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Updated by wen wa on Jun 03, 2021
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Here I will write some articles about sex dolls I hope you like dolls can like it


What will happen if I have not had sex for a long time?

What will happen if I have not had sex for a long time?

Some people say that long-term lack of sex can cause headaches, insomnia, hair loss, and skin deterioration. It seems that as long as you don’t have sex, you will suffer from all the problems you have heard. Is it true or "hooligan"? Papa, do these effects really work? Women
Will having sex make the vagina firmer? Beautiful to you! Sexual life will not cause vaginal relaxation, the real influencing factors are age and pregnancy. Could it be said that if you don't have sex for a lifetime, it won't become loose for a lifetime? ·For young healthy women, if they don’t have sex for a long time, there will be no changes in the vagina; ·For menopausal women, having no sex for a long time may make the vagina shrink faster. When a woman enters menopause, the level of estrogen gradually decreases, and the collagen fibers, elastic fibers and smooth muscles in the vagina will undergo degenerative lesions. Studies have found that women in menopause or menopause may increase the blood supply to the pelvic organs and effectively prevent vaginal atrophy.
Does not sex cause dysmenorrhea? Some people say that not having sex for a long time will affect the secretion of hormones and even cause dysmenorrhea! This... estrogen is secreted by the ovaries, it has nothing to do with whether you have sex, okay! Although there is a saying that orgasm can cause the body to produce endorphins, which can help relieve pain, it does not mean that dysmenorrhea will be worse if you don't have sex! Having said that, the maintenance of estrogen levels depends on the ovaries plus the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
For Men
If you don't sex, semen will solidify? This statement is true. If a male friend doesn’t have sex, and if he doesn’t make fun of the fifth girl, the sperm will end up in two ways: run out by himself (full of energy), or die alone. More than 90% of semen is water. How do you coagulate?
Will Dingding be soft or "not lifted"? This statement is that Ding Ding "the more you use it, the more useless it is." The "American Journal of Medicine", which is not too big of a problem, once published an article saying: Men with lower frequency of sex are twice as likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than men with regular sex. In fact, there is no strong data to prove the association between low frequency of sexual life and erectile dysfunction. But we seem to be able to understand it in a different way of thinking: It is precisely because we are "not good" that the willingness and frequency of sex will be lower, right?
Does not sex cause prostate cancer? Some believe that chronic contact between gland cells and their secretions may cause cancer. If semen is discharged regularly, new cells can be formed, which will help prevent the accumulation of aging cells that may turn into malignant tumors and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. . Researchers from Boston University in the United States conducted a follow-up study of 32,000 healthy men for 18 years and found that in the two age groups 20-29 years old and 40-49 years old, men ejaculate more than 21 times per month, which is more than 4%. The risk of prostate cancer in men who had ~7 times decreased by 19% and 22%, respectively. What? 21 times? This is not "Xiao Lu Yiqing" anymore! Some studies have shown that it is completely contrary to this view, and there is currently no unified view.
Will you lose your life if you don't have sex? Some people say that sex can help improve male immunity, and if you don’t have sex, your immunity will be reduced. There are many ways to improve immunity, such as playing ball, fitness, swimming and so on. Some people say that the frequency of orgasm is inversely related to the death rate caused by cardiovascular disease, which means that the death rate of people who have two orgasms a week is only half of that of people who have a monthly orgasm. Cycling can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality! To make a summary: It doesn't matter whether it is sex or not, the premise is to pay attention to hygiene and do what we can.
What if you want to have sex and you don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend? It’s okay. Now I’ll tell you that you can buy a high-quality sex doll. If you really can’t control yourself then you can go to lovedoll to find out. There are silicone sex dolls for sale. They all have silicone sex dolls. Best silicone sex doll, the doll is very similar to people, so you don’t have to worry about any problems. When you are having sex with her, it feels like a real person is having sex. You can release your little life to your heart's content, but still Pay attention to your body, not too frequently, and have a moderate amount. They have many different styles of sex dolls. You can choose the doll you want according to the type you like. If you often watch Japanese AV, you want one Like the sex partners of Japanese actresses, then you can choose japanese silicone sex dolls, or you can choose other dolls if you like, remember to do what you can.


Sub-health, which caused my libido to decrease, how can I improve it

Sub-health, which caused my libido to decrease, how can I improve it

In fact, the vast majority of white-collar workers, especially high-pressure workers, have a large part of sub-health. The so-called sub-health refers to the state of non-illness and non-health, which is a critical state, or "gray state." It is a transitional period between health and disease in the human body, and most people know the state of illness. Why don't we first judge whether there is a sub-health state: There are the following 12 types of sub-health:
1. Frequent fatigue, even if you have enough sleep, the fatigue will not be eliminated;
2. Unexplained general weakness, for example, if you go up a few steps, you feel collapsed; you feel weak after working in the afternoon;
3. Frequent insomnia and dreaminess;
4. Often dizzy, unable to concentrate;
5. My memory is decreased, and sometimes I forget what I just wanted to do. For example, I forget to bring my key when I go out, I am interrupted when I am doing something, and then I can’t remember what I have to do next;
6. Poor appetite or picky eaters, poor mood or high temperature will have no appetite;
7. The pharynx is dry and painful, and there is a feeling of tightness in the throat. Check for congestion in the pharynx but no symptoms of inflammation;
8. Unexplained chest tightness, chest pain, low back pain, muscle pain and joint pain that cannot be determined at a specific location;
9. Depressed, easily anxious or nervous, often feeling irritable or fearful;
10. Can't be interested in anything, like to be in a daze, and often have a blank mind;
11. Body temperature often exceeds 37.5°C, but is lower than 38°C; 12. Reduced libido and decreased sexual function. *Source: Xinhuanet Date: 2019-07-26 "12 early warning manifestations show that the body is in a sub-healthy state" If you have one or more of the above manifestations, it means you are already in a sub-healthy state. If there are more than 5 symptoms, it means that your body is in urgent need of conditioning. Next, I will divide the ways I think can improve sub-health: Especially now that the autumn and winter seasons change, most of the sub-health problems have begun to show up. Up. Do the following 8 points to scientifically improve immunity, fight viruses, and help improve sub-health.
1. Pay attention to your own physical condition. Before this, I was a relatively healthy person, but this is just staying in the diet. Weight loss and fitness or something. However, little attention has been paid to the health of the actual diet structure. Physical fitness is not very good. During this epidemic, at this time, when I was busy, I obviously felt that I was physically weak and I was in a sub-healthy state. At that time, I overweighted and my body became weaker. Then I encountered an epidemic, thinking that I must not fall down. (Especially when the epidemic had a fever, it was really super nervous) At that time, I gradually began to care about my health, from life to diet. I don't have high physical fitness. Although I don't have any obvious symptoms at ordinary times, my resistance will be manifested at this time, and I will become a susceptible group.
2. Eat less sugar and reduce the intake of refined foods as soon as possible. In addition to sugar, you should also consume less refined processed foods, such as fruit juices and beverages. Excessive intake of sugar into the body cannot be metabolized and discharged in time, and it will have a glycation reaction with the skin's keratin and cause the accumulation of free radicals, making the skin rough, dull, and yellow. Once the sugar is consumed too much, the glycation reaction of the skin will harden the collagen of the muscle base and break the fibers between the proteins, making the skin loose and lose its elasticity. It is also easy to cause inflammation. Therefore, during the epidemic, we must pay more attention to diet, and don't let too much sugar and refined foods burden the skin.
3. Eat more vegetables, meat and eggs to add protein and fiber. Now I have a health plan for myself. Eat regularly, drink less, eat more vegetarian food, eat more fruits and vegetables, supplement vitamins, reduce fat intake, and maintain a healthy weight. Obesity of the body is also a manifestation of unhealthy, and various functions will be affected. Eat three meals a day on time. Ensure that there are enough staple foods in each meal. Use whole grains for meat and vegetables instead of staple foods. Meat refuses to eat pork. Start eating beef, shrimp, chicken breast and other so-called protein-rich meat staples. -Two fist vegetables per meal-a large handful of lean meat with two hands every day-one finger thick and two finger wide fruit every day-one fist a day and finally add a vitamin as a supplement, it is almost enough.
4. A certain amount of exercise Get up in the morning and exercise in the morning to maintain the habit of exercise. Life lies in exercise. Exercise must be strengthened to promote the body's metabolism. Appropriate but not excessive exercise can promote blood circulation, detoxification of the lymphatic system, and improve immunity. Exercise can also improve metabolism, increase muscle mass, promote dopamine secretion, improve mood, improve long-term immunity, and so on. Exercise at least 3 times a week, even half an hour of brisk walking, jogging, strength training, etc., can help you improve your immunity. Moreover, it is also helpful for girls to keep in shape!
5. Good sleep Keep at least 8 hours of sleep a day, stay up late or stay up late. Develop good living habits. Sleep is also an important way to improve immunity. In many cases, doctors will give advice on taking more rest when the patient is sick. In fact, this makes sense behind it. Staying up late is the easiest way to collapse your immune system. Good sleep is the basis of the immune system. Don't stay up late to play games and watch dramas, so that your body is in the best state of preparation. It’s also very important. Don’t have too much pressure, don’t be too anxious, don’t argue with others, and stay away from leverage. If the stress hormone cortisol is too high, it will also damage the immune system. Many people tend to collapse under high pressure for a long time and often get sick. After sleeping well, the skin will be better and the immunity will be improved.
6. Drink plenty of water! ! Be sure to drink plenty of water, drink plenty of water, drink plenty of water. Drinking water can effectively prevent occupational diseases in the office, and many sub-health are also due to insufficient water. Drink plenty of water to keep the body adequately hydrated, which can speed up the body's metabolism of waste products. Moisturizing the intestines and laxatives can improve acne on the face. My requirement for myself is 8 glasses of water a day, and a small glass of water on the desk is also very convenient. 7. Vitamin C supplementation. When you have a cold or low resistance, many people will choose to take vitamin C. Although many people think that eating fruits is fine, the sugar content of current fruits is too high and it is not recommended to eat too much. Be careful not to control the amount, and you can't expect fruits to improve immunity. In addition to vitamin C, B6 and vitamin E also have the effect of improving immunity. In addition, I want to share a magical discovery! Vitamin B is really useful for hair loss [1]! ! And during that time, my closed mouth and acne, my skin improved. I also specifically checked the reasons. Vitamins are commonly found in five categories: A, B, C, D, and E. Among them, only vitamin B is a huge family with many descendants and has a greater impact on skin metabolism. I especially suggest that you can add some vitamin tablets after eating normally, for example, good storage is enough, the old brand can be trusted. If it is a multivitamin, it is more convenient to eat, so there is no need to eat many different vitamins at once. Vitamins can really help the body's performance in many aspects. Vitamins can really help the body's performance in many aspects. The immune system is not that weak. Moreover, most people can't eat much fruits and vegetables. Vitamin tablets are more convenient. Vitamins are suitable for most people who cannot consume enough essential vitamins in their usual diet. However, health care products are not medicines and cannot replace medicines to treat diseases. If the body has problems, or people under 17 years old, pregnant women or nursing mothers, they still need to Please follow the doctor's advice for nutritional supplementation.

  1. Learn to relax yourself and anger will also produce free radicals, which will also bring pressure to the body. I don’t know if you have ever heard a joke that many diseases are caused by anger... Research has shown that people who often experience depression, emotional tension, excessive psychological pressure, or love great joys and compassion, will have endocrine disorders, which will lead to immune abilities. decline. People who are in a stable mood and maintain a good state of mind can secrete positive energy endorphins, which can promote the improvement of the body's immune function and avoid diseases. If you are in a bad mood, you can listen to music or go to the movies. Crazy fitness is a good way to relieve stress. All of these can make your body in a healthier state. The other is how can I increase my libido? As mentioned above, keeping on exercising is a very good method, which is scientific and reasonable. Then there is another way to enhance your sex ability and sex skills through deliberate practice, which can make you more confident to have sex. Others have sex, so how do you practice? Isn’t it a popular sex doll around us now? You can buy a sex doll and improve your ability to have sex by having sex with this doll. You can choose to buy a doll according to your preferences, if you don’t know where to buy it. , I suggest that you can go to lovedollshops to see where there are real silicone sex dolls, they are all high-quality sex dolls, so don’t worry about quality issues, if you want the best experience, you want to have sex When you feel the most real feeling, then you can buy a full silicone sex doll. Of course, you can also choose. If you want a small doll for easy collection, then you can choose a 100cm silicone sex doll. Okay, let’s talk about it today. Here, I hope you can have a healthy body.

Sex is good for your health

Sex is good for your health

Human sexual activity usually has three types of purposes: reproduction, to witness strong emotions, and pure sexual stimulation. Sex is the consolidator and preservative of marriage, and our attention to harmonious sex has reached an extraordinary level.

When the two sexes are attracted to each other, they can feel their hearts beating faster, their faces become flushed, and their breathing is short of breath. Although there is no words, the two admiring eyes for each other can express their most romantic language

The girl will say, "Since we met, the charm in you has attracted me deeply, just like the prince I was looking for in a fairy tale." The boy replied, "You melted my heart, and you are me. "Goddess of God" when they touch their hands lightly in the moonlight, the two will perceive their hands like electric shocks, their faces are red and the ears are red, and the bunny's heartbeat is slamming. A romantic date is transformed into body induction, which can be understood as uploading the inner message to the brain, and then issuing instructions, the sexual organs and the whole body respond. Due to the cross-interaction of caress and sensuality, the two people’s immune systems participate in it, releasing neurohormones, and the relative establishment of the neurochemical relationship between the two

What are the benefits of magical sex?

Increase the level of sex hormone secretion-the level of estrogen secreted by women who have regular sex is also higher, so it is more effective in preventing the occurrence of osteoporosis. Sex can also increase the secretion of male hormones, thereby making muscles stronger and bones harder.

Analgesic effect-before and after orgasm, the body will release endogenous opioids, endorphins, which are powerful natural analgesics, so sex will improve people’s pain tolerance and relieve people’s headaches, toothaches, arthralgias, etc. Various illnesses
Improving immunity-during sexual intercourse, oxytocin secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (which can be secreted by both men and women) can promote the regeneration of specific cells, thereby promoting wound healing to a certain extent
Lower blood pressure-regular sexual intercourse is more effective in preventing high blood pressure and heart disease

Soothing and calming to help sleep-sexual intercourse can stimulate the parasympathetic components in the autonomic nerves to achieve a certain calming and sedative effect, which helps people fall asleep. Relieve personal overwork, because after sex, people can achieve the fullest relaxation of body and mind

Promote the relationship between husband and wife, reconcile the conflicts between the two parties, reduce psychological pressure and eliminate mental tension-failure to reach the orgasm is often disappointing and unpleasant, causing insomnia and irritability. Women will even gradually develop low libido as a result

A wonderful and harmonious sex life is conducive to the physical and mental health of the couple. This is not something that can be replaced by having countless money and worry-free living conditions, nor is it a heart-to-heart cherishment. A purely platonic and purely admiring spiritual life can be compared

Therefore, while doing a good job in the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization, we advocate paying attention to the third civilization-sexual civilization, which is the prerequisite basis for sexual health. We cannot take the attitude of keeping a distance and avoid discussing issues related to sex. We must pay full attention to it. "Promote sexual civilization, popularize sex education, improve sexual quality, and enjoy sexual health" in order to reach a consensus
Nowadays, many businesses are making use of human nature. Since the epidemic, the major pornographic websites have been basically full. Many people who don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend can only stimulate themselves through these videos to get themselves excited, and Let yourself reach orgasm, but people tend to pursue a better way of encountering, so many people start to buy sex toys, so during that time, sex toys were very popular. According to data, the number of sex dolls purchased is usual This means that people will want to make love uncontrollably, which is also a normal response during the menstrual period.
Where can I buy sex dolls
Many people may ask me where can I buy real sex dolls? Today I will tell you, you can go to lovedollshops and have a look. There are various dolls there. Many of them are full silicone sex dolls. Many people will ask what will happen to sex with silicone sex doll, and it feels like you. Just like real people are having sex, if you are afraid of not knowing how to collect your doll, and are afraid of being seen by others, then you can buy a petite silicone sex doll to facilitate your collection.
But you must have sex reasonably and not too frequently. Although sex is good for us, it is good and it will be bad. So young people must protect their bodies so that you can have a better life. s future.


When you grow up, what are the different truths you understand?

When you grow up, what are the different truths you understand?
  1. Most girls look better than boys.
  2. There is no better girl in society than in school, but society is full of better boys than in school. Society makes girls become reality and boys become mature.
  3. Don't use favors for things that can be solved with money. 4 You can make more money if you don’t have money, and some favors are used once and you lose one. Good steel needs to be used on the blade. Things that can’t be solved with money are big things, and it’s worth using favors.
  4. Don't save money just to save money, spend money on a knife, learn to add value for yourself.

6 Use money to buy books and improve yourself after reading it. This is called self-empowerment; using money to learn skills and enrich your future self is called self-investment.

  1. Money and status cannot determine whether a person is successful. There is only one criterion for success-to live life in the way you like.

For example, the brother described in the following question, this tm is our unforeseen life.
Beijing natives sold 10 million houses and resigned to live in Kunming. How do they view his choice?

  1. Knowing what not to do is more important than knowing what to do.
  2. Failure is painful. What is more painful than failure is the rejection of oneself trying again.
  3. For things you don’t know, it’s easiest to say you don’t know.

A lie often requires countless lies to round it.

  1. To get something, you must first "recognize yourself" to be worthy of it. --Charlie Munger

Good things, dare to think and dare to do and dare to ask, believe that you are worthy, even if you don't believe that you are worthy, you will never be worthy!
12. When a girl talks to you about her family life, it means that there is a drama in love.
13. Regardless of your academic qualifications, you must pay attention to English learning, it is best to take the fourth and sixth level.

If you plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination, you have to practice your oral English during the university, because when the postgraduate entrance examination re-examination, you must introduce yourself in English and answer the questions raised by the instructor, as well as the statement of related professional problems.

Practicing oral English in advance is not only a good preparation for the postgraduate entrance examination, but also you can get a second language~

Practicing oral English, talking on paper is definitely not enough, you still have to talk more!

In order to share the method with you, I specially asked friends around me who have taken the IELTS TOEFL test, with a unified caliber: speak more! And it is best to communicate with foreigners!

If there is an English corner or an English club in the school, you can have more exchanges. If you find it troublesome and afraid of speaking badly, and you are shy, you can try a spoken foreign teacher.

  1. When talking to someone, look into the other person’s eyes. Not only can it show that you are listening to the other person's speech, but you can also perceive the other person's emotions in your eyes.
  2. When I was young, I thought that if I loved someone, I had to be with her, no matter how hard it was, just like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai; but when I grew up I learned that there is something called reality.
  3. Making money can solve 80% of negative emotions, and the remaining 20% can be solved when you become rich.
  4. Rich experience can improve a person more than reading. Reading is "theory" and experience is "practice". The two complement each other. Just like the teacher gives you a formula, you recite it 10 times, but without repeated practice of the exercises, you can't really master it anyway.
  5. When I was young, I always thought that these people around me would stay with you forever, but when I grew up, I learned that everyone can only walk with you for a while, and if someone leaves, someone will come.
  6. If you have an ordinary background, then study hard and get a good university or graduate student from a prestigious university. This is the most cost-effective counterattack method.
  7. Don't take the initiative to give advice to others. The hidden meaning here is: You are better than him When he listens to your suggestion and rejects your suggestion, there is another meaning hidden: he doesn't think you are bullish, and even thinks you are a bit stupid.
  8. Lending money to an enemy, you will win him; lending money to a friend, you will lose him.
  9. The essence of networking is value exchange. When you have no value, you are not even a fart. When you have value, let's talk about connections.
  10. People who pass negative energy at will will never have friends. For example, when encountering unfamiliar things in other places, some people don't say it face to face, but as soon as they return to the dormitory, they begin to complain to their roommates and even yell. This is an act of dumping "mental trash". If you treat the people around you as a trash can, don't blame them for keeping you away.
  11. What parents say may not be all right, so you must selectively listen to them. The age of birth is different, resulting in huge differences in the growth environment. It is inevitable that there will be some gaps in the three views and cognitive level. Therefore, some of the parents’ words are no longer suitable for this era. What you have to do is listen carefully, think carefully, and choose whichever Essence, get rid of its dross.
  12. Youth is not capital, health is Quit staying up late = stay away from sudden death Stay active = stay away from disease Reasonable diet = prolong life Incidentally, I would like to mention the second article: Many trolls use this to engage in personal attacks. The specific response is in the comment section.
  13. When you are successful, no one will be really happy for you except your family. Others are more jealous, especially among friends, the comparability is particularly strong. So, less show off your strength in front of friends.
  14. In the adult world, if you do not reply, you will refuse.
  15. In this society where appearance is justice, people with high appearance are always more likely to succeed than people with low appearance.
  16. There is no right or wrong person in this world. I believe you are right, and I believe you are against me. 30 The journey of life is like this, spent a lot of time getting lost and growing up in a few moments. -Rekas Growth only exists in a few moments, and confusion is the normal state of life.
  17. All your pain comes from the inability to achieve the unity of knowing and doing. You have always known how to grow yourself, but you can't do it, so your life will be full of pain.
  18. Paying regardless of return will only be taken for granted.
  19. A person who can be in a certain position must have his superiority, no matter how much you hate him. You can surpass him only by seeing the shining points on him.
  20. When rejecting others, don't try to explain why. The more you explain, the more reasonable the other party will appear, and the more irrational you are.
  21. The more a person shows off, the more he lacks and the more he wants.
  22. Don't play on the phone when talking to others, try to look into the eyes of the other person. This is the basic courtesy of communication, which means that you are listening to the other party's speech very carefully, and you can see the change of her emotions in the other party's eyes.
  23. Success does not lie in how many things you know, but in whether you can deepen a field to the extreme. Change the track every three to five times, and you will always start from the beginning, and you will never get stuck on the road to success, because there are very few people who stick to it.
  24. People who are embarrassed will only be bullied and it is difficult to get things done. I am embarrassed to pursue a girl, I am embarrassed to urge my friends to still owe you money, I am embarrassed to refuse other people's requests, I am embarrassed to ask others to understand things...So embarrassed, all opportunities are not yours. Don't be embarrassed. When you are young, face is a fart.
  25. The only criterion for evaluating your career value is results.

  26. Swinging Erlang's legs is the most neglected bad habit.

One is that you seem to be lacking cultivation and impolite; the second is that it will deform your spine, deform your bones, and compress your nerves for a long time, leading to hemiplegia and strokes that are easy to get older.
41. Don't tell anyone before the matter is done.
It's fine if it is done, it will only attract endless ridicule and leave others with an unreliable impression.
42. The greatest pain in life is the gap between the inability to know and do it across domains.
Everyone knows the truth, but the hard part is practice. When you are doing what you think is right all day, the things you want will come.
43. If a person does a job that he is not suitable for, all its advantages will become disadvantages;
If a person does a job that he likes and is suitable, his characteristics will be turned into advantages, and the whole person will be shining.
44. Never make any decisions before going to bed.

Before going to bed is the most confusing moment of the day. Sensibility occupies the high ground of thoughts. The mood is very serious, and it is easy to have extreme thoughts. Decisions made at this time are easy to regret. .Almost all 45 boys did not go well for the first time, and there will always be some small embarrassments and unexpected situations.
Don't panic, this is normal. It is recommended that every boy popularize relevant knowledge "before the war" to ensure that he can win the first time. You can train in advance to improve your sex skills. Isn't it a popular sex doll recently? You can buy a high-quality sex doll to enhance your sex skills through deliberate practice. Now there are many types of sex dolls. You can choose according to your spouse’s appearance, or you can choose according to your own hobbies. If you like watching anime, then you can choose anime real doll. If you are a woman who is not satisfied for a long time, then you can also choose to buy a life size male sex doll. Maybe you don’t know where there is anime sex shop. Don’t worry, I will. Let me tell you, if you really want to practice or improve your sex skills, you can go to lovedollshops. There are various sex dolls on it. It doesn't matter that you have grown up. It's time to learn to face it.


Are girls also greedy for boyfriends?

Are girls also greedy for boyfriends?

Today, I will talk to everyone about topics that should be ashamed. Will girls also be very greedy for their boyfriend's body? Here is a real example, you can take a look
I am very greedy.
Before talking to a certain Ren, I knew it the first time I met.
I don’t like boys who are too skinny. The first thing I look at boys is to look at their legs. I like boys who are sensual. It is said that boys with a lot of subcutaneous fat tend to have daughters. I want to give birth to daughters in the future.
I saw his eyes glow a little at the first glance, and I swallowed and said: Your calves are fleshy, and the probability of giving birth to a daughter is higher in the future.
He looked blank: Huh? What are you talking about?
When I saw him for the first time, I was holding hands with him after the brain supplement. At that time, I kept reflecting on why I was so ineffective and why I was thinking about men in my head.
After I finally got it, everything went smoothly and as I wanted.
I want to see him every day, and I feel sick if I don't see him.
When they meet each other, they will meet the chick and peck the rice for a kiss.
I especially like him holding my face and kissing.
Like to reach into his hair and bite his ears and neck.
At first, of course, he took the initiative more, but later he found that I was the same... greedy, he sighed: It's a harmonious relationship.
I’ve known each other for a long time. Once I was playing a confession game in Tom Jerry’s couple pajamas. I confessed: The first time I see you, I feel sensual.
He chuckled, and the Tom cat in front of his stomach trembled: When you told me that there was a lot of calf meat, I knew that you were an old-fashioned critic.
I'm nervous, I discovered my lustful attributes so quickly?
He also said: I am a little bit, and we are a perfect match.
In fact, it’s normal to look good or not. When you grow up, you will definitely have something you want to get, and you will always have your own hobbies, but often many people can’t get it. Now let’s take a very simple example. , It’s like you like a girl and want her very much, but she doesn’t like you, you will feel uncomfortable and unhappy, but she won’t be because she doesn’t like you, this is too much that you can’t get in normal life, so It's not worth mentioning, especially in this ambiguous age, don't put love on your lips, because it is just a moving lie that is spoken by the moment of excitement in the brain, so many people dare not now Falling in love is one of the important reasons. Many people would rather stay at home than go out.
In this busy and busy world, no one is too real. Being at home is sometimes a kind of enjoyment. You don’t have to fight with others, but the only trouble is that when you really want to have sex, you are the only one. At this time, you will feel very uncomfortable and entangled. In fact, don’t worry that many sex dolls are already common in us. By that time, you only need to buy a sex doll to help you solve the problem of sex. There are many types of dolls. You can choose according to your hobbies. If you like to watch Japanese anime at home, then you can choose japanese anime dolls at this time. They are very real and very alike. When you are having sex with her, you feel like you are with a real person. It’s the same as making love, so don’t worry about it. If you’re worried about not collecting, and don’t want to be discovered by your parents at home, then you can buy a small anime sex doll so that the problem you worry about is solved, then the problem is coming. Where can I buy it? Which doll store would be better? Below I will tell you that there are various sex dolls on lovedollshops. At the same time, you can customize a sex doll of your own according to your own preferences. You can choose a custom option in their store, and they will give it according to your requirements. You order a full size silicone sex doll that belongs to you. Let's take action. I know you must be pretty as well.
Lust is not necessarily a bad thing, but you must know how to restrain yourself, so whether it is a boy or a girl, it is a normal thing. According to the data, having sex twice a week is better than having sex once.


