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Updated by Wirana Vessel Cash Buyer on Jun 07, 2021
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Cash Buyers of Ships | Ship Recycling Company | Wirana Shipping Corporation

Cash Buyers of Ship, Cash Buyers of Ships, Cash Buyer of Ships, Cash buyer of vessel, Cash buyer of vessels, demo vessel buyers, scrap buyers of ship, green ship recycling, green ship recycling company, wirana, Wirana Shipping Corporation, ship recycling company

Wirana: Ship Demolition Cash Buyers | Green Ship Recycling Company

Wirana Shipping Corporation is one of the largest cash buyers of vessels around the globe. Well-known green ship recycling & cash buyer of demolition vessels.

The World's LARGEST Cash Buyer of Ships | Recycling of Ships

World’s oldest & largest cash buyer of Vessels for recycling. Wirana Shipping Corporation mentioned twice in the Guinness Book of World Records. Enquire now!

Largest Vessel Cash Buyers | Wirana Shipping Corporation

Why Wirana is the preferred cash buyer partner for vessels in the world? Extensive experience in Cash Buying of Ships for Recycling.

Wirana Shipping Corporation | Team of Qualified Professionals

Wirana is a team of qualified professionals who works 24*7. We understand the need of every client when it comes to cash buying of ships.

Ship Demolition Cash Buying | Professional Managers & Operators

Professional Managers and Operators at the Wirana Shipping Corporation are ready to assist you in all aspects of ship demolition cash buying.

Qualified Team to Work on Green Vessels |Cash Buyers of Vessels for Recycling

Wirana Shipping Corporation is a well-known Cash Buyer of Vessels for Recycling, Cash Buyer of V Demolition Vessels in the WORLD. Inquire Now!

Ship Demolition Cash Buyers in China | Wirana Shipping Corporation

Wirana Shipping Corporation is leading Ship Demolition Cash Buyers company in China. We are most Successful cash buyers of vessels for recycling.

Cash Buyers of Ship | Ship Processing Testimonials Wirana

Check out our testimonials to learn why Wirana is among the top ship recycling companies & one of the largest vessel cash buyers in the world.

Green Recycling - Wirana Shipping Corporation – Maritime Vessels Provider

Wirana understands that ship recycling carries a great responsibility of protecting environment as well as people who work to dismantle the ship. As a Cash Buyer, Wirana has been continuously encouraging and guiding the shipping yards to improve recycling standards to meet the most stringent requirements for green recycling for major ship owners like Stolt Nielsen, MOL, NYK, K-Line, Odjfell, Jo Tankers, Bergessen, Gear Bulk HoeghAutoliners. Wirana is very well placed in experience and resources to offer green ship recycling in China, Turkey and India.

India Ship Recycling & Processing | Wirana Shipping Corporation

India is one of the biggest markets for recycling ships. Learn more about India’s vessel recycling market at Wirana Shipping Corporation.


Benefits of Handling over the Ship to the Tankers Recycling Firm

Benefits of Handling over the Ship to the Tankers Recycling Firm

If your old ship or tanker isn’t of any use then why you have kept it along with you. Why don’t you sell out your ship for recycling to the recyclers? It is going to be the best if you sell your tanker to the best and experienced Tankers recycling company. Just think once why should you let your tanker simply become a piece of no use by allowing all its good to use part become completely a piece of trash that none would like to touch. Again saying that it is better that you put up for sale your ship to the ship buyers who can at least use its part for recycling. If you don’t know about the benefits of tankers recycling, you must read this post.
Completely destroy unwanted and harmful parts**
Destroy completely those parts of the ships that are totally harmful and dangerous to our earth. The skilled and experienced tankers recycling companies who are being working with all kinds of ships regardless of its model can easily take away and isolate all those parts that are harmful and dangerous to not only the human lives but the marine lives more significantly. Being a responsible recycler one doesn’t use the dangerous parts for any other purposes and they make use of the best techniques to completely destroy the parts so that our surrounding can be saved against venomous things.

