Listly by priscaved-pws
Priscaved is a natural health supplement and solution brand that aims to provide people with natural yet effective medication. Oiling belly button has been proved to be an effective technique of healing for centuries now.
You can be ready for every challenge if your feet are fit. And we have something specially designed for healthy feet. The Kansa Vati is the best tool for a foot massage.
Give your face a Natural shine and Uplift with a Kansa wand. The most Powerful and Efficient tool of Ayurveda for healthy skin. Buy the magical tool now.
Who wouldn't wish to have young and glowing skin? Everyone does! And to get glowing skin, we try hundreds of products, which are least effective or give temporary results but none of the solutions are reliable in the long term. However, We have a Solution, and that's Kansa Wand. The most Powerful and Efficient tool of Ayurveda for healthy skin. Kansa Wand is a wooden handle tool with two magical metals on the tip, i.e. Copper & Tin. Both the Metals have their unique capabilities to enhance your facial beauty. When Combined, it creates magic. And we call it Kansa Wand. It is used for Facial massage such as on cheeks, jawline, forehead, neck & also on Shoulders. Kansa Wand has numerous benefits from drawing out toxins from the skin to giving relief to muscular tensions; it has innumerous benefits.
Give your face a shine with our magical ayurvedic tool "T shape Kansa wand
patterns. When both the metals are combined, it becomes a magical tool, i.e. T shaped Kansa wand" a small T shape Wand with a tip of 2 combined metals Copper and Tin. Copper is good for eyes, hair, and heart, whereas, on the other hand, tin helps in balanced digestion and sleep and. As Kansa wand and T shape, Kansa wand have some similar attributes. What makes the T shape Kansa Wand different is the t shape handle which is comfortable to hold and used to apply pressure on the Acupressure points of the face and body which reduces pain, establishes balance, and improves your overall health.
Healing Through The Navel Therapy - Priscaved Belly button oil helps to get rid of acne, reduces the signs of aging, and reveals healthy glowing skin with a rich blend of ultra-nourishing and hydrating pure botanicals. When applied regularly, you will see the power of this belly button oil. It purifies the blood, removing all the unnecessary waste which causes acne. It prevents acne which occurs due to improper diet and poor lifestyle. It's time to get rid of acne and heal your skin by using our belly button oil.
As a Parent, you may be concerned about your child's intellectual capabilities. There is nothing to worry it is every parent's concern; And in today's unhealthy environment, bad eating habits, and less nourishing foods; Your child may lack the necessary nourishment needed in his early growth stage. But not with our Brain Development Belly button oil. The best and the most effective way to nourish and develop your brain is through navel with our brain development belly button oil.
Improve your Digestion System the Natural Way by Applying Digestion improvement belly button oil. Ayurvedic Navel therapy for all your Indigestion problems. High stress and irregular sleeping and eating habits, Leads to digestion problems. Indigestion problem adversely affects your health. In earlier times if there was a pain in the belly or Indigestion problem, we applied asafoetida. It gives us instant relief. However, You can get rid of your indigestion problems forever; by applying our digestion improvement belly button oil on the belly button. It is the navel therapy, the magic of Ayurveda, a key to good health.
Priscaved Eye Care Belly Button Oil is The Best Navel Oil for improving the digestive system naturally. Navel therapy will help to improve digestion. It may be dryness of eyes or redness of eyes. All your problems have one solution; the Belly Button oil. Few drops of oil can heal you magically. Eyecare is a must if you want to see the beauty of the world. Today from adults to every kid, every fifth person has poor eyesight. It may be dryness of eyes or redness of eyes. You can get rid of all these problems with the most effective technique of Ayurveda, the Navel therapy. Applying essential oils on the belly button nourishes your nerves and improves blood circulation to the eyes. Applying essential oil has various other benefits to the eyes and can help in keeping your eyes healthy.
