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Updated by Jennifer Kelly on Feb 12, 2021
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8 Early Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis You Need to Know

Multiple sclerosis is a serious health condition when your immune system mistakenly attacks vital to everyday function body parts. This condition damages the covering of nerve cells and leads to poor function of the spinal cord and brain’s poor functioning. This condition has a wide variety of symptoms that can vary in their severity from person to person. While this condition is incurable, early treatment can slow down its progression and decrease the severity of symptoms.


8 Early Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis You Need to Know

8 Early Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis You Need to Know

Multiple sclerosis is a serious health condition when your immune system mistakenly attacks vital to everyday function body parts. This condition damages the covering of nerve cells and leads to poor function of the spinal cord and brain’s poor functioning. This condition has a wide variety of symptoms that can vary in their severity from person to person. While this condition is incurable, early treatment can slow down its progression and decrease the severity of symptoms.

Below are 8 early symptoms of multiple sclerosis that can help you catch this condition at the early stages.

1. Pain and spasms

Multiple sclerosis often causes pain and muscle spasms around the body. More than 50 percent of people with this condition experience chronic pains and aches. Along with spasms and pain, multiple sclerosis may cause muscle and joint stiffness. These symptoms most often affect the legs and lower back.

2. Balance problems

Many parts of your body work together to ensure balance. You can split them into input, processing, and output. Your brain receives signals through the receptors, processes them, and sends signals that help maintain a balance. Multiple sclerosis affects the ability of your body to send, receive, and process these signals. This can make you feel dizzy and lightheaded.

3. Sexual dysfunction

Inability to achieve or maintain sexual arousal is a problem that people with multiple sclerosis experience. The process of sexual arousal begins in the nervous system. When multiple sclerosis attacks the nervous system, this leads to numbness or paresthesias of the genitals. This may contribute to low libido, decreased vaginal lubrication, and difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection.

4. Vision issues

Vision issues are another common symptom of multiple sclerosis. This condition can affect the nerves responsible for the vision and destabilize central vision. This can lead to problems like double vision, blurred vision, and even blindness. The vision degenerative process is slow. For this reason, it can be hard to catch vision problems immediately. One of the symptoms that can accompany vision issues is pain that occurs when you try to move your head up.

5. Cognitive issues

More than 50 percent of patients with multiple sclerosis suffer from cognitive issues. These include insufficient attention, speaking issues, and memory problems. Multiple sclerosis may also decrease your attention span and productivity at work. This condition can contribute to emotional health issues as well. A major depressive disorder is a widespread condition among people with multiple sclerosis.

6. Bowel and bladder issues

More than 80 percent of people with multiple sclerosis experience bowel and bladder issues. The most common issues include the inability to hold in urine, strong urges to urinate, and frequent urination. But these problems are manageable with proper treatment. You may also experience poor bowel control, constipation, and diarrhea. These issues are less frequent but may affect a person with multiple sclerosis as well.

7. Numbness

Patients with multiple sclerosis often experience tingling and numbness in different parts of the body. This happens because this condition damages nerves in the brain and spinal cord. The spinal cord and brain are a body’s massaging center. Damage to these parts of your body may lead to a mishmash of signals between these organs. This results in numbness and tingling in the face, arms, legs, and fingers. In case you experience these symptoms, contact a neurologist to find the root cause.

8. Weakness

Weakness and fatigue affect more than 75 percent of people with multiple sclerosis. These are the most common early signs of multiple sclerosis. When nerves in the spinal column are damaged, you become extremely fatigued. The feeling of weakness occurs suddenly and lasts several weeks. It usually develops in the legs and then affects other parts of the body.