Resource saving
They make use of the parts that are found into the vessel which are in a condition that it can be considered to be reused. Most importantly this allows one to not simply waste the resource. In simple, it prevents the wastage of resource or don’t allow overuse of resource when a good to use alternative is accessible. Reusing of the parts of the ship that are essential and can be used again successfully at the time of constructing new ships save the resource. The precious components of the ships can be reused such as steel, brass, silver etc. Since the major part of the ship weight is there in steel and that can be used in making rods or bars or for other purposes.

The end
The list of benefit doesn’t end up here. Many more are there that one will get if chooses the best Tankers recycling company. In fact it is good that you choose the one who promoted green ship recycling process that is the best one to save our surrounding.


How to Hire Green Ship Recycling Company?

How to Hire Green Ship Recycling Company?

Do you really care for your surrounding? You don’t want any toxic elements to get in touch with human and marine lives which could cause them to have death easily. Don’t worry these days keeping the safety of our complete surrounding that majorly gets harm from the ship dismantling or breaking process, green ship recycling process is being executed. If you want your ship to not become a reason for causing any harm to the surrounding it is better that you select the best green ship recycling company who deeply understand the true importance of recycling of ship considering right process that don’t harm the surrounding. If you want to know how to select the best one, following are some tips to consider compulsorily.

Verify they actually consider green recycling process or not
When it comes to hiring a reliable green ship recycling company you must consider verifying whether in actually the company consider this process to be implemented or not. There are some companies who at first promises to execute green ship recycling process and later on don’t implement it, is no doubt a wrong one to choose. You shouldn’t choose the company. You can verify it by asking the recycling industry to provide you the referrals. A company should provide the seller the contacts of few old clients so that you can talk and get idea about how good a company is at keeping it words. Don’t become greedy for the money. Even if a scrap buyer ask you to sell your ship at better rates you should confirm bout the process they used for ship breaking and then only handover the ship. You must also support green recycling process.

Ask for the photos or videos of the previous work
It is obvious that company to develop the confidence level in the sellers of the vessel to easily sell their ship keeps some videos or photos to readily present them. This is the proof that shows the client how they work. If you are shown the photos and videos in which green recycling process is done for ship recycling you can hire them. Also ensure that the photo and video is original and not stolen of some other genuine company.

That’s all! You can consider these pointers and for you hiring the best green ship recycling company job would become easier. So go ahead and find the right one now.


How to Distinguish Between Genuine and Unreal Scrap Buyers of Ship

How to Distinguish Between Genuine and Unreal Scrap Buyers of Ship

Do you want to sell out your old vessel that you find of no use these days? Are you looking for the best scrap buyers of ship? If you don’t have any idea regarding how you can approach the right one, here we are with this short guide that will teach you to distinguish between a reliable and a fake buyer. Read the following content thoroughly and make a better decision for choosing the best scrap buyers of ship who can satisfy your want. So let us start with the discussion.

1- Investigate online painstakingly-
Until and unless you conduct the research putting all efforts you should, you won’t be able to find out the best scrap buyers of the ship. How will you determine who is reliable and who is a fake one? A website speaks everything about a reliable supplier.

A reliable cash buyer who deals in this sector knows everything about it and that’s the reason why it is cropped over the internet for dealing with clients ready to sell their ships. They won’t skip anything important to put into their website regarding their service that a fake one does because it is not much knowledge and educated about it.

You can go through the site thoroughly and read all information posted. The information posted will help you to identify which one is good as the information published is to teach one about how the company deals with its clients, what are their terms and conditions and so on so one can learn much and make a brilliant decision.

2- Why skip reading the reviews?
Another thing is that why you skip reading the reviews if you have this best way to distinguish between a genuine and a fake supplier. You should read the reviews published on the website somewhere, in the review section. There you will get the idea about scrap buyers of ship. If you find one who is hiding the reviews from you, skip them.

