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Updated by Wittegen Press on Jun 19, 2014
Headline for Drabble Cascade #14 - word of the week is 'fall'
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Drabble Cascade #14 - word of the week is 'fall'

Welcome to FB3X Drabble Cascade #13 (opened 11th June 2013). Join in our drabble cascade. Our word of the week is 'fall'. Be inspired by our word of the week and write us a 100 word piece, or a flash fiction (500 words or less), fiction, non-fiction, poetry, fanfiction, anything that takes your fancy. Then add yourself to our list. You can also embed this list into your own post using the embed functionality below (the chain graphic).


Drabble Cascade #14: Fall - A Change of Season

FB3X Drabble Cascade #14 - Fall Title: A Change of Season (m/m, M) Author: charisstoma Word count: 343 Prompt: Fall The breeze blew from out of the north bringing a hint of crispness with it. There was a faint prickling ache to his nipples as they budded up.

Fantasy Boys XXX: FB3X Drabble Cascade #14 - The Fall (PG, M/M Fantasy)

This is Fantasy Boys XXX drabble entry for the 14th Drabble Cascade. ~ Author's Note The Fall They call it The Fall. They put a bug in your ear, you feel like you're in free fall and you wake up serene and compliant, ready to kill whomever they point you at.

FB3X Drabble Cascade Info Post

A drabble is a work of 100 words exactly. Flash fiction is a work of up to 500 words. Both may be submitted to the cascade.

FB3X - Fall (M/M Romance. PG)

This is Fantasy Boys XXX flash fiction entry for the 14th Drabble Cascade. ~ Author's Note Dail curled over his knees, nestled down into the branches of his oak and listened to her rhythms. He shivered as a chill wind whipped past his ear, one of the first touches of Autumn.

Mastermind Part 7

Author: Emeraldawn /witchyemerald
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Rating: R
Characters: Stiles, Peter
Warnings: Hale Fire via Peter's memories, detailed people caught in fire.

Meep - Falling in Love

Falling in Love
848 words
Fluffy, Original fic - PG

starr_falling - Creatures of the Night (Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, PG)

Title: Creatures of the Night
Author: starr_falling
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairings: Derek/Stiles
Rating: PG
Warnings: none