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Updated by kannangupta1520 on Apr 26, 2021
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The Sight Avenue - Webblogs

The Sight Avenue is one of the best eye hospital in Delhi. We have the most experienced & best eye specialists in Delhi/ NCR, India who are well acclaimed in their super specialties The Sight Avenue is one of the most trusted eye hospital in Delhi/NCR which boost most of the advanced latest technologies in term of diagnosis and treatment.

Lasik Vs. Smile- Which Is Best For You? - The Sight Avenue

LASIK, on one hand, is widely known and a popular surgery and SMILE on the other hand is a newer and lesser-known procedure.

Know All About Squint Eyes - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Surgery - The Sight Avenue

Squint is also known as strabismus or crossed eye. It is a condition in which the eyes get misaligned. In simple terms, both the eyes point towards different directions, and each eye focuses on a different object.

Know All About Squint Eyes - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Surgery - The Sight Avenue

Squint is also known as strabismus or crossed eye. It is a condition in which the eyes get misaligned. In simple terms, both the eyes point towards different directions, and each eye focuses on a different object.

Children’s Eyes- Some Common Problems and Treatment - The Sight Avenue

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the blood sugar level is higher than the normal state. In this condition, our body either produces less or no insulin due to which sugar can find no way to reach the body cells.

What is Cataract - Causes & Symptoms | Cure for Cataract | | Dr. Anshu Anind | The Sight Avenue

What is a Cataract?A cataract is a progressive condition and as it is age-related, people mistake it for aging symptoms. It is painless and causes blurriness...

Cataract Surgery | Cataract Treatment Options | Robotic Cataract Treatment | The Sight Avenue

Surgery is the only treatment option for Cataract.Once your lens becomes cloudy/ white due to cataract, no medicine can change it back to being transparent. ...

Intraocular Lenses | Cataract Treatment | Types of IOLs | Cataract Surgery | The Sight Avenue

There are three types of Intraocular Lenses (IOLs)-MONOFOCAL IOLThese are the standard intraocular lenses and can correct vision according to one focusing d...

Cataract Surgery | Myths or Misconception attached to Cataract Surgery | The Sight Avenue

Cataract is a condition where the natural lens in the eyes becomes cloudy and hard causing unclear vision and disturbance in daily lifestyle. The condition i...

जानिए मोतियाबिंद सर्जरी के दौरान इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले लेंस के बारे मे | Cataract Surgery

मोतिआबिंद एक ऐसी स्थिति है जहां आंख में प्राकृतिक लेंस बादल बन जाता है और दैनिक जीवन शैली में अस्पष्ट दृष्टि और गड़बड़ी पैदा कर देता है। .इस स्थिति को भारत म...

मोतियाबिंद सर्जरी | मोतियाबिंद के उपचार के विभिन्न पहलू | Dr. Anshu Anind | The Sight Avenue

Surgery is the only treatment option for Cataract.Once your lens becomes cloudy/ white due to a cataract, no medicine can change it back to being transparent...

मोतियाबिंद | जानिए मोतियाबिंद से जुड़ी विभिन्‍न प्रकार की ग़लतफ़हमियाँ | मोतियाबिंद का इलाज

मोतियाबिंद एक ऐसी स्थिति है जहां आंखों में प्राकृतिक लेंस बादल बन जाता है और कठोर दृष्टि और दैनिक जीवन शैली में गड़बड़ी पैदा करता है।.इस स्थिति को भारत में म...

What is Squint and What Causes it? Strabismus Treatment Options Explained- Dr. Kanhaiya Mittal

What is Squint or Strabismus?Squint or Strabismus is the disorder where the eyes do not line up together in the same direction. It can be corrected as early ...