It doesn’t matter if having negative reviews keeps everything open. But that also doesn’t mean that they are reliable. You must go through the site that is having plenty of supporting feedbacks from the old clients. And these will be the best cash buyers to choose from.

Summarizing up
That is all how you can distinguish between reliable and fake cash buyers. The most important thing is that you must choose the one encouraging green ship recycling as it is very important to save our surroundings from harmful effects that may be caused at the time of ship demolition.


Want To Locate To Ideal Rigs Recycling Cash Buyers? Learn Here How

Want To Locate To Ideal Rigs Recycling Cash Buyers? Learn Here How

With the availability of plenty of choices, it easily becomes so complicated for all to choose the right Rigs Recycling Cash Buyers. If you are the one who urgently needs the one, you need not have to worry much as here in this short guide you will learn how you can locate to a right one with whom you can have a peaceful and profitable dealing experience. So read and find out how you can select the best from the huge crowd.

01- Take the help of the internet at first-
Want To easily locate genuine Rigs Recycling Cash Buyers? All that you need is to do a thorough survey on the internet using the appropriate set of keywords so that you reach the right company.
At the time of doing the research, you will come across plenty of choices and with the possibility of falling into a big confusion. As for the first time you are hiring Rigs Recycling Cash Buyers you may be not having the right idea about what to do.

Don’t worry; take time and study thoroughly several options you find on the top. You can deeply study their website and get more and more information you need to know. You can even compare your needs and requirements with the company by going through all the details about their services posted on their site. If you find one matching perfectly with your needs, you can hire them.

02- Take the help of the third party website-
Another thing that you can do is taking the help of a third-party website that also suggests the best Rigs Recycling Cash Buyers. There you will come to know about each company’s reviews, star rating and so on that they have got from the clients.

Go through several options that you find there so try to pick up the right one from there by reading what most of the client says about the company and how many stars marking they give to the company based upon the experience level they had with one.

Make sure that you are not fully relied upon what you read and what you see. Also, you must go through those options in deep maybe you find a suitable option there easily without doing more and more research.

Summing up-

Consider all these things and choose one of the most trustworthy and reliable Rigs Recycling Cash Buyers. Also, you may create your own set of norms so that you can shortlist the dependable one for you.


Qualities of Cash Buyer of Ships that must be Considered for Hiring them

Qualities of Cash Buyer of Ships that must be Considered for Hiring them

If you are constantly looking for the best Cash Buyer of Ships so that you can sell your vessel at the genuine rate and have a trouble-free dealing experience then you need to look at the following qualities that a dependable one holds. Considering those qualities of a good vessel’s cash buyer you can easily make out which one is the right option to pick up and which one isn’t. So let us directly move towards those qualities to make the better selection.

Vessel recycling, it’s all about performance. You will find that a good Cash Buyer of Ships holds an incomparable track record in the ship recycling sector. In the exceptionally unpredictable market, the best cash buyer stands out as the only cash buyers of the vessels that deliver excellent performance even in the falling market. The experienced clients have learned that one who holds this good quality is a name to trust. That is the reason why a reputable cash buyer is more repeated as a first-class in comparison to the other cash buyers across the world.

There are many industries in which you will see a market leader, who lifts the business process and change the business’s dynamics. A good cash buyer doesn’t matter slowly but has led the way in revolutionizing the industry. No other company you will find standing first in this sector as the reliable one stands because they are focused on improving the standards and the way things are done.

Another good quality of an ideal Cash Buyer of Ships is that they have good years of experience in working in the same sector. The long and deep experience straightaway tells that the owners of the vessels are in the hand of responsible cash buyers and are fully guided on local conditions to make certain smooth and timely fulfillment of everything.

Solution driven
In the business of ship recycling, you are either a part of the problem or a solution. The focus of a good cash buyer is to take charge of the situation and find the right solution. You can involve with the best cash buyers and they will jump into your problem and will find the right solution for you. The vessel owners have appreciated such efforts being made by a good cash buyer.