Applying Essential Oils to Belly Button has been practiced for thousands of years. It is navel therapy that heals you from within; One such essential oil is our fertility improvement belly button oil. Today, stress is one of the biggest reasons for infertility. Stress affects your mental and physical health in a negative way for both men and women. Stress also affects your fertility and reduces your Libido; i.e. your Desires. Women also have various Hormonal imbalances. So to overcome these problems, we have a solution, and that's our Fertility Improvement Belly Button Oil. It is made up of natural ingredients with the least side effects.
Healing Through The Navel Therapy - Priscaved belly button oil for hair has an ayurvedic formula that increases metabolism and blood flow and stimulates your entire body to adequately absorb essential minerals for your body which strengthens your hair and increases your hair growth. It is an Eco-friendly product with only positive outcomes. The belly button is connected to most of the body parts through arteries and veins. It nourishes the nerves that provide nutrition to your hair and restores the health, strength, and beauty of your hair. Priscaved Hair Care Belly Button Oil is The Best Navel Oil for controlling hair fall naturally. Navel therapy will help in boosting natural hair growth.
Healing Through The Navel Therapy - Priscaved Joint Pain Relief Belly Button Oil is made from the Ayurveda essentials which contain no toxic substances. This oil has a propositional mixture of all the ingredients which reduces joint pain, knee pain, back pain and helps in healing. Applying a few drops in the belly button which is the center point of the body can also help in reducing inflammation, soothing aches, and strengthening your joints.
Priscaved Menstrual Pain Relief Belly Button Oil is The Best Navel Oil for menstrual pain relief. Navel therapy will help to relief Menstrual Pain. Healing Through The Navel Therapy - Priscaved Belly button oil for menstrual pain relief is created with the virtue of Ayurveda, which contains 100% natural products. It is a unique blend of Natural products created to soothe your nerves and reduce your menstrual pains. Regular usage of oil can reduce your menstrual pains and stimulate your mood during your menstrual period. What it just takes is, "A few drops and consistency to fight your menstrual pains".
Who wouldn't wish to have young and glowing skin? Everyone does! And to get glowing skin, we try hundreds of products, which are least effective or give temporary results but none of the solutions are reliable in the long term. However, We have a Solution, and that's Kansa Wand. The most Powerful and Efficient tool of Ayurveda for healthy skin. Kansa Wand is a wooden handle face massaging tool with two magical metals on the tip, i.e. Copper & Tin. Both Metals have their unique capabilities to enhance your facial beauty. When Combined, it creates magic. And we call it Kansa Wand. It is used for Facial massage such as on cheeks, jawline, forehead, neck & also on Shoulders. Kansa Wand has numerous benefits from drawing out toxins from the skin to giving relief to muscular tensions; it has innumerous benefits.
4.5cm Diameter 13cm Length
Benefits of Kansa Wand:-
Rejuvenates Marma Points
Oxygenate the skin from within
Reduces Inflammation
Stimulates & Restores tissues
Gives you Smooth and Glowing Skin
Reduces Fine-lines and Wrinkles
Removes Toxins from the skin
Improves flow of the lymphatic system
Balances pH of the skin
Strengthen the Nerves
Regulates Digestive System
Regulates Sleep Patterns.
Give your face a Natural shine and Uplift with a Kansa wand. The most Powerful and Efficient tool of Ayurveda for healthy skin. Buy the magical tool now.
Kansa Vati is a foot massage Metal Bowl made of three metals which are copper, zinc and tin, and when combined, Kansa Vati has some unique and extraordinary benefits.
As copper, a said expert in reducing pain and inflammation. Zinc tends to maintain the immune system functioning and smoothens digestion. Whilst tin also helps in digestion, lessening headaches and insomnia.
Ayurveda specialists and therapists know to make the essential transfer of energy through the Kansa Vati into the body. The therapies and massages lead to energy transfer which causes the benefit of adaptation by the body. Kansa Vati also has a technique to be held and massaged correctly.
