Need additional resources or directions to print? Looking for more ideas to use Flipgrid? You may be able to find it below. Reach out in the FAQ section if you need additional help!
If you are looking for step by step directions to print or if you have other questions related to Flipgrid, check out the Help Center. They have information to help you as a teacher and information to help your students and parents.
New EdTech Classroom offers a tutorial for getting started with Flipgrid. He compares the newer version of Flipgrid with the older version. This is helpful if you have used a Flipgrid before, but it has been a while.
Need some ideas of how to use Flipgrid in the classroom? Check out this article by Edutopia. They offer 9 different ways to use Flipgrid as tool to get your students improving their communication skills to helping those students who have missed a few days of school.
Flipgrid's Facebook group is one way to connect to other educators using Flipgrid. You can learn about webinars being offered and how different educators use Flipgrid in their classrooms.