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Updated by Ajackus on Feb 16, 2021
Ajackus Ajackus
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Get Your PRD Statement Right – Contents Of PRD

Product Requirement Document or PRD is the blueprint that paves the map for product development marking every feature requirement in detail. The importance of PRD and its contents for successful product development is elaborated here.




Why are you building that product? When the needs and context of the product are explained beforehand, it becomes easy for the developers to plan mitigation of contingent dilemmas whenever they arise. The purpose of the product is very much determined by the examination of user roles, which is elaborated as the next point. However, determining the purpose of product development & its need in the outside world separately is significant in gaining clarity of thought while developing the product.enter link description here


User Roles

One of the foremost things that you need to examine before developing a PRD document is accessing the User Roles. Who is going to use the product? – This is the founding question of all the ideas that flow into the development. The product interface & experience needs to be customized for different user roles and thus mentioning the requirements of so are significant for a PRD document. Different user roles can be – General users, subscribers, partners, admins, enterprisers, etc. Different cases in which certain hidden or small features might be used in the product should be elaborated in advance to receive a detailed product. List out what is expected by users, any limits to be aware of, and any additional elements required for smooth functionality in advance. A thorough analysis of user roles is thus crucial vital in the creation of a Product Requirement Document.enter link description here


Infrastructure & Technology

All the hardware & software requirements including supported platforms & browsers, hosting, domain, & other technologies that are prerequisites for the development of the product are to be incorporated within the PRD statement right from the start. Any specific preference of the product manager when it comes to technologies involving devices, ideas related to backend and front end dashboards, admin panel, login and password, payment system, etc should also be present in the PRD.enter link description here



What are you going to build? Every feature needed to be incorporated in the software should be explained in the PRD clearly with minute details. Accuracy & details of the requirements are the keys to successful software development and user satisfaction. This point is most significant in the whole product statement.enter link description here


UX Flow and Design Notes

UX flow should be presented in the PRD rather than after the product is designed. This helps tremendously in achieving the objective the product manager is looking for.enter link description here



Project division as per timeline, if required, should be stated in the PRD as weekly/monthly/bi-annually/annually or as per the preference of the product manager. This helps the developers in delivering updates as per expectations.enter link description here


Miscellaneous questions

There are several miscellaneous questions that might not look crucial at face value but can be game-changing for the product. The product manager or business analyst needs to brainstorm such questions to eliminate the chances of missing out on details. A few examples of Misc. Questions in relation to app development can be:

When do we plan to launch the corresponding iOS app?
What’s our preference between hybrid & native app?
Do we need to launch this app in the app store?
Do we need to support tablet Android devices?enter link description here



All the documents required by the product manager or business analyst at the time of the release of the product should be stated in the PRD statement to eliminate last-minute confusion & inconvenience.enter link description here


Additional features, questions, and notes

Additional notes and features can be added to the PRD document other than the primary ones. A few examples to give you the direction are referral systems, backup reports, human readability of codes, the scope of future advancements of the product’s version, and many more.enter link description here


Release Criteria

A list of criteria to be fulfilled by the developer before handing over the software to the product manager is required to avoid last-minute issues. A well-polished end product ready to use along with installation can be delivered if the release criteria are specified well enough.

Including these terms in the PRD creation and review process gets everyone on the same page and generates the desired outcome on release.enter link description here