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Updated by Dan King on Jun 19, 2014
Headline for Activist Faith: Sanctity of Life
Dan King Dan King
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Activist Faith: Sanctity of Life

This is a list of information and resources related to Sanctity of Life. Links submitted to this list are intended to help Christians live out their faith with ministry targeted at this issue, as discussed in the book, Activist Faith: From Him and For Him.


Care Net | Welcome

Provides information on abortion alternatives, free pregnancy tests, adoption, connects you with local centers for free counseling, mapping to local centers, post abortion counseling, help for women.

Heroic Media

INTERNET OUTREACH The Internet has become the primary place where young women go to search for abortion information and answers. In the United States alone, there are more than 6 million internet searches for abortion-related termseach month.


CitizenLink is a family advocacy organization that inspires men and women to live out biblical citizenship that transforms culture. As an affiliate of Focus on the Family, we provide resources that equip citizens to make their voices heard on critical social policy issues involving the sanctity of human life, the preservation of religious liberties and the well-being of the family as the building block of society.

Blue Like Play Dough: The Shape of Motherhood in the Grip of God

Praise for Blue Like Play Dough"I couldn't put Blue Like Play Dough down. Tricia's love of God comes through on every page as she shows what motherhood is like when God wields his rolling pin and smoothes the rough edges of her life.

Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments

This book's logic is unassailable its research is impeccable; and its scope is monumental. If you have room for only one prolife book in your library, make sure it is this one. -- George Grant

When Does Each Human Life Begin?: The Answer of Scripture

"The babies [Jacob and Esau] jostled each other within her [Rebekah]." (Genesis 25:22) "In the womb he [Jacob] grasped his brother's heel; as a man he struggled with God." (Hosea 12:3) " Your hands shaped me and made me. Will you now turn and destroy me? Remember that you molded me like clay.

Roe v. Wade at 37

Roe v. Wade at 37 On the third Sunday in January of each year, many evangelical churches set aside a few moments to mourn the loss of millions of unborn children and to celebrate the precious gift of life that God has given each of us.

A Passion to Serve

This tragic fact prompted area leaders to spearhead the opening of ultrasound-equipped pregnancy help centers in Miami's neediest communities, with the goal of ultimately establishing three to five centers in Miami's sprawling metropolitan area. This involved a new approach adapted to the particular needs of urban communities where poverty and weakened family networks go hand in hand.

Focus on the Family's 'Be A Voice'

Focus on the Family provides resources for individuals and organizations to help them be a voice for life in their community, on campus, at their church and with friends and family.