Listly by Julian Jernigan
A ranked list on several ideologies that constitute learning in the 21st Century.
This video that is well produced by the MacArthur foundation makes use of top Hollywood style editing and hand held camera work with quick cutting as well as use of very close angles, make this series of interviews alarmingly urgent and very personal. had the video been static interviews, it may not be as effective. It is the most informative in my opinion.
This effective video starts of with a foreword by the Library of Congress. It is a well produced venture into the world of 21st century learning. With several text effects and interviews, this video keeps the viewers attentions throughout its entire duration.
This short video from Kansas State University students, very clearly states the issues that college students face as technology for social use takes up the bulk of their efforts, and their educational efforts fall by the wayside. Well thought out and extremely effective with all communication coming from writing on furniture, paper and digital devices.
This text onscreen video clearly illuminates the gap that we as a society are facing in educating the next generation of thinkers. The amount of text motion use of color, and a catchy soundtrack make for an engaging presentation.
This video is much aligned with the Kansas State University video in number 3. It takes a softer approach, and makes the issues that are apparent into the context of elementary education. in all honesty, the issues may even be more compounded when considering the amount of time that will pass before the students in the video enter the workforce.
This short video takes a very aggressive approach to hitting you head on with alarming statistics concerning the future of education and lets you know exactly where we as a country stand in the future. Use of a very popular song assists with engagement.
In this third installment from the placard series, students from Robin Hood Elementary let you know their wants and desires in terms of education presentations. In general, the video seems less based in fact and more grounded in opinion. Nice easy music and camera work keep the youth intended video age appropriate.
Video about the need to change pedagogy to meet the needs and expectations of 21st century learners. - created at
Last in the series of text based presentations using color and speed to garner the viewer's attentions. While it is the only video with extensive citing or credentials of where their statistics came from, the music that was utilized leaves the viewer a bit glazed over making the video less effective.
The least effective video in the series is a slideshow of static text and low res images. In comparison, the transitions and music are a little less interesting and engaging when compared to the rest. Unfortunately, mode of delivery is extremely important these days.