreover, it is also helpful for girls to keep in shape!
5. Good sleep Keep at least 8 hours of sleep a day, stay up late or stay up late. Develop good living habits. Sleep is also an important way to improve immunity. In many cases, doctors will give advice on taking more rest when the patient is sick. In fact, this makes sense behind it. Staying up late is the easiest way to collapse your immune system. Good sleep is the basis of the immune system. Don't stay up late to play games and watch dramas, so that your body is in the best state of preparation. It’s also very important. Don’t have too much pressure, don’t be too anxious, don’t argue with others, and stay away from leverage. If the stress hormone cortisol is too high, it will also damage the immune system. Many people tend to collapse under high pressure for a long time and often get sick. After sleeping well, the skin will be better and the immunity will be improved.
6. Drink plenty of water! ! Be sure to drink plenty of water, drink plenty of water, drink plenty of water. Drinking water can effectively prevent occupational diseases in the office, and many sub-health are also due to insufficient water. Drink plenty of water to keep the body adequately hydrated, which can speed up the body's metabolism of waste products. Moisturizing the intestines and laxatives can improve acne on the face. My requirement for myself is 8 glasses of water a day, and a small glass of water on the desk is also very convenient. 7. Vitamin C supplementation. When you have a cold or low resistance, many people will choose to take vitamin C. Although many people think that eating fruits is fine, the sugar content of current fruits is too high and it is not recommended to eat too much. Be careful not to control the amount, and you can't expect fruits to improve immunity. In addition to vitamin C, B6 and vitamin E also have the effect of improving immunity. In addition, I want to share a magical discovery! Vitamin B is really useful for hair loss [1]! ! And during that time, my closed mouth and acne, my skin improved. I also specifically checked the reasons. Vitamins are commonly found in five categories: A, B, C, D, and E. Among them, only vitamin B is a huge family with many descendants and has a greater impact on skin metabolism. I especially suggest that you can add some vitamin tablets after eating normally, for example, good storage is enough, the old brand can be trusted. If it is a multivitamin, it is more convenient to eat, so there is no need to eat many different vitamins at once. Vitamins can really help the body's performance in many aspects. Vitamins can really help the body's performance in many aspects. The immune system is not that weak. Moreover, most people can't eat much fruits and vegetables. Vitamin tablets are more convenient. Vitamins are suitable for most people who cannot consume enough essential vitamins in their usual diet. However, health care products are not medicines and cannot replace medicines to treat diseases. If the body has problems, or people under 17 years old, pregnant women or nursing mothers, they still need to Please follow the doctor's advice for nutritional supplementation.

  1. Learn to relax yourself and anger will also produce free radicals, which will also bring pressure to the body. I don’t know if you have ever heard a joke that many diseases are caused by anger... Research has shown that people who often experience depression, emotional tension, excessive psychological pressure, or love great joys and compassion, will have endocrine disorders, which will lead to immune abilities. decline. People who are in a stable mood and maintain a good state of mind can secrete positive energy endorphins, which can promote the improvement of the body's immune function and avoid diseases. If you are in a bad mood, you can listen to music or go to the movies. Crazy fitness is a good way to relieve stress. All of these can make your body in a healthier state. The other is how can I increase my libido? As mentioned above, keeping on exercising is a very good method, which is scientific and reasonable. Then there is another way to enhance your sex ability and sex skills through deliberate practice, which can make you more confident to have sex. Others have sex, so how do you practice? Isn’t it a popular sex doll around us now? You can buy a sex doll and improve your ability to have sex by having sex with this doll. You can choose to buy a doll according to your preferences, if you don’t know where to buy it. , I suggest that you can go to lovedollshops to see where there are real silicone sex dolls, they are all high-quality sex dolls, so don’t worry about quality issues, if you want the best experience, you want to have sex When you feel the most real feeling, then you can buy a full silicone sex doll. Of course, you can also choose. If you want a small doll for easy collection, then you can choose a 100cm silicone sex doll. Okay, let’s talk about it today. Here, I hope you can have a healthy body.

