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Updated by Aay Kay on Feb 22, 2024
Aay Kay Aay Kay
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Lifestyle, Society & More

If you want to read something informative about lifestyle and society subcribe to this list and get links to these infromative articles.


How To Make Progress?

By standing out with your hard work and improving your skills and performance, you can reach your desired destination. Regrettably! It is a tragedy of our society that some disgusting method has become an integral part of achieving the goal. Find some valuable tips on how to make progress?

Assist in Good | Helping Others

Helping others is the first step in making the world a better place for living and improving the lives of those who are not doing as well as we are. Studies show that helping others has many benefits, we should help others so that we can also gain benefits from it.

What is helplessness?

Humans have explored the skies and oceans, carved tunnels by digging mountains, harnessed the power of electricity to generate light in the dark and performed the most fantastic feats. However, these same human beings sometimes become so helpless that they cannot take a few steps or hold a glass of water. Our vulnerability as a species is such that if our heart beats a little more or less than the average beats per day, we are on the brink of life.

Set Goals for Yourself

Career planning is important and children should be encouraged to choose a right career which goes with Islam. Read the guidelines for career planning and make the most of it.


Selfishness Leads to Destruction

Selfishness Leads to Destruction

Selfishness is in the very essence of man and it is positive unless there are problems caused by selfishness. It can cause a bad note in your personal & professional life, increase disputes between your family, hinder your professional success. Selfishness in a leader could destroy a team's productivity and commitment.

Tale Telling or Gossiping

Tale telling, gossip and back biting are habits that are strictly forbidden in Islam. Because, mostly these acts involve telling lies and fan hate. Read more from the following article.

Effects of Fraud and Deception

Deception plays a role in the loss of trust. If we deliberately tell someone something untrue or try to deceive them by showing something inferior to be superior, then when the truth emerges they will no longer be willing to trust us.

Why Not To Celebrate New Year’s Eve

A condemnable custom has spread throughout the globe; in the name of "Celebrating New Year’s Eve". Why we shouldn't celebrate it? Read the informative article from given link.


How Should We Spend the Year 2022?

How Should We Spend the Year 2022?

Humans have come into this world and forgotten the purpose of their creation and overlooked the fact that he will die one day and be held accountable for his actions. The year 2022 has arrived and we should resolve to spend it in the best way possible. Read here about how to spend time wisely and make positive changes in your lifestyle.

Why is Self Accountability Important?

Read an article on self-accountability and learn about the principles of success and what role self-accountability play in one’s success.

Types of Frauds in Business

What are common wrongdoings in business and how to avoid them. Like selling fake products, cheating in business, etc. Also learn business fraud examples.

Call For Contemplation For The Supporters of evils

When religious scholars prohibit the celebration of non-religious festivals and occasions, some secular and liberal individuals often question: 'What harm is there in observing such events?' One such example of a prohibited practice is celebrating Valentine’s Day. Visit the link to discover the stance of Islamic teachings on Valentine's Day celebrations.