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Updated by Avinash Dube on Mar 11, 2021
Avinash Dube Avinash Dube
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For a couple facing infertility, a diagnosis of infertility can be confusing and frustrating. Unfortunately, this is often the case with many couples.

In India alone, over 30 million couples suffer from infertility,
If you have an issue after one year of trying for a baby, then it’s probably time you checked in with an IVF specialist in Delhi or your city. If you are a female over 35, then you should talk to your doctor as soon as possible.




As you age, your fertility decreases. If you are trying after 35 yrs of age, then possibly you might face fertility issues. Sadly, many times, aging can reduce fertility. So it’s no brainer that nearly a third of couples with older women (above 35) struggle to conceive.

A woman’s reproductive system is most active during her 20s. In fact, according to experts, fertility peaks within 20 to 25. During this stage, the woman has the most quality eggs, and her body is fully prepared to carry a child. Also, there’s a lower risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, HPB, and other conditions that often plague older women during pregnancy.

On the other hand, with aging, the woman has fewer eggs remaining, and their quality isn’t as good. If you’re over 35 and don’t conceive after 6 months of regular, unprotected intercourse, then you see an infertility specialist and get evaluated for infertility.



Ovulation dysfunction is the major cause of infertility in women. It occurs when there’s a hormonal imbalance that affects the normal process of ovulation, leading to infrequent ovulation.
During this time, the ovary no longer releases eggs as they should, making fertilization difficult.
Some of the more common causes of ovulation dysfunction are excess prolactin, a dysfunction of the hypothalamus, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), hypothyroidism, and premature menopause.
Excessive fat (obesity) or leanness (underweight) can also contribute to the process.



Endometriosis occurs when the tissue lining in the uterus stops growing in the uterus and starts growing in other areas like the abdomen, pelvis, or fallopian tube. This results in the development of scar tissue and irritation.
Women who have endometriosis often experience pain when having intercourse or during their periods. Other symptoms are pelvic pain, light vaginal bleeding outside regular periods (spotting), and heavy bleeding. In some unique cases, the woman may not experience any of these symptoms.

Endometriosis may lead to the blockage of the fallopian tubes and prevent the combination of the egg and sperm. It can also disrupt implantation.



Infertility in a woman may also be connected to a tubal problem.
Just like endometriosis, a structural defect in the female anatomy (often a damaged fallopian tube) can lead to a condition where the sperm and egg cannot meet for fertilization to take place.
Tubal problems may be caused by STDs (such as gonorrhea and Chlamydia), previous surgery, or PID (pelvic inflammatory disease).

STDs are not direct causes of tube problems, but they can cause pelvic infection (PID), which results in the blocking of the fallopian tube.




PCOD / PCOS is another common problem that women face while trying to conceive. Having PCOS does not mean that you cannot get pregnant. It is one of the reasons for infertility that is treatable. Consult your doctor in the nearest IVF Centre in Delhi or your city to get the treatment and fulfill your dreams of motherhood.



It is not uncommon for some women to suffer from uterine abnormalities like fibroid, scarring, and polyps.

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous tumors that grow within the uterus and stop embryo implantation. They may also cause complications in pregnancy and heavy bleeding, especially when close to the endometrial lining.

Endometrial polyps develop when the uterine tissue linings outgrow the uterus. They also affect embryo implantation. However, they can be removed by hysteroscopy.


Final Words

Besides the causes we highlighted above, other factors can contribute to female infertility. These factors do not directly cause infertility but can increase the risk. Some of them include smoking, low and high BMI (underweight and overweight), alcohol, and high stress.
Please speak with your doctor if you’re having any fertility issues and can get diagnosed.