As an educational technologist, I keep learning each day. As I develop new presentations or interests, I create a page of support resources. This site will serve as the entry to my resource pages....
Take a look around and chances are you'll see a mobile device. Phones, iPods, laptops, netbooks, iPads, USB drives, and handheld games seem to be everywhere. Combine these ever-present gadgets with educational and productivity uses and you've got mobile learning.
On Monday I will begin my new job. As I've mentioned before, I will be working as a Technology Resource Specialist as well as teaching a couple of classes. As always, I am nervous and excited for the first day of school, and eager to meet a new group of students.
I previously wrote about the importance of beginning a class focusing on the learners in the room as opposed to the content to be covered in Beginning the School Year: It's About Connections Not Content.
Innovating learning and literacy with iPads in kindergarten (by Kristi Meeuwse ADE)
Recognize this face? I use this image to teach my fourth grade students about symmetry. Of course, Abraham Lincoln was known for his asymmetrical face, and the above image showcases lines of symmetry beautifully! (An added bonus: I teach at Abraham Lincoln Accelerated Learning Academy, so my students are extra enthusiastic about this lesson!)
This is a space for me to share and reflect on my journey as a Kindergarten teacher. I am most passionate about play, inquiry and technology. I believe that relationships matter and that they are the key to success in the classroom. Yesterday my class got to collaborate, or in their eyes play, with twitter friends from Montana.
The 3 Tech Ninjas provides trainings on ways to bring technology into the classroom