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Updated by cadime3623 on Feb 10, 2024
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Football Betting | Ways You Should Consider Now!


Football Bet

Football Bet

Football Betting is big business. I have made my living off football betting here are 2 football betting strategies you can use that may just make you a tidy sum of money. Betting on the top three teams in each competitive football league. I personally use the English, Spanish, Italian and German leagues. If you take the top 3 teams in each football league and bet as follows you will win. 

Football Teams Loses

If one of the football teams loses, stake the required figure to recover the loss on the first game and to win £10 on the second game. If you follow this strategy you would win £10 on every game that each ofthe three teams won, they roughly wn 30 matches each in a football season. That equates to £900 a season for £10 bets, imagine £100 bets. If you repeat it across 4 leagues you have 12 sides giving you £10 or £100 each time they win and you are covering the losses. This is much better than putting the top sides in an accumulator where one loser costs you all the whole เว็บบอล tangball66.

Second Options

The second football bet which I recommend, requires finding a site that offers live football betting in play, (if you require to know one contact me through the site in my resource box). Bet on the next throw in for each team amd then cover your losses in exactly the same way. Lets assume Manchester United are playing Liverpool. I go to my in play bookmaker and find the football match. I select next throw in and place a bet of £10 on both teams. Man Utd get the next throw in so that bet wins, but the Liverpool bet loses.

Bet Price

I stake another £10 bet on Man Utd when the market resets but I increase my bet on Liverpool to cover my loss on the first bet. Continue through the game like this and you will make a good sum of money every game as both sides will get throw ins during the game. Stop your bets half way through the second half of the match when you have won 3 or 4 times on both teams.


Adopting these two football betting strategies across a whole season will produce you a decent income from football. To take your football betting to another level visit the site in my signature and I will help you make serious money. If you find this article enjoyable please use the resource at the top of this page to notify your friends.