These are all good qualities that you will find in a dependable Cash Buyer of Ships and also you can locate the right one considering these qualities.


Which Method of Ship Recycling is Universally Accepted

Which Method of Ship Recycling is Universally Accepted

The growing waste and the unsystematic management is the crisis that nations across the whole world are facing nowadays. Be it industrial trash, the increase in the disposal of waste material is at a faster rate that undoubtedly is polluting the whole atmosphere very severely. According to the study more than 50% of trash globally ends up in a big rubbish tip and also the oceans will see more waste into it than the marine organisms. On the other hand, the continuous efforts in the past time have made outstanding changes and have opened the gate to many options to dispose of the waste. Out of that Recycling is universally accepted and has become a fruitful method for the management of trash. The shipping industry as the biggest polluter is also doing Ship Recycling for the betterment of the whole earth.

Similar to any other industry, the shipping industry is also listed as the gigantic polluters that are continually creating a huge amount of waste on daily basis. The ships dispose of hundreds of tons of waste daily. Also, the ship dismantling once it reaches the end of the service leaves a huge amount of waste that poses a greater danger to the surrounding. Improper ship disposal especially when they are left unattained creates graves of discarded ships across the world.

There is no doubt that ship recycling has emerged as a universal way of disposing of the ship, the poor methods have resulted in the dumping of hazardous materials like PBCs and asbestos on seashores and other open areas. Often some bad companies offload ships onto seashore for dismantling without taking proper measures which harm the surrounding.

To save the whole earth from not getting any harm from the toxic materials, the green Ship Recycling method has been introduced and today it has become the most used Ship Recycling method. Many reasons are associated with this concept and a few are below listed.

• Isolate the parts of the vessels that are hazardous to human as well as marine lives
• Reusing the parts of the vessel that are important and can be re-used at the time of constructing new ships that save resource
• Conserve marine ecosystem by properly discarding ship breaking waste
• Helps the owner of the vessel by optimally using the parts of the ship
• The precious elements such as steel, brass, silver, aluminum are used for many other purposes

So you have find out the best Ship Recycling method that really makes sense to adopt. You can try that and contributed as much as possible towards environmental safety.


Benefits of Hiring Cash Buyer for Selling Your Old Ship

Benefits of Hiring Cash Buyer for Selling Your Old Ship

Want to sell out the old ship that you don’t need? Yes, you can sell your ship easily because many buyers are waiting for the clients to locate them to sell the old vessels. There are several benefits linked with hiring a good Cash buyer. Without wasting more time, let us discuss some benefits that one may experience only if one hires the best option. So here are those incredibly wonderful plus points to know about them.

You will get complete payment in your hand
When you plan to sell your vessel to a trustworthy Cash buyer you will get the payment completely in your hand. There won’t be any kind of paying plan like every month payment or quarterly payment etc. There will be a one-time payment and complete payment which will keep you stay away from the major headache of getting money from the buyer. You need not have to face the trouble of reminding the buyer to pay you money every time. Also, it won’t let you run after the buyer to get the payment which takes away your peace of mind. For this reason, it is good to hire a good option or else the thing will be the opposite.

Reasonable rate
Another benefit that you will experience is that your ship will be bought by a Cash buyer of ships at the right rate. The team will thoroughly examine the current condition of the ship and will find out how much proportion of the ship can be reused and how much proportion is trash and based upon the result they get, they finalize the value of it. But they don’t determine the cost that can prove to be a big loss for you. The right cost will be paid to the seller that allows him to conclude the deal happily without any doubt or dissatisfaction regarding the cost being paid is not right.

Legal paperwork is always done
A legitimate Cash buyer will surely undergo legal paperwork before doing a final settlement. Before doing the exchanging of the ship with money, paperwork is carried out that both the part keeps with them as a proof of the deal done with mentioned everything that is being agreed between both of them. Therefore this easily eliminates all dilemmas. Also, it doesn’t let anyone claim anything later on.

These are all benefits of hiring a reliable Cash buyer for selling the oldest vessel to them.