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Updated by Lisa G on Feb 14, 2021
Headline for Essential Oils To Use For Congestion And Sinus Infection
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Essential Oils To Use For Congestion And Sinus Infection

In recent times, it is a visible trend that people are looking for alternatives to conventional medicine. There are many reasons for it. Some are just looking for a second opinion or a new perspective to take a look at illnesses. Others are denying the significance of conventional medicine and switching fully from western medicine to alternative medicine. Both extreme views aside, one thing is true about alternative medicine, especially essential oils – they work like a charm!


Essential Oils

There are many ailments that people have started to use only essential oils for a cure. These essential oils have no side effects and are produced from herbal sources. In addition to the cure they are used for, they overall enhance the sensory organs and kick start systems inside the body. It would not be a stretch to say that in the years to come, it can become an independent school of medicine.

The most common diseases for which people are using essential oils are congestions and sinus infections. As far as the causes of sinus infections are concerned, they are more than few. They range from common cold and flu to all the way allergies and infections. The main player behind the disease is a virus and the disease can be cured by killing the virus inside the body. Now, conventional medicine has centuries-old ways to deal with this problem, but essential oils have just started to play.

In technical terms, sinus infection leads to a condition called sinusitis. It occurs when the sinuses become inflamed and get congested and cause irritation and headache in the patients.

The increase in mucus production is the result of inflammation. But, due to the congested passages, the mucus cannot go out and cause sinus pressure and extreme discomfort which is widely associated with headaches. The bacteria in the mucus becomes the cause of further inflammation that leads to full-fledged infection.

For your better understanding, here are some of the common symptoms of a sinus infection:

• Headaches & Facial Pressure

• Slimy & Stuffy Nose

• Sore Throat

• Cough

• Fatigue

• Low-Grade Fever

Now, we will explore the avenues that will lead to its cure.

Today, we know there are many natural remedies that can cure these illnesses without any risk of serious side-effects that prescription medicines or those over-the-counter antibiotics can bring!

Here are some of the common side effects that you can have after taking these conventional medicines:

• Drowsiness

• High Blood Pressure

• Increased Heart Rate

• Headaches

On the other side, essential oils will give an effective and visible boost to your immune system. For their medicinal properties, you will run a low risk of getting side effects and more ways of getting a cure for sinus infections and congestion.

By definition, essential oils (EOs) have a high concentration of compounds that are extracted from plant sources. The most common sources to harvest EOs are:

• Bark

• Leaves

• Flowers

• Roots

• Resin

• Fruit

• Nut

This medicine relies on the aroma of these oils that can stimulate our bodies to produce antibodies and get in position to fight those pathogens out. This therapeutic application is referred to as aromatherapy, because of the effects aroma has on our bodies.


How It Works

If you know how essential oils work, you should know that just any EO will not get you the cure for sinus infections and congestion.

In order the find the oil that can work its magic for the ailment, you need to do a bit of research. It does not matter if you are not a trained medical professional, because you don’t need a degree to read the properties of each oil. You can go through them and can single out those that suits your condition.

If you need to look for healing potential in essential oils against sinus infections and congestion, you need to look for the following medicinal and therapeutic qualities in these oils:

• Analgesic – this will help you in dealing with discomfort and headaches that are related to sinus infections

• Antibacterial – this will kill the bacteria to stop further inflammation. The result will be a gradual reduction in the infection

• Antiviral – this will kill the viruses that cause blockages and infections in the nasal cavities

• Antifungal – this kills the fungi from growing inside your body to cause fungal illnesses

• Antiseptic – this will help you in keeping the sinuses to clean further infection and growth of aliens

• Anti-Inflammatory Qualities – this will aid you in relieving inflammation in the sinuses

• Decongestant – this will remove excess mucus and help in relieving sinus congestion

• Febrifuge – this will help in any low-grade fever that you can have due to inflammation and infection

• Immune System Support – this will arm your body by helping in the production of antibodies, thus getting your body to fight against germs

• Respiratory System Support – this helps in decongestion and strained breathing

After going through these qualities, you will find that there are many oils that offer more than one compound to fight sinus infection and congestion.


The Best EOs For Sinus Infections & Congestion

Now, we will discuss some of the most effective essential oils for the ailment:

• Peppermint

• Eucalyptus

• Tea Tree

• Rosemary

We will go through each one of them, one after the other:

Peppermint Oil
In scientific nomenclature, Mentha piperita, this herb oil has many qualities that you would want to have in your medicine to fight sinus infections and congestion. Some of the distinguishing properties include Analgesic, Antibacterial, Antiviral, Antiseptic, and many more.

It has a special compound being hyper-active to soothe your sinus – Menthol. Owing to its cooling effect, it even doubles as a mild anesthetic to give your body a rest and help it in fighting the infection.

Peppermint oil can fight many causes and effects of sinus congestion and helps relieve the body from sinusitis, headache, migraine, mental & physical exhaustion, tension relief, and so on.

