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Updated by Rosie Galvez on Feb 21, 2021
Headline for How To Thaw Cool Whip Quickly
Rosie Galvez Rosie Galvez
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How To Thaw Cool Whip Quickly

There are many other “cool” ways to thaw your cool whip. In this article, we will discuss some of the ways to save you time. These procedures are designed to save you time. All you need to do is to listen to these instructions carefully and repeat them as it is. You will get the perfect results by going through it.


Cool Whip

If you are a cooking aficionado, there is a possibility that you keep many ingredients in your kitchen. This helps a lot when the time comes to prepare a recipe. There is so much convenience in this idea of having all things you need at home. You can save some bucks when you buy in bulk. Again, you keep your kitchen full and that is a good sign.

All good things aside, there are chances of articles and items go bad. Or, you preserve a thing and when it is time to use it, you do not know how to get it back in the working condition. One such example is the cool whip.

There are cases where people keep cool whip at home in the freezers. When the time comes, they need to thaw it and then use it for dressing or whatever they wish to do it.

If you stored some cool whip in your freezer, you need to plan ahead if you want to thaw it properly, without spoiling its rich texture and viscosity.

Pro Tip: For five to six hours, preferably overnight, this is how long a cool whip needs to thaw in the refrigerator. By doing this, you will preserve its consistency, flavor, and texture.

Hurrying things and by-passing some steps can cost your time and resources, in the form of spoiled cool whip. So, keep calm and follow the tips, otherwise, you will ruin your cool whip!

Here is the list of methods:

• Counter Top

• Microwave

• Cold Water

We will go through each one of the methods so that you will have multiple to choose from.


Counter Top

This is one of the “risky” methods because the risk lies in the chemistry of the product.

Cool whip is made up of skimmed milk and cream. High temperatures for items like this could be dangerous. So, you should avoid long exposures of dairy products to temperatures above 40 degrees. Since this is a dairy product, you need to careful to thaw it by going through this method.

As far as the time limit is concerned, cool whip or any other dairy product should not be left to thaw for more than two hours at room temperatures. This is the absolute threshold. If you cross it, there are ample chances that you spoil the product you need to thaw.

In case your room temperature is more than 90 degrees, you should let the dairy products sit on the shelf for only an hour.

There are instances where people thaw cool whip on the counter and then report that the consistency and texture of cool whip have changed.

Again, your discretion is absolutely needed to prevent any damage, if you are following this method.



This, again, is a quick route to thaw the cool whip but you need to be alert. Here is how it is done:

Without placing the lid on the top, put the cool whip in the microwave. Then, set the timer for 30 seconds in the defrost settings, and let it run. After the time is up, take it out, stir it, and then put it back. Repeat the process until it is thawed. This should take around two to three minutes, but you need to be on your heels for this process to work perfectly.

There is one catch in this process – you will lose some of the texture of the cool whip. The truth is, if you let it heat for more than 30 seconds without stirring it, you will turn the thing into yellow syrup. Then, it will not be of any use.

Also, keep in mind that you will not be able to refreeze the cool whip that is thawed using this process. No matter in what condition it is thawed, you cannot restore its original state by refreezing it. If you end up with a yellow syrup while thawing your cool whip in the microwave, freezing that syrup will give you a block of frozen yellow syrup. So, keep that in mind before occupying the scarce storage of your freezer with things like that.

If you follow it to the bone, there are healthy chances that the cool whip will thaw with only a minor change in its color and texture. Keep in mind all the instructions before setting out for work.


Cold Water

If you are short on time and cannot thaw your cool whip in the refrigerator, this is probably the safest and quickest way to thaw. Here is how to do it.

Take a big bowl and fill it with cold water. Now, keep in mind that the bowl should be big enough to hold the container in which you are having your cool whip. Then, put the container, that is holding the cool whip, in the big bowl filled with cold water. Let it float for somewhere around half-hour to one hour. Your cool whip will be ready after this hour. As discussed in the previous section, you cannot keep dairy products out for more than two hours. So, keep that in mind while trying this method to thaw cool whip.

There are cases where people use lukewarm water, instead of cold water, but this could be risky. Sticking with cold water will make sure that the cool whip is not heated too quickly.


If You Do Not Succeed To Thaw The Cool Whip Properly

There is more than one possibility.

If you keep it at room temperature for more than two hours, there are fair chances that it will go bad. The reason is that it is made of dairy products and they do not feel very well in warm conditions.

Additionally, if you thaw cool whip at room temperature, you could have to sacrifice many of its properties, like beating roughly can lead to a reduction in volume and fluffiness. So, remember to be gentle whenever you are stirring the cool whip. Going hard will result in the change of consistency and texture of the cool whip. This, somehow, spoils the whole idea of thawing it quickly.

While using the microwave method, you need to be extra careful. Otherwise, you will ruin the cool whip and once it has gone bad, you cannot salvage it. It is because it will turn into yellow syrup. Even refreezing it will not get you any positive results.

The importance of following instructions cannot be overstressed.

The above methods are only for those who are in a hurry to get it thawed. If you are in no hurry, there is no need to risk the items. So, for those who have plenty of time, thawing cool whip in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, preferably over-night, is the best way to go.

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