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Updated by Jindal Mechno Bricks on Mar 17, 2021
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Why Cladding Bricks Are The Best Roofing and Construction Material

The construction industry has been evolving for the past few decades. If you walk down the street, you can’t help but notice how buildings are being demolished and replaced with new ones.
So, what’s the answer? Well, firstly, you need material or blocks for construction that can resist the effects of rain, snow, and wind, that is easy to install and won’t rot, corrode or break, and can be recycled easily at the end of its useful life.


Low Maintenance

Low Maintenance

Minimal maintenance is required with cladding bricks as compared to painting. The exposed brick wall also provides protection against dust and does not chip off like paint, thus needs less care.



Cladding tiles are durable than other materials because they are mostly fired just like regular tiles. They can withstand extreme weather conditions due to this.


Safety & Protection

Cladding increases the mechanical strength of a structure, and the construction’s resistance to cracking improves with the use of cladding.


Environmentally Safe

From an environmental perspective, the raw material for cladding tiles is clay generally, which is a sustainable resource. These tiles do not harm the environment and are recyclable. Plus the price of lightweight bricks is another factor that adds to the benefit.


Useful Tip: Always Use Cladding On Roof

The roof of our house is one of the most important aspects of the house, as it keeps us sheltered from the sun, rain, and snow. But, you might not know that the roof is composed of several layers, and every layer serves a particular purpose. The first layer that you see is the roof cladding. Roof cladding is the material that covers the roof and protects it from the elements. Roof cladding is designed to protect the roofing structure beneath it, while making the house more attractive.

In summary, brick cladding makes a great choice for those looking for beautiful yet durable construction material. We love hearing about your experiences of installation of cladding bricks and tiles. Thank you for reading!