Sex is good for your health

Sex is good for your health

Human sexual activity usually has three types of purposes: reproduction, to witness strong emotions, and pure sexual stimulation. Sex is the consolidator and preservative of marriage, and our attention to harmonious sex has reached an extraordinary level.

When the two sexes are attracted to each other, they can feel their hearts beating faster, their faces become flushed, and their breathing is short of breath. Although there is no words, the two admiring eyes for each other can express their most romantic language

The girl will say, "Since we met, the charm in you has attracted me deeply, just like the prince I was looking for in a fairy tale." The boy replied, "You melted my heart, and you are me. "Goddess of God" when they touch their hands lightly in the moonlight, the two will perceive their hands like electric shocks, their faces are red and the ears are red, and the bunny's heartbeat is slamming. A romantic date is transformed into body induction, which can be understood as uploading the inner message to the brain, and then issuing instructions, the sexual organs and the whole body respond. Due to the cross-interaction of caress and sensuality, the two people’s immune systems participate in it, releasing neurohormones, and the relative establishment of the neurochemical relationship between the two

What are the benefits of magical sex?

Increase the level of sex hormone secretion-the level of estrogen secreted by women who have regular sex is also higher, so it is more effective in preventing the occurrence of osteoporosis. Sex can also increase the secretion of male hormones, thereby making muscles stronger and bones harder.

Analgesic effect-before and after orgasm, the body will release endogenous opioids, endorphins, which are powerful natural analgesics, so sex will improve people’s pain tolerance and relieve people’s headaches, toothaches, arthralgias, etc. Various illnesses
Improving immunity-during sexual intercourse, oxytocin secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (which can be secreted by both men and women) can promote the regeneration of specific cells, thereby promoting wound healing to a certain extent
Lower blood pressure-regular sexual intercourse is more effective in preventing high blood pressure and heart disease

Soothing and calming to help sleep-sexual intercourse can stimulate the parasympathetic components in the autonomic nerves to achieve a certain calming and sedative effect, which helps people fall asleep. Relieve personal overwork, because after sex, people can achieve the fullest relaxation of body and mind

Promote the relationship between husband and wife, reconcile the conflicts between the two parties, reduce psychological pressure and eliminate mental tension-failure to reach the orgasm is often disappointing and unpleasant, causing insomnia and irritability. Women will even gradually develop low libido as a result

A wonderful and harmonious sex life is conducive to the physical and mental health of the couple. This is not something that can be replaced by having countless money and worry-free living conditions, nor is it a heart-to-heart cherishment. A purely platonic and purely admiring spiritual life can be compared

Therefore, while doing a good job in the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization, we advocate paying attention to the third civilization-sexual civilization, which is the prerequisite basis for sexual health. We cannot take the attitude of keeping a distance and avoid discussing issues related to sex. We must pay full attention to it. "Promote sexual civilization, popularize sex education, improve sexual quality, and enjoy sexual health" in order to reach a consensus
Nowadays, many businesses are making use of human nature. Since the epidemic, the major pornographic websites have been basically full. Many people who don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend can only stimulate themselves through these videos to get themselves excited, and Let yourself reach orgasm, but people tend to pursue a better way of encountering, so many people start to buy sex toys, so during that time, sex toys were very popular. According to data, the number of sex dolls purchased is usual This means that people will want to make love uncontrollably, which is also a normal response during the menstrual period.
Where can I buy sex dolls
Many people may ask me where can I buy real sex dolls? Today I will tell you, you can go to lovedollshops and have a look. There are various dolls there. Many of them are full silicone sex dolls. Many people will ask what will happen to sex with silicone sex doll, and it feels like you. Just like real people are having sex, if you are afraid of not knowing how to collect your doll, and are afraid of being seen by others, then you can buy a petite silicone sex doll to facilitate your collection.
But you must have sex reasonably and not too frequently. Although sex is good for us, it is good and it will be bad. So young people must protect their bodies so that you can have a better life. s future.