On a special note, you should refrain from using this essential oil for:

• Kids Under 6 Years Old

• High Blood Pressure

• Pregnant & Breast-Feeding Women

Eucalyptus Oil
In scientific terms, it is known as Eucalyptus globulus or Eucalyptus radiata. It has almost all the therapeutic properties of peppermint oil with additional immune system support and respiratory system support, among others.

The active component in eucalyptus oil, 1.8 cineole, offers great relief for two major inflammatory respiratory problems when inhaled:

• Rhinosinusitis

• Bronchitis

It also works effectively against excessive mucus secretion due to the infection in the sinus passages.

Contraindications: Following are exceptional cases and should not be treated with eucalyptus oil:

• Kids Under 6 Years Old

• Epileptic

• Pregnant & Breast-Feeding Women

• High Blood Pressure

Tea Tree Oil
Also known as Melaleuca alternifolia, this herbal oil has the same benefits and features as eucalyptus oil. By inhaling vapors through the nose, it can clear constricted sinus passage and facilitates breathing by relaxing the pathway of the nasal cavity.

This is one of those essential oils that are on the stronger spectrum with high potency and quick result time. Aside from sinus infections and congestion, tea tree oil is used for a variety of ailments and records great cure points.

Some of the therapeutic uses of this magical EO are as follows:

• Sinusitis

• Respiratory Tract Infections

• Rhinitis

• Laryngitis

• Bronchitis

Due to its potency and strong action, it may cause irritation in hypersensitive people. So, you should always run a patch test before going all in. Also, keep in mind that it is a toxic substance and not suitable for oral intake. It should only be inhaled through vaporization and preferably under the supervision of a practitioner.

Rosemary Oil
Rosemary oil, also known as Rosmarinus officinalis, is one of the most potent and therapeutic oils that you can use for sinus infections and congestion. It has many of the properties that we discussed already and more. There is no evidence of its connection to any spiritual wellbeing, but it has many qualities that can stand the test of time without them.

One of the most striking things about rosemary oil is the strong antimicrobial properties that allow it to fight many strains and viruses and bacteria that cannot be treated by conventional medicine. The reason, primarily, is the abuse of antibiotics and antiviral drugs that make them resistant. Contrary to this, this essential oil has two active ingredients that are linalool and 1.8 cineole. This study was conducted by the Journal of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, so there is some strong backing to these lofty claims!

Like many of the oils we discussed earlier, this oil is also inhaled through vapors. Its fumes can open the sinus passage and clear out the nasal cavity of excessive mucus. Using this oil will get the help you in breathing better during congestion and sinus infection.

This essential oil is not for:

• Pregnant Women

• Epileptic

• High Blood Pressure

Also, take it under supervision, if possible. Use only vapors because ingestion of this oil could be toxic. Also, keep it away from young kids.


Other Essential Oils

Because of the rich ingredients and effective therapeutic properties of essential oils, they are not less in number. Apart from these four, there are many others that can serve as an antidote for sinus infections and congestion.

Following are other essential oils that you can explore:

• Oregano Oil

• Lavender Oil

• Clove Oil

• Frankincense Oil

• Lemon Oil


Some Pros & Cons Of Essential Oils

As discussed earlier, there could be some mile side effects when you use essential oils to treat sinus infections and congestion. After discussing some of the best EOs at length, it is time to take a look at their overall properties, effects, and qualities to know the good from the bad.

Here are some of the pros of using essential oils:

• Potency – the smallest amount of essential oils that is rightly taken can offer a variety of active compounds that can do two things. It will treat the issue they are taken for and overall strengthen your body to fight against other germs and infections.

• Affordable Pricing – No matter if you have insurance or not, or how much yours cover, it is always expensive to visit a hospital. Contrary to this, you have mother nature at your disposal at a nominal price, when compared against conventional medicine. And do not forget it is way too potent.

• Low To None Side Effects – Again when you compare essential oils with prescription medication and other over-the-counter antibiotics, you will experience little to none side effects. But you need to keep in mind what the proper way of taking those oils is. Also, refrain from using at people that are singled out as at risk from these oils.

• Blending – You can make your own blends that better suit your needs and desires. This will positively change the way how things will work.

Now, it is time to go through possible risks and cons of using essential oils for treating sinus infections and congestion:

• Mishandling – the essential oils are highly potent and should be taken with the utmost care and attention. When misused, they can cause irritation and can even worsen the symptoms of the illness you are using them against.

• Contaminated Products – according to an estimate, more than 75% of the essential oils in the market are either diluted or contaminated with synthetic substances. This leaves you to go at lengths and get your own blend from an apothecary or any other practitioner.

• Limitations – essential oils are not some magical drugs that can cure things every time. So, if you are experiencing recurring symptoms, it is best to consult your physician before using essential oils for your ailments.

• Limited Research – the bulk of the research done on essential oils is based on animals or in laboratory conditions. Although this shows promise, it is still lacking in having the support of the medical community in general. This hinders it from exploring its true potential.


How To Choose An Essential Oil

In the end, we will discuss how to avoid substandard products and get the right product:

• Go for certified and graded products

• Run tests for quality assurance

• Read the manual or label

• Ensure the Latin name of the oil is there

• Note your body’s response when you start the regimen

Read more about Essential Oils