Hot and cold sex toys-a guide to the temperature of sex toys

Hot and cold sex toys-a guide to the temperature of sex toys

Have you ever imagined that candle wax will melt on your skin? Maybe you like seeing Mickey Rourke melting ice on Kim Basinger in 9½ weeks? Whether it is hot or cold, temperature games are one of the most common sexual habits shared by many men and women.
But what is temperature play and how to do it safely? Let's dive in!
What is temperature game
The purpose of temperature games is to explore the strong sensations of hot and cold objects for sexual pleasure. Obviously, the high or low temperatures involved must be exciting, but to ensure physical safety-we don't want to travel to the hospital here.
Ice cubes and candles are the most commonly used household items for temperature games and can cause a tingling cold or hoarse burning sensation on your skin.
-Ice cubes are usually safe to put on the skin, but it is not recommended to put them in the vagina or anus-dildos are not a good idea
-Melted candle wax can only be used externally on the skin-it is strongly recommended that you put ice cubes on the skin and use a special low temperature candle designed for melting
Although you may not think it, temperature games are sensory games, and it is one of the main sexual addictions associated with BDSM. It is one of many fetishes listed in our kink list, and is often combined with restraints and blindfolds.
Hot and cold sex toys
If you want to explore the hot and cold sensation inside the vagina or anus, you need to use a specially manufactured safety toy that can safely play temperature games.
Fortunately, there are many ways to use sex toys to explore the different temperatures in your heart:
-Stainless sex toys adapt to heat quickly, so they can clear the heat or cool down very quickly, but they quickly return to body temperature
-Glass sex toys take a long time to absorb the temperature, but once they reach the temperature, it stays for a long time, so their temperature in the body will be higher/cooler
-Automatic heating and cooling sex toys are specially manufactured sex toys that can heat or cool themselves to a certain temperature electronically, but they are expensive and pose safety risks.
So yes, although temperature-controlled toys do exist, such toys are rare and often subject to scrutiny. Using glass/metal toys, the temperature can be controlled without electronic equipment, so it is safer.
Putting the electronic heating device in the vajeen sounds like it is causing all kinds of troubles. no thanks.
Heating and cooling metal dildo
There are many ways to change the temperature of metal and stainless steel sex toys, but the safest option is to use water.
If you want to heat the toy, put it in a bowl of hot water (do not boil) for 2 minutes to allow it to adjust to the temperature. After warming up, carefully remove it from the bowl and start playing! You may want to use a small amount of lubricant to keep things comfortable, and remember that metal sex toys will quickly lose heat.

Cool down
Similarly, if you want to cool a metal toy, put it in a bowl of cold water for 2 minutes. You may need to try ice cubes or put them in the refrigerator for a while. Once put in your toy, it will start to heat up, so this is best for fast temperature play.

Toy use
For this kind of game, you want to use a high-quality toy, preferably a toy made of high-quality stainless steel, which is non-porous, easy to clean, and can be used with any kind of lubricant. The above is my personal suggestion:

-Njoy pure stainless steel Buttplug if you are cold or stainless steel buttplug is after
-Njoy Purewand for G-spot and P-spot stimulation
-Lovehoney desire beaded stainless steel yang with interesting feeling
-Njoy Eleven extra large stainless steel dildo, suitable for queen size!
How to heat and cool glass sex toys
Similarly, the safest way to heat or cool glass toys is to use a bowl of water. For example, some people suggest to put them in the refrigerator, but in that environment, you may expose the toy to various bacteria, so I personally don't recommend this.
Also, remember that for glass sex toys, you want to make sure that they are made of high-quality borosilicate glass, which is designed to withstand extreme temperature changes and chipping. It is similar to the material used in heat-resistant glass kitchenware.
Due to the poor annealing process, even borosilicate glass sex toys may have their weaknesses. Dangerous Lilly has an excellent safety guide for glass sex toys with more detailed instructions.
Put your toy in a bowl of warm water (not too hot) for 5 minutes to transfer the heat to the toy. Once warmed up, you can start playing! Glass toys take a while to heat up, but they can retain heat more efficiently, so they keep warm for longer than metal toys.

Cool down
Put your sex toy in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes. If you want it to be really cold, you can also try to use some ice cubes in it. When you are ready, please check if the temperature of the plug-in is normal, and then start playing! The glass will begin to heat up to your body temperature and it will take a few minutes.

Toy use
Some glass sex toys are too sensitive or subtle temperature play, so you have to be careful which glass toy you choose. Here are some of my suggestions:

-Spartacus Reality Glass Penis Prosthesis is large, in charge, suitable for vagina or anal play
-The stimulation of the G point of the PleasureChest glass bending rod is great
-No. 25 icicle is a great average size glass buttplug
-Fifty shades of gray glass massage stick are perfect for sensual play and temperature molestation

I usually don't approve Fifty Degrees sex toys, but today I am an exception. The BDSM community will lynch me.

Both in
Cum contains. Temperature play
Hope you enjoy this guide and learn about different types of sex games! The temperature game adds new and exciting feelings to your sex life, especially when it is combined with bondage and sensory deprivation. Why not try putting an ice cube on the bed to make fun of your partner? They might like it.

So whether you are using ice cubes or dildos, remember to be safe, clean and have fun!
After reading this article, do you want to feel different ways of playing sex? I believe you will have a different feeling and experience of making love. Here are some sex dolls. If you are alone, you can learn about it, best anime sex dolls, why Said to be the best, because she is a high-quality sex doll, and many people who are obsessed with anime choose realistic anime dolls as the most suitable choice.


Wife drunk playing 4P

Wife drunk playing 4P

One day my wife said that she would join me to visit the new home of a colleague, A Ming, and two colleagues, Xiao Yuan and A Jie. I often listen to my wife mentioning their names and know that the three of them and my wife have a very good relationship and often help each other at work. But I have never seen them.

That day my wife was wearing a white short-sleeved V-shaped chest top and a close-fitting mini skirt. The V-shaped opening on the chest was slightly lower. In addition, she was too plump, so a part of the flesh was squeezed. Come out, very sexy. It turned out that it was a gift from Amin, Xiaoyuan and Ajie, because they irritated my wife last time. When talking, the three of them were also very enthusiastic about my wife and me, so we got acquainted very quickly.

After dinner, Amin walked to us with a box of beer and smiled at Mimi, saying that there are very few days for everyone to drink together. Today, everyone should be "not drunk, no home." That's it for today's beer conference. Amin began to help everyone keep pouring wine, drinking glass by glass. Everyone toasted with each other's enthusiasm, and the empty wine bottles on the table kept accumulating.

My wife seldom drank alcohol in the first place. Unexpectedly, everyone tried their best to persuade her to drink. In the end, she also drank a drink or two under the kindness and hardship. My wife was not very good at drinking. After drinking a drink or two, her face appeared It became more ruddy and put his head on my shoulder. A-jie had already drunk a lot, and he came over to persuade my wife to drink. My wife no longer wanted to drink, so she said not to drink, but A-jie insisted that she drink it. It’s rare, just drink more. My wife is like that. A few more cups were filled. And I was so dizzy, even if I drank at least seven or eight bottles, it's no wonder I'm dying.

A Ming still actively persuades the wine, and ran over to my wife and said that she is usually so serious, and she has to make up at least a few percent today.

My wife was so drunk that everyone was booing again, and because I was there, Amin was agitated. She picked up a bottle of beer and dried it with Amin. After drying, she was unwilling to sway. Stand up, walk to my friends one by one, bend over to help them pour the wine, and invite them to toast. But when she bent over the V-neck blouse she wore, the entire neckline opened up, revealing her big waves, and the nipples were dangling in the clothes. I saw Amin looking intently, I wanted to call My wife came back, but I was too faint, so I lay on the chair and didn't bother to move.

After a few more cups, she really didn’t work. She fell into my arms, her breasts pressed directly on top of my little brother. The soft feeling made my little brother suddenly swell up, but she was pressed by my wife’s head. It was really uncomfortable. At this time, Xiao Yuan and A Ming were also drinking half crazy, saying that it is rare for everyone to be so happy, telling everyone not to go home to drink the sky, and everyone happily agreed. Next, Amin took out a bottle of vodka and two bottles of tequila to ask everyone to play with tequila, and we all agreed, so everyone drank several glasses of tequila, even my wife got up and drank three. cup.

At this time we were all in a drunken state, and the living room was really hot. Amin simply suggested that everyone play strip mahjong. When we all wanted to win or lose, we agreed. Unexpectedly, after two laps, I, Xiaoyuan and Ajie were all too drunk and desperately rushed out, but Amin only lost one bunk and only took off a shirt, while the three of us were off. Clean leftover underwear. A Ming laughed at us and said that three fleshy feet were not as effective as my wife's battle. My wife was very unconvinced and said okay, so my wife went into battle on behalf of her husband.

Next, Amin lost another shop and took off his pants to reveal his panties. After another shop, Amin touched herself, and my wife took off her socks. After another shop, Amin touched herself again, even after another shop. Pull off two pieces each. My wife stood up and bent over and took off her little hot pants, revealing her pink panties. It turned out that my wife was wearing T-string pants, and the T in the middle was stuck in a deep seam. Two big, white, fat butts were exposed. Even though my wife clamped her legs tightly, dark curly hairs that could not be covered by the edges of the flesh were faintly seen running out.

The three men stared at my wife taking off his pants, and my little brother had been tall for a long time.

My wife bent her legs and yelled to continue playing again. She has a pair of beautiful white legs, thick and slender, and her skin is white and red and crystal clear. You can see that the underwear of all three of them is bulging! At this time, Aming and Xiaoyuan said, "Do you still want to play?" Under the urge of alcohol, my wife was able to have sex and shouted louder: "I want to continue playing, I want to take your clothes off. Light!" As a result, no one opposed everyone to continue playing. In fact, it is very rare to have the opportunity to see other people's wives naked, and it is not easy for a wife to undress to show her colleagues.

So I support this decision. As a result, unbelievable, Amin touched himself again, slamming three times.... Both Xiaoyuan and Ajie were defeated, but the penis was still erect. At this time, my wife showed hesitating eyes. Because of this, no matter how she took it off, she showed people the very private place.
Seeing her embarrassingly at this time, Amin laughed and said, “It’s okay. If you don’t take it off, just tell your husband to take it off. Anyway, we are all men.” In the end, I became a scapegoat and took it off. I got the last piece of panties. What's embarrassing is that my penis has long been raised high because I saw my wife showing her panties in public.

Although my wife was blushing, she kept peeking at the erect penises of Xiaoyuan and Ajie. Among the three of me, Xiaoyuan and Ajie, I have the largest penis, and I feel a little proud of it in my heart. In addition, Xiaoyuan's penis is very thick. And Ajie’s penis is second only to me, but it is thicker and darker than me, and the scrotum is also big and strong. From time to time, my wife glanced over there intentionally or unintentionally.

At this time, I actually saw my wife's thong, which felt a little wet. In this case, I feel even more excited. A Ming, Xiao Yuan and A Jie are now playing even worse in order to see my wife's naked body. Then my wife lost another shop. Although I knew they wanted to see my wife's naked body, Amin said generously: "That's good, you only have to rush to me. Okay, it means that the three of you beat me one, but don't be shameless if you lose! "We also agreed. As a result, we had nothing to do with each other. Amin only had one piece of underwear, his tight bullet underwear.

But his penis swelled up the whole panties so much, it looked bigger than me. My wife's eyes were secretly aimed at Amin's panties. Amin saw my wife aiming at him and deliberately turned his body to the other side. I saw that Amin's big cock forced a pair of his panties on top. The big seam, from which you can see the bird's egg on his side and the thick base of the penis. I saw my wife swallowed a sip of water, she must be thinking: How big is the penis? My wife looked at her and kept changing her posture, presumably her lower body was itchy, right? Later, we played cards while drunk, and we played another round. Everyone stopped working. We didn't expect my wife to be careless and lost another big card. A Ming shouted, "It's muddled!"

My wife was so drunk that she took off her bust when she was upset. Two big pink and tender tits just jumped out and exposed to everyone, seeing the three men's penises up for a long time. They kept peeking at my wife's Bobo, which was big, round and stiff, with pink nipples, which made her mouth dry. Especially my wife is very drunk. She shook her body while playing cards. Her two tits were hanging on her chest and swayed, sometimes forward and sometimes to the left and right.

Ajie sat on the right side of my wife. As soon as my wife fell to the right, Ajie deliberately tilted slightly to the left to let my wife's Bobo brush his arm.

Ajie was afraid that I would find out, so he glanced at me, but I just smiled at me. At this time, Ajie even stretched out his left palm slightly. When my wife fell to the right, he gently supported the lower part of my wife Bobo. I don't know how Ajie feels! In the end, my wife's card was worse. As a result, Amin touched himself again. The three of them yelled at the same time: "Take off! Take off! Take off!" All the men became more excited and wanted to take off my wife's panties. , But my wife hesitated unexpectedly. At this time, it can be said to be funny. Everyone is half to death, but they are staring at my wife. My wife was urged by alcohol and had nothing to do, so she sat on the ground with her back to us, bending over her Take off the panties little by little, and adjust your posture while taking off, so as not to expose your private parts. I was on the sidelines, but because my wife’s legs were clamped too tightly, she had to stand up slightly to smoothly take off the panties from her buttocks, and they saw my wife’s buttock showing half of it. When the panties were off the lower buttocks, my wife hurriedly sat down, but at that moment they had already seen part of my wife’s pubic hair, and the panties were taken off here, my wife was so tight that her legs were clamped so tightly that she got her panties It was stuck in the vaginal opening and the root of the thigh and couldn't take it off, so I had to lie sideways to take it off, so half of the lower buttocks and half of the genitals were exposed, and then the panties could be taken off smoothly. After my wife took off her panties, her legs were tightly closed to cover her private parts, but a pinch of black hair was exposed. His eyes were staring straight at my wife’s naked body.

It was A Ming, Xiao Yuan and A Jie both saw their desires high. At this time, we didn’t notice. Suddenly the TV was turned on and it was turned on to the lock station. There was a group of people intermingling on it, and the screams were constant. Everyone was shocked by the sudden change and stared at the TV. . Suddenly, I found that Ajie’s hand had reached into my wife’s private parts. Xiaoyuan also touched my wife’s nipples and played with him, while Amin was holding my wife’s hand to play with his penis while he rubbed her. To the big wave. Originally, I wanted to be angry, but I was dizzy by alcohol, and when I saw this, I was a little bit excited and didn't get angry. Soon, I heard my wife's prostitution, I looked up, and Amin actually picked up my wife, lifted it up to the waist and started to do it.

Xiao Yuan looked at it and knelt and tilted up my wife's big ass, then inserted his penis into her small cunt, and began to desperately fucking my wife's white and tender big ass. My wife started yelling. This was her favorite posture, but it didn’t take long for me to find that she didn’t scream. It turned out that Amin was putting his big cock in and out of my wife. Amin saw that while twisting his waist, he put the penis in and out of my wife’s small cherry mouth, both hands rubbing my wife’s big wave unceremoniously, and my wife was pinched back and forth by two huge penises, and the kinky water was dried. Desperate Liu was obviously extremely refreshed, but his mouth was filled with Amin's penis, and he couldn't make a sound, he could only hum and bark.

Finally, Xiao Yuan couldn't help but shoot in my wife's womb and lay on the sofa to rest. At this moment, Amin couldn't wait to turn my wife around, let my wife's ass face him, and asked my wife to open her legs, so that my wife's wet pussy was completely exposed to Amin's sight. My wife blushed under A Ming's scorn, but her buttocks couldn't help but sway, as if she wanted A Ming to enter quickly. Amin began to lick my wife's cunt with her tongue and rubbed her clitoris with her fingers. My wife began to scream more loudly. At this moment, all of them turned their heads to see Amin playing with my wife.

Perhaps because of such a stimulus, my wife screamed louder, and Amin was even more overwhelmed with joy. He thrust his big cock into my wife's acupuncture point and worked vigorously. The whole audience watched my wife being fucked without making a sound. The whole living room was only the sound of Amin’s cock hitting my wife’s ass, and my wife’s crazy screams.

Amin inserted my wife very hard, I watched my wife’s big and round tits being shaken by Amin, and watched Amin’s thick and black cock keep coming in and out of my wife’s fat Amin's tender butt and both tits were deformed by Amin. My wife's small cunt was constantly attacked by a big penis, and her face was very intoxicated. Looking at this scene, I didn't realize that my dick was hard again. At this time, Amin pulled my wife's hands back, pulled my wife's upper body upright, and began to insert my wife's little ass more forcefully and quickly. Obviously, it was an important moment.

My wife's two waves also swayed crazily, screaming incessantly: "Ah... Ah... Ah! Ah! Ah... Hurry up, hurry up! Hurry up...". After a while, after the crazy crashing sound stopped, A Ming finally shot the semen into my wife again. At this time, Ajie rushed over and pressed my wife who was just finished by Amin and Xiaoyuan under his body. The penis slipped in, rubbing my wife’s tits with one hand, and lifting my wife’s left leg with the other. , On her shoulders, my wife was holding Ajie's waist with both hands, desperately asking Ajie to twitch her penis to dry her. Just as I was watching, I saw Xiao Yuan kneeling in front of my wife, putting his penis in her mouth and starting to thrust it. My wife was holding Xiaoyuan’s penis and performing oral sex for him, while shaking her ass to ask Ajie to penetrate her harder, I will look at Ajie again, he was madly inserting my wife’s vagina, and even the scrotum was a little bit into my wife. I never thought he would fuck my wife so hard.
Soon after, Ajie also ejaculated, also in my wife.

And Xiao Yuan was still holding his wife's head for oral sex, because Xiao Yuan had just vented, so he did it for a long time. I didn't expect Amin to walk up to my wife again, lift my wife's foot to climb on her waist, and constantly pierce her, making my wife scream. Afterwards, I watched the group sex scenes on TV while watching my wife being fucked by the three of them, and then I passed out in a daze. . When I woke up, I saw wine bottles on the floor and falling off men's and women's clothing. I walked into the room and found my wife A Ming, Xiao Yuan and A Jie, all four of them sitting naked, chatting and playing. After seeing me, my wife and them greeted me casually, and then started the "game" between her and her colleagues. Not only do their hands wander around my wife from time to time, they also ask my wife to show off all kinds of sexy poses to satisfy their desires.

My wife seemed to be having a good time with a full smile on her face. The three of them suddenly winked, and stood in front of my wife with their penises in their hands. My wife immediately gripped the penises of A Ming and Xiao Yuan with her hands, while Ajie's penis was muzzled. My wife is very busy at this time. She used her tongue to lick the glans for Amin, and sucked Xiaoyuan's penis with her mouth for a while, and she wanted to give Ajie a pistol. Aming and Xiaoyuan started attacking my wife with their penises. You are very rhythmic, and I thrust them into my wife's mouth.

Ajie took the opportunity to climb onto my wife, lifted my wife's thighs with his hands, and fiercely inserted the penis into my wife's vagina, hitting my wife's vagina. Under their continuous attack, my wife made a rhythmic scream with their thrusts.

The three of them were working on my wife at the same time, and after a long time they exchanged positions. After trying more fancy tricks, they did my wife to death. Their penis has become thick and hard under my wife's constant blows, ready to fire.

Finally, Amin ejaculated first, ejaculating a lot of thick semen onto my wife's face. After that, my wife immediately put Xiaoyuan's penis in her mouth, sucking it desperately, shaking it constantly.

A Jie also took the penis out of my wife's vagina at this time, and came to my wife, and together with Xiao Yuan, all the semen was shot into my wife's face. Then Amin, Xiaoyuan and Ajie used their penis to wipe off my wife’s face at the same time, and evenly spread the semen from him on my wife’s face.
Face. Without hesitation, my wife licked the three of them all from head to toe several times to clean them all.

They seemed to be happy with my wife, they only took a break, put my wife in the middle, and kept touching my wife's body. My wife laughed with Xiaoyuan, Ajie and Ajie, holding Xiaoyuan and Ajie’s penis with both hands and playing with Aming’s penis with both feet. Amin, Xiaoyuan and Ajie are possible. Resisting this kind of teasing, the three of them scrambled to have sex with my wife. Seeing my wife’s unrestrained performance, my libido has reached its peak. Watching my wife and her colleague’s 4P crazy sex, holding the penis in both hands, hitting the pistol desperately, the semen shoots out...I’m tired on the sofa. Lying down and fell asleep.

When I woke up, my wife and them were still asleep. I don’t know how many times they had sex with my wife, but I saw that the penises of Amin, Xiaoyuan and Ajie were soft like sponges, and the corners of my wife’s vagina and mouth were still With semen stains, you can imagine the number of times they had sex with my wife. When Amin, Xiaoyuan, Ajie and my wife woke up and said hello to me, they had another group sex.

After that, the three of them and my wife have a better relationship, and often play 4P sex games, but my wife has a strange agreement with them, that is, they will not have sex with Amin, Xiaoyuan or Ajie alone, and every 4P game I must also be present.
Do you also want such stimulating feelings? If you can, you can discuss with your husband to buy a male sex doll so that there are no outsiders, and you can release your stress to your heart's content. If your significant other is an anime lover, you You can also choose the realistic anime sex doll. You can also perform 3P. The feeling will make you very excited. In order for you to achieve a better orgasm, you can buy a male sex doll penis for your wife to flirt.


The passion of pregnant women

The passion of pregnant women

My husband hasn’t touched me for five months. He always said that he was afraid of affecting the little baby. Maybe the bulging belly made him uninterested... But I feel that I need his caress very much. My skin has changed because of pregnancy. It was tender, smooth to the touch, and the original 32C breasts were also enlarged to 36C... the nipples are also very sensitive, and they will feel numb even when rubbing against the clothes, but because all bras can’t fit, so I had to Don't wear it. The weather in midsummer was extremely sultry and the temperature of pregnant women was extremely high, so I had to keep the clothes on my body to a minimum. The swollen nipples were as obvious as red cherries, which made me cringe. Fortunately, I was the only one at home, so I don't have to worry about it.

At this time, the doorbell rang, someone sent by the water heater company. This person is dark and tall. He looks about forty years old. He looks ordinary, but there is a wicked look in his eyes that makes me a little scared, but he is carrying the identification card of the Plum Water Heater Company, and there is nothing unusual about him. I had to laugh at myself for being too sensitive. This person got into the back balcony, fumbled, and walked out.

Then he sat down on the sofa and began to explain what parts he had changed. I was a little impatient and responded to him. At this time, I found that Mr. Shi (as written on the identification card) was staring at me with a smile but a smile. I blushed for a while and whispered: "Sir, I’m sorry, I really don’t understand what you said. What is the principle of the water heater..." Mr. Shi was very gentle, smiling and saying: "It doesn't matter, in case you have any problems next time, call me, for you, you can do it a few more times!" I looked at his face. I found him aiming at my swollen chest...

At this time, Mr. Shi changed the subject and asked me about my pregnancy. I don't doubt him, answer him honestly. Maybe it's because my husband often ignores my feelings, but I unconsciously confide in Mr. Shi as a close friend of my boudoir. Including sickness and morning discomfort, and talking about becoming sensitive and demanding...I heard Mr. Shi's heavy breathing, I suddenly became alert, I have already said too much...

In the next second, Mr. Shi has moved from the opposite sofa to sit next to me.

"Your husband must rarely love you! See you are very hungry... Your nipples are still red and tender..." Mr. Shi spit out lewd words.

After speaking, his big hand touched my breast.

I felt a rush of heat, and while struggling, I tried to move my big hands away.

"My husband drives a taxi and will go home to rest at any time..." I wanted to scare away Mr. Shi.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Shi was not only not afraid, but also put his face to my chest, and said with a smile: "Then we shouldn't waste time, come, let me taste your delicacy" and slowly lifted my cutie , Showing plump breasts.

The cute little cherry has long hardened and stood upright, as if calling to taste its taste...Mr. Shi put his mouth in the snow-white towering big breast, stuck out his tongue, and gently licked it, while his hands were not idle. Quietly attacked the lower abdomen, easily attacking the secret realm below.

At this time, I was already weak, limply lying on the sofa, letting this dark middle-aged man caress wantonly.
Mr. Shi is no longer satisfied with licking his breasts. He squeezed one breast with one hand until a red mark appeared on the snow-white breast. At the same time, he firmly held the other side and sucked fiercely, as if he was about to swallow the breast... The other hand has already been rubbing in my sensitive cunt, and the lewd water keeps flowing out...

"Your lower abdomen is so smooth and sexy, and the navel is pushed out by the little baby..." Mr. Shi said as he moved his mouth from the breast to the navel, and made a circle on my navel with his tongue, which made me hit it. Chill... At this moment, I discovered that at some point, Mr. Shi had opened the zipper of the trousers, revealing his penis, and he was as dark and strong as Mr. Shi.

The black and shiny glans is so big, the diameter is also very thick, but the roots are relatively thin, and the head is pointed straight out. I thought to myself that my husband's looks more slender, and I feel impulsive and want to reach out and grasp it. Unexpectedly, Mr. Shi didn't let me do what I wanted, and he extended his hot and humid tongue to my peach blossom garden. This time he took a direct offensive and used his tongue as a penis and pierced it into the small hole. Where did I encounter such an offensive, and I almost fainted... " husband said that licking with his mouth is very dirty, and he doesn't like the sour and pungent smell..." I gasped.

"How come! This is the supreme delicacy in the world! Moreover, a shy woman like you needs to lick your nectar to make you secrete a lot of love fluid. Looking at you, your husband rarely touches you, and your pussy must be It’s very tight! You’re so sensitive, just lick it, and it will wet your underwear!” He held my clitoris again and sucked gently. I just felt dizzy and swollen, and all the sense organs in my body were concentrated on the stiff spot under the man’s tongue... At this time, Mr. Shi pressed my head to his lower abdomen and stuffed the thick black sausage in before I could react. My little mouth.

I suddenly felt difficult to breathe, and a man-specific smell rushed into my nose. My husband is a super conservative person. He seldom changes tricks and doesn't like oral sex. If you want to have his penis, it depends on his mood, so I rarely have the opportunity to taste the taste of a man's penis. At this time, I also enjoy another kind of excitement.

Mr. Shi squinted slightly and inserted his big hand into my thick hair. The ponytail that I had combed neatly and tied behind my head was already in disarray. Mr. Shi loosened the hairpin, and my thick long hair poured down my neck, some scattered on my face, but I had no time to take care of it, and only concentrated on sucking the black and shiny glans.

Mr. Shi began to press my head up and down, using my little mouth as a hole, and thrusting it.

"Do you know? I haven't enjoyed sex for a long time... My wife is a stone girl, which is vaginal occlusive disease. As long as she has sex, she will be painful and there is no fun at all..." My mouth was filled with his grossness. Can only nod slightly.

After a while, as the up and down movements accelerated, Mr. Shi felt a burst of excitement, and he was about to shoot! At this time he looked at me, the latter's eyes were already full of spring tide, burning with lust. So he quickened his movements and instructed me to put the glans in my tongue and hold the penis deeply. Mr. Shi shot the thick hot semen deep into my throat, and I cooperated to swallow most of the semen.

Maybe it was too much, and some came out from the corners of the mouth. Mr. Shi immediately kissed my little mouth, and the semen filled the faces of both of them. Mr. Shi applied the semen from his face to my pussy and started to caress me again.

"Don't you need to rest?" I asked in surprise. Because as long as the husband ejaculates, he has to sleep before he can fight again.

"Perhaps you are so beautiful, as soon as I see you, it hardens again!" Mr. Shi grabbed my little hand and touched his black sausage.

Mr. Shi guided me to face myself and lie down on the sofa, and then raised my feet on his shoulders, so that my belly was placed, and the door between my feet was wide open, exposing the small holes that were already full of love fluid. He didn't let the penis drive straight in, but only held the penis with his hands, so that the glans kept rubbing against the vulva.

I used a heavy and big glans to mess with my little beanie. The hard penis made me itchy, but I couldn't say that I wanted Mr. Shi to insert it right away.

Mr. Shi found my face covered with red clouds, shaking my long hair, and biting my lips tightly...

"I want you to say that you want my dick to penetrate your wet cunt...say..." he said lowly.

"I...want...other...want...I want to swallow your whole cock..."

"Please...plug me hard..." My voice was already as thin as a mosquito.

Mr. Shi couldn't bear it anymore, and he inserted the big penis into my honeycomb which had already been flooded with spring tide. Before I screamed, I blocked my small mouth with my mouth, just like his penis was thrusting into my vulva, his flexible tongue invaded and adulterated my mouth... I was already fascinated, and my will was blurred. , I just hope that time will stop at this moment, so that the thick and angry Meng beast can stay in my body forever...

"Oh my God... you are so awesome! Hot, tight and juicy..." Mr. Shi didn't seem to feel tired. After thrusting for a long time, he watched my star eyes slightly closed, my mouth opened slightly, and the love liquid flowed along. The lower abdomen and thighs were wet, and it seemed that they were about to vent, so I said softly: "Baby, you are coming soon, change your posture!" I nodded and got up obediently, turning my back to Mr. Shi, The swollen and drenched pussy cocked, waiting for another wave of fierce attacks from him.