The Vati or Bowl must be held by the whole hand while treating. The bowl must be in contact with the palm or all your fingers. Allows the therapist to have a good grip and concentration during treatment.
Kansa Wand is a dome-shaped face massaging tool and it is specially designed to massage your face to get relaxed from stress and relieve tension. It helps to brighten your skin and balance your pH level. *Kansa Wand *is a face massaging tool that is specially designed to stimulate your blood circulation, make your skin glow, balance your skin PH level, and restore your good pH, helps to get rid of acne, dull skin, release stress/tension, and under-eye bags. Kansa Wand is a face massage tool that helps to remove toxins that are built up.
नाभि बस्ती उपचार प्रक्रिया, लाभ
नाभि के आसपास निर्मित आटे के एक केबिन के भीतर, नाभि के गड्ढे में औषधीय तेलों की पूलिंग। यहाँ तरल को 10 से 30 मिनट या उससे भी लंबे समय तक बरकरार रखा जाता है, जो बीमारी के इलाज के आधार पर होता है।
नाभि वस्ति प्रक्रिया
इसमें नाभि के चारों ओर काले चने के गीले आटे (जैसा कट्टी वस्ति या जनु वस्ति में होता है) के साथ एक छोटा डिब्बे या केबिन का निर्माण किया जाता है। यह पूल तेलों या रस या जड़ी बूटियों से तैयार काढ़े को जगह देता है।
यह नाभि पुराण का एक विस्तारित संस्करण है और इसका उपयोग तब किया जा सकता है जब दवाओं को नाभि गड्ढे में भरने के लिए तुलनात्मक रूप से अधिक मात्रा में उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता होती है और जहां दवाओं का लंबे समय तक रहने का इरादा होता है। यहां दवाओं की कार्रवाई न केवल संपर्क (नभि गरीबाना में) बल्कि दबाव से भी होती है।
नाभि पुराण एक आयुर्वेदिक उपचार पद्धति है। यहां, नाभि में औषधियों को भरा जाता है, मुख्य रूप से औषधीय तेल के रूप में होती है । यह मुख्य रूप से वात और पित्त विकारों के इलाज में इसका प्रयोग होता है।
इस प्रक्रिया में औषधीय तेल, मुख्य रूप से वात को कम करने वाले तेल जैसे महानारायण तेल, क्षीरबाला तेल, गंधर्वहस्तदि कैला, बृहत माशा ताला, हिंगु त्रिगुणा तलाई आदि को बूंदों के रूप में तब तक डाला जाता है जब तक नाभि के गड्ढे भर नहीं जाते। पित्त प्रधान स्थितियों में घृत का उपयोग किया जा सकता है या औषधि युक्त घृत (घी) को प्रभावी संयोजन बनाने के लिए तेल के साथ मिश्रित किया जा सकता है।
प्रशासन से पहले तेलों को गुनगुना किया जाता है। तेल एक चम्मच या ड्रॉपर का उपयोग करके नाभि में डाला जाता है। ध्यान रखा जाता है कि तेल न बचे। रोगी को बिना हिले सोने की सलाह दी जाती है। रोगग्रस्त और रोगग्रस्त की स्थिति के आधार पर तेल को 30-45 मिनट तक रखा जाता है।
हिन्दू शास्त्रों के अनुसार नाभि हमारी जीवन ऊर्जा का केंद्र तथा श्रोत है। कहते हैं कि मृत्यु के बाद भी मनुस्य में प्राण नाभि में 6 मिनट तक रहते हैं। हमारे काया में मस्तिष्क से भी महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है हमारे नाभि का। नाभि हमारे काया का प्रथम मस्तिष्क(दिमाग) होता है, जो प्राणवायु से संचालित होता है। हमारा सूक्ष्म काया *नाभि *ऊर्जा के केंद्र से जुड़ा रहता है। यदि कोई संत , महात्मा या सिद्धपुरुष अपने काया से बाहर निकलकर सूक्ष्म काया से कहीं भी अगर विचरण करता रहता है, तो उसके सूक्ष्म काया की नाभि से स्थूल काया की नाभि के बीच में एक रश्मि जुड़ी रहती है। यदि यह टूट जाती है तो व्यक्ति, संत , महात्मा या सिद्धपुरुष का अपने स्थूल काया से संबंध भी टूट जाता है।
Healing Through The Navel Therapy - Priscaved. *Natural Vitamin C *Immunity Booster Belly Button Oil is made with the virtue of Ayurveda which contains no toxic substances. It has the right mixture of oils that boosts your immune system, antioxidant levels, prevents arthritis, and also works as a natural antiseptic. The navel is the center point of the body and putting a few drops to it can strike the right veins and provide the right amount of nutrients. Vitamin C belly button oil is the best immune booster product by priscaved to boost your immune system. Vitamin C oil is also used to get rid of acne problems.
