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Updated by karevalex28 on Aug 09, 2021
karevalex28 karevalex28
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According to the seriousness of crimes, there are two categories in the United States, one is Felony and the other is Misdemeanor. The difference between both is that felony is the class of most serious crimes and on the other hand misdemeanor are the least crimes causing no harm to life and property.

What Does ADR Stand For In-Law? What Is Arbitration? Is It A Form Of ADR? | Fortuneteller Oracle - Your Source for So...

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is the form for determining disputes without trials, such as arbitration, mediation, or discussion. In this Getle...

What Is Maritime Law? 5 Things You Must Know About Maritime Salvage Law

The Law that covers the matters in the jurisdictions of oceans and seas is Maritime Law. It is also known as the seas’ law. It governs private maritime business and other similar nautical matters like pirates or offenses on open water and other similar international issues. 

Misdemeanor Definition: Details of What is a misdemeanor and What is a felony?

Dealing with the categorization of crimes, crimes are categorized into two felonies- the most severe crimes and misdemeanor- less severe crimes. Thus, based on the seriousness of the crime, the punishment for both is decided. The punishment for a felony is more powerful and may involve imprisonment of more than a year, a life sentence. For a misdemeanor, the punishment may be imprisonment up to one year or a minor penalty.

What is the 14th Amendment equal Protection Clause?

The 14th Amendment is made up of 5 sections. The text of the 14th Amendment states:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the state where they reside.

What Is The Difference Between DUI vs. DWI And What Is Agricultural Law?

Whether you’ve received a DUI or a DWI, the damage to your driving record will likely be the same. However, there are critical differences between what a DUI and DWI are and how different states view these violations depending on which appears on your record.

14th Amendment Simplified: What It Is, What It Holds, and When Was It Passed?

Amendment in the US constitution tends to help clarify all the doubts and rights that an American citizen holds. It can also provide guidelines to the citizens living in the country and to know their rights. One of the most known, renowned, and talked about amendments to the constitution was the 14th amendment simplified.

6 Must-know Misdemeanor Rights | TED-Ed

A misdemeanor is a lesser crime and has fewer consequences compared to a felony. There are various characteristics of both Misdemeanor and Felonies that clearly distinguish them from each other. There are crimes, and then there are crimes against the accused as well. Here there is an involvement of

Robbery Vs Burglary: Let’s Know in Details with Example

Severe criminal charges can be brought against you for taking over or possessing someone else's property that is lawfully belonging to them. Such sort of crime can have a serious impact on the life of anyone being accused of it. Imagine a scenario where you move into your office early in the...

Prenuptial agreements pros and cons and Common law marriage in Texas

The partners sign prenuptial agreements before marriage. This article talks about common law marriage in texas and prenuptial agreements pros and cons.

Collaborative Law Divorce Process | Immediate Relatives

Collaborative law is an alternative to the courtroom to resolve disputes. This article talks about the collaborative law divorce process and immediate relatives.

How is legal custody of a child determined? & How To File A Class Action Lawsuit? | Fortuneteller Oracle - Your Sourc...

A parent wishing to have the custody may file for physical, joint, sole, or legal guardianship. When it comes to child custody, the court may consider...

Understanding Fathers Custodial Rights And The Clear Definition Of Child Support

There’s no way around it: Child custody battles are intense, emotionally charged affairs in which both parties are relentlessly scrutinized by attorneys, lawyers, and the system itself alongside confusion in grasping a father’s custodial rights.

Understanding Domestic Partnership Texas Vs. Marriage

You may have heard people joke around about domestic partnerships in Texas before, but the truth is that they may have a few distinct advantages you were not previously aware of. First, despite what many people think, domestic partnerships are pretty different than legal marriage.

Understanding Father’s Custodial Rights And The Clear Definition Of Child Support | gmeredith430

There’s no way around it: Child custody battles are intense, emotionally charged affairs in which both parties are relentlessly scrutinized by attorneys, lawyers, and the system itself alongside confusion in grasping a father’s custodial rights.

Understanding Domestic Partnership Texas Vs. Marriage

Couples, who do not wish to marry but share life, can get into a domestic partnership in Texas. It is when the partnership includes shared assets, income, or debts during the relationship.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Filing a Consumer Bankruptcy and Definition, and Types of Consumer Credit

Many people in the United States who file for consumer bankruptcy never avail themselves of its potential benefits. Filing for bankruptcy can indeed affect a person’s finances for years to come, but filing a consumer bankruptcy is the best option for many people. 

Questions To Ask About A Domestic Partnership Colorado And Legal Help For Domestic Violence Victims

Here are some specific questions to consider before signing a domestic partnership Colorado affidavit/declaration.

Understanding What Is A Notary And Important Elements In A 1-Year Employment Contract

If you’ve ever found yourself in need of a notary service or are curious about what it means to get something notarized, keep reading to learn the answer to the question: What is a notary? 

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If you’ve ever found yourself in need of a notary service or are curious about what it means to get something notarized, keep reading to learn the answer to the question: What is a notary?

Understanding What Is A Notary in 21st Century And How To Be One

Becoming a notary can be a good source of extra income. A notary is a qualified solicitor authorized to authenticate and certify contracts, agreements, facts, or documents used in other countries.

What Is Alimony And Who Gets Alimony? Extra: Process Of Legal Custody Of Children

Alimony is temporary or permanent support from one spouse to another when a married couple divorces or legally separates. State and federal statutes provide guidelines to the court when determining whether to order spousal support, who gets alimony, the amount, and the duration of support.

What Is Alimony And Who Gets Alimony? Extra: Process Of Legal Custody Of Children

Alimony is temporary or permanent support from one spouse to another when a married couple divorces or legally separates. State and federal statutes provide guidelines to the court when determining whether to order spousal support, who gets alimony, the amount, and the duration of support.

Things You Need To Know About Dog Bite Law, And Dog Bites Child Law – Telegraph

Suffering a dog bite can be a very distressing experience. It can be painful and upsetting, mainly because we often think of dogs as friendly, loyal pets. It may result in an uncomfortable situation for both the victim and the family of the dog responsible.

Everything You Need To Know About Dog Bite Law

Even though dogs are considered to be man’s best friend, a dog’s behavior can sometimes be unpredictable. It is very essential to know about the dog bite law and your legal rights if you or your loved one is bitten by a dog.