Mr. Shi's big baby seems to have a tendency to get harder and harder. When he slowly stuffed it into the naughty hole that exuded a lewd atmosphere, I took a deep breath and let out a happy sigh.

"Brother, it's so seems to be inserted to the end..." "Ah... so sour... so itchy... so numb... can't stand it..." I coquettishly woke up... Mr. Shi looked down and saw that my penis had already been completely exhausted. No, only the swarthy eggs are exposed outside the vagina.

At this time, he slowly twitched his penis, contrary to the fierceness of his normal posture, gently enjoying the strong pleasure of the friction between the penis and the creases in my body.

He felt my tightness. If it weren't for me to be too wet, it might not be possible to enter smoothly. Now my stamens are fully expanded and my muscles are relaxed, and I can start a fierce offensive! So he supported my hips and started thrusting hard.

I made a vague cry of consciousness, and moved backward with Mr. Shi’s rhythm... Mr. Shi couldn’t bear this scene he saw. My red and tender labia tenderloin quickly turned in and out as he drained. , Every time the penis is pulled out, a lot of lewd water flows out..., making the place where the two men meet is sticky everywhere.

And my big snow-white breasts were constantly shaking with his intense piston movement... He vacated the hands that grabbed my buttocks, rudely grabbed the pair of big breasts that kept shaking, and pushed them more intensely...

Finally, I became powerless, and I was about to lie down on the sofa. I was afraid of the little baby who was pressing in my abdomen, so I pushed Mr. Shi away and let him collapse on the sofa, but I straddled him on top of him and picked up the one. The big cock with blue veins flared, slowly sank down... and began to play it. Mr. Shi was already about to shoot, and after sitting there, he was almost dying... "Brother, it's so deep... My sister swallowed your whole brother... So cool... The glans have been pierced to the womb. Oh... my goodness, I ate your big and hard cock to make a sound..."

There was too much water and some air ran into my pussy. For a while, as my big snow-white ass rose and fell, there was a puff of water, which made Mr. Shi unable to hold it anymore, so he buried his face in it. The pair of fragrant and sweaty big breasts, holding my hips with their hands, began to push up hard...

"Oh my God... It's so beautiful... I'm going to shoot..."

"I want to vent..."

"Baby! Let's vent together!"

After a while, the two hugged and kissed deeply for several minutes. Mr. Shi pulled the zipper on the work clothes, held me, who was already weak, and entered the room. He put me on the big bed and kissed my little mouth. It’s broken, I’ll be here right away! You’re so much better than me!” After saying that, he concealed himself and opened the door and left, leaving me alone in bed with a frustrating aftertaste... I know that I will often suffer from insomnia.
Are you also a person who wants to have sex but does not have a partner? It doesn’t matter. I will help you. Now sex dolls are developing very fast, so it is very common. If you are also a dissatisfied woman then you can choose one young male sex doll, I believe he will meet all your needs and fantasies, colleagues, you can also choose dolls according to your hobbies. If you are a person obsessed with anime, then you can choose mini sex doll at this time. anime, if you are afraid of not collecting your doll, then you can choose love doll torso, so you don’t have to worry about where to put it


Pretty sister in cram school

Pretty sister in cram school

Today I will tell you a true story, I hope you will like it

The summer vacation of a year is spent in a cram school again. As for where is this cram school located? I think it's inconvenient for me to say clearly. I'm a humble guy. Even so, I still like beautiful girls. She is one of the members of a private university in Taipei with long hair and eyes that look like Morning Musume. I regard her as the class flower.

She sits behind me in the same row, and I see her every time I turn my head. She is dressed like a student, and I like to peep at her, but she always looks at me coldly, does not respond to my eyes, and looks down at her book. However, her indifference did not extinguish my longing for her, on the contrary, my interest in her became more and more intense.

Our cram school is a small class system, probably not enough to recruit students, just look at the number of students. Every day in the morning and afternoon classes, people will go to the building at noon, and it will be empty for nearly two hours, probably in groups to eat out. I was originally an over-aged student, and I have always been alone, I don't eat fireworks, I only smell the colors and fragrances..., so I often stay alone in the classroom at noon. One day, as soon as noon arrived, the classroom was as usual. Almost everyone went to the building. I thought it would be the same as before, and I was the only one left. I didn’t expect that my favorite class flower would also stay. Normally she would always I went to dinner with another female classmate. Today, that female classmate did not come by accident. This is quite surprising to me.

I glanced at her secretly, only to find that she was lying on the table to rest after finishing her hair. It seems that she is tired. I walked to the seat where her face was turned, and looked at her quietly. A beauty is a beauty, and she looks beautiful even when she sleeps. Today, she is wearing a light yellow short-sleeved top with a dark blue mini skirt. I just like her student-style matching. It's too depressing and seductive. People, let my heart and the little brother below feel about to move. Suddenly, I saw her legs that were close together were opening slightly. With a wicked move, I quietly walked to the seat right in front of her, and again made sure that no one was in the classroom, only me and her were alone in the room. Courageous, slowly leaned down and watched, oh my god! This is so beautiful, the short skirt reveals a pure white that is too beautiful, oh! God is so kind to me, I'm so happy! I hope there will be a digital camera to take this scene as a memorial.

Originally I thought that looking far away would be enough to satisfy my own desires, but I found that I was wrong. For her, I found that I have endless desires, not just seeing her pure white panties. I got up and walked to the door, locked the only door of the classroom, and when all the evil thoughts penetrated my insignificant reason, all the thoughts were taken for granted. I walked gently to the seat next to her and sat down. I saw that she did not move. Knowing that she was asleep, I brushed her long hair and let my nose lean up to smell her. Charming fragrance, my little brother is extremely hard.

Seeing that she was still asleep and didn’t mean to wake up at all, I lightly touched my right hand on her right breast, which probably had a B cup, and squeezed it slowly, and found that the touch was super soft and extremely soft. Perfect crisp breasts, perfect breasts that are irresistible. I kept rotating in a regular rhythm, and in the end, my left hand unconsciously moved around her back lightly and pressed gently on her left chest. The touch from my fingertips was extremely strong, and I couldn’t bear it. She squeezed it again vigorously. At this moment, the fresh and pleasant face that she had buried in her arms suddenly turned towards me, and she pressed her red lips, which made me shrunk with fright. go back.

About three minutes later, I breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that she didn't seem to be awake, my right hand began to move downstream to her abdomen, and then boldly down until her skirt was underneath, flipping into it. She wandered to her private parts under her impossibly short mini-skirt. Her mind of flirting was already fascinated by her soft and attractive body temperature. Originally, she wanted to take care of her soft private parts carefully, fearing that she would suddenly wake up. But because of the desire to dazzle the reason, she can’t care too much. The more she presses her, the more she rotates, and the arc of rotation increases. She thought she would wake up, but maybe she is really a hard-working girl who sleeps a little awake. Right! No matter how I knead her vaginal opening, she still has no intuitive reaction. I suddenly increased my strength, and the speed doubled instantly, and the tip of my right finger already felt that her love fluid was damp around her private parts through her imperfectly thin underwear.

My desire for lower body was also reacted by the reaction of her body, thinking that her vagina is also in need of my little brother’s comfort at this moment, coupled with the infection of her strong body fragrance, my lower body instantly Feeling extremely painful, I quickly unzipped the zipper and unzipped some of the pain, but the external pain was relieved, but the internal pain was still rising. I opened her skirt and saw her charming pure white. The smell of the upper and lower body at the moment suddenly made me feel the worst evil thoughts. She really slept soundly. I decided to get up and gently move the two seats on my right to the aisle so that I could stand. Then I moved her legs slightly outward to face me, while her upper body still maintained the original posture. When doing these movements, I spoke very softly, hoping not to wake her up. I am about to act on her next.

Finally, I moved her body to an appropriate place, and without hesitation, I took out the painful stiffness, and opened her short skirt, using my hand to push her pure white underwear to one thigh. Between her genitals, so that it can be clamped and separated her legs, lift her left leg with the right hand, so that it can lean on my right waist, and I am also standing on her legs at this time In between, I can see her private parts more easily.

After that, I did not hesitate to hold the front end of my inner stick and rubbed it outside her vagina. My glans was also spitting out wet and sticky body fluid at this moment. I knew that my little brother also had endless desires at this moment, and touched her with the glans. Pushing forward, the glans was only half way in. I was already excited in my body. I continued to push forward vigorously. The deeper I pushed forward, my cock clearly felt the deeper the vagina. After I kept cutting, when I saw my cock only advanced halfway, I encountered obstacles, it turned out that she was still a virgin.

This made me even more excited, but her body was trembling slightly at this time, as if she felt the power that was hitting her pubic area, but her eyes were still tightly closed, and there was no sign of waking up. I took a deep breath, took a deep breath, and pulled her thighs outwards to a greater extent, so that I could enter more smoothly. I don’t care about the three-seven-two-one, whether it’s woken up or not. She has only one goal, and that is to break the hymen of the most beautiful class flower in our class.

When all the preparations were in place, my left hand held my glans and touched her charming vaginal opening, and the right hand was gently hugging her body. Suddenly, she woke up and opened her charming eyes. It took me about three seconds to find that a person was standing between my legs, and my cock was entering her vagina, and the astonishment was written on her face. She instantly turned pale and frightened. I had to pull it out backwards and push me away with my hands. Unfortunately, her vagina was too tight and she could not leave my cock in the first time. When I realized that she was leaving me, my hands strongly hugged her waist. Not letting her retreat, she tried her best to resist when she saw it, "Let me go! What are you doing to me, leave me quickly!" Her nervousness and fear are clearly visible, and her whole mind is in chaos, good. Take a nap, how can you predict someone is thrusting her body.
At this moment, I have to send the arrow on the string. In addition, my body is already involuntarily moving forward, and my waist stretches forward vigorously. Although her hands are trying to push me away, her legs keep pressing on me. Around her waist, she obviously felt intense pain in her vagina, which made her react naturally. Seeing her frowning, I couldn’t bear it, so I decided to take it out. Unexpectedly, the moment I took it out, her double My legs forced me inward again, and my body moved forward with an unstable center of gravity and entered her vagina. Then she suddenly opened her eyes and suddenly moaned in her mouth, "What are you going to do??! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It hurts...No...Ah!..." She had a painful expression and her body was unable to withstand the pain and was trembling, but at this time my cock was deeper in her vagina than before. In addition, her legs also clamped my waist homeopathically, and the situation was really close to a dilemma. She cried to me: "Please let me go... okay... it really hurts! Do you know what you do to me??! Are you afraid that I will call you to the police??!" Merry.

My cock was in a dilemma in the middle of her drenched crossing. The damp and heat kept hitting my little brother. I always wanted to take it out, but it was caught back by her thigh. Her cry made me helpless. , But it made me vigilant, and I did everything. Wouldn't I forgive me for infringing upon her if I pulled her out now? ? ! My heart became hardened, and I pretended to have another unstable center of gravity, so I threw my whole body towards her. In this way, her whole body was already leaning on the chair next to me, and I was pressing against her, she It seems that she forgot to shout out because of the nervousness in front of her, and her helplessness is distressing. Her whole helpless eyes are constantly looking at me, and tears are coming out of her eyes: "No...ah!... "

She was already in pain to the highest point at the moment, and my whole cock was also submerged in her vagina. I was heartbroken, and before she had any more opinions, she was a weak woman, how could she be my opponent, and at this point, she straightened her waist, slowly pulled out her waist, and worried about her. She yelled, and her mouth was covered with her mouth. Just like that, I took it out and then quickly went down again. Her mouth was squeaking at the moment, and my body kept squeezing down and pulled out nearly twenty times. Later, regardless of whether she yelled or not, in order to be able to move faster, I lifted her thighs and knees, which were leaning on my waist, with both hands, pulled them outwards, intensified her movements, and pumped vigorously, whether she was or not. Can adapt, I can't care about anything. But at this moment, she seemed to be in despair, and she could only shake her head helplessly, in pain.

I saw the crimson blood stains on my cock, knowing that it was her first virgin blood, and her love fluid was mixed with her virgin blood and was overflowing around her vagina. , Seeing such a picture is even more excited, quicker and deeper, and her crying seems to be getting louder and louder. I found at this moment that I was about to endure the pleasure that was about to explode. In order to make my orgasm more refreshing and lasting, I lowered her skirt to my abdomen, and squeezed her pussy with my fingers. She leaned closer to my cock and pressed hard against her. She began to scream violently, "Ah!..."

I was afraid that she yelled too loudly to attract the attention of others. I blocked her mouth with her mouth. The strength of her waist was not slack. I sprinted forward and couldn't bear it. I realized that it had reached the final juncture and got up. With both hands, she brought her open thighs inward and made the final stab, until I felt that my extremely hot semen had been injected into the uterus of this group of flowers, I stopped pumping, but did not leave her vagina, pulling She opened her thigh, and the whole body leaned toward her again, trying to vent all my semen that burst out.

After I took out my cock, I saw that she was sobbing. I saw that her pure white was dyed red, and there were traces of her falling red on the chair. I took out toilet paper and wiped her pussy and wiped the red stains on the chair. , And locate all the seats. I sat next to her and helped her up to comfort her, not knowing what to say to her, but she was speechless.
The story ends here, do you also want to find someone to have sex with? Don’t worry, I will recommend a few popular sex dolls to you so that you don’t need to masturbate by hand. Now sex dolls are very popular. You can choose the female sex doll you want according to your hobbies. I don’t know if you know the anime sex store. Now many people don’t like to go out but stay at home. Some people are fans of anime dolls, so they are obsessed with anime and crazy about dolls. They will solve all your requirements and fantasies. If you are afraid of not knowing where to put your doll then you can choose a silicone sex doll torso, so that you have enough space to put it up, everyone will It is not a bad thing to have a period of menstruation to solve your sexual needs reasonably.


Sexy wife and cousin

Sexy wife and cousin

Today I will tell you the story of a real sexy wife and my cousin.
This happened during the Ching Ming Festival last year. We entered the circle earlier. In 2013, we entered the circle. During the period, we played 3p, exchanged, and exchanged three couples. It may be that the progress of the game is too fast. Suddenly I felt this. It’s not very exciting anymore, so I took aim at acquaintances, friends, think about it, not very reliable, suddenly thought of my cousin, cousin and I grew up together, the relationship is also very good, Xuan Xuan and cousin I’m still a primary school classmate and we know each other. It seems easier. The most important thing is that my cousin is in Lanzhou and we are in Haikou. We can also avoid some embarrassment. After communicating with Xuan Xuan, there is no opinion. I feel very irritating. Urge me to act quickly.

Let’s talk about the beginning. Since I focused on my cousin, I naturally started to implement it. When I was a child, I watched pornography with my cousin, so I sent the post on Xuan Xuan 91 to my cousin. My cousin read it again and again. Complimenting the heroine for her good figure, that tits, white and tender, can hold a hand very well, Xuanxuan and I heard these comments from my cousin, but also the blood and blood, I was hard, Xuanxuan's little show There was also lewd water, and my cousin grabbed Xuan Xuan's Mimi, licked and kissed, and the two of them were tightly joined together.

From that day on, I sent all kinds of lewd photos of Xuan Xuan to my cousin, and commented on Xuan Xuan's figure together with him. I was discussing how to play with such a superb woman to be comfortable. However, my cousin didn't know, he watched every day The lewd photos I arrived are my future sister-in-law. Every time I finished chatting with my cousin, I showed Xuan Xuan's chat records, Xuan Xuan's sex has never stopped, she is also a slut, and wants her uncle to cultivate her wonderful body.

This lasted for about half a year. Just before the Ching Ming holiday, my cousin's family is coming to Hainan for a vacation. Because the house that Xuan Xuan and I live in is one bedroom and one living room, we can’t live in their family. We will discuss in advance and my cousin will live. My aunt and my aunt stayed in a hotel. Our bed was so big that we could sleep three people easily.

When I saw it, the opportunity came. I told my cousin directly that the nude photos sent to him were Xuan Xuan’s. My cousin was a little confused. It took a long time to reply to my message: Brother, are you kidding me? , I said really not, I want you to fuck Xuanxuan, knead her Mimi, Cousin asks her cousin, does the sister-in-law know about this? I don't know yet, this is not waiting for you Do you shoot directly at night? My cousin may be a little shocked, just let's look at it later. I said yes, waiting for you. Later, I told Xuan Xuan that my cousin was coming, and my cousin was staying with us. The adults went out to stay in the hotel. Xuan Xuan was more excited than I was when she heard that, she also asked if I should seduce him at night, and then go to the closet. Choose sexy pajamas inside, and take out a pure yarn pajamas (very transparent, similar to the effect of stockings), and I said this is it, I said yes, I am afraid that my brother's eyes will fall off by the time.

Hope for the stars and the moon, I finally waited for my cousin to arrive. After receiving it from the airport, it was a bit late. I took the adults to open the hotel and rest first, and then directly took my cousin back home. After arriving home, Xuan Xuan was a little bit suddenly I was ashamed. I was embarrassed to chat with my cousin and me, and ran directly to the bathroom to take a bath. How did I feel that I was so anxious to go to my cousin, not shy.

My cousin and I were left in the living room, so I whispered to my cousin that Xuan Xuan should be asleep as soon as we go to bed, so you should touch her Mimi secretly and listen to Xuan Xuan's moans, cousin. With an embarrassment on his face, I said, don't do it, too soon, I, I, I, I am not ready yet, I said, what are you afraid of, Xuan Xuan will not resist, my cousin struggled for a long time and said, okay.

Xuan Xuan came out from the shower soon. Wearing that tulle pajamas, two white and tender mimi loomed, ready to show her cousin, Xuan Xuan blushed instantly, husband, I'm going to bed first, you Let's take a shower and go to bed early. I said to Xuan Xuan with a smirk, we will wash now.

After taking a shower with my cousin and getting ready to go to bed, I saw that Xuan Xuan, a little slut, was already ready. The big bed was lying in the middle. This is the rhythm of wanting to hug left and right, and the chaotic breathing is also exposed. Lie Xuan Xuan pretended to sleep, but my cousin and I didn’t break it. I urged my cousin to go to bed and lie down. After lying down, I naturally put my hand on Xuan Xuan’s white and tender Mimi to rub, pinching the nipple from time to time. The reason for the cousin's presence made Xuan Xuan too irritating, she couldn't help but snorted. This soft snort may have also stimulated her cousin, but she felt that her cousin's hands slowly climbed to the peak of Xuan Xuan's chest. , Xuan Xuan felt a big hand touching her that was different from mine, and for a moment Xuan Xuan made the most charming moan I have ever heard, um~ah~

I saw Xuan Xuan’s little hand on the cousin’s dick through the light outside the window, pushing up and down, and whispering, it’s so hot and hard~ I reached down and touched Xuan Xuan’s little girl, I Oh my god, it’s not an exaggeration, like a torrent, I said, little girl, do you want my cousin’s big dick to fuck you, Xuan Xuan moaned and answered, um~ah~, I really want it, come soon Fuck me, my little show is so itchy

I said, if you want, then you have to serve your cousin first, and eat his big cock. Xuan Xuan immediately lay under his cousin’s crotch and swallowed his cousin’s cock. (Ps: Xuan Xuan's ventriloquism has been trained by me, no one can hold her mouth for 3 minutes at present)

Just listening to my cousin also took a long breath, sister-in-law, really comfortable, your little mouth is too powerful. Looking at such a stimulating scene, I couldn’t be idle either. I entered Xuan Xuan decisively. The slutty girl slid in without any hindrance. Well, that’s right, just slid in. The whole room was full of three. Personal heavy breathing, moaning with Xuan Xuan as the lead singer, screaming, 3p Xuan Xuan's symphony with her cousin, officially began.
It may be that Xuan Xuan’s ventriloquism is too good and too irritating. All of her cousin’s first shots were shot into Xuan Xuan’s mouth. Xuan Xuan also ate it all very powerfully. This was also the first time Xuan Xuan had eaten me. I couldn’t stand the stimulation when I swallowed the semen of my younger brother. I quickly pulled it out, let Xuan Xuan open her mouth, and swallowed it all. It might be too stimulating. The ejaculation was a bit hard, and I was a bit hard for a while. I can’t get up anymore, but my cousin is still optimistic. Xuan Xuan looked at his cousin’s big dick with blurred eyes, cleaned up again with her mouth, and sat on it, twisting her waist, screaming in her mouth, okay Comfortable, uncle, fuck me, fuck me fiercely, ah~husband, it’s so cool, no more~ no more~, I’m coming~ ah~, I saw Xuan Xuan's body shaking constantly , Also reached a climax, and at the same time the cousin shot again, all shot into Xuan Xuan's Xiao Xiaobo, Xuan Xuan was lying on her cousin, the cousin's hand was still walking around Xuan Xuan's Mimi, and said , Sister-in-law, you are so sorrowful, Xuan Xuan naughty slapped her younger brother on the chest. It's not that your brothers are bad, I have never had such a fast orgasm.
This story is like a novel. I hope you don’t watch it alone at night. I’m afraid you can’t bear the loneliness. Do you want a girlfriend with a perfect body? It’s okay. Now you have a sex doll. Now you have sex. Dolls are very common around us. There are many types of dolls that have the perfect body curvy sex dolls you want, and there are also big breasted sex dolls that you think about day and night. You can have sex like your cousin, she can satisfy you all Of course, everyone’s choice is different. Some people like to watch anime and slowly fall in love with the characters in the anime. Then they can choose the real life anime doll, and some people are afraid of being caught by others. I find that I want a doll that is easy to collect, so I suggest you choose a semi solid sex doll. Anyway, if you want to have sex like your cousin, the doll can satisfy you.


Foreign colleague

Foreign colleague

This story is about my wife and her foreign colleagues
My wife is 26 years old and 10 years younger than me. She has a plump and new figure, not slim, but just belongs to the type I like. His wife has a white colleague, James, who is quite nice, and he is always willing to help with something.
However, he also likes to flirt with his wife if there is nothing to do. He always says that his wife looks lovely today, your dress looks so nice, and sometimes the wife doesn't know if he is seduce her.
I went to their company once and saw them come out together. James is also a half handsome, over 40 years old, but in good shape.
Once, my wife and James went on a business trip to Germany together. The two returned to the hotel after get off work. James invited her to the bar below for a drink. The wife was embarrassed to refuse, so she went for a drink, and then returned with a drink. In the room, James teased her, and she slept with James halfway.
After coming back, she couldn't help but confess to me. At first I was angry that she did this behind my back, and then I accepted the reality.
She also knows my obscenity, so I think she is also a little confident. I told him later that you should never go with him in private unless I approve it.
When we were married for the 3rd anniversary, I told my wife, you want to satisfy my hobby, you can take James home, I will do it in closet.
My wife began to hesitate, and she agreed to see my insistence.
On that day, my wife told James that I was on a business trip and asked him to come to play at home after get off work.
Of course James knows what it means. Two people came directly to my house without eating after get off work, and my wife sent me a text message on the way, and I hid in the closet of the guest room in advance. What a tense and exciting 20 minutes!
Then I heard the door being pushed open, and the voices of a wife and a man came.
After the door was closed, I heard two people kissing loudly. The wife seemed to be pressed against the wall by James and kissed wildly!
I listened to my wife's whining voice, and then moaned softly.
After almost a few minutes, my wife's moan grew louder when she heard the clothes being thrown on the ground. I know that my wife's breasts are being eaten by James!
Wife’s nipples are very sensitive and will come into estrus once eaten.
After a while, the wife couldn't take it anymore and said, "James, I need you." James said, "My pleasure my sweetheart." Then I heard his wife being thrown on the sofa in the living room by James.
My wife may realize that I am waiting in the guest room, and while accepting James’ caress, he murmured, “James, lets go to the guest room...” James didn’t seem to be anxious and didn’t pay attention to her, so he continued to tease her while his wife Talking dazedly while groaning... I was anxious in the closet. At this time, James said, "Baby, itsyour turn..." The wife woke up, got up from the sofa, and took James to the guest room. My heartbeat speeded up immediately, and I could hear my thoughts.
The wife pulled James in, and both of them were naked. Wife's plump figure, 168 height, D cup tits, unobstructed.
Although James was middle-aged, he didn't have any blessings on his body. His white dick was straight, but it didn't stand up. Although it was hard, the basic mountain was still in a half drooping state. His size did not surprise me too much, because I asked my wife before, and my wife said it was a little bigger than me, but not much. I basically confirmed what my wife said.
The wife came in and pulled James onto the bed.
The wife lay down, but James didn't worry. He stretched his penis to his wife's mouth. The wife took a look, hesitated a little, then slowly held it, and then held it with one hand, and started to vomit!
I watched, my heart was not beating, and the bottom was about to explode. Although the wife had explained before, they had these things before, and seeing them with their own eyes is still too different.
The wife kept vomiting James' cock, and the thing became harder and harder, and it looked bigger.
James stood and started to moan slowly, stroking his wife's smooth back while teasing his wife's tits.
About 5 minutes later, James took the cock out of his wife's mouth all at once, then leaped on his wife's body and put his wife on the bed completely.
His wife hugged him, and when James put his dick under his wife and wanted to go inside, his wife glanced at me! I don’t know what her expression is, whether it’s shy or forgetful...At this time, James’ dick began to be inserted (wife takes contraceptive pills, James is also a family member, so I did not insist that she let James wear a condom) . The wife is obviously very moist, but the wife has always been very nervous. She said, "James, slow...slow..." James is also a gentleman, so he held the dick with his hands and rubbed underneath the wife up and down, and the wife groaned again. Coming... James slowly pushed forward and his big cock slowly entered his wife's vagina.
His wife still needs time to adapt, holding him and not letting him move. James slowly began to move, and his wife slowly began to adapt. Later, James was able to come and go freely, and his wife's calls were wave after wave.
I can see it clearly from the closet, and it just feels unreal...After doing this for about 5 minutes, my wife said to James, "I’d like toride you..." Not surprisingly, my wife can only climax on it.
James got down from him with a smirk and lay down on the bed, standing upright with his big cock. His wife sat down slowly, little by little, the big cock into his body inside, then began to move back and forth, along with those who moan more, ah ah ah ...... wife comes on top, about 1 minute to come The first climax. After her orgasm, she softened on James, rested for a while, and started a second time... This time it took a little longer, and a few minutes later, she collapsed on James' chest again... Rested for a while, James said. "Baby, let's continue..." Then he let his wife kneel in a dog-climbing posture, and he thrust the dick in from behind.
After the wife's orgasm, the vagina is completely relaxed and very comfortable to insert. From the inside, I watched James' white dick go in one place, and every time it was inserted to the end, almost completely pulled out. Damn it really plays with women. The wife was thrusting in and panting continuously, and the white syrup slowly flowed down along the vagina from behind... James just kept stroking, I clearly heard the thrusting sound, watching my young and sexy wife being like a dog Being fucked the same...Just like this for about 10 minutes, the wife said, "James, I amexhausted, I cannot take it anymore..." James said, "No problem baby." Then he started kicking faster, and his wife screamed. James also kept whirring, then slowed down, thrusting slowly, and he could see that he was shooting inside.
After a while, James pulled out his cock, and a stream of white semen came out of his wife’s pussy... James got a tissue, wiped his wife clean, and then went to take a bath by myself... I was standing at closet, Still in a completely unreal feeling
Nowadays, many people are chasing excitement and want to feel the feeling of having sex with others. Therefore, there are many cheating phenomena in the society, and there are also many young people who can’t help themselves to masturbate frequently. This problem will be very dangerous if it continues like this. Many businesses have also seized this opportunity to make real sex dolls. Now sex dolls are very mature, just like sex toys are already common around us. Many single men have bought life size torso sex toys, and there are many desires. Dissatisfied women also bought sex doll torso for men. They all want more exciting sex and want to make themselves more comfortable. Everyone probably understands Japan, especially Japanese AV actresses, and the Japanese they use in their small videos. doll sex toy.


