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Updated by Jia Gadot on Feb 22, 2021
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6 Ways to Reduce Stress for Seniors - 24-7 Nursing Care

6 Ways to Reduce Stress for Seniors - 24|7 Nursing Care

To keep your mental and physical state healthy, seniors need to reduce stress in their daily life to avoid any heart diseases.

6 Mindful Ways to Manage Stress | One Medical

Updated April 15, 2019. We all know that stress isn’t good for us. The effects of stress can be debilitating, and for millions of people, stress leads to all sorts of symptoms and ailments, including headaches, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, irritability, and lowered immunity. Chronic stress suppresses the body’s ability to regulate the inflammatory response, which can promote and advance disease. With demanding, hectic schedules, you may not always be able to control what happens in your daily life, but you can practice healthy habits to manage stress. Here are six stress management tips to cope with stress mindfully.

6 ways to relieve stress naturally

There are many relaxation techniques and lifestyle strategies that can help you relieve stress. Here's how to find the best method for you.

  • Located in Miami, 24/7 Nursing Care, Inc is a leading provider of nursing care and companion services for individuals who want to remain independent and outside of a nursing home setting.

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