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Updated by Erik Sven Meyer on Jan 03, 2022
Headline for Modern Websites About German Poetry
6 items   3 followers   10 votes   69 views

Modern Websites About German Poetry

Digital poetry rises in awareness as artists make creative use of technology and interdisciplinary formats. Poetry blogs also are a place to connect different artists, giving a platform and creating networks. This list aims to reflect this connection rather than really compare the artists or their individual projects and goals.

"Schwarzer Flamingo – Poesie für den Tiefsinn"

The title of this Website "Schwarzer Flamingo" is a so called "Poesie Blog" or in english words a dynamic collection of poetical artworks. Schwarzer Flamingo provides abstract, if not mysterious poetry to puzzle your imagination. But also it combines modern, abstract flatdesign to support the overall engaging and imageful wordplays.

Klappentexterin und Herr Klappentexter

Die Zeiten, sie werden härter, unübersichtiger und instabiler. Wo wir gerade in die 20er des nicht mehr ganz so neuen Jahrhunderts gestartet sind, werden allerorten Parallelen zu den sogenannten wilden 20ern des letzten Jahrhunderts gezogen, ebenso zur Weimarer Republik. Und wohin das alles geführt hat, wissen wir nur zu gut. Was also tun? Alles sehen…

Ethical, philosophical and poetical discussion, whereas reviews of artistic books drives the new focus, is the new motivation of "Klapptentexterin". This blog has a strong approach on awareness and self-orientation to settle the mental inner. The other half of this Blog, called Klappentexter, is available under the adress

Poetische Zeiten - Kea von Garnier

Kea takes a different apporach on german poetry. She, as an artist, introduces a mission set by personal and careerful intention. She not only involves poetical theory but practical advise on very modern subjects, like bringing creativity and digital involvement in balance.

Rea - Gedichte, Lyrik, Poesie - von Rea Revekka Poulharidou

Rea Revekka Poulharidou writes poems, lyric and poetry. With her blog she presents mostly poems and her art already got awarded. Inspiration comes especiall from her place where she works and lives at the Bodensee, the tripoint between Germany, Austria and Swiss, wich not only lays between the german speaking countries but also between inspiring poetical worlds and a beautiful nature.

Poesierausch | Literatur- und Kulturblog | Poesierausch

Poesierausch is rather a collective. It aims to highlight fascinating and relevant art of german poetry. Different authors publish their reviews on text, books and other artworks of modern and classical artists. Also the project focuses on current developement in the cultural area of Germany.

Everything poetical gathers with "Lichtpoesie" which roughly translates to poetry of light. The project consists since more than 20 years and still reserves top rankings on google.