Adult’s playground?! Let’s talk about the exchange club

Adult’s playground?! Let’s talk about the exchange club

Hi everyone, have you heard of the Exchange Club (Japanese: Happening Bar)? In fact, there are not many people in Japan who know about club exchanges, and there are only a handful of people who have actually been there. However, it is a space that is called "adults’ playground"; in general, there is no chance to experience it in daily life. This time, let’s introduce this custom that is also very advanced in Japan!
What is the exchange club? How is it different from customs?
So where is the exchange club? Let me quote Wikipedia's explanation here.

Men and women with all kinds of sexual addictions gather and enjoy the bar style Japanese customs of sudden behavior.

To put it simply, the exchange club is not just a bar for people to drink, but is classified as a custom, but it is completely different from the common customs such as "pink salon" and "bubble bath".
The exchange club does not directly provide sex-related services by the store. The store provides only drinks, and the guests will find objects in that space to engage in sexual activities. Therefore, it is not that you can get a shot as long as you go to the exchange club. After all, It is the first time to meet people who know each other after arriving in the store. In the end, the consent of each other must be obtained before the next step can be taken.

Virgin king virgin king
Exchange clubs are different from customs. They are not places where you can get sexual services for a fee!
Japanese old driver Japanese old driver
Even so, almost all the male guests exchange clubs because they want to play.
What is the atmosphere in the store?
The exchange club is like a normal bar, it will provide a space where you can chat while drinking, in addition to a game room for sex, and the structure of the game room is such that the surrounding bystanders can also see the sex situation in it. Normal life is fundamental. Can't experience this environment.

The lighting in the store is generally dim. Basically, men and women only wear underwear or cosplay costumes. Although there will be differences according to the store, most of them are male customers than female customers. After all, based on respect, can you finally fight The decision-making power is still in the hands of the woman, so the store will also create an environment where female customers can use it with peace of mind, and pay more attention to the needs of female customers.

Japanese old driver Japanese old driver
If there are few female guests, male guests will not come, so female guests can be said to be very important!
[Cold knowledge] Happening used by the Japanese has a different meaning
The English "Happening" is a bit different from the Japanese so-called "Happening". The Japanese generally recognized "Happening" means "unexpected things", which is closer to the meaning of A little accident.
The exchange club is called Happening Bar in English because it is a bar where "unexpected things (colorful) happen".

The ``non-daily'' experience that the exchange club can try
There are many ways to play in the exchange club. Here are a few examples.

・Enjoy erotic conversation
・Cosplay tease
・Challenge SM
・Sex with someone you don’t know
・(For couples) Let others watch the scene of two people having sex
・(For couples) Have sex with other couples

No matter what kind of gameplay is "usually unplayable", many customers in the exchange club will show their usual suppressed desire for a long time, and make bold actions in the store that are impossible to achieve in reality, like this Experiencing the fun that you can’t experience in daily life is the charm of the exchange club, so it is worthy of the name to call it an amusement park for adults.

Virgin king virgin king
So this is an amusement park for adults... I really want to go haha
The system of swap clubs?

Adopt a membership system
In order to prevent ordinary guests from mistakenly thinking that the exchange club is an ordinary bar and entering by mistake, in principle, the membership system will be adopted. No matter which exchange club it is, you must carefully confirm the in-store rules with the staff when joining the club, and even need to show it. identity card.
Depending on the store, there will be changes in the rules, but the clerk of the exchange club that the old Japanese driver has been to talked about the prohibition and in-store rules for a full 10 minutes when joining the club, which shows that the management can be said to be quite strict.

Low fees for women, high fees for men
The admission fee is divided into "male 1 person", "female 1 person", and "male and female couples". Each price is different. Basically, the order of cheaper price is "female 1 person> male and female couples> male 1 person". If the female guests are more If there are too many, there will even be many shops where women do not charge.
For beverages, some stores will cover the entrance fee, while others will have to pay an additional fee for ordering, which varies.

Here is an example of a store. The following is the charge for drinks in the store under the condition of admission.
Looking at the fact that one woman does not need money at all, there will be a feeling that a male customer has been slapped up.
But even in this way, the ratio of men to women in the store is usually around 7:3.

Virgin king virgin king
The cost for male guests is very high...
Japanese old driver Japanese old driver
However, there is already such a big gap between men and women, but there is still a situation where there are often more men than women.
Popular time is late at night
Next is the business hours. Although there are some stores that open during the day, most of them are in the evening ~ 6 o'clock the next morning. The most popular time is around 1:00~2:00 in the morning because the last train in Tokyo is big. Part of it is more than 12 o'clock, if people who missed the tram will crowd in during this time.

Where is the exchange club?
There are about 20 exchange clubs in Tokyo, including Shinjuku, Shibuya, Ueno, Kinshicho and other prosperous areas. In addition, although they are all exchange clubs, the rules of each store will be different. Special attention is required. In addition, there are also young people. There are more stores, stores with higher age groups, homes with more regular customers, etc. Each store has a different atmosphere and culture.
In addition, the exchange club is also considered a special industry. Taking into account other shops around, it usually opens in an inconspicuous position, and does not even put up a sign. If you go for the first time, you may not find it...

Can foreigners also go to exchange clubs?
Although the number is small, there are shops that foreigners can visit. There are shops where you can enter as long as you are accompanied by an interpreter. There are also shops where you can enter as long as you can speak English, especially in Shinjuku. Many exchange clubs are all foreigners can enter.
However, it is a pity that the foreigners that Japanese women like are still Europeans and Americans after all. Asians will not be too hard to get there. They need to be enlightened first haha.
If you really want to have sex with a Japanese woman, then you can choose a japanese real doll. It feels very realistic. Although it is a doll, they are all high-quality sex dolls. There are many people who choose to buy entity tpe dolls. It’s all about love, not hahaha, just like you may not necessarily succeed if you go to the club. So if we don’t get one way, we change


Those things in college

Those things in college

Those things in college
Today, I will tell you about the things that happened in the university.
I have just entered my junior year and I am not too busy with schoolwork at the beginning of the semester. However, I have never been a serious student. The grades are not good but it will not go bad. In fact, I spend most of my time in clubs and socializing. .

For college students, communication is also a very important exercise. Apart from organizing activities, they also know many friends of all kinds. Of course, making female friends is the absolute focus.

In these short years of college career, I have socialized with four girls, all of them are beautiful and have their own characteristics, but they are all in the past tense, so I won't mention them.

Let’s say that I met a school girl from the Food and Beverage Department two months ago. I also met at a club event. Because I was the main planner and host of the event that day, it was of course easy to talk to her and get her phone number.

Then I had the opportunity to ask her to go out several times alone. Based on my seniority, I took her to participate in activities everywhere and met other friends. My popularity is pretty good, and the school girls appreciate my social skills.

After a few times, everyone treated the schoolgirls as my girlfriends, calling them sister-in-law and sister-in-law, and we were all together.

It's not that I don't have a good impression of her, but that everything is going so fast, beyond my expectations. She can be regarded as their tie, her small face and slender legs are refreshing from a distance, her shapely figure makes the men around her salivate, and there is always no shortage of male classmates around her. But she said that only I gave her enough security and maturity.

Our progress is also extremely rapid. I learned her skills only a few days after I met her. Since the first night I was upset with her, I couldn’t extricate myself from it. Her figure, her skills, and her voice made me in class. Constantly aftertaste and anticipation, the first thing after class is to find her and enjoy each other's happiness.

She rented an old-fashioned apartment with a few classmates at the time. Her room became our paradise. After closing the door, we indulged in our own little world. Regardless of the noise of other classmates outside, we went our own way in the room and enjoyed the most excitement. Desire.

She didn't have a lot of experience. I had two boyfriends before, and of course it was the first one, but her two ex-boyfriends must have taught her a lot, and her performance in bed can definitely tame any man.

With her this month, we sang songs every night, inseparable.

One night I secretly took her back to my dormitory. We were a male dormitory, but we were not caught so tightly, so it is not unusual to take my girlfriend back.
Although it is commonplace to bring my girlfriend back to the dormitory, my faculty girl still attracts the attention of many classmates. Everyone finds excuses to come to my room and sway, after all, I hope to appreciate my girlfriend's beauty.

The school girl girlfriend is also very generous to play cards and fart with a few of my friends. The only thing that worries me is what my girlfriend is wearing tonight. She wears a white sleeveless top, the neckline is not too low, but she can see a little bit of crisp breasts, paired with a pair of hot pants, showing off her slender legs.

Normally there is no problem, but when she bends down to take the card, the friend sitting opposite will stare at her. After a few times, I was very curious about what my friend could see, so I approached my friend slightly. , When my girlfriend leaned forward again to take a card, I followed to look in the direction of his girlfriend.

It’s okay if I haven’t watched it. After I watched it, there was an immediate reaction in my trousers. What I saw was a deep cleavage with the edge of the skin color lace bra. No wonder my friend couldn’t look away.

My girlfriend didn't know, and didn't deliberately press her neckline, so my friend watched her breast shape all night for free.

I don’t get angry with my friends because of this. After all, everyone wants to see beautiful things. It’s just that my girlfriend is exposed in front of my friends, which makes me itchy all night. The more I think about it, the more restless I get. I hope my friends can go back to the room early. Let us be able to renew.

When my friends finally left the room reluctantly, and the moment they closed the door, I held my girlfriend on the table, and my hungry lips once again ignited the prelude to tonight.

While the tips of our tongues were wrapped together, my hand unceremoniously held her full chest, the twin peaks that my friend was watching just now, are now in my hands, kneading.

I pulled down the shoulder strap of her left dress and bra, and a soft breast popped out. I left her mouth, holding the naked tit in both hands, my mouth catering to it, placing the nipple on the tip of my tongue, and sucking hard. Allowed.

The school girl hugged my head and put pressure on her, hugging me with her legs, panting and moaning softly.

I left crimson lip marks one after another on her white skin around her nipples. I simply took off all her clothes, and the 19-year-old youth figure appeared again in front of me. I pulled her up. Standing in front of me was my school girl and department flower. I believe many other classmates masturbated. I believe the friends who played cards just now never dreamed that their goddess was standing naked in the middle of the room within five minutes, letting me admire it.

With a firm chest and a slender waist, the school girl shyly lowered her eyelashes, her bright eyes seemed to look forward to the joy of the body.

I ordered her to sit on the table with her legs open. Her lust has slowly flowed from the crystal clear labia. I warmed my fingers and immediately pressed her red and swollen labia, rubbing gently, and from time to time, I used my fingers to tease the little bean in the middle of the labia. beans.

And her gasping sound was more intense, and her body even trembled a little.

My mouth was close to her lower body, and I began to use my lips to taste her most original taste, so sexy and so beautiful. The tongue hovered between her lips, sucking and rubbing continuously, and the fingers slipped into her small holes and began to thrust.

She hugged my head, her legs clamped my neck, her eyes closed tightly, and her breasts vibrated with each tremor of her. The kinky water from her vagina covered my whole face, and my two fingers also Trying hard to test her deepest part, fast and slow, controlling her breathing.

She held her twin peaks and squeezed in the middle, kneading her nipples with her fingers, her small mouth opened slightly, and she kept gasping for breath. Whenever I speeded up, she would always groan accidentally.

I was afraid that her groan would alarm the friend next door, my mouth and fingers paused for a while, and she also knelt down on the ground intimately to serve me.

She slowly took off my pants, held my stick and started rubbing it with her hands. I closed my eyes and enjoyed her service. The tip of her tongue circled my glans, and I could feel that every time I circled, I was bigger.

Can it be put in my mouth? She asked coquettishly.

I want to put it in. I return to her.

She held my stick in both hands, and her small mouth approached and swallowed mine into her mouth, using her small mouthpiece very seriously.

I opened my eyes, looked at her back in the mirror behind the door, and knelt naked on the ground to help me perform oral sex. At this moment, I thought I was the happiest man, and 100% of my girlfriend worked hard to please me.

Suddenly something strange happened. I watched her body move, and I couldn't even notice it for a while. It wasn't until I saw the turning of the doorknob that I suddenly realized that someone was opening my door. I did not lock the door just now, but who is opening the door?

The answer was quickly revealed. When the door was opened a crack, I saw one of our friends who played cards with us from the crack. When he saw that I was watching him, his horrified expression was immortal. memorable.

Because I was so surprised, I was so surprised that there was no action. Seeing that I didn't have any words or actions, my friend turned his gaze to my girlfriend and saw that there was no clothing on her body, she was slightly swinging gracefully, kneeling on the ground and eating me.

My friend stared at me for a few seconds, then looked at me again, as if asking for my permission to let him stay a little longer. At this moment, the evil spirit in my heart forced me to nod to him. I didn't expect to expose my girlfriend so completely. Seeing my consent, my friend opened the door a little bit to see more clearly.

The school girl is still holding my stick, sometimes moaning mixed with lascivious saliva, and vomiting conscientiously. Because of the third party's gaze, I feel the swelling in the school girl’s mouth again, and I hold it in both hands. With the face of a school girl, I feed my girlfriend my cock in front of my friend.

This picture was too exciting, and I had to withdraw from the mouth of the school girl to calm myself a little bit. She looked at me with a playful face, and it was strange why I had pulled out the expression from her mouth so early.
I pulled up the school girl and asked her to turn her back to me. I pressed his hands on the desk and moved her hips back a little bit. My mouth kissed her smooth and attractive back, and quietly moved her back. My stick was placed on her labia and rubbed gently, so that her kinky water covered my congested little head.

I turned my head and looked at the door. If my friend had left and stopped peeping at this time, I could breathe a sigh of relief. After all, I would still worry about my girlfriend finding out. I just didn't expect that there were two pairs of eyes in the crack of the door at this time. The three people who played cards just now came back. There will be a free erotic show tonight. You don't need to watch porn in front of the computer.

I thought that one person or three people would look the same. My heart slammed and pushed into the little cunt of the school girl. She gasped loudly and groaned wildly that awakened the beast in my heart. I accelerated in her body and rubbed my hands. Holding her elastic chest, pushing her ass forward again and again, the school girl's posture has also changed from supporting the desk to being upright, with her hands lying on the wall in front of the desk.

Tonight, the school girl was gang-raped by four boys. The three friends kept their eyes on the door, and their breathing seemed to fluctuate with each school girl’s cry. I pulled back the school girl’s hands to make her body more upright, her head must be tilted back, and her hair was scattered on the back of her neck, while I looked at my friend, I worked hard at the school girl. I thought that although you looked at my girl, looked at her shaking breasts, and listened to her groaning, I was the only one who could enjoy her body and appreciate the warmth in her cunt.

You are... so big tonight! The school girl gasped while talking.

You are so comfortable doing it. I whispered in her ear.
Hmm... I still want to... this thought stimulates me, my legs feel sore and soft before ejaculation, I enter the final sprint, and the cry of the school girl grows more and more with my increasing strength The louder, I suddenly felt her small cunts shrink urgently, her thighs clamped, and she screamed lewdly.

This clip made me unable to bear it anymore. I thrust it twice and then pulled out my stick. I put my hand on the head of the school girl and pressed her to kneel on the ground. I pushed my stick to the ground without thinking. My sister’s soft lips, my hands are still on the back of his head, and my buttocks are on top. As my cock enters her mouth, thick semen is also sprayed into her mouth.

The school girl didn't dare to move with my cock in her hand. Only a few involuntary withdrawals were made. When I opened my eyes and saw the enviable eyes of my friends, I knew I was happy and my girlfriend loved me.

I drew two pieces of toilet paper to help the school girl wipe the residue from her mouth, moved quietly to the door, and gently brought the door up skillfully. My friends enjoyed a good show, and the next night belonged to both of us. .

But in the end I gradually realized that it was not exciting and it felt boring, so I didn’t play like this, because I was about to go out for internships, so I put more thoughts on learning, but later I found that they started to play with sex dolls. They told me that high-quality sex dolls are no different from girls, and there are many styles and types. You can choose dolls according to your favorite requirements. They bought a 170cm tpe doll this time and looked at her tall figure and line. , I actually have a little urge to have sex, so I asked where they bought it, so I went to see it too. When I first entered lovedollshops, I was scared because the doll types and styles above were too It’s too much. It seems that I found that the flat chested sex doll is not bad, so I placed an order, because I haven’t had sex with a flat chested sex doll yet, so I want to try it. The feeling of the little brother hitting her is still on it. I really can't choose many dolls. If you are a person who likes watching anime, then you can choose sexx anime. I hope she will surprise me.


The eve before christmas

The eve before christmas

This night the company held a Christmas Eve dance party, and after work, I came to the house of my girlfriend Li Xiaozi. Xiao Zi's second sister, Xiao Hui, works in the same group as her, Xiao Hui does sales and Xiao Zi does business.

Xiao Zi’s eldest sister, Xiao Ting, manages in the restaurant. Her boyfriend was introduced by me, and I was a former colleague named Azhi, and also a good friend of mine at 6 pm. Xiao Zi has returned home and changed into a suit. After casual clothes, I went to wash vegetables and cook. "Xiao Zi, do you want me to help." I stood at the door of the kitchen and said to her grinningly.

"Fake death, what activities are there at night?" Xiao Xiaozi glanced back at me, then lowered his head to continue washing the vegetables. Xiao Zi wore a sleeveless white shirt, the spring was shining from the wide cuffs, a B breast was looming, and the beautiful buttocks were beautifully pouted, and the underwear was clearly printed. I found the lust slowly ignited, and the cock was about to move.

"Oh, the company holds a Christmas Eve dance party, we can have a big dance night." After speaking, I found my mouth was lost, her mother is here.

"Yes, Christmas Eve should be celebrated." I didn't expect Xiaozi's mother to be so friendly.

"Hurry up and take a bath, it's dirty." Xiao Zibai gave me a glance.

I left dingy and walked into the hall. Xiaofan lives on the second floor and does not have a separate bathroom. I opened the door with the key and noticed that the curtains in the bathroom were being pulled, and there was the sound of water dripping inside. I only heard the voice of a man.

"It's so comfortable, lick the testicles, yes, down, and down, lick the anus too."

I listened, a familiar voice. Azhi, it's this kid, no wonder you can't find a movie after class, so I used to enjoy it here. The beauty who performed oral sex for him must be Xiao Ting. Xiao Ting is the most beautiful among the three sisters, and the best figure. I also want to take a peek at her nude in my dreams. I can't think of finding her thousands of times in my dream. It's all about kung fu. For the fragrant scene that is about to show, my cock has become very hard.

I walked to the door of the bathroom and passed through the gap in the hanging curtain. The steam was lingering in the bathroom. A Zhi stood under the sprinkler, and a giant meat stick looked up at him. A Zhi's meat stick is the biggest among our friends, his The meat stick is not only big, but also thick. Under his cock, there was a beautiful woman squatting, needless to say, it was Xiaoting. Xiao Ting turned her back to me, with her long hair draped over her smooth back, unable to see the front, she stomped me anxiously. I saw Xiao Ting sticking out her tongue, carefully licking Ah Zhi's egg, with a stick on her beautiful face. Xiao Ting's figure is indeed good, with a standard inverted guitar shape and her plump buttocks wide open.

I opened the curtain, Ah Zhi saw me at a glance and almost yelled out. I quickly made a silent gesture. He looked at me very surprised. I pointed towards Xiaoting and made a hole. Ah Zhi shook his head and expressed disagreement. I didn't care about him. I started to undress, pants, and shorts in front of him until I was completely stripped off. I gestured to Ah Zhi, which meant that he started to fuck Xiao Ting.

Ah Zhi was already licked by Xiao Ting. He pulled up Xiao Ting, raised one of her legs, squatted slightly with her knees, the cocked cock pressed against her genitals, and the glans rubbed against Xiao Ting’s labia, Xiao Ting With arms around Agui's neck, buttocks swayed from side to side, it was obviously also a flood of spring. Azhi pushed up, opened the labia on the top of the glans, and sank into the vagina. Azhi’s cock was too big. Xiaoting seemed to be unable to bear it. Xiaoting kept lifting her toes, and saw Azhi withdraw a few minutes, advance a few minutes, back and forth. After several times, finally all the meat sticks were inserted into Xiao Ting's body. There was a hairy scrotum hanging under Xiao Ting's genitals, her ass was torn wide, and her light brown anus was visible.
Azhi started twitching hard. This posture is indeed a bit difficult. I signaled Agui to hug Xiaoting. Azhi's twitching was small, so I had to lift Xiaoting's legs and hug her to his chest, using inertia. , Her buttocks hit Xiao Ting's pussy one after another, "Ah, ah,..." Xiao Ting groaned.

I walked in with my cock, stood behind Xiao Ting, squatted down, sticking out my tongue and started licking Xiao Ting's anus. The tip of the tongue wandered, the anus was itchy, Xiao Ting began to feel something was wrong, and when she turned her head, she found that it was me, her face turned red, and she began to struggle all over. At this moment, Ah Zhi thrusts more violently, the bursts of pleasure diminished Xiao Ting's shyness, and the unusual itching of the anus made her bold.

"You, okay, I must... tell Xiaozi, I can't spare you." Xiaoting panted and groaned.

I didn't answer Xiao Ting, and continued to lick her anus. The anus was slightly rosy and slightly opened by me. The pleasure of the two holes in the front and back made Xiao Ting reach her first orgasm soon. I stood up, put some soap on Xiaoting's anus, and wiped some on the glans, holding the meat stick in my hand, letting the glans head against the anus, and slowly pushing it into the narrow anus.

"No, no, it hurts..." Xiaoting panicked and twisted her body violently, but was clamped tightly by Azhi and I, unable to move. At this time, the meat stick was tightly packed in the rectum, and the other half remained outside. , I was already sweating all over, it was so fucking tight that I couldn’t move forward or retreat. I winked at Ah Zhi and made him continue to twitch. The pain in the anus and the refreshment in the vagina are intertwined, making Xiaoting Feeling ecstatic.

Two meat sticks were inserted into Xiao Ting's body at the same time, only separated by a thin wall of meat. The heat from the sticks in the next door was transferred to my side. I felt Xiao Ting’s anus gradually relaxed, not as tight as before. My hands touched Xiao Ting's chest, found the soft breasts, and started rubbing it. Sexy and elastic, 32-year-old Xiao Ting, breasts one size bigger than Xiao Zi, I ravaged Xiao Ting’s breasts like kneading dough, and the cock began to twitch slowly, at first, with the lubrication of the anus gradually With the increase in amplitude and frequency, A Zhiji and I had a tacit understanding of entering and exiting, yelling "Ah, ah" to Xiaoting. The temperature in the bathroom seemed to be getting higher and higher, and the three of us were all sweating .

Just as we were immersed in the sea of sexual desire and were about to enjoy the happiness of bliss, Xiao Zi's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Adi, have you finished washing, hurry up, I want to wash too."

The three of us were taken aback, and my mind was blank, not knowing what to do. At this time, Ah Zhi was shocked and unchanging. He whispered to me, "Let her in, the four of us..."

I know what Ah Zhi means. I fucked his Xiao Ting, and of course he also wants to enjoy my Xiao Zi. I was on the verge of a climax, and was poured by Xiaozi with a basin of cold water. I was so suffocated that I had to vent.

"It's almost over, I'll open the door for you." I took the cock out of my anus and walked out of the bathroom, covering my naked body and opening the door.

Xiao Zi walked in, saw my naked body and a pulsing cock, his face turned red at once, and I quickly locked the door.

"It turns out that you are masturbating while washing. It's really not ashamed."

"Good Xiaozi, let's wash it together, I'm like this, have mercy on me."

"Deserve it!" Despite this, Xiao Zi had already begun to undress. Seeing that she stripped her clothes completely, Xiao Zi gave me a shy look, immediately rushed into the bathroom, and I followed up.

"Ah!" Xiao Zi covered his mouth in surprise.

I saw Xiao Ting holding on to the wall with both hands, bowed at 90 degrees, her legs opened, a giant stick inserted in her pussy, and as Ah Zhi rhythmically hit Xiao Ting’s plump buttocks, a pair of big tits shook back and forth. Flashed. Xiao Ting turned to look at Xiao Zi shyly, and Ah Zhi stared at Xiao Zi's naked body.

"Azusa, they..., no, Azhi makes me feel so happy...," Xiao Ting said, panting.

Xiao Zi was speechless in surprise, and was flabbergasted. I lost no time behind Xiao Zi, stroking her breasts with one hand, and attacking her pussy with the other. Looking at the spring scene in front of her, coupled with the pleasure from the two most important fortresses on her body, Xiao Zi was also infected by the lust in the bathroom, and her mouth began to "hmm".

I turned Xiaozi's body, held her shoulders, and pressed her down. She understood what I meant, and took my cock in one bite, and started oral sex for me one after the other. I watched Xiao Ting's fucked pussy, swaying breasts, and the cock swelled in Xiao Zi's mouth. Azhi was fucking Xiao Ting while watching Xiao Zi's oral sex performance. We both smiled knowingly and enjoyed the beauty in front of us.

I saw that it was almost done. I pulled up Xiaozi to make her take the same posture as Xiaoting. I lowered Xiaozi’s waist with one hand, protruding buttocks, and holding a meat stick in the other. The glans found the moist hole and slowly inserted it. We both Shouted, and then I began to perform the most primitive human actions.

Azhi and I thrust into the sisters in front of us as if they were in a game, the genital "pop" sound, the "mmm" moaning during intercourse, and the sprinkler spouted "swp". The sound of dripping water, intertwined, played the New Year's music.

Ah Zhi made an exchange gesture to me. This kid wanted to take advantage of Xiao Zi's, but I wanted to fuck Xiao Ting's pussy and ass, so I reluctantly agreed.

I took out the meat stick and Xiaozi was empty. I signaled her to do the dog-climbing pose. Although Xiaozi was unwilling to make such an embarrassing posture, she was uncomfortable with sexual irritation and had to do it. I also knelt down. After inserting a meat stick into Xiao Zi’s ass, Ah Zhi pulled away from Xiao Ting and came to Xiao Zi, grabbed her hair and forced her into the meat stick. We both smashed Xiao Zi one by one, but Xiao Zi could only send out "Woo" throat. I pulled Xiaoting over, and inserted three fingers into her vagina with one hand, and inserted her index finger into her anus with the other hand. I used up all the weapons on my body for a while, working on three small caves of ecstasy.

After thrusting for a while, Azhilian waved to me. It seemed that he was about to shoot. I hurriedly pulled out the meat stick and gave her the cave of Xiaozi. I overturned Xiao Ting, pressed against her body, and held it with my hand. The meat stick, penetrate the pussy that has been flooded for a long time, huh, it's a little loose by Azhi, it doesn't matter, fortunately there is an asshole. I saw Ah Zhi coming behind Xiao Zi, thrusting it to the end unceremoniously, pressing Xiao Zi's butt with both hands, violently hitting her, and hinting to me that he was satisfied with Xiao Zi's cave. This aroused my idea of ​​ravaging Xiao Ting. I pulled out the meat stick, and the glans was against the anus. Xiao Ting realized my intention and hurriedly twisted her buttocks to try to get rid of it. I pressed it hard and sent the body forward, and the meat stick penetrated all the way through. I was tightly wrapped by the rectum. I pressed my fingers on the clitoris above the vagina and rubbed constantly to reduce the pain in Xiaoting’s rear court. After a while, I started to twitch slowly, because the anus was too tight, plus The previous accumulation, I finally couldn't stand it, and a lot of semen gushed out in the rectum.

"Hot..., so comfortable, dying...ah, ah..." Xiaoting and I yelled at the same time, rushing to the highest point.

"Oh..." At this time, I heard Azhi and Xiaozi moan loudly at the same time, and they seemed to have shot too.

"It's dinner, Mom and Dad are waiting." Xiao Hui's cry came from outside the door.

The four of us hurriedly got up, rushed to wash the relics on our bodies, and quarreled with each other. It seems that these two sisters have tolerated the injustice between us, and Azhi and I laughed divinely, looking forward to happy days in the future. From this Christmas Eve, it should be the beginning of our good time.

After the four of us hadtily washed, we went back to the third floor intermittently so as not to arouse suspicion. The fragrant food filled the dining table, braving the hot steam.

"It's so rich," I couldn't help sighing, what kind of treatment is in the company, and I can make a good sacrifice today. I watched the two sisters, Xiao Zi and Xiao Ting, lower their heads and said nothing, as if they had done something wrong. They just moved the chairs and handed the dishes and chopsticks. My heart was secretly happy, these two Xiao Ni It's hard to avoid being embarrassed just now, and more development will be needed in the future. But Ah Zhi was carefree, looking anti-go-dominated.