Healing Through The Navel Therapy - Priscaved Menstrual Pain Relief Belly button oil is created with the virtue of Ayurveda, which contains 100% natural products. Menstrual Pain Relief oil is specially made for Menstrual Cramps. It is a unique blend of Natural products created to soothe your nerves and reduce your menstrual pains. Regular usage of oil can reduce your menstrual pains and stimulate your mood during your menstrual period. What it just takes is, "A few drops and consistency to fight your menstrual pains".
Healing Through Navel Therapy - Priscaved *Sensational Skin Care Belly button Oil *for healthy and glowing skin is made with the virtue of Ayurveda, which contains no toxic substances. In Ayurveda, Belly Button oil is considered the origin of life. It connects the mother and the kid. The child in the womb is supplied with all the necessary nutrients through the Navel point. Doctors, for a very long time, thought that the power of the navel ended the moment a kid was born. However, Priscaved has unveiled the true power of your navel; Providing the best** belly button oil** for healthy and glowing skin to enhance your glow from within. Regularly applying oil to the belly button can nourish your skin by reaching this oil to the whole body, nourishing your skin from within. It soothes your nerves, improving the blood flow of your body. Healthy blood flow helps to get proper nourishment to your skin.
Ayurveda is the key to good health, and it has a solution to every health problem. However, one of the growing causes of concern is the health of the feet. You can be ready for every challenge if your feet are fit. And we have something specially designed to keep your feet healthy. The Kansa Vati! It is used to massage the feet. It does not only give you healthy feet but, if you massage the vital points situated on your feet; i.e. the acupressure points, It also brings balance to the main chakras. Kansa Vati is made up of 3 precious metals Copper, Tin & Zinc. Every metal has its unique attributes such as copper; it gives you relief from arthritis pain. Whereas, Tin improves the digestion system and zinc strengthens the immune system. When these metals are combined, it has numerous health benefits.
**Benefits of Kansa Vati Foot Massage:-
Healing Through The Navel Therapy - Priscaved Joint Pain Relief Belly Button Oil is made from the Ayurveda essentials which contain no toxic substances. This joint pain oil has a propositional mixture of all the ingredients. Joint Pain Relief belly Button Oil is specially made for joint pain treatment.
Healing Through The Navel Therapy - Priscaved Menstrual Pain Relief Belly button oil is created with the virtue of Ayurveda, which contains 100% natural products. Menstrual Pain Relief oil is specially made for Menstrual Cramps. It is a unique blend of Natural products created to soothe your nerves and reduce your menstrual pains. What it just takes is, "A few drops and consistency to fight your menstrual pains".
Healing Through Navel Therapy - Priscaved Sensational Skin Care Belly button Oil for healthy and glowing skin is made with the virtue of Ayurveda, which contains no toxic substances. In Ayurveda, Belly Button oil is considered the origin of life. It connects the mother and the kid. The child in the womb is supplied all the necessary nutrients through the Navel point.