"Uncle, Auntie, come and eat."

"Okay, here it is." The two old men walked in cheerfully and looked at us both with a smile.

At this time, Xiao Hui walked in wearing pajamas. The three sisters all wore pajamas at home, maybe one is comfortable, and the other is that it doesn't matter if they are all family members. But this can feast our eyes on Azhi and I. Xiaohui is wearing a white cotton one-piece nightdress. Although it is opaque, two nipples are clearly prominent on the chest. Xiaohui's chest is smaller than Xiaozi and Xiaoting, about 32B. , But the butt is very plump. The panties tightly on the butt are sticking to the skirt, and my cock gradually rises in awe. Although this little Nizi's body is not as good as Xiaozi and Xiaoting, she has a special flavor. I think After Azhi glanced, the boy's eyes were about to fall out, his mouth was slightly open, and he was almost out of water. Look at that point of interest.

"Catch the vegetables, don't be shocked, just treat this as a writer, don't be polite." The aunt's greeting made me almost cry. How sweet, I ran away from my hometown and went to study in the south 2,000 miles away. The family love has long been afraid of it. Hopefully, this Christmas Eve I suddenly missed my home, and a feeling of farewellness came to my heart.

"Quickly eat." Xiaozi stomped me, gave me a blank look, and suddenly thought of something, and quickly picked up the bowl to eat rice ashamed, I watched her put the chopsticks into her mouth, sucking, as if she was still When I was having oral sex with Azhi, it was a real show, she seemed to like Azhi's cock, she was older than me, thinking about it, I was a little jealous of Azhi.
Although he is older than me, as long as he has better sex skills than him, I won’t be worse off. Recently I heard that having sex with a sex doll can exercise my sex skills. Xiaozhi also secretly bought a 100cm flat chest sex doll said that I wanted to practice more. I was younger than him. I am definitely not to be outdone. So I also bought a cheap realistic love doll from lovedollshops. At first I didn’t feel very good and slowly realized that it felt really good. They have many types and styles, especially the slim sex dolls are very popular.


Girlfriend treats sex as a game

Girlfriend treats sex as a game

Xiaojie and I have been dating for several months. These days, I have always been full of desires for her. Don't doubt, you just have to look at Xiaojie, and you will immediately understand why I am so hungry and thirsty.

Xiaojie’s height is 166 cm after putting on high heels. Her fresh short hair, not only has bright big eyes, but also has a sexy smile... She is very slim, although she has not told me her weight, but I guess she At only 48 kilograms, her slender thighs are perfectly round buttocks.

The devil-like figure, of course, is indispensable for her slim waist. In addition, her breasts are also another important point. Her double peaks are very strong. More importantly, her nipples are very sensitive. Just a little irritation. It will be hard.

I have been dating her for a few weeks, and she has been reluctant to tell me her measurements. Finally, after I sincerely pleaded, she shyly told me her measurements were 33C 26 35.

I will never forget Xiaojie’s warm pussy. Her pubic hair is a small inverted triangle, and her labia is not big, but as long as the nucleus is stimulated a little bit, her labia will swell immediately and the whole pussy They are all pink, the most beautiful private parts I have ever seen.

She and I have a very happy sex life. We will discuss each other's sexual fantasies, and then try to satisfy each other's fantasies.

Like last time, Xiaojie’s fantasy was to have sex in a public place, so we found a concert and sat on my lap when the crowd was clamoring and dancing frantically around us... I secretly inserted my cock Entering her cunt, she was wearing a loose long skirt to block the sight of others. We shook back and forth with the music, and finally reached a climax together.

The action tonight includes three of my best friends. We have been buddies since high school. I want them to come to my house on time at 8 o'clock.

Xiaojie wore a very tight mini dress and stiletto heels. She also specially arranged her hair, which looked like a model in a fashion magazine.

I asked Xiaojie to bring all her sexy underwear and clothes with the least fabrics in advance. The plan tonight is very simple. The men of us will choose what we like from all the clothes Xiaojie...and then from head to toe. Help Xiaojie dress up, as for what happens when we help Xiaojie dress up, this is the most exciting part Xiaojie finds.

Yes, tonight's men will play with dolls, and Xiaojie is our lively doll.

A Tang, A Qiang, and A Ji arrived at 8 o'clock on time. Xiao Jie had arrived long ago and was preparing her outfit in the bedroom.
After welcoming my friends into the living room, I went into the kitchen and gave them beer. Just as I closed the refrigerator door, I heard a commotion in the living room. It was obvious that Xiaojie appeared in front of them.

I walked into the living room, Xiaojie was putting her sexy clothes on the chair, and then standing in front of my friends.

Xiaojie's clothes are too sexy to be sexy anymore, her low-cut tight top reveals her real firm breasts, and under the ultra-short mini skirt are her white and slender legs.

I handed the beer to my brothers and squeezed it on Xiaojie's slender waist.

Everyone, I smiled and asked: Do you envy me? The three of them nodded like garlic.

Xiaojie smiled shyly.

A Tang asked: Xiao Dong, what are we going to do? We are going to play with dolls tonight.

I replied.

What? A Qiang shouted.

Playing with a doll... I will repeat it again.

I heard it very clearly.

A Qiang replied.

Xiaojie is our doll.

I said.

A Tang and A Qiang showed bewildered expressions, and after a while they slowly showed smiles. Obviously, they knew what it meant to play with a doll.

Gentlemen, I said: this is my sexual fantasy, and Xiaojie wants to help me realize it. We have to take turns stripping her naked, performing some designated sexual tasks, and then helping her put on other clothes, and then perform other Sexual tasks.

It sounds fun.

A Tang said.

I want to play too! A Qiang said excitedly.

Aji just smiled and said nothing.

The first task is to help Xiaojie have oral sex, Xiaojie is ready, she is not wearing underwear.

Xiaojie raised her long legs and sat on the coffee table in a very graceful posture. This action also caused her skirt to shrink upwards, revealing her lovely pubic hair, and also proved that she really did not wear underwear.

We are guests first, and I went on to say: the three of you draw cards and draw the biggest win.

I took a deck of cards and spread them out in my hand. Each of them took a card. A Tang drew to five with a disappointed expression on his face. Aqiang drew two points, and Aji drew four points. , He was so angry that he threw the cards to the ground.

I blinked at Ah Tang and said: The doll is yours. Come on first! Xiaojie said: Really, I was drawn at five o'clock.

Ah Tang embraced Xiaojie with his muscular arms, and said: My dear, that five o'clock is invaluable to me! I sat down with the others and watched Ah Tang hugging Xiao Jie and kissing her gently. After kissing her once, we kissed her again, this time the kiss was more intense, and Ah Tang’s tongue stuck into Xiao Jie’s mouth. , And Xiaojie did not resist.

While kissing, Ah Tang skillfully pulled down Xiaojie's shoulder straps. He slowly pulled down until Xiaojie's breasts popped out. Xiaojie was obviously not wearing a bra.

As Tang kissed, while holding one of Xiaojie's breasts, she gently pinched the nipple with her fingers, causing Xiaojie to moan.

A Tang was still not satisfied, so he moved his hand downstream and peeked into Xiaojie's private parts.

Finally, they stopped kissing, and Ah Tang took Xiaojie to the couch. Xiaojie's clothes were now shrunk around her waist, like a belt, the only thing that was intact was the high heels on her feet.

Ah Tang gently let Xiaojie sit down, then knelt in front of Xiaojie, gently spread Xiaojie’s legs, kissed the knee of her left leg, and then slowly kissed her all the way up until he kissed Xiaojie. Clean private parts.

Tang's lips were pressed against Xiaojie's labia. He greedily explored Xiaojie's most sensitive areas with his tongue. Xiaojie also trembles in response when his tongue licks her sensitive spots.

Ah Tang continued to stimulate Xiao Jie’s G-spot with her tongue. Xiao Jie’s moaning became louder and louder. She even pressed Ah Tang’s head and asked him to stretch her tongue deeper... Finally Xiao Jie stopped breathing and went all over her body. The cramps reached a fifteen second climax, and Tang's mouth never left.

After Xiaojie's orgasm passed, Ah Tang sat on the ground, his face covered with Xiaojie's love liquid, as if he had just washed his face.

Xiaojie said feebly: It's so beautiful, thank you! A Tang.

It is my honor, my lovely doll.

Later, I gradually felt that this was meaningless, so I lived alone for a while, but recently I heard a very interesting thing. Someone even said that my good brother bought a sex doll and said he wanted By making love with sex dolls to improve his own ability to make love, in this way, my interest will come immediately, so I immediately called my good brother and asked him what kind of doll he bought, so he excitedly told me this It’s high end sex dolls. I said that if I want to go to lovedollshops, I couldn’t help but go to lovedoll. At first I felt that there was nothing but I got more excited as I got behind, because they have too many types and styles. I can choose a fat real sex doll according to the type of doll I like. In the end, it seems that I chose a fat real sex doll. If you like it, you can go to the top and see there are also semi solid silicone love sex dolls. These are really great.


My bitch Deci AV debut

My bitch Deci AV debut

My home is an ordinary family. I live in a three-bedroom and two-living room. I am only 50 years old, my 48-year-old wife and my 22-year-old son Nuojun. Although there are sometimes unpleasant things in life, generally speaking, they are getting along well. One night in May, a man wearing sunglasses came to the house. He looked like he was an acquaintance of the Norwegian army. He walked into the house with greetings. After about an hour, the man said to the Norton army, "A little while. Come again" and left in a hurry.

I asked Nuojun puzzled: "Who is so mysterious?"

The Nuo Jun pulled me into the house, closed the door, and stopped talking for a long time before saying to me: "Dad, there is something I want to discuss with you."

"Hey, just talk about it." I replied lightly.

"Well, the one who came just now is a director. We knew him very early. He is good at making tertiary films."

"Ah, tertiary film? Nuojun, do you know such a person?" I couldn't help being surprised.

"Yes, he is now working in Japan, and his special filming is really a perverted AV. He wants me to be the actor, and the heroine chooses..." Nuo Jun stopped talking.

I was stunned at the time: "What? Are you going to make an adult movie? My God, are you afraid of being known?"

"Hey, let's put it straight, this is a perverted incest movie, the heroine is mother Zhou Deci!"

"What?! This is too outrageous, if it weren't for you to be my only son, I, I..." I stared at the Nuo Jun fiercely, with my fists clenched tightly.

When Nuo Jun saw it, he immediately said: "Dad, didn't you say that you have no feelings with your mother? And you can't wait for your mother to die early. This is a perverted AV, the kind of underground film that is true rape and murder. And this movie I can give you 50,000 U.S. dollars. If you count the distribution income, you can get hundreds of thousands. It’s no problem! I don’t want to give you all of my film remuneration, how about it? Anyway, you want my mother to disappear..." I thought. , Hundreds of thousands, I have never had so much money, and my wife is so annoying, it would be better to die! After thinking about it again and again, I finally nodded and agreed.

About half an hour later, the man who had just arrived hurried over with camera equipment. But how do you tell your wife about this? "It's okay, I have a way." The man whispered a few words into my ear, and I asked "Can it work?"
"I came to your house to take pictures, just to hear you say that your wife screams in bed when she is happy, and she is very coquettish in bed, and you want her to disappear anyway!".

"What, did the Norwegian eavesdrop on his mother's pleasure?" I stared at the Norwegian, and the Norton said anxiously: "My mother's cry in bed is so loud, I can hear it clearly. I still know the rape Husband is your father, your colleague!" I heard it unnaturally, because after all, there are other people around, so it's not easy to happen again. So I got busy as arranged by the photographer...

Nuo Jun found a CD of an adult movie, put it in the player, turned it on loudly, and then I hid behind the door with them and watched it secretly. Sure enough, my wife Deci came back from get off work after a while. She wore a white long dress today, coupled with white and tender skin and plump lines, how to look at how to make people have sexual desire. When she heard the video played on the TV screen, she stopped moving, panting quickly when she watched it, her body trembled slightly, and one hand was involuntarily rubbing her breast.

At this time, the photographer gave the Nuo Jun a shot, and the Nuo Jun hurriedly walked from behind to behind De Ci, but De Ci was still unaware of it. The Nuo Jun suddenly reported to Deci's body from behind, and her swollen penis pressed against her plump buttocks. De Ci desperately twisted his round buttocks, trying to get out of Noo Jun's lower body, but his plump buttocks seemed to be actively rubbing a stiff cudgel.

At this time, Nuo Jun’s free right hand quickly stuffed a pill into his mother’s mouth, and then tore off De Ci’s long skirt. De Ci was lying on the table with her plump buttocks. The long skirt was torn to the ground and his upper body continued. Struggling, the two white and tender and attractive legs kicked and resisted from time to time, occasionally the twisted buttocks were round and beautiful, the buttocks trembled, and the indescribable obscene stimulation... De Ci struggled again and again, still being suppressed by the tight control. When she saw that she wanted to fuck herself was the Norwegian army, she couldn't help being shocked, calling: "Noor army! How can you do this? Let me go! Husband, your son wants to rape me, come and save me." My face was red when I heard it, the matter was over, and I didn't want to do anything else, I just wanted to get the hundreds of thousands of dollars earlier.

Nuo Jun took out the steel handcuffs he prepared early in the morning and locked Deci Shuang tightly behind his back, and gave another shot in the ass. It was known to be a potent aphrodisiac, and the overdose was ten times.

I saw in the photographer's lens, Nuojun pressed Deci to the table with his head, and Deci's hair was messy like a cloud. Nuo Jun touched Deci's plump and round right ass with the palm of his right hand, and quickly touched her sexy right thigh freely. The touch was smooth and soft, and he couldn't help but be full of joy, and the penis swelled more severely.

While Deci groaned in his mouth, his body was constantly panicking and violently struggling. The experienced right hand of the Norwegian army had slid down from the root of Deci's smooth and creamy right leg, and his flexible fingers pointed out the soft and thick pubic hair of Deci, palms facing towards Upside down holding the sensitive labia, the middle finger rubs the delicate and soft labia tenderus, the middle finger is pointed forward, slightly stretched into the delicate seam, and the right hand suddenly forced Deci's right thigh to the right, and the legs squeezed into her legs. In between, bend the knees and legs hard, and the glans slowly drove forward to the meat seam. The thick meat stick first carried all the tender meat of the labia, and then slowly stretched back and forth, gently rubbing it with the meat stick to flatten it. The labia is tender, De Ci’s legs are stuck wide open, and the 5-inch high heels on his feet make De Ci’s legs more sexy.

Twisting the waist and buttocks, the labia meat seams and the meat sticks fought more tightly. De Ci could only spread his legs, and the big meat sticks caressed before and after De Ci's shyly turned labia tenderloin. Deci felt that Nuojun's glans had a thicker shape but softer hardness, and felt that the glans had opened his own hole for tender flesh.

Nuojun’s meat stick slightly pierced into the meat, and only rubbed at the acupuncture point. Deci’s body was no longer as tight as before. It seemed that he was depressed and acquiesced that it was done. Suddenly, Nuojun let go of Deci’s right hand with one hand, one leg and both hands. Deci’s legs lifted her entire lower body, and her hands were stretched out. Deci’s legs were opened at a large angle, and the charming fleshy seams were completely exposed. Nuojun’s cock pierced into the depths of Deci’s fleshy seams. Deci only had his upper body on the table, his hands could not move, and all his weight was on the hands behind his back. The elasticity of Deci’s vaginal wall ate the whole thick meat stick of Nuojun, using it to bury it deep in the vagina. At the moment when Deci did not dare to move, Nuo Jun took her from the waist with both hands, laid Deci's body flat on the bed, lying on the back, like two bow-shaped shrimps, with his right hand holding Deci's soft waist. Paragraph, so that she can not move. The thick meat stick that had been inserted in De Ci's small hole began to slowly withdraw, and then squeezed through the layers of the hole wall tender meat, and the whole root disappeared without a trace, and it was deeply inserted into De Ci's small meat slit.
Nuo Jun's hand stretched over my wife's right knee to bend her right leg and her snow-white seductive right leg up, greatly opening her charming hole. , I saw De Ci's hair scattered, covering her white and beautiful face. She closed her eyes and frowned, and her mature and sexy body was lying on her side helplessly, letting her penis prick her flesh cavity again and again from the bottom edge of her hips and thighs. The whole body is naked, white and tender and dazzling, and the smooth and flawless right leg is pulled in the air. With the rapid and intense rhythm of the Nuo Jun, Deci's feminine and mature sexy body makes the first taste of the Nuo Jun shoot into his mother's. The uterus drew out the soft cock and lay beside Deci, panting.

After the torture drug exploded violently just now, De Ci's sexual desire was mobilized, and her whole body was sore and itchy. She cherished Nuojun's large penis with her mouth, and whispered softly: "So thick. , But I can’t stand the tossing at all.” After finishing talking, I licked the penis of the Noojun with my mouth. I was really stunned. The photographer said to me while taking the picture: “Your mother is such a harlot!”

Under Deci’s stimulation, Nuo Jun’s penis regained his vitality in a while. He grabbed my wife’s elastic breasts and kneaded them, and kissed her forehead and neck. The stains of sweat kept dripping on both of them. In the sultry atmosphere, Nuo Jun licked De Ci’s red nipples and touched the upper and lower parts of the breast. De Ci closed his eyes and twisted a bit. Nuo Jun held her breast and drew a foot-long steel needle from the side. The backhand went through Deci's left nipple from top to bottom.

"Ah... ah... ah..." De Ci Ji exclaimed and howled like a climax! !

Nuo Jun's hand stroked the smooth abdomen, and he touched the private parts under the belly button when he moved slightly. The messy pubic hair was distributed on the inner thigh, and the dark red pubic flesh under the hair was also slightly revealed. The skin there feels more delicate and tender, and ordinary men's eyes can't see through here. Nuo Jun grabbed her waist and stroked Deci's curvy hips. With the other hand, put another steel needle through the right nipple from bottom to top.

He separated Deci’s two tender legs, and his labia opened lustfully to reveal the pink flesh inside, covered with thirsty lewd water. The Norwegian army pointed the glans of a duck egg at the teased penis that was already full of holes. The pink fleshy hole of Yinshui gently pushed... and it was inserted more than a half with a "pop" sound. Nuojun's penis was thicker and longer than mine.

"Oh... lighter... so thick... so big... mother will die..." the intrusion of the thick fleshy stem made my wife scream.

"Slacker, your vagina is so tight!... Oh, I'm so hot..." Nuo Jun moved his butt in and out and started fucking. The fiery tight flesh hole was tightly wrapped with a hard penis, and every pumping brought endless pleasure, and he galloped.

"Ah, it's so cool, you're great, ah..." De Ci groaned, his eyes closed slightly, his face flushed, and her slightly opened cherry lips spit out a seductive voice "Oh, harder, yes, fuck, Fuck me, ah..."

Nuo Jun was more excited by the de-ci and coquettish sound of the bed, he accelerated the rhythm, and entered the deepest part of her body with each stroke. As he moved in and out, the two snow-white meat mountains on De Ci's chest swayed like two fat meat balls. The pair of fat big tits were being fucked, shaking back and forth, imagining a seductive breast wave.

At this time, the assistant who had been by the side walked in and out of the electrode device, quickly connected the wire to the steel needle of the breast, and immediately retreated.

Nuo Jun leaned down and licked on the plump and tender flesh, holding his nipples in his mouth from time to time. As soon as the mouth leaves the nipples, a round of high-voltage electric horses is uploaded to the breasts. De Ci was so electric that he arched himself up, but he couldn't make a sound.

His body was full of bright fat and sweat, and the power stopped for a while, but his son's thrusting continued to blast. When the power is turned on, the voltage is increased to 10,000 volts. Deci bowed to the limit.

Nuo Jun's lower body was pumped in Deci's body more violently, and her sturdy body crushed her tender and ripe flesh, hitting the roots of her fat and tender thighs. The lascivious Deci sifted up and down to cater to her ass, screaming "Ah, ah," in his mouth. He kept pushing his hips, trying his best to cater to the movements of the Nomads.

Suddenly the assistant next to him stopped the power and came out to inject the aphrodisiac for Deci, and he hit directly on the neck.

The Nuo Jun pulled out, and De Ci's plump and tender body quickly knelt on the bed, tilting up his small and round buttocks, and shamelessly slammed to the Nuo Jun with both hands touching De Ci's round buttocks. , And then opened her two buttocks tender meat, the meat stick pierced wildly, straight through the mouth of the uterus, deep into the uterus.

He rested on the bed with his left hand, grasped Deci's drooping white tender breast with his right hand, and rubbed it vigorously. Without waiting for the Nuo Army to thrust in, De Ci couldn't help but actively swayed his hips and smashed it back. The little wet flesh swallowed the Nuo Army's cock, devouring the cock again and again and disappeared without a trace.

With Deci's white and round buttocks constantly ramming backwards and mingling with emotions, the Norwegian army almost couldn't stand it, and Deci himself was fucked biting his lip and raising his head, and the electrode was raised to the limit of 50,000 volts. Deci's hair was distracted by the electric shock, and her tender breasts swayed. At this time, Deci didn't want any man to fuck her, nor did she didn't want this cock to belong to her own son, who was doing incestuous things that people didn't want. Just thinking that this is a meat stick that can continue to stand firm, so that her wet fleshy seams can continue to fulfill the pleasure of clamping and friction, until she is fucked to death.

De Ci took the initiative to slam his butt back and groaned and trembled, panting, joyous, and dying. Several assistants next to him came out and stabbed countless one-foot steel needles into De Ci's body randomly. The top and bottom of the left and right breasts, the left and right sides of the belly pool, the fingers, the soles of the feet, and even the neck. The left side of the cheek goes straight in and out of the right cheek, and the steel needle crossing in the middle can be seen in the open mouth.

There are at least more than thirty roots.

Suddenly De Ci raised his upper body high and stood still, and then fell on the bed. His tender body was sweaty, and he lay soft and feeble on the bed. His snow-white seductive thighs were spread apart, and I saw his wife's lustful appearance. The second child hardened and couldn't help but shoot a pistol.

After being entangled for a long time, the Nuo Jun suddenly stopped his movements and pulled out his penis full of lewd water and said, "Go on it!" At the same time, he released Deci's handcuffs.

De Ci hesitated for a while, moved slowly across his feet, grabbed his cock with one hand, and opened his own flesh lips with the other, squatting and preparing to bring his hips close to his thighs, aiming at the position. Sit down... "Um..." De Ci rode on the Nuojun naked. With both hands on his shoulders, he swayed his ass and puffed up and down on Noun's dick, the big breasts hanging from his chest dangling in front of his eyes, and the steel needles on his body were shining brightly.

From time to time, Nuo Jun grabbed the steel needles on the two nipples, twisted them vigorously, and watched the blood spurt out!

My wife turned her blushing face, her long hair was shaky and shawl, she raised her head and raised her big breast to accept the man's impact. He hummingly moved her sensual buttocks to express her lust. The Nuo Jun worked harder to push up, and the shaking of the big breasts from below was even more exciting. The sound of fluttering made him boil to the extreme. As the pleasure increased, the physical shock almost dazzled her intellect.

In this way, we ended up under repeated physical impacts. It has been so long now, but the picture still remains in my mind, but I feel that my technical level is still not high, and I still need more exercise to improve my own. Sex skills, recently I saw that many of my friends are buying high-quality sex dolls. They said that they are not only realistic but also exerciseable. Someone said that when I saw their black love dolls, I did get a little moved. I couldn’t help but ask them later Where I bought it, they said it is available on lovedollshops, so I took a look on it, not only surprised me, because there are too many dolls there, but they are divided into many types such as sexy real doll, redhead The sex doll and the passionate hot blonde sex doll made me dazzled, so I finally bought a mature sex doll that I like, hoping to not let me down.


An experience with my mother

An experience with my mother

Sitting in front of the TV and watching the beating back and forth on the screen, I felt a little nervous. In fact, I was thinking of my mother.

It is already two o'clock in the middle of the night, but my mother has not yet returned home. Looking at my watch, I sighed, and the anxiety in my heart grew worse.

Recently, my mother often comes back late. I know that my mother is very lonely. Since my father passed away two years ago, my mother has suffered for a whole year. After that, she has obviously changed a lot, became more withdrawn, and vented the bad habits of alcoholism. , Which is why she often goes out at night.

In the recent period, the situation has worsened. Mom came back later and later, and she would not go home until midnight. I remember that a few years ago, I sometimes went out to participate in some gatherings and came back late. My uneasy mother always stayed up all night to wait for me to return safely. Now, I am nineteen years old, but it is my turn to wait for my mother's late return.

As for why I still don’t go to bed, the reason is actually very simple. I just finished my date with my girlfriend Jessica and went home soon, but our date can be said to be a complete failure. Sometimes, I even feel that interacting with Jessica is simply a mistake. It's not that I don't like her, but Jessica is too conservative.

The time we spent together was not short, but it was only in the stage of holding hands and kissing. Although the two loved each other, Jessica did not rush into it when I planned to go further. I made a request to the other party again tonight, but was rejected by the woman again. I felt very disappointed. Lying on the sofa, thinking about the failed date tonight, the unsatisfied desires made me more irritable.

Just when I was in a daze like sleeping, I was awakened by a "click" from the door, and I quickly got up and looked towards the door.

"Mom, is that you?" I asked, but there was no answer.

Since the light was not turned on, one end of the living room was very dark, and I could not accurately identify who was at the door.

When I walked to the slightly open door, I saw the light shining from the crack of the door, and I recognized that the person who fell on the ground was my mother who was still full of charm.

"Oh, mother..." I sighed, put my hand under my mother's armpit, and helped her into her room.

Mom obviously drank a lot of alcohol and completely lost consciousness drunk. I dragged my mother's body vigorously and placed her back on her bed. When I did this, because my arm was supporting my mother's armpit and pulling the room, my mother's originally exposed top was torn apart. When I laid her flat on the bed, her left breast was suddenly exposed. Obviously, this time my mother didn't wear a bra inside, her white and plump breasts were exposed outside her clothes, and the tan areolas on the towering breast peaks were particularly conspicuous.
My eyes were involuntarily drawn to my mother's beautiful breasts, and the sweet memories of sucking my mother's full and juicy breasts came to mind again. A strange sensation quietly breeds in my body, and I feel my lower body start to get erection.

Oh, damn, she's my mother! How can I……

But thinking about it, I lowered my head unconsciously and looked closer at my mother's chest, which I think is the most beautiful thing in the world.

The mother's breasts are large and white, and the snow-white mammary muscles are particularly dazzling against the tan areola. Mom’s areola is also very big, the tan areola looks very sexy, and the same brown nipples dotted on the top are quite long, and because of exposure to the air, they tremble slightly under the stimulation of the cold in the middle of the night. By carefully distinguishing, you can clearly identify the clear-textured small holes on the top of my mother's nipples, which are the source of my mother's sweet milk that I liked most when I was a child.

Seeing her mother sleeping, evil desires quietly rise in her body. After confirming that my mother had completely lost consciousness, I slowly opened my mouth, carefully put my mother’s soft nipples into my mouth, and gently sucked on my mother’s lovely nipples, trying to re-experience that I was lying in my mother’s arms and waiting to be fed as a child. That sweet and warm happy feeling. And as I sucked, I felt my mother's nipples stand up unconsciously and become flexible.

Seeing that my mother had no signs of being awake at all, I was much more courageous. I simply reached out and took off my mother’s clothes, exposing her right breast, and then I sucked up my mother’s like a magical consultation. The breasts come.

My movements are frantic, but I don't dare to be too presumptuous, so as not to wake my mother. My lips have kissed my mother’s full breasts, and my tongue does not lick on my mother’s soft mammary muscles. It fully outlines the round curve of my mother’s breasts. From time to time, I hold my mother’s nipple in my mouth and gently grind it with my teeth. Mother's nipple roots, while sucking hard, savoring its smoothness and softness.

As a result, with my efforts, my mother's nipples began to become congested and swollen and became stiff. I knew that this was the physiological response of my mother's body to my movements.

If it weren’t for my failure to have my girlfriend tonight, I would have been content to just suck my mother’s breasts, but due to the failure of the date, my repressed desires began to swell, and I need to vent more directly. Since my mother is also a woman, And she has completely lost consciousness, so she won't stop me from doing anything.

I carefully took off my mother's clothes to fully expose my mother's body. To my surprise, my mother didn't even wear underwear inside. Looking at my mother's naked and beautiful carcass, I felt the blood all over my body began to flow faster, and the cock under my crotch suddenly erected, and it was completely stiff in an instant.

I lowered my head and kissed my mother's plump breasts all the way, kissed her belly, her belly button, and stopped until the female restricted area between her legs.

Observing carefully my mother's beautiful pussy that was impossible to open to me, I tried my best to find the traces of my birth.

My mother's pubic area was abnormally plump, and the plump pubic pubes protruded slightly to form a curved arc, but the thick black pubic hair covered most of the mother's lower body, so I couldn't find more details.

I stretched out my hand and carefully removed the pubic hair covering my mother's pubic area, so my mother's mature pussy was completely exposed, completely exposed under my eyelids. I can clearly see that under the shroud of thick pubic hair, the two plump labia are tightly closed together, and a deep fleshy seam is sandwiched. The dark red fleshy seam extends a long span, which makes the inside taboo. The world is tightly surrounded on the ground. If I don't drill, I will definitely not be able to unearth the secrets.

I know this is the entrance of my mother's vagina. I used to come into this world from this place, but I never thought that one day I could observe this place where I was born from such a close distance.

I remember many of my friends have talked to me about their mothers. They told me that they all wanted to have sex with their mothers, but they had never had such a chance. At that time, I would only feel disgusted when I heard those words. I couldn't imagine that as a son, I would be inhuman to such an extent, and I would actually degenerate to the mother who I should respect most. And now, when my opportunity came and I was in such an environment, I realized that the love of my son for his mother is definitely not just as simple as the pure attachment of his childhood.

I slowly leaned down, sticking out my tongue to lick my mother's tightly closed flesh. The tongue squeezed the fat and tender labia and licked it flexibly against the inner wall of the labia. After only a while, my mother’s pussy began to secrete smooth fluid, and the warm and hot lewd fluid soaked my tongue. The feeling of numbness makes me very excited.

Mom is ready, her place is already wet! I made it! The thought that I could have sex with my mother immediately made my heart beat even harder.

I climbed onto my mother, moved between her open legs, fucked my erect penis, and thrust into my mother's wet acupuncture point.

The cock slipped smoothly into the mother's vagina and slowly pushed in.

Oh, mom’s vagina is so tight! When my mother clamped my cock tightly in her narrow pit, the strong impulse to ejaculate made me shoot out almost on the spot.

Before that, I had never had sex with other girls, but the incomparable feeling of inserting my penis in my mother’s vagina was unparalleled in my imagination before thousands of times. I pushed my ass vigorously and tried my best to push the cock into the depths of my mother's vulva, feeling the bliss of being tightly surrounded by my mother's hot vulva.

When the meat stick advanced smoothly to the end, my physical and psychological satisfaction almost broke down. Oh, my mother and I have become one!

I tried my best to suppress the stronger and stronger urge in my heart, and started to pump the meat stick out, and when I was approaching the acupuncture point, I quickly pushed it back into my mother's body, and so and so, started a fierce piston movement.

At the same time, my hands were not idle, one by one, climbing on my mother’s straight and plump breasts, rubbing vigorously with the rhythm of thrusting, my lips also kissed my mother’s soft red lips, sucking eagerly. Mom's sweet body fluid.

As if in return for my hard work, my mother's body reacted incredibly to my actions. With my strong insertion, my mother's fleshy hole contracted strongly, sucking my cock tightly, making every friction of our sexual organs extremely strong, and the huge frictional pleasure produced by this almost made me a fledgling. The Maotou boy threw his helmet and armor on the spot.

My mother's slender thighs were unknowingly wrapped around my waist. Following the rhythm of my penetration, she moved her lower body to consciously cater to my intrusion, making the bond between our mother and child more in-depth.

I have never experienced such a strong sexual enjoyment, especially when I was paired with my biological mother for the first time.

Oh, mom is my first woman!

Every time I think about this, the thrill of extreme licentiousness will drive me more crazily to insert the meat stick deeply into the hot and dripping hole of mother's lewd water, and to fully experience the passionate enjoyment of mother and child incest.

However, it is a little regretful that for a young guy like me who has experienced sex for the first time, the charm of the mother's mature body is not what I can bear, not to mention the double impact of the incest experience. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine How long can I last?

As a result, after my mother's fat ass swayed wildly, the violent friction of the sexual organs made me lose control in an instant.

"Oh...Mom...I...I can't do it..." I roared, and tried my best to push the cock deep into my mother's pussy, and then the hot and thick semen instantly ejaculated deep into my mother's vagina. It came out, and it all went into the mother's mature womb.

At that moment, all I thought of was two words-"pregnancy".

I know the danger of shooting semen into my mother without reservation, but I have no choice, because I love my mother, but I will never marry her, let alone my mother is in a coma. Having sex with her, if my mother finds out about this, I don't know what my mother will think, maybe she will send me to the police.

Therefore, I can't take risks. All I can do is to take advantage of my mother's coma and put the seeds of my fornication into my mother's body, so that our incestuous combination can produce the most wonderful results. Since I cannot love my mother as a man, let our children continue this incestuous love between mother and son!

But after a while, I felt that it was wrong to do this. I suddenly felt a deep sense of guilt in my heart, so I decided not to do it again in the future. Although I wanted it very much, I couldn’t do it on my mother. Recently I Some of my good brothers told me that they bought the most advanced sex doll and said that they felt great and asked me if I want to send it. On the surface, these good brothers of mine look serious, but in fact they are eager to make love in their hearts. Don’t do it for nothing, so I did it once with this so-called sex doll. It felt very realistic, so I transferred the idea of making love to the doll so that my mother would not be involved. I could also improve my sex skills. , So I bought a 100cm sex doll cheap. After all, I don’t have much money. This kind of doll is also convenient for us to collect. It is not easy for my mother to see. I bought it at lovedollshops. There are many sex dolls on it, and it is also There are various styles of sex dolls, the feeling is really great. I have always wanted to buy a big breast sex doll, but at the time I still didn’t have enough money. I waited for a period of time to get money and then bought one. I hope it won’t let me. Wait too long


The beautiful woman who came across in a restaurant

The beautiful woman who came across in a restaurant

Today, I went to a steamed vegetable restaurant to have dinner. In the winter, I didn’t look around to see if there was any sexy beauties. After choosing the dishes, I went in and saw a beautiful young woman sitting on the opposite side. I immediately took out my phone, and while nervously looking around to see if anyone was paying attention to me, I mute the ringtone of the phone, and secretly took pictures of the beautiful young woman.

This is my uniqueness. This is my unique hobby. I like to secretly photograph the beautiful women I meet into mine. I like to secretly photograph the beautiful women I meet into my mobile phone. If the beautiful women are really attractive, I will secretly take photos. Followed to her door. See if her family has put the shoe rack at the door, if there is, then I will harvest a whole shoe rack of sexy high heels.

In addition to the grass beauties, what I like most is to take the beauties’ high heels, or underwear and panties, use my dick to fuck them, and then shoot my semen in their high heels and panties, just think of , Beauties, wearing the high heels and panties I shot, my satisfaction soared to the apex.

The beautiful young woman and her husband and children finished their meal. Beautiful young woman, seriously picking up the notebook, sitting beautiful young woman, seriously picking up the account book and making records. It didn't take long for them to get up and go out, and I hurriedly finished my meal. Then he picked up the phone and patted the beautiful women while following them.

As expected, they lived in a nearby community. I silently pretended to be playing with my phone and followed them into the elevator until they stopped on the 19th floor. I randomly pressed a 20-story building, and then walked from the stairwell to the entrance of the 19th floor.

To my disappointment, there was no shoe cabinet at the door.

At this moment, I heard a noise inside their door, and then I hid. Behind the door of the fire exit. At this time, the only heard the door of the room opened, and the husband of the beautiful young woman came out, and then her husband said into the door.

There is really no way. The business partner is asking him to accompany the customer, so he can only come back later. Then I heard the beautiful young woman say bitterly, I wanted you to accompany us, forget it, go, it's better not to come back.

Then it was her husband, who hugged the beautiful young woman shamelessly, vowing to her, and promised his wife that he would definitely not drink a lot of wine, would definitely not be called a girl, and would definitely go home before 12 o'clock. Then they were crooked at the door for a long time before her husband walked into the elevator. Then only a sound of the door was heard, and the beautiful young woman went home and closed the door.

I picked up my mobile phone and checked the time. It was only six o'clock, and the husband of the beautiful young woman had to be back at 12 o'clock in the evening. Thinking of the attractive figure of the beautiful young woman, with that ability, I decided to get the beautiful young woman tonight Bed.

In the next hour, I went to the mall and bought clothes that were similar to men's. If I didn't look closely, I couldn't find the difference. Then I came to the door of the beautiful young woman's house again. Although I had to go through the painful process again, I thought I was about to have an orgasm with this sexy lesbian who I wanted to be upset at the first glance. I couldn't wait to turn on the stand-in mode. .

At this time, I saw my skin squirming all over, and then my internal bones crackled, and I slowly changed into another appearance, exactly like the beautiful young woman husband just now. Yes, this is my special ability, I can scan anyone I have seen with my eyes, and then I can become what they are.
Then I picked up my phone and took a photo. I saw with satisfaction what I looked like after my transformation. After confirming that it was correct, I knocked on the door of the room. After a while, I saw that gorgeous young woman opened the door of the room. After seeing me, she curiously said: Husband, why are you back now? Didn’t it mean 12 o’clock in the evening?

With a smile on my face, I imagined speaking as her husband. As she walked in, she said: Stop talking, I just passed by and they said that the client has something to do today, so I can only treat it another day. I'm not happy to see you when I go out, so I will be back right away.

After speaking, I walked into the room door, changed my slippers, and lay down comfortably on the sofa in the living room. While pretending to be inattentive, asked: Where's the brat? While observing the beautiful woman in secret, after all, the clothes are just about the same, and my heart is still empty. Then I saw that the beautiful woman just walked over normally, picked up the cup and poured water and said: I'm doing homework in the room, it's about to take an exam.

The beautiful young woman was bending over and pouring water. The fur fleece on her body had been taken off. She was wearing the white turtleneck sweater and leopard-print hip skirt she had just eaten. Her high buttocks were facing me, and her bag could be vaguely seen. There was a touch of black in the stocking bag inside the hip skirt, which made my dick hard in an instant.

After the beautiful woman poured the water, I saw me looking at him obsessively. The old wife and old wife actually felt a little embarrassed, as if being looked at by a strange man. So the beautiful woman said in embarrassment, "What do you look at, I don't usually see you, so look at me like this! Isn't it true that I didn't call a little girl in KTV today to think of me as a yellow-faced woman?"

While talking, I brought the water over and put it on the coffee table. I heard the grievances in the beautiful woman's heart. It is estimated that her husband hadn't touched her for a long time, which caused her to complain a little bit. I scolded her husband in my heart for being a idiot. I don't want to enjoy this stunner at home. I have to run out and sing KTV. Isn't it her husband's fault?

While learning her husband’s shameless tone, stretched out her hand and pulled the beautiful woman into my arms, causing the beautiful woman to cry out, and at the same time she said flatly, "How is it possible! My wife is so beautiful, and I am accompanying the client." You never ask a girl to accompany you, don’t wrong your good husband! Be careful with my family law!"

The beautiful woman struggling to think about it in my arms, but I was clinging to my waist tightly, unable to move, and could only curse in my arms: "Look at your virtue, your stubborn attitude when I wanted it the day before yesterday. Today is great, you are refreshed, and I won't do it! I won’t be finished in five minutes...and the family law will serve you!"

I thought in my heart that I guessed it right, but I didn’t have my hands free. I climbed onto the hips of the beautiful woman sitting on my side, rubbing my big hands across the fluffy leopard-print skirt. Pinch, the beautiful woman's buttocks are round and elastic, and the feeling of touching it in her hand is really superb. I felt the feeling carefully and said, "That's not because I'm busy with work and I'm not in good spirits. Today I will obediently come here to apologize to my wife, and see if I won't kill you today!"

Haha, you have to do it if you don't.

The beautiful woman listened to my rhetoric and was assaulted by me. She struggled a lot less, but she was still tweaking: "Xiaojun is still working on his homework. He can only go to bed at nine o'clock. Let's talk later..."

I don’t want the fat in my mouth to fly away, and buried my head between the beautiful woman’s neck, blowing air on the edge of the turtleneck sweater and her earlobe: "The stinky boy will not come out when he is serious about his homework. And my wife, you wear so sexy today, and my husband can't help it anymore. I want you now!"

After speaking, I grabbed the earlobe hidden in her hair, licked with my big tongue deep, and then stuck my hot and wet tongue into her ears and licked it.

The beautiful young woman fell into my arms and said nothing. She closed her eyes, opened her lips slightly, and made a heavy gasp. My hands were not idle, and I continued to stroke the beautiful young woman's buttocks, gradually increasing the intensity, so that the beautiful young woman was plump, yet the stiff buttocks were in my hands, transforming various shapes.

Then, with my other hand, I came to the beautiful young woman’s white turtleneck sweater, and held the towering chest of her through the white sweater. Although I was very gentle, the stunner in front of me still made me not pay attention. The strength in my hands caused the beautiful young woman in my arms to let out a soft cry.

The beautiful young woman, as if awake for a moment, started struggling again in my arms: "Hate, wait until my son goes to bed and fix it later? What if she suddenly comes out?"

I leaned close to her ear. He said softly: I can't take it anymore. Did you know that when we just finished eating, someone stared at you with a squinting look for a long time? When I think of that person lusting you in my heart, I feel like I want to push you to the bed and fuck hard. When the son finishes his homework, he will wash and sleep by himself. Now when we go to the room, he will not know anything.

The beautiful young woman listened to me saying those blatant words, not knowing whether it was my caressing or the words that made her cheeks flush. He just said softly: "Dead ghost, why are you interested in me when someone is lusting about me? I usually sway in front of you and never see you touch me. Do you want to be green?"

I felt the size of my cock after turning into this man. It was really unusable. I wondered if it was because her husband didn’t touch his wife because he couldn’t satisfy the beautiful woman. So I laughed and said, “I don’t know if I like being People are green, and they are very excited just to see others caring about you."

After I finished speaking, I held up the beautiful woman and went to her and her husband's room. The whole room is decorated in European and American style, with plain but gorgeous colors. There are wedding photos of the beautiful woman and her husband hanging on the bedside. That holy and beautiful face made me firmer in my determination to fuck the beautiful women tonight. I threw the beautiful woman on the bed.

Turned around and closed the door with the small lock, and then pressed it on the beautiful woman's body. The beautiful woman looked panicked and just wanted to say: Wait for me to wash...

Before I finished speaking, my big mouth was covered with red lips, enjoying the privilege of being a substitute for her husband. My tongue got into the beautiful woman's mouth. The beautiful woman was still a little uncomfortable at first, and gradually stuck out her tongue under my hot kiss and got entangled with my tongue. I was desperately sucking the fragrance of the beautiful woman's mouth, and at the same time, I stretched out a hand and plunged it into the beautiful woman's sweater. The monkey pushed her bra up anxiously, and held the firmness of her chest with his big hands.

The beautiful woman’s breasts are so soft and big that I can’t grasp it with one hand. I stretched out my fingers and fiddled with her peanut-sized nipples. The fierce attack made the beautiful woman twist and groan in my arms, groaning from me and Her entangled tongue came out, and two arms wrapped my neck unconsciously. Looking at the beautiful woman who closed her eyes and fell into lust forgiving and kissed me, I felt the softness and delicacy in her hands. When I thought that he was someone else's wife, her husband was outside with others, and I was at his house, playing with his wife, I felt that my cock was about to explode, hard and hot. At this time, I just want to conquer the beautiful woman in front of me, let her experience the bliss of sex, and let her surrender to my cock.

The feeling of having sex with other people’s wives is really great, but this kind of thing is OK once or twice occasionally. If this is the case for a long time, I will be killed by myself sooner or later. Recently, a few of my people have been serious on the surface and turbulent inside. The good brother seems to be buying a high-quality sex doll, and he told me that it feels great and realistic, but think about how I would fall in love with this thing when I often have sex with real women, so I didn’t care about it. After a while, I wanted to have sex, but I didn’t have a goal yet. I heard that they bought a black female sex doll again, so I decided to try it out. After seeing the doll, I couldn’t help it, so I just took it off. The clothes went in, the familiar feeling was really great, and the made was so realistic. Later I asked them where they bought them and wanted to buy one. They said lovedollshops, where there are many different types. I went there to take a look at the doll later. I didn’t know it. I was shocked when I saw it. After looking at it, I realized that what they said was true. They have all kinds of dolls in their store. I started to choose, I chose to choose, I finally chose affordable tpe sex dolls, I hope it won't let me down.


A past with my female neighbor

A past with my female neighbor

Zhou's family is of three, and one son is going to university outside the city. My husband's surname is Li. He is not very tall. He started to get blessed in his early forties. He was fat and fat with a beer belly standing forward. I called him Brother Li. Li Ge runs a building materials wholesale company, and the benefits are good.

Sister Zhou's name is Zhou Shuqin. Compared with Brother Li, although she is nearly forty years old, she is well maintained. She is over 1.7 meters tall, is moderately fat and thin, and has a pair of talking eyes, which looks like 30 at most. Hang zero. Sister Zhou opened a cosmetics wholesale company and a clothing store by herself. She manages the cosmetics wholesale company herself and employs several employees. The clothing store hired her sister to help take care of it. There is also an employee named Zhao. Her younger sister's name is Zhou Shuying, and I'm called her little sister Zhou. She is beautiful. She divorced her husband a few years ago. One child was raised by her husband. Because she helped her sister take care of the shop, she moved to her sister's house. All three of them are nice and kind.

The exterior design of the building we live in is very beautiful, but the quality of the building is not so good. The sound insulation effect is very bad. You can often hear some noises from the neighboring buildings upstairs and downstairs, especially in the dead of night. When the couple upstairs had sex, Sister Zhou's moaning sounded, even though it was intermittent, it still made my heart beat every time. You know, I'm an older young man. Although I have been to shampoo rooms and other places to find young ladies and fucked women, but I can't stand the stimulation, so I can't help but solve it by myself. ! Sometimes I don’t feel like flying a plane with my hand. I even bought a masturbation device from an adult product store to help my interest in masturbating.

I am confident that I am going to have trouble. I am not ugly. I am a 1.8-meter tall man. His skin is not white but not too dark. Sister Zhou and his wife like me very much. Every time I do a good job at home. To eat, I have to ask me to go upstairs to have a drink, and I will also buy some wine and vegetables in my spare time to have a drink with Brother Li.

One day, Brother Li went to a friend's house to play mahjong. Little Sister Zhou was busy in the store. Until dinner, the two of them didn't come back, so Sister Zhou called me upstairs to accompany her for a drink. Sister Zhou has been in shopping malls all the year round. Although she is a woman, she drinks no less than me. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to push a glass and change a bottle of liquor. Although the alcohol is not high, it is liquor after all. Both of us are a little excited to start. Sister Zhou asked me, “Can you still drink, less than? "

"How about some more beer?" I opened a bottle of beer without waiting for sister Zhou's consent. First I filled sister Zhou with a glass, and then I drank a big swig myself while reaching out to grab the vegetables. Said: "Sister Zhou, haven't you and Brother Li been shopping abroad in recent years?"

"Go, more than one trip, Nunu!" She continued Nunu mouth behind me, "That's the biggest gain."

I turned around and saw some magazines stacked in a mess on one side of the bookshelf.

"What's that?" I asked. "You'll know after you have finished eating." Sister Zhou said.

It was too late after drinking. Sister Zhou went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Sister Zhou and I borrowed two magazines and left and went home. As soon as I entered the door, I turned on the TV habitually, made a cup of tea, and sat on the sofa to read a magazine.

I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it. What kind of magazine is this? It’s an obscene pictorial. Except for a few foreign letters that I don’t understand, the rest are all obscene high-definition pictures.

The first page of this pictorial is a close-up of a woman's genitals. The 16-open page only has a woman's cunt, the yin emperor, the big and small labia, and the number of clear cunt hairs can be counted. The teacher said in the physiological hygiene class and read it on the Internet, but it is by no means clear, obscene, or irritating in the pictorial! Looking back, there are close-ups of the cock stuck in the cunt, the woman with the painful face of being fucked, the photo of the cunt dripping with white semen, and the big cock of the European and American man who is masculine and upturned. , Really has everything. I think from the pictorial to the groaning of Sister Zhou that I heard in the middle of the night. It seems to see Brother Li lying on Sister Zhou and fucking her cunt... I can't stand it anymore. I took the cock out of my crotch. It's hard. The cock is glans. The small mouth on the upper mouth kept flowing out of mucus, shiny, and I held my dick tightly and pushed it up and down. I didn’t need to push the cock hard before, but this time I don’t know why I held the cock tightly. The glans rose to purple and it was a little shiny. Push hard.... Push hard.... Want to shoot... Want to shoot. La..., I was panting... as if I heard my own groan..., sitting on the sofa with my butt pushed up..., ejaculation! Squirting far away!
I panted and leaned on the sofa, my mind was full of sister Zhou's shadow... A few days later, after dinner one night, I went upstairs to return the pictorial, and the three of them, who were rarely seen, were all at home and entered the house. I sat down on the sofa by Sister Zhou and I said, "After reading the magazine, I will return to the original owner." Sister Zhou just wanted to talk, and Brother Li smiled and said, "Be careful, you're crazy after reading it!" !"I said. Sister Xiao Zhou sat opposite me and bowed her head, not knowing what she was doing. After listening to these words, she raised her head and glanced at me, which happened to meet my eyes. In an instant, I saw the heat and desire in her eyes. , There is also a hint of apricot bar starting shy.

The next afternoon, I hurried to the clothing store without eating after get off work. There were no customers in the store, Xiao Zhou and the waiter Xiao Zhao sat lazily on the chairs and chatting. Seeing me coming in, Xiao Zhou got up and gave up her seat, and said, "Why are you younger than you?" "Please have dinner." "I said. Sister Xiao Zhou was very refreshing, greeted Xiao Zhao, the waiter, and left the shop with me. In fact, both of us knew what might happen tonight, so we found a restaurant nearby and ate a few bites, and then we went back to the shop.

At this time, it was time for get off work. After Xiao Zhao, the waiter, she quickly closed the store door and went to the fitting room to dry up the fire! We hugged each other, our tongues tangled together. I slowly unbuttoned her skirt and retreated the skirt and panties to her knees. She turned around and supported the wall with her hands, her buttocks poked up slightly. I couldn't wait to insert my dick into her cunt to complete this. After a series of actions, I began to thrust, and the pleasure of the cunt hit me and her. She began to moan in a low voice, twisting her hips constantly. Her ass is not too big, but it is very white and round. I stroked it gently with my hand, enjoying the sexual pleasure brought by the woman's low moan and the constantly twisting round ass after Xiao Zhou was fucked. …Time slipped away while my dick was thrusting rapidly in Xiao Zhou’s cunt. After more than 20 minutes, I ejaculated, and I was afraid that she would not dare to ejaculate in her pregnancy, and ejaculate on her ass. After I wiped the semen on her butt, we both walked out of the fitting room and sat on the simple sofa in the shop. I asked her, "Is Miss Zhou feel good?"

"It feels good, your cock is bigger than my brother-in-law's, and harder than his." Little Zhou said.

"Maybe I am younger than him." I said, "Your brother-in-law fucked you?" I asked again.

"My sister-in-law is my brother-in-law's half-stretched butt, besides, I have lived in his house for a long time, can you not fuck me?!" Xiao Zhou said.

"Does your sister know?" I asked again.

"I know. Not only did I know, it was my sister who helped her brother-in-law for the first time. They came back from abroad twice, as if they had changed themselves, they were really open to sex." Little Zhou said.

"Don't tell your sister about the two of us tonight." I asked.

"It's okay to tell my sister." Little Zhou said.

I looked at my watch and it was past nine o'clock, so I told Sister Xiao Zhou that we should go home, and she nodded.

Locked the security door, I took her out of the clothing store with a bicycle.

The cold and the summer flickered into the winter. The heating in our community is not good, and the indoor temperature is always 16 or 7 degrees. It is said that the heating network will be better next year after the renovation of the heating pipe network. Li Ge's house has air-conditioning and there is also an unused room. Li Ge asked me to visit his cat for a winter first, and I did not politely agree.

Going to work during the day, and talking about the mountains together after dinner at night, it's really fun. It's just that I can hear sister Zhou's groan every few days at night. Sometimes the sound is quite loud, and I can hear it more clearly than downstairs. I don't need to mention that kind of taste. I listened to my dick once.

One day I told Sister Xiao Zhou about this. I didn’t expect that Sister Xiao Zhou said that the TAs made a noise to me on purpose, saying that her sister told her that she wanted to imitate the two men in porn. Fuck a woman, taste what it's like, because I can’t find a suitable candidate, I have not been able to do so. Sister Xiao Zhou said that she was very happy to live in, and she discussed with her brother-in-law to make me the most suitable candidate, and make some movement to stimulate me first. When I heard this, my heart was both excited and nervous. The excitement was two. A man fucks a woman, he has heard of it, and he has seen it in the film, but he has never done it. The nervous thing is that the asshole has never been fucked by myself, I don’t know if it will work.

Since knowing the true intention of sister Zhou and his wife to let me live here, I have been looking forward to that day. Finally, one night after more than half a month, as soon as I fell asleep dimly, I heard the sound of sister Zhou’s cry from Li Ge’s bedroom. The sound was quite loud. I began to put my hands underneath and prepare to fuck my dick. I heard Brother Li call me again: "Less than, come here!", I heard this call from Brother Li, and I was more excited than when I heard Sister Zhou's bed call. Go straight to Brother Li's bedroom.

When I walked into the bedroom, I felt that the air conditioner was turned on very much, and a rush of heat came to my face. Under the dim light of Xingba’s first show, three people were on the bed. Sister Zhou and sister Zhou were sticking together in a six-nine style. Sister Zhou was underneath and Sister Zhou was licking each other's cunts. Brother Li was standing by the bed with a glove. Dick, squinted at the sisters on the bed, this real lewd scene stimulated my sensitive sexual nerves... Seeing me, Brother Li waved his hand to me and said to me: "You will fuck her underneath for a while. , I slapped her asshole on it, and let your little sister Zhou watch from the side." I promised a good voice.

The two sisters sat up when they heard the voice. I went to bed and lay down on my back. Sister Zhou had obviously watched pornography, and she expertly came up to hold my dick with a cunt and lay on me.

The cock was inserted into Sister Zhou's cunt, and it was obvious that Sister Zhou's cunt was tightened a few times, and Sister Zhou groaned slightly. Although sister Zhou is not too young to have a baby, her cunt is still tight. The coveted wish of sister Zhou finally came true today. I felt hot all over, and my buttocks pushed up a few times involuntarily. At this time, Brother Li knelt behind Sister Zhou and was about to fuck her ass, but after waiting for a long time Sister Zhou was lying on my body and didn’t respond much. Come on." Sister Xiao Zhou looked at her brother-in-law's embarrassment and almost laughed.

Brother Li and I changed positions. When I aimed my dick at sister Zhou’s asshole, I was very excited. The dick was particularly hard, probably because it was the first time. Miss Wan'er had never had an asshole before.

I was afraid that Sister Zhou would hurt, and I slowly pushed my dick into the asshole, but when all the dicks were inserted into the asshole, Sister Zhou still screamed. After a short pause, I gently stroked sister Zhou's ass, and started to thrust a dick in sister Zhou's asshole. The asshole is much tighter than the cunt, a few deep insertions, a few shallow insertions, a few quick insertions and a few slow insertions, the dick in the asshole can vaguely feel Li Ge's cock in the cunt is also moving, so comfortable! Sister Zhou's reaction was also very strong, sometimes moaning and sometimes shouting. I glanced at the little sister Zhou who was sitting next to her, who was quickly thrusting two fingers in the cunt.

I don't know how long it took me to ejaculate, directly into sister Zhou's anus.

Later, I thought that this was not a long-term solution, so I decided to wash my hands and be a good citizen. In this way, I should live a peaceful life, but just recently some of my good brothers said that they bought a flat chested doll. How about asking me to have a try? No way. After all, I am an old driver, so I promised to give them a try. Not to mention that it feels really great, it feels like real sex, so I asked them Where did I buy it, I also want to buy one so that it will not harm others but also satisfy my desires, so I listened to them and bought a full size silicone sex doll that I like on lovedollshops, where there are still There are many types of sex dolls, as well as Japanese sex dolls, but I don’t like them very much, so I didn’t choose her. If you like Japan, you can choose her.


How about fairy sex doll

How about fairy sex doll

Today, I will introduce you to the fairy sex doll. This doll has delicate cheeks and moving eyes, giving you a dreamlike love.
First, let me introduce this brand to everyone
Domestic new and cutting-edge entity doll brand. The main business is the design, development and sales of TPE entity dolls. The products are made of stainless steel frame bones and TPE materials.
The ELFDOLL brand of Elf Dolls under Shenzhen Elf Valley Trading Co., Ltd. is a domestic cutting-edge entity doll brand founded by senior baby friends.
In the chaotic physical doll industry, the company does not hesitate to increase costs and choose materials that meet EU environmental protection standards to ensure the health of customers; it does not hesitate to spend 3 times higher labor costs and time than peers to draw more beautiful makeup; In order to pursue a more perfect body curve, we insist on using the best mold masters in the industry to make better molds; of course, while pursuing quality, we also strive to be a cost-effective equal body doll in the entire industry.
Shenzhen Fairy Valley Trading Co., Ltd. does not want the Fairy Doll to be just a physical doll with adult functions, but also hopes that the Fairy Doll can be your spiritual companion with you, and become the perfect one in your ideals.
How about the style and size of the doll?
SanHui TPE 156cm elf big breasts sex doll-Aysa
Aysa is a pure elf. She has short white hair, exquisite features, big breasts, slender waist, hips, and straight legs. Her appearance is undoubtedly perfect, her skin is white and soft, and her makeup is exquisite. She wears a beige hat and a white cloak. She looks very mysterious, but she likes all beautiful things. Like her, contact us.
Material: High-end Virgin TPE (No use of second-hand TPE)
Height: 156cm
Weight: 27KG
Shoulder: 31cm
Bust: 75cm
Under Bust: 58cm
Waist: 52cm
Hips: 79cm
Thigh Girth: 46cm
Feet: 20cm
Mouth: 9cm
Vagina: 15cm
Anus: 15cm
Sex Openings: Mouth / Anus / Vagina

Sanhui TPE 148cm small breast fairy pure sex doll---Huaxue
Huaxue is a petite girl, she is very beautiful, she has a few golden curly hair, exquisite crown, exquisite facial features, slender figure, wearing a pure white dress, pure to the extreme, even among the elves, she is also the most beautiful The girl, she lives alone in the mysterious forest, but she does not feel alone, even if she is not alone, but she wants your company. Like her, contact us.
Material: high-end Virgin TPE (do not use second-hand TPE)
Height: 148cm
Weight: 25KG
Shoulder width: 29cm
Bust: 69cm
Bust: 55cm
Waist: 47cm
Hips: 72cm
Thigh circumference: 41cm
Feet: 20 cm
Mouth: 9cm
Vagina: 15cm
Anus: 15 cm
Gender opening: mouth/anus/vagina

ElsaBabe 102cm medium breast sex doll Suga Tomoe
omoe clothes are gorgeous, clean and bright. It fits her too well. You can see her slender and straight legs, which are so delicate that they have no pores or tangled hair, very smooth. She tilted her head, half of her face was white and clean. You can see the light blush on her face, making her face show the tenderness and cuteness of a girl, and you can also feel the charm of a mature woman.

Measurement data:

Height: 102cm
Weight: 14.5kg
60cm (big breasted version)
56cm (middle breast version)
52cm (small chest version)
Hips: 60cm
Waist: 37cm
Body: the golden ratio of female characters in Japanese and Korean games
Vagina depth: 15. 5cm
Material: Platinum silicone

WM Doll 165cm Anime TPE Sex Doll Uaroy
Uaroy,she is an elf doll. The ears are pointed, the mouth is slightly open, and the eyes are blue. Everywhere reveals sexy. The slightly opened mouth seems to ask for a kiss again, which can also make you experience the feeling of a hot kiss. Her weight base is not large, so you can use her to feel a variety of postures and positions. If you like her, she will be your best little angel.

This is a wm doll that stands at 165cm/5 feet 5 inches and looks delightfully Elven. She comes across as delightfully realistic, with a determined personality. She is well suited to many different outfits, yet this one works particularly well. Her body is highly athletic in the figure, and slim and flexible, her appearance, while busty is very model-like. She is a 100% solid TPE sex doll, with a metal skeleton contained therein.

The strengths of WM Dolls are the overall quality of the product and the unbeatable assortment of the catalog: with more than 80 bodies and more than 100 faces available to find a combination that you will like is almost guaranteed.


Full Height with Head: 165cm - 5 Feet 6 inches
Weight: 29.8kg - 65.7lbs
Bust: 78cm - 30.7 inches
Waist: 53cm - 20.9 inches
Hips: 80cm - 31.5 inches
Vaginal Depth : 18cm - 7 inches
Anal Depth : 17cm - 6.5 inches
Mouth Depth : 13cm - 5 inches

How about the price of the doll?


Why are Japanese sex dolls so popular?

Why are Japanese sex dolls so popular?

Speaking of Japanese sex dolls, let us first understand the Japanese culture in Japan.
Let’s talk about the Japanese culture we love first. It’s worthy of being anime. Japanese "ANIME" won the first place. Japanese anime is popular all over the world. The United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil and other countries have hosted Anime Expo. Which Japanese animation works have you had?

"My parents recommended me "Evangelion EVANGELION", and I have fallen in love with anime since then" (Korea/Male)

"I also like "Neon Genesis Evangelion EVANGELION". I also took a trip to Fuji-Q Highland to see the first machine." (USA/Female)

"My favorite "Gundam (ガンダム)"! I was so touched to see a large-scale Gundam in Odaiba!" (Taiwan/Male)

Others include "Dragon Ball (ドラゴンボール)", "Naruto (Naruto)", "Sailor Moon (美少女戦士セーラームーン)" and so on. I have loved it since I was a child, and I still watch it even now! Everyone knows a lot~

Many people specially arrange pilgrimages in order to witness the body-sized model of the deity or the animation attractions. This is particularly impressive to me.

So everyone is listening to "J-pop"!
It is common to hear songs from foreign singers in Japan, but will J-pop be popular with foreigners? Actually, many foreigners who listen to J-pop are surprised!

"I have always loved listening to J-pop~ I like Kana Nishino, Hikaru Utada, and Hatsune." (Taiwan/Male)

"I listen to Hatsune. In addition, Ryuichi Sakamoto is also very famous, and I often hear his songs" (Korea/Male))

"Occasionally I listen to ONE OK ROCK, they have come to the United States for a concert!" (United States/Male)

Everyone says they have heard of J-pop, and half of them like Hatsune! Hatsune once held a North American concert tour, and the well-known yeah~ other popular singers such as ONE OK ROCK, Hikaru Utada, etc., have developed abroad, maybe Japanese music is gradually moving towards an international route!

"Washish" likes and dislikes are polarized!
Washoku is listed as "UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage" and has become the focus of global attention. It is one of the key points of travel to taste food in Japan, but what is the feeling after actually tasting it?

"I love Japanese food! I live in Japan and I often ask my friends to eat cheap 100 yen sushi~ But currently the only one who can't accept natto, adding an egg or the like to spread the taste may barely be able to eat it?" (Vietnam/Female )

"I like soba noodles and udon noodles. There are many types of Japanese noodles and they are super delicious." (Taiwan/Male)

"I don't like fish myself, so I don't particularly like Japanese cuisine, especially raw fish. Although I know that Japanese sashimi is very famous, I just can't" (American/Female)

The representative of Japanese cuisine "sushi" is obviously divided into two groups. There seem to be many foreigners who are not good at eating raw fish. The acceptance of soba and udon is much higher. Especially udon is easy to eat and often There are many people who order to eat, and among them are those who answered "I have a chance to try Shikoku's udon!", super professional!

Japan is not the "natto" that everyone dared to eat. It is a very challenging food for foreigners. The unique smell and sticky texture are hard to fall in love with.

In addition, there are some interesting opinions about the vendors that are common at Japanese festivals, "Yakisoba without any ingredients is so expensive!" "The round apricot candy looks cute, but I don't want to pay for it at all", etc. , Which makes foreigners feel incredible.

"Flower viewing" is loved by everyone! But also full of complaints?
Speaking of spring in Japan, I think of cherry blossoms! Cherry blossom viewing can be said to be one of the highlights of Japanese tourism~ However, people who have experienced the cherry blossom season in Japan have different opinions.

"Ride a bicycle across the cherry blossom road and enjoy the flowers! It's super romantic and very comfortable. I used to have a picnic under the cherry trees. It was a lot of fun" (Vietnam/Female)

"There are cherry blossoms in the United States, but the cherry blossoms in Japan are different! Looking forward to the cherry blossom season next year!" (United States/Male))

"Sakura viewing is very fussy, but it's a pity that the crowds are really terrible, and it has become a viewer~ Then there are a lot of people who are impolite, and sometimes they want to say that they don't watch it at all" (Taiwan/Male)

It’s very interesting and beautiful. Most people have a good experience of viewing flowers. In addition, the cherry blossoms have a short blooming time, which makes them very precious. Japanese people are not just viewing flowers. It is a common practice for a group of people to drink and have fun under the cherry trees. It is very different from the pure flower viewing culture abroad.

So some people respond that even if they want to enjoy the flowers, there is a problem of alcohol or garbage next to them, and they even make a lot of noise, which makes the mood of wanting to enjoy the flowers all bad! It's a pity that the clock is like this. I really hope that people who come here to enjoy the flowers can enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms.

Naked hen shy! The No. 1 unacceptable Japanese culture "hot springs and public baths"!
Soaking naked in hot springs or bathhouses is one of Japan’s traditional culture. It is often heard from foreigners that they don’t have the same habits and don’t dare to be naked in front of strangers. Most people are too shy and simply give up bathing in Japanese hot springs.

"Personally, I can’t let go of it. I don’t like going naked in hot springs with others. Taiwan also has hot springs, but you can wear a bathing suit to soak in." (Taiwan/Male)

"It's okay to do it alone, but if you want to do it with friends, it won't be OK. I can't meet my friends frankly." (US/Male)

"I couldn't do it at first, but it's fine if I get used to it. Now I am not afraid. I have not been to the bathhouse yet and want to take a challenge." (USA/Female)

Answer the frank meeting NG! Most of them are men, and some people say that if you don’t spend time with your friends, they would want to take a look. It turns out that people close to you are the most shy to see their naked bodies. On the contrary, most of the women are Yes, I am very comfortable now.”

Another new discovery from this visit is that there are not many people in public bathhouses, and there are fewer and fewer traditional Japanese bathhouses. However, in order to attract customers, some bathhouses introduce herbal soups or water mist baths. Provide a venue for public communication, I sincerely recommend it to everyone.

Is it difficult to persevere in "Karate"?
Among sports such as judo, kendo, and sumo that originated in Japan, Okinawa's martial arts "karate" is the most experienced by foreigners, and there are even foreigners who have learned karate in physical education classes! Although there are many people who have studied, there are very few who can continue.

"I have studied karate for about a year, but it takes a long time to level up, so I gave up halfway through it, but learning karate can protect myself and I think it's quite worth it" (American/Male)

"I went to class, but I couldn't get stronger, and then I didn't have the intention to continue practicing" (Korea/Male)

Karate is divided into sections according to the number of color zones. From the first white belt to the strongest black belt, it does take a long time to see the results, so many people give up halfway and cannot fully appreciate the fun of karate. If you have learned it, it seems to be very useful, but this long journey is tiring to think about, and it is not easy to succeed in the challenge.

"I haven't learned karate, but I am quite interested! I feel like it can be used as a self-defense technique to protect myself!" (Vietnam/Female)

There are also people who want to learn as a self-defense technique like this. Karate can protect themselves and help others. To upgrade patience is a kind of practice. Firmly believe in the belief to make yourself stronger and find fun from it. Come on~
People's impression of Oriental women is mainly Japanese women. Why do Japanese women receive so much attention? Most of them are due to historical reasons. Because Japanese geishas are particularly famous, people's impression of oriental women stops on Japanese women. In Japan, geishas are a very magical existence. These geishas are not only good-looking, but also possess many skills such as singing, dancing and tea art. They also know many ways to please men, so many men choose to spend a happy time with geishas. And Japanese sex dolls have all the characteristics of geisha, even more perfect than geisha, so it is not surprising that Japanese sex dolls are loved by many people. However, in addition to these historical reasons, there are also Japanese sex dolls. In order to gain more charm, let's take a look together:

First of all, Japanese sex dolls are highly submissive sex partners

Sex dolls are "polite", highly submissive sexual partners. I believe you also know that Japan has a maid culture, which proves that they are very docile and submissive. When a charming woman kneels in front of you and waits for you. Fortunately, this is a happy thing, not to be bored with your behavior, but to be unconditionally loyal to you, the use of curved sex dolls is very compliant, so for beginners, this will never waste time . Once we finally establish trust in them, even a human partner will not make us rigid. Do you want to have a sweet experience with Japanese sex dolls?

Secondly, Japanese sex dolls have realistic elements

The appearance of a Japanese sex doll is very similar to that of a Japanese geisha, and its internal structure is also very realistic, especially as a key part of the sexual intercourse part, the manufacturer has carried out the sexual intercourse simulation process, so it will be more realistic to use. In addition, Japanese sex dolls have a custom function, which means that your skinny dolls will be made according to your fantasy. As long as you request, we can help you create your own fantasy doll. These customized sex doll components include height, body curve, hip size, genital structure, skin color, ethnicity, etc. The most authentic appearance of sex dolls makes them a more popular choice among many choices. Here, we further allow the doll of your choice to be customized to fully satisfy your preferences.

Third, Japanese sex dolls provide unforgettable sexual fantasies

Many admirers of sex dolls all over the world want to know what it's like to have sex with a TPE sex doll? Happy? If so, who is it? Are they idolaters or us? How many of us fantasize about having sex with Japanese people? The Japanese pornographic short films we saw in the movies made us very interested in Japanese women. In fact, having sex with sex dolls can indeed bring memorable sexual intercourse experiences. In many ways, custom sex dolls are almost in all aspects. Similar to idealized people. Imitating a porn star can always bring better results, because the molder can copy specialized parts, orifices and nipples. This makes Japanese female sex dolls more realistic.


Swimming pool in the afternoon

Swimming pool in the afternoon

I used to live in a small university town to take graduate courses. That university is very good, but because the university is located in the "Bible Belt", the university town is a lively and boring village. One of my aunts left me a considerable legacy after the death, so that I can focus on my studies, at least most of the time. I am a girl and single again. However, I have suffered from the loss of several men before, and the damage they left me is so deep that I will not miss them for a long time.

Nevertheless, I am a human being after all, and my sexual desire is still lurking in the back, making me sweat and boring. One thing Xiaocun shines in my eyes is Susan. She is a lovely and slightly shy married woman, only one or two years older than me. She was studying in university at the time, and she had several classes that were the same as mine. From time to time we would read books together, and gradually we also became friends. Her husband is a typical villager in the small village of Manren. There is a swimming pool in their back garden with high fences around. When I only spend half a day in class, sometimes she invites me to go swimming at her house after class. I like swimming very much and I swim very well.

When she went to her house on the first day, she wore an unremarkable one-piece swimsuit and hid her graceful figure. I complimented her, and it seems she is also very happy. Every time I go, her swimsuit seems to be smaller and smaller. Of course, every swimsuit is different. When I went there for the fourth time, her swimsuit was as small as a bikini, with only one rope behind her. The front of the swimsuit almost couldn't cover her private parts.

As usual, I praise her for her beautiful style. That day, her big, round breast was only covered by the swimsuit, and her nipples stiffened under the thin cloth. Oh my god, she's so good-looking. I told her that the Bikini she was wearing would be arrested even in Cannes. She seemed to be holding it up to me. After we drank two glasses, she became more open. I can see that she is also admiring my figure.

In the past, every time I was in her house, I always wore bikini to dazzle my body and my 38C breast (not squeezed out, please). I noticed that she was looking at my breast several times, and I tried my best to uncover my breast. Her toned body was lying down, her swimsuit only covered her carcass, but her butt was soaking up the sun. The scene looked delicious. I "eat" her whole with my eyes, and I can see that she is also paying attention to my every move.

I asked her if she had tried to take off her clothes and get some sun. She said she wanted to, but she was afraid that I would be embarrassed. I told her that I have been to many nude beaches. Then I took off my own Bikini without saying a word, and she followed suit. Her well-tanned nudes are beautiful. She has a lovely round breast with a large, pink areola, and her nipples stand tall.

Her golden pubic hair is trimmed neatly, almost to the point of her beautiful pussy. I was already impulsive just looking at her. I decided to see if her interest in me would bloom like a flower if I nurture it carefully. How can you get a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den? I lay down, raised my leg, and slowly slid my leg to the side to show her my lovely look (someone said mine).

I shaved my private parts neatly, except for a small triangular area above. My labia minora protruded a little, revealing my beautifully shaped cracks. She caught her eyes, and she couldn't look away anymore. I dangled my knees, and I felt that I was very wet. In the end, I sat up, raised my feet, and separated my calves. I feel the cool air in my vagina. I parted my wet labia and showed Susan a good look at my wet pussy.

"Susan, you are staring at me." I smiled. She just nodded. "Do you like what you see?" She nodded again, her face almost flushed. "Get closer, I like beautiful women to look at me."

She hesitated for a while, then came up and sat next to my beach chair, but her eyes were glued to mine. "You look at my light look at me making me hot. I can't hold it anymore. Just looking at your beautiful naked body really makes me impulsive. You are so beautiful. Do you know what I want to do? "I asked, looking at her lovely blue eyes. She shook her head slowly. "I want to do it for myself once, you have to watch. I want to use my finger to make my cunt, and I have to use my finger until I come. You want to see it, don't you?" I asked quietly.

She nodded, and said "yes" in a voice that was almost inaudible. I flexed my heart, bent forward to meet her, and gave her the softest and gentlest kiss I could do. Her eyes closed, and she seemed a little disappointed, as if to blame me for not kissing longer.

I lay back on the beach chair and separated my legs so that she could see me clearly. I slipped a finger into my mouth, and then pulled out my finger that was so shiny as to moisten the saliva. A gleaming silver thread of saliva was hanging there until it broke. Susan watched me as if hypnotized, sliding her fingers down and slowly into my private parts. I put my fingers as deep as possible, then slid my fingers out and moved them to the separated labia, and moistened the lips. I put my other hand down and lifted my pussy a little bit higher.
My stiff clitoris squeezed the foreskin and ran out. I wiped it lightly, and the clitoris swelled even worse. My clitoris is large, and when Susan saw the pink nucleus popping out, she took a breath. When I pulled it up again, the clitoris had slid out almost half an inch, the diameter of which was as thick as a pencil. She opened her mouth and looked intently.

"Oh my God, I'm very hot." I whispered hoarsely, "My clitoris is on fire. It has to be licked and slurped like a penis. Do you want to sip my clitoris, Susan? It needs a pair. Sip with her lips wrapped." She leaned forward, her lips parted slightly, her tongue licked her lower lip, and then she moved back. Her eyes were full of doubts. She wants to do it, but she doesn't want to. I smiled at her slightly. She closed her legs tightly. Good symptom.

I slid a finger deeply into my body, pulled it out, and slid it into my mouth. I licked, then put the finger back in, then pulled it out, and then into my mouth. She watched nervously, her brows furrowed, her mouth imitating the shape of my labia. I slid my finger into the body again, and then slid out, sliding around the nucleus. I groaned faintly. God, not only did I get hot, I was masturbating within a few inches of her. I pushed my hips forward in front of her. My passionate and slutty sex scent filled her nostrils, and I could see her nostrils burning. Slowly, I performed a good show for her. While letting my fingers go in and out of mine, I inserted two and then three fingers inside me. In my wet vagina, the love liquid dripped out almost like a hose, and my fingers squeezed out a small sound of water as they went in and out. Her body was bent forward, and her face was only half a foot away from me.

I took my finger out again and stayed still. She looked at my wet fingers covered with my love fluid. Her lips opened slightly. In order not to disturb her, I slowly put a few of my fingers in front of her mouth. She can smell my desire, my liquid of love. Very slowly I put my finger on her lips and gently wiped her opened vermilion lips.

She screamed slightly, and she just stepped back a little. I put my finger on her lips again. I slipped my finger into her mouth. Her lips bit my finger, and I felt her tongue move on my finger at the same time, and her mouth was also sucking my finger. I gently used my finger to her mouth. She closed her eyes and sobbed. I pulled out my fingers and bent forward and kissed her softly. She in turn pressed me tightly. Now her tongue slipped in and out of my mouth. Her hands wrapped around my head and pulled me towards her. We kissed for a while, and then we separated a little. Her eyes closed. I slid my finger inside, then slid into her lips and mouth. She inhaled, but suddenly her eyes widened.

"I...I...I want to kiss cunt." Susan stuttered. I kissed her and my tongue slipped into her mouth. I leaned down and put my hand on her drenched, enlarged cunt. She groaned, and my fingers slipped softly into her wet hole. I put my finger on my lips again, sipping her sweet and salty love liquid. I repeated the action just now, but this time I put my finger in her mouth and she sipped it. I held her strong ball in one hand and rubbed it gently and weakly. Her stiff nipples pressed against the palm of my hand. Then I moved back, my legs separated greatly.

She stared at me and hesitated again. "Susan, my dearest, I'm here. It's all for you. Kiss me like you want your own sweet cunt to be kissed. Think about how you want others to kiss you, sip you, lick you, love You. Just do what you want. It's that simple. Gentle. Soft. We have the whole afternoon, sweetheart." She looked up at me and smiled, her smile wide. I waited for her to enter my body. She hesitated for a few more seconds, then stopped thinking about it, bent over and kissed my belly. Her tongue slid out to lick my skin, tasting my flesh. She looked up into my eyes and was smiling. She moved her hands to my legs and stroked them, soft and loving. Her touch is so lovely, I almost melted. She moved her body down and kissed my legs: first on the inside, then at the junction between the legs and the body. Her tongue left wet marks. She raised her head and smiled. I knew she was playing around with me, and now she knew what she wanted to do. She bent down and stuck out her tongue.

It was my turn to groan, and her tongue slid over my pussy from the bottom up, slowly and ecstatically. Her tongue quickly licked the bottom of my pubic nucleus, and licked it around the nucleus again and again, which made me scream. Her lips touched my pubic nucleus. At first she sucked weakly, and then more and more vigorously, her tongue kept licking my pubic nucleus, which was the pattern she wanted her pubic nucleus to be licked. Slowly Susan kissed, licked, and slurped my open cunt. I lay down and put my hand around her head and gently stroked her soft blonde hair.

My lower body couldn't help but meet her sweet mouth. I felt her fingers slip into my body and slid carefully to the end. Those fingers explored in my wet and hot vagina. Her lips and tongue were concentrated on my clitoris. She gradually pushed my passion to climax until I screamed and my lower body took her mouth. My cunt was convulsing, squeezing her fingers tightly. She later told me that the most wonderful feeling was to know that she got me lost.

My orgasm is strong and long, and I haven't been able to subdue it for a long time. I haven't had sex with a man or a woman in a long time. When I woke up, I hugged her and thanked her very much. Her plump breasts and firm nipples pressed against my breasts and nipples. When I slipped a finger between her labia, her labia opened up and she groaned. "Let's go inside, please." I told her, "I want to have sex with you on a soft bed. I want to have a meal on your lovely body. The beach chair is too uncomfortable."

She immediately agreed, laughing, and we almost ran into the house. She took me to an extremely spacious and well-decorated room with a big bed covered with a tent. She uncovered the sheets, revealing the silky padded sheets. She patted the bed next to me, and I sat down, then I lay down and pulled her to myself, we lay and kissed. I stretched my leg between her legs, and her Eros Hill slammed on my thigh and swayed gently up and down. Her warm body was close to mine, soft and slippery. I caressed her body slowly, then kissed her neck and the back of her ears, my tongue tasted her body wantonly. She turned me on top of her and spread her calves to cater to me. I felt her spreading dampness on my body. Our shame mounds touched each other. The mound of my goddess of love pressed down to stabilize her spreading dampness. She groaned when my soft flesh was pushing her wet flesh towards her, rushing into the hole.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had sex, I suddenly became excited, because that feeling was so amazing. Although our two girls were having fun, they always felt that something was missing. That’s right, that’s the man, so after that time we Discussing for a bit of excitement, I recently heard from a friend that she bought a male sex doll online and showed me how awesome he is, so I plan to go to lovedollshops and have a look. I heard that they will male sex dolls for sale. And there happened to be an event, so I went there for my own happiness and decided to buy one. As soon as I entered their store, I was often attracted by their various sexes because there were so many styles and types. , I chose a transexual real doll after choosing it for a long time, I hope he can bring me happiness


My colleague's stockings broke in the office

My colleague's stockings broke in the office

It was the morning of Blue Monday again, and I took a mug to the pantry to make coffee.

"Morning! Make coffee?" A greeting came from behind, it was her!

I feel a chill on my back, but my face is hot, I'm afraid my ears are red! She is the most pleasant person in my office, and she suddenly appears shy as if her thoughts are seen through. Last night, I was still dreaming of her, why suddenly appeared behind me early this morning.

The pantry became crowded because of her appearance, her brilliance oppressed the space, and there was no shield to escape.

"Good morning." I lowered my head and said in a low voice, pretending to concentrate on stirring the coffee.

"You are so fragrant." She brushed my long hair lightly, enjoying herself.

"Because I put on perfume."

"I like the taste." She washed the cup neatly and warmed it with hot water. But I feel my eyes always fall on me. I tried a sip of coffee and smiled at her. Time to go! Am I still stuck here? The coffee has already been brewed.

"Give me a sip of your coffee?" she said.

"Huh?" I was shocked. But, like an imperial decree, I obediently handed over the cup. However, instead of picking up the cup, she wrapped my hands and coffee cup with both hands, and took a sip of my coffee with her head down.

"Ah! It's delicious, what you soak is different." My hands were stiff as if they were electrocuted, and her hands were still covering the back of my hands, both aggressive and forceful.

She didn't intend to let go, so she touched my hand at zero distance, gradually warming her body, and a rush of heat passed through the most secret place under her. She looked straight at me and lowered her head. I knew she wanted to kiss me, so I hurriedly lowered my head to avoid her. "Don't run away from me!" she growled.
Take off the coffee cup in my hand, forcibly hug me, kiss me fiercely, and caress my chest with uneasy hands. My mind was blank, but footsteps sounded like alarm bells, and someone was coming! someone is coming! I screamed in my heart, rationally asking me to leave her embrace, but her lips were as sweet as honey, and I couldn't help responding and tasting, and even sucking on the tip of her tongue.

"Well someone" I finally got a moment of gasp. Her hand still doesn't let go of my chest, teasing the high point, no matter how I shrink, the body is responding to her fingers, the breast is as hard as a small stone, and its shape can even be seen through the clothes. "No! No! No!" If this goes on, I will definitely not be able to restrain my tide of desire for her. I tried my best to push her away when someone stepped into the pantry. I turned and escaped like a troubled kitten with my tail in my hands.

Back to my seat, my heart beat fiercely, pursing my lips, and quickly putting on the kissed lipstick. The phone calls, voices, and the serious atmosphere in the office calmed me a lot. I turned on the computer and prepared for tomorrow’s The meeting materials, make the final modification and confirmation on the computer.

"Miss, your coffee." She came to my seat lightly and put my mug on the table. She took back the coffee cup I left in the pantry. I don't know how she left the pantry? Seeing that she is always self-sufficient, she is so flustered and helpless like me.

"Thank you." I still dare not look at her directly. Please leave me quickly! I screamed secretly in my heart. Otherwise, I can't work at all. But instead of going away, she squatted down and slowly laced up her shoes. However, once inadvertently, the next second, she had already stroked my leg, my restricted area. She lowered her head and said softly, "I want you to know"

The OA partition makes my colleagues' vision under my shoulders out of reach, but now it is a space where her hands can move freely. The phone just rang, and I answered it, but her fingers went into my skirt and touched my most sensitive place through the stockings and panties.

Oh! No way! I almost jumped up, don't do this to me, I can't resist. I held the microphone in my left hand, and grabbed her hand with my right to prevent her from moving forward. She looked like a wolf, observing the situation of her prey, then reluctantly closed her hands, tied her shoelaces, got up, and walked back to her seat in front of me.

I was soaked, and after such intimate touch, I ignited my desire for her from her fingers. I bury my head in the pile of information, trying to ignore her and the desire for her.

After a while, LINE came her message: "I didn't see you in two days, I knew how much I wanted you!" Colleagues who had a good impression of each other knew that they were both friends, their desire was like a sudden eruption of a volcano. Read the desire. The blue and busy Monday, because of her kisses and touches, has become even more intolerable and chaotic.

"See you in the stairwell on the top floor during lunch break. I desire you very, very, very much." It was her message again!

I hurriedly closed the window, fearing that other colleagues would see something that shouldn't be there, and then tried to concentrate on the office, but the closer I was to the lunch break, the more I couldn't restrain my excitement. It turned out that I had longed for her hug and touch. Stairwell on the top floor of the company? A place I've never been to before. The cool and dry air, with a different smell, shows that few people pass by.

"You are finally here." She stood at the top of the stairs and looked down at me, like an eagle looking down at its prey, her arrogant posture made me timid, and I stopped and wondered if I should continue walking towards her.

"Are you afraid of me?" I nodded and shook my head. She was wearing a black shirt, white trousers, and her handsome face with thin, short hair, which made me look up and stare. She walked downstairs straight and slowly, with a firm and courageous attitude. I knew it was this moment. She wanted me, and I was looking forward to her love.

She dialed my long hair. "Oh my God! You drove me crazy, I miss you so much! I really want you! As long as you!" She embraced me, kissed me deeply, and put her tongue into my mouth unceremoniously. Wandering, wandering again, trying to snatch my soul away, I softened in her arms, and a kiss almost made me unable to bear it.

I slowly backed up and stood against the wall, clinging to the wall as if I found a support. Her kiss didn't intend to stop, moving from my mouth to my ears, her breath was blowing heat next to my ears. , The tips of the ears swirled around my ears gently, licking my earlobes: "Do you want me?" she asked.

"Yes." My whole body was numb but I answered her without hesitation.

Her tongue is an elf, constantly jumping around my ears and neck, I close my eyes and can only deliver to her and her elf. "Do you want me!" she asked again, holding my chest tightly with both hands, as if to make up for the pain of missing her.

"Yes!" I replied, without a choice, the nipples were already firm.

She quickly unbuttoned the two buttons on my chest, put her right hand inside, kneading and teasing my left breast.

"Ah." I exclaimed at the same time as her. Her hand seemed to be soaked in magic, and the place she touched was pulling the nerves of the whole body, and the passion was igniting.

Her lips kissed my chest through the clothes, biting my already hard nipples. I couldn't help but hugged her head and panted lightly. She held me up when her feet were so weak that I couldn't stand up. "Don't worry, let me love you well." Her hands became gentle and no longer as fierce as before, she The kiss is like spring breeze, and it no longer makes me unbearable.

I sensed her frequency and groaned softly: "Yeah."

"Your voice is so nice." She praised me. I gradually made a sound as if I was encouraged, and it sounded particularly turbulent in the empty stairwell of the top floor.

My whole body was hot, and after her unreserved touching, exploring, and kissing again and again, my most secret place has been flooded. She reached into my skirt, pulled down my stockings, and touched me through her panties: "You're so wet, do you miss me?"

I nodded vigorously. Frowning and closing his eyes, feeling the unprecedented passion. Her fingers circled, kneaded and stroked, rubbing the forbidden ground over and over again; her kiss still fell on my chest, faintly biting marks.

"Oh." I can't stand her contact anymore.

"My dear, don't worry." She coaxed me. The strong expectation led me to respond forward, her hand was full of charm, and she kept attacking me, making me want to stop.

"Do you want me to love you? Do you want?" She knelt down slowly, "Yes," I was anxious.

"Would you like?" Her hand was still there to provoke me.

"Yes!" I answered more firmly than before.

She seemed to be satisfied with my answer, and then she was immersed in my body, and slowly came in from the side and penetrated into me!

"Ah!" My mind was blank, and I yelled aloud, waves of stimulation from bottom to top. Her left hand entered my body, and her right hand supported me. My feet no longer looked like my own, uncontrollable weakness. I am yours, and from this moment on, I belong to you completely!

"Lean on me." She raised my right foot and placed it on her shoulder. The stockings were torn, the top was opened, revealing half of the breast, the skirt was lifted by her, the bottoms were taken off, and she Buried deep, her lips are greedy for my secrecy, and her hands are frequently sent into my body, like waves hitting the coast, wave after wave; her tongue licks my ocean, like a whale loves the sea.

I surrender to this sea of ​​desire, and I can't get up again. However, I am greedy at the same time, I want to fly to the clouds, I want more love. She gasped and couldn't stop her fingers, and looked up at me: "You woman, charming woman, I don't miss you all the time! I want to love you like this."

She speeded up, increased her strength, and forced me to the fringe of madness. I was about to be unable to support it, and bent down to hug her tightly.
"Ah" I finally climaxed and sat on the ground, my body contracted involuntarily, and I held her tightly, like a drowning man's cry for help, leaving my scratches on her arm. Then, for a while, I felt helpless and let her hold me.

"You are beautiful!" She kissed my cheek and my lips. She still has my wetness on her left hand.

Now I fully understand how much I trust her, how much I love her, and give her a complete life, including soul and body. I don't know how long the time has passed, only her and the throbbing she gave me in my life.

"We should go downstairs to work." I said quietly and shyly.
I want to leave a good impression on her, so I think I should practice my sex skills and ability, so that when we get to know her again, I can give her the most satisfactory answer, and I want her to stop. , I want her to surrender to me, let her know the power of love, so I decided to buy a high-quality sex doll to practice, to achieve an ideal state, just do it, I first go to the major doll websites To understand and observe, I chose to choose the doll shop lovedollshops, because they not only have discounts but also many different styles and types of love dolls, including full-size sex dolls, half sex dolls, and big breasts , Big butt and so on, but for the best effect I chose a doll that is about the same size as her, then curvy sex dolls, I hope it won’t let me down


Mom Fengyue's Travel Notes

Mom Fengyue's Travel Notes

My family and my dad’s business department, a total of four families, took a flight to Hainan to enjoy the beauty of the sun and beaches. Together, there is Xiao Wang and his wife. They are newlyweds. Xiao Wang’s lover looks average, but the figure is very graceful, especially A pair of big breasts on his chest seemed to be rips out, a pair of peach eyes were very fascinating, but Xiao Wang was a handsome boy, tall and showing a neat row of teeth when he smiled, he was a big sunny boy.

The manager of the business department, Lao Li, is an old man in his fifties, but he is not old at all, and even a little handsome. His lover is a half-old milf, but he has a lot of flavor. The style of mature women is vivid and vivid, and their children are all out of town. Work, so only their husband and wife came, and Da Liu was a man about the same age as his father. Her wife Li Ai was a white-collar worker in a company, and she was very petite, like a little girl.

Although they are all beautiful, mother is even more distinguished among these three women, and even more beautiful, and the others are envious of father. Dad is also very proud. Coincidentally, Liu's son is a student of Xiaojun and his mother. He is a strong young man, 17 years old.

The four families got acquainted on the plane, and they were all less restrained and let go. Everyone joked about their mother intentionally or unintentionally, and mother didn't care, and everyone didn't say anything too much. In the afternoon, the plane arrived in Hainan, and everyone was fainted by the heat from the plane. So we hurried to the hotel to change clothes and then go swimming.

When we got to the beach, everyone changed into swimsuits. Mom’s had a pink bikini, slender legs, and full breasts. It became the most beautiful scenery on the beach. Everyone was stunned. Mom was a bit embarrassed. Everyone went. Swimming, my mother doesn’t know how to swim. I just play on the beach. Everyone else did their own things. My father and I also went. Only Xiaojun was with my mother. Xiaojun was from the swimming school team, so everyone took my mother’s Security was handed to him.

"Teacher, I will teach you how to swim. It's not interesting to play like this."

"No, the teacher is stupid and afraid of water, so I won't learn."

"Come on, I'll protect you." Xiaojun couldn't help but dragged his mother into the sea, and her mother was dragged into the sea helplessly.

"Teacher, relax, flatten your body, and I will protect you if it's okay."

"No, I dare not, you must not let go."

"It's okay, come on, teacher, you can." Xiaojun put her mother in the water, supporting her mother's body with her hands, ah, her mother yelled and hugged Xiaojun, so full The chest was pressed against Xiaojun's chest, and the soft feeling made Xiaojun feel in ecstasy, "Teacher, don't be afraid, I'll protect you, it's okay."

Under the guidance of Xiaojun, her mother slowly relaxed and laid her body flat in the water. Xiaojun supported her mother's waist with one hand and mother's legs. His mother's weight was very light and there was almost nothing in the water. The weight, Xiaojun hardly exerted any effort, just felt his mother's satin-like skin, and he was dizzy.
The two of them taught in the water for a while. Mother became less afraid of water and began to feel the abnormality of her body. It turned out that Xiaojun’s hands were placed under her mother’s breast and the other on her mother’s abdomen. Although she didn’t directly touch her mother’s secret place, it was not too far away. When she moved, she would have a certain amount of contact. Mom's face blushed, she took a peek at Xiaojun and found Xiaojun was also secretly watching her, so she hurriedly turned around. head.

"Ah, Xiaojun, let go, the teacher will practice by himself."

Xiaojun reluctantly let go of his hand and swim with his mother for a while. Although Xiaojun is only seventeen years old, he has a good figure, strong muscles, slender body, and a strong masculine breath. , Mom was a little absent-minded.

"Ah!" Mom suddenly yelled. It turned out that Mom had been unable to concentrate. She was also a rookie swimmer, and she twisted her foot accidentally.

"Teacher, what's the matter with you?" Xiaojun asked hurriedly.

"I twisted my foot a bit, and it will be fine in a while." Mom said, supporting Xiaojun with one hand.

"Teacher, let me help you go ashore." Xiaojun helped his mother to go ashore, and found that everyone could not find it, so he first sent a text message to his father and them, telling them that he and his mother were going back first, and waited for them to finish swimming. No need to wait.

Xiaojun helped her mother back to the hotel. Xiaojun went to buy medicine for her mother. Mom waited in the house by herself. After a while, Xiaojun did not come back. Mom was very uncomfortable wearing swimsuits, so she found a pajama and changed it. Xiaojun came back after buying the medicine and opened the door, just in time to see his mother changing clothes, tall and plump breasts, beating constantly with the movements, it was really horrible. The plump buttocks are tightly wrapped in those tight swimming trunks, making them even more round and sexy, especially the plump and swollen pussy, which looks high and bulging through the tights, making the army head overwhelmed.

Mom is taking off her swimming trunks, revealing small pink slits. The not very thick fur is playfully attached to the dense place. The upper body is already vacuumed, and the pink nipples are standing upright in the air. Everything is so beautiful, Xiaojun stared blankly. Then, his throat surged. He was not a virgin. On the contrary, he had slept with many little girls, but how could those young girls compare to his mother. He saw that his mother was about to finish the change, so he hurried out, and after a while pretended to have just returned.

"Teacher, I bought the medicine, let me help you get it."

Mother wanted to refuse, but her feet were really painful, so Xiaojun asked Xiaojun to rub the medicine for him.

Xiaojun raised her mother's foot, let it rest on her leg, gently rubbed her ankle, arch, and sole of her foot, and then began to massage her calf vigorously. Mother's leg was still as delicate as a young man. And flexible, it is still that beautiful, with a very feminine and mature charm.

Then Xiaojun started to rub the medicine. His mother's feet were like a piece of art, which made Xiaojun love it. Due to the looseness of the pajamas, Xiaojun clearly saw the already rich cream, which was squeezed and exposed on the side of the pajamas. For the most part, I can clearly see that the mother's breasts are so white and tender, and the snow-white breasts are undulating with the mother's breathing.

Looking at the mother’s tall fat buttocks and beautiful legs under the short skirt, the bulging fat buttocks are raised up high, as if they are about to break the narrow panties. The round fat buttocks look a little loose, and they can’t help palms again. Moved to caress her mother's soft and warm buttocks back and forth, mother's plump buttocks are elastic and feel really comfortable to the touch.

At the beginning, my mother made Xiaojun feel very comfortable, and she was in a trance. Then she felt her body tremble constantly under Xiaojun's massage, and a current flowed through her body. Gradually Xiaojun became bolder, and she grasped it all at once. When she reached her mother's breast, she kneaded her fingers vigorously, which was so uncomfortable. Mom was shocked, and a tingling feeling came to her heart.

"It's just a massage." Mom comforted herself. Xiaojun saw that her mother didn't respond. He moved a hand to his mother's gluteal groove and began to caress. He slowly pressed down to the mysterious crevice, and the mother's crevice became wet.

Mom can't pretend, "Xiaojun, let go, I'm your teacher."

Xiaojun didn't speak, but only increased his movements. One hand squeezed his mother's nipple. After kneading, his mother's nipple became hard, and the fingers of one hand were inserted into the small slit.

Mother began to groan: "Ah...Xiaojun...let"

"Teacher, I want you, I want you to be happy!" After finishing speaking, he grabbed mother's hands and pushed her down on the bed, kissing her constantly, from her hair, eyes, nose to lips.

Mom kept shaking her head to avoid Xiaojun's kiss until Xiaojun's mouth was tightly pressed against his mother's lips. Xiaojun stretched his tongue into his mother's mouth, licking mother's tongue with the tip of his tongue, and finally his mother's tongue was involuntarily entangled with Xiaojun's tongue.

Xiaojun’s tongue slowly retracted, but Mom’s tongue also followed Xiaojun’s tongue into Xiaojun’s mouth, Xiaojun was sucking mother’s tongue hard, and I felt that Mom no longer struggled like before, so Xiaojun Jun let go of her mother's hand, unbuttoned her clothes, and slowly put her hand up and put it on her mother's twin peaks, but her mother still did not resist. So he was relieved of that layer of lace and began to rub it.

"Hmm..." Mom finally had a reaction.

The little soldier secretly unbuttoned the bra from the back with his other hand. The lace that had been tight in front suddenly loosened, allowing his right hand to slide in smoothly. I firmly held my mother's breasts, kneading back and forth, and squeezed mother's nipples from time to time.

"Hmm...Hmm..." Mom's reaction became stronger and stronger...

After stroking his hand on his lower abdomen for a while, he dipped it down inch by inch, untied his mother's trousers and reached in, and his hand touched the edge of mother's panties.

The mother did not resist. Xiaojun took off her mother’s underwear and stripped off his clothes. He hugged his mother’s thigh and stroked, while playing with the swollen pubic nucleus with the tip of his tongue, biting gently with his teeth, and then sucking with his lips. Holding the wet labia, then pick up the wet labia and carefully lick it in the flesh, then insert the tip of the tongue into the mother's flower path, scrape the tender flesh around her flower path, and make a chuckle to absorb the nectar.

"Ah... so comfortable..." Mom started groaning involuntarily.

Xiaojun let go of his mother's legs, moved up, and sucked her mother's nipple again, sucking hard. Mother was speechless.

"Ah...ah... uh..."

Xiao Jun looked almost done, lying on his firm cock with his right hand, looking at his mother's pussy with fiery eyes. Align the glans to the seam. With a forceful "puff" sound, Xiaojun's cock entered his mother's lewd hole.

"Ah... so comfortable... too big... ah..."

Mom cried. Xiaojun clasped his mother's breasts with both hands, and stared at the part where the two men's sexual organs were combined.

Shaking because of the strong erotic voice, Xiaojun's cock entered her mother's lewd hole. Her mother closed her eyes and let her body move up and down slowly. The guilt of incest made her tremble with excitement.

Mommy put her hand on Xiaojun’s shoulders and began to move her body up and down, and then slowly raised and lowered her wave point. Xiaojun also moved her buttocks in accordance with her mother’s movements, making every combination deep Mom's love.

Xiaojun rubbed his mother's breasts with his hands while he was dry, and sucked with his mouth and fiddled with the nipples that were firm due to orgasm with his tongue. The ups and downs of pleasure rushed each other, making his mother into a state of madness.
Until the last climax
But later I thought that it was wrong to do this. Later, I thought about the guilt in my heart. Later, I never walked too close to my mother because I realized the seriousness of the problem, so I have been living alone. I live a quiet life without sex. I don’t have to think about anything, but until one day my friend’s appearance broke the peace I had never had before. He asked me if I knew about the popular sex dolls recently. , I was so surprised that I didn’t know, so he immediately said that he bought a small breast sex doll and asked me if I wanted to try it, saying that it felt great, so I thought it’s been a long time since I had sex, anyway. Just try it if you have sex with a doll, so I followed him out. The feeling of having sex with her is no different from that of a real person. It feels so real, so I want to buy one, so I want to go to him. Yes, so I asked him where he bought it. He said it was on lovedollshops. When I arrived, I found that there were various styles of dolls, mature sex dolls and young sex dolls. Later I chose to decide to buy an african sex doll


What are sexual minorities

What are sexual minorities

Sexual minorities refer to groups that differ from the majority of people in society in terms of sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual identity or sexual behavior, and mainly refer to non-heterosexual groups, transgender groups, and non-binary genders. Groups etc. [1].
Sexual minorities are a broad concept that includes the LGBT+ people often mentioned in the media, as well as some people who self-identify as being neither cisgender, heterosexual, nor LGBT+ (such as people with sexual development disorders) [7].
Sexually minor
Sexual orientation refers to the ability of a person to have deep emotional, emotional, and sexual attraction with individuals of a different gender, the same gender, or not limited to one gender, as well as the ability to establish intimate and sexual relationships with them [7].
At present, regardless of the social and cultural background, most people in the world today are heterosexuals, and heterosexual behavior is by far the most common type of sexual behavior [8]. Therefore, individuals with other sexual orientations belong to sexual minorities. These groups include:
Homosexuality: Emotional, love, or sexual attraction to the same sex. Survey data in 2014 showed that there are 70 million homosexuals in China, among which the number of lesbians and homosexuals is about 35 million [9];
Bisexuality: Both the same sex and the opposite sex can produce emotional, love or sexual attraction [7]. According to the calculation in the United States, there are about 6 million women and about 3 million men in China who are bisexual [10];
Asexuality: It is impossible or difficult to have sexual attraction to others (whether they are of the same sex or the opposite sex). A 2006 study estimated that there are about 1% of asexuals in the world [11].
And other uncommon sexual orientations, such as suspicion, pansexuality, polysexuality, etc. [12].
Gender minority
Gender identity refers to the gender that a person deeply feels based on personal experience, which may be consistent or inconsistent with the established biological gender at birth [6].
At present, most people's gender identity is consistent with their biological sex at birth, that is, a cisgender group [13]; the inconsistent group is a transgender group, that is, a minority group in gender identity. They include: transgender women and transgender men: respectively indicate transgender persons whose biological sex is male at birth and whose gender identity is female and transgender persons whose biological sex is female at birth and whose gender identity is male. According to the "2017 Survey Report on the Survival Status of Transgender Groups in China" released by the Beijing Gay Center, transgender women accounted for 33.7% of transgender groups, and transgender men accounted for 30.9% [14].
Gender Queer: A gender identity that does not identify with the binary gender classification of men and women. Gender Queer expressed doubts about the binary gender division [15]. However, not all transgender people identify themselves as gender queer, and not all gender queer identify themselves as transgender [16]. The "2017 Survey Report on the Survival Status of Transgender Groups in China" shows that gender queers account for about 26.4% of transgender groups [14].
Other minorities
In addition to the above groups, there are some other sexual minorities. For example, intersex people refer to those whose sexual characteristics at birth do not conform to the typical dual characteristics of a male or female body. Intersex is related to biological sexual characteristics, and is different from sexual orientation or gender identity [6].
The concept of sexual minorities first appeared in the late 1960s and was influenced by Lars Ullterstam’s book "The Erotic Minorities: A Swedish View." The book expresses tolerance and sympathy for various rare sexual behaviors [17].
Later, scientists such as American psychologist Ritch Savin-Williams (Ritch Savin-Williams) used this term to describe young people who do not want to be defined by sex and gender labels. [18]
In 2015, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced the establishment of the Sexual and Gender Minority Research Office [19]. Since then, many professional and academic institutions have adopted this term.
Survival status of sexual minorities
Although the affirmative movement of sexual minorities is gradually emerging worldwide, the status quo of the existence of sexual minorities is still not optimistic.
In 2018, the "International Sex Education Technology Guidelines" (revised edition) released by UNESCO showed that students who do not abide by mainstream sex and gender norms are more likely to suffer school violence than others. Therefore, in order to improve the living conditions of sexual minorities, it is necessary to conduct comprehensive sex education on related topics and increase relevant educational programs to ensure the health and well-being of sexual minorities [6].
In 2016, the United Nations Development Program (UnitiedNations Development Programmes, UNDP) released the "Survey Report on the Living Status of Chinese Sexual Minorities-Social Attitudes Given to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression" (hereinafter referred to as "Social Attitudes Survey Report") It shows that in my country, the visibility of sexual minorities is still very low. In schools, workplaces or religious communities, there are still very few sexual minorities who disclose their sexual orientation, gender identity or unique gender expression, only 5% [2 ].
"Coming out" means to disclose one's sexual orientation or gender identity to the outside world. The vast majority of sexual minorities believe that coming out is likely to lead to discrimination. Therefore, most sexual minorities are unwilling to disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity to the outside world [20].
In general, the visibility of sexual minorities, including homosexuals, in daily life is very low. The proportion of fully disclosing their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression in school, workplace, and religious life is only about 5%; in the family, it is slightly higher, but less than 15% [21].
In contrast, sexual minorities have a higher degree of close contact in school and family, and a higher proportion of coming out of the closet. In the workplace and religious life, the publicity is stronger, and the closeness of communication is limited. Therefore, the degree of coming out of the sexual minorities is also very low. For Chinese sexual minorities, the workplace is the most difficult place to come out [21].
Physical and mental health
Discrimination and prejudice against sexual minorities in society may lead to their health and psychological problems. Studies have found that sexual minorities face greater pressure due to social stigma, and this pressure affects their ability to regulate and social cognitive processes, thereby increasing their risk of mental illness.
Compared with the general population, sexual minority students are more likely to have dangerous sexual behaviors[22] and are more likely to face the following dilemmas: insecure during school; not going to school because of insecurity; being dated by their own Forced sex; had sex before the age of 13; had sex with at least four people; did not take contraceptive measures; sexual violence, etc. The risk of self-harm of sexual minorities is also higher [23].
Due to discrimination, stigma, and social exclusion, sexual minorities often encounter difficulties when seeking mental and health services. Many counselors or doctors often problematize and pathopathize the sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression of sexual minorities, and even follow the wishes of the families of sexual minorities to reverse the treatment of homosexuals or transgender people. Incidents of sexual minorities being admitted to psychiatric hospitals involuntarily [24] also occur. Therefore, when facing a counselor, only a few people can disclose their sexual minority status without any scruples. In 2016, a survey of 3452 students conducted by Tongyu showed that only 4% (83) of the sexual minority students had sought psychological counseling from the school on issues such as gender and sexual orientation [21].
In addition, in terms of physical health, there are also studies showing that sexual minorities are more likely to have unhealthy behaviors, and their physical health is relatively worse [4] [25].
social environment
Sexual minorities are subject to different degrees and forms of discrimination in various social environments such as education, employment, and family.
In terms of education, homophobia and trans-bullying in schools often lead to lower attendance, lower grades, and even dropout of students from sexual minorities [21].
According to the "Education Department's Response to Homophobic Bullying", in Hong Kong, China, 42% of homosexual, bisexual and transgender students have experienced homophobic bullying. [26] In addition, bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity is often ignored by mainstream media, and school authorities have paid little attention. In 2016, a study of students from sexual minorities conducted by Tongyu, a public welfare organization for gender equality, showed that 40.64% of students had encountered campus bullying. School bullying led to a decline in grades accounted for 22.96% of students, 8.71% of students who attempted suicide, 7.85% of students who self-harmed, and 15.32% of students who initiated physical or verbal attacks on others [21].
Among the respondents who have experienced campus bullying, only 18.32% said that they observed that someone publicly supported the sexual minority students, while 19.32% said that there was no help at all. The remaining respondents observed that someone supported it privately. Sexual minority students may not know the situation[21].
Sexual minorities are more likely to be treated unfairly in the workplace.
In 2014, the "China Country Report on Gay Asia" (hereinafter referred to as the "Country Report") released by the United Nations Development Program and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) showed that the There are many discriminations in the workplace. Some work units will take punitive measures such as salary cuts, suspension of probation, and even dismissal for homosexual groups [24].
The "Social Attitudes Survey Report" shows that, including sexual minorities, job stability is low, and the proportion of unemployment is higher than that of non-sexual minorities. In addition, in the workplace, there is less gender education and training related to sexual minorities [2].
In terms of family, traditional cultural concepts such as ancient Chinese Confucian ethics and feudal patriarchal system still profoundly affect today's Chinese families.
Filial piety, birthing children for the sake of filial piety, the requirement of passing on from generation to generation, and the gender concept of male superiority to women are still the main reasons why families and society, especially rural families and social repressive minorities, are also the main reasons for sexual minorities to conceal their identities. Reason [24].
In the "Social Attitudes Survey Report", the family is also the environment with the lowest acceptance of sexual minorities. More than half of the sexual minorities believe that their family members’ attitudes towards sexual minorities are “not very acceptable” or “not accepted at all”. The family is even the place where the discrimination rate is highest. More than half of the sexual minority subjects said that they had been treated unfairly or discriminated against by their families because of their sexual minority status [2].
Rights of sexual minorities
After the Second World War, with the promulgation of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the Convention against Torture, The protection of the human rights of sexual minorities has gradually become one of the important contents of international law.
On August 23, 1999, the World Congress of Sexology was held in Hong Kong, China. The conference passed the "Hong Kong Declaration on Sexual Rights". The "Hong Kong Declaration on Sexual Rights" carried out a comprehensive and normative interpretation of sexual rights, including sexual freedom, sexual autonomy, sexual integrity, sexual body safety, sexual private rights, and sexual rights. There are 11 sexual rights including the right to fairness, the right to sexual pleasure, the right to sexual expression, the right to free sex, the right to reproductive options, the right to sexual counseling, the right to comprehensive sexual education, and the right to sexual health. As the subject of rights and obligations under international human rights law, the state should actively assume the responsibility of protecting the rights and interests of sexual minorities [27].
Laws and policies related to the equality of sexual minorities in my country
In our country's laws and policies, there are many clauses mentioning that different sexes should enjoy equal rights and prohibit discrimination based on gender, but they do not directly mention words such as "sexual orientation", "gender identity", and "gender expression". Based on legal inferences, the academic community prohibits gender discrimination from being applicable to sexual minorities, because "gender" theoretically should cover minorities with sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression [28].
my country promotes and guarantees gender equality in many fields such as labor, employment and education, and has made corresponding international commitments. However, with regard to the equal rights of sexual minorities, my country still has room for progress in terms of clear regulations in laws and policies.
International commitment
At the 38th regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council on June 18, 2018, Minister Jiang Duan, head of the international group of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations Office in Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, said: "China opposes all forms of discrimination and violence. , Including discrimination, violence and intolerance based on sexual orientation." [28]
My delegation reiterated the content of this statement in the future. At the 44th session of the UN Human Rights Council in 2020, in an interactive dialogue with independent experts on the prevention of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, my delegation said: "China opposes all forms of discrimination and violence, including Discrimination, violence and intolerance based on sexual orientation and gender identity."
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