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Updated by jseth291 on Jul 06, 2021
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Online Schooling: New Era Education

The list contains blogs on key differences between the two forms of schooling , that is, traditional schooling vs online schooling. The latest trends in education are also discussed in the blogs

Traditional Schooling vs Online Schooling: Key Differences |

As most of us experienced online classes during the pandemic, we all felt some striking differences between traditional and online schooling. The blog discusses how the two prominent mediums, that is, traditional and online schooling are different from each other.

Our country still struggles with the evils of school violence and other issues. The fact that a digital school is free from these threats makes it totally different from a traditional school. Digital schooling is based on the idea of homeschooling in India, so it is totally different from attending a physical school every day.

Is homework important an insight into its advantages and disadvantages

These advantages are insightful, but still cannot fully answer our questions, ‘why is homework important?’ and ‘is homework good or bad?’
So, let’s move on to the disadvantages and see the other side of this story

5 Challenges of Indian Education System and the Way Forward |

Indian education model has come a long way with multiple reforms and changes. Despite numerous modifications, we are still far from being a world-class education system. Even after 73 years of independence, the government strives hard to make quality education accessible for one and all. As a developing country, we still need to go a long way to meet the demands of 21st-century global learning.

The Indian education system has its own advantages and shortcomings. Know about the prominent challenges of our mainstream system and a way forward through this article.

8 Significant Benefits of Social Learning in Online Schools: | K8 School

Social skills are an essential part of our personality. As an essential domain of a child’s holistic development, this social learning is the basis of making students stable and happy.

It is obvious that, without social learning, a child cannot be socially competent. Therefore, the top traditional and online schools focus on this important aspect of social learning largely.

So, today, let us discuss 8 significant benefits of social learning in online school–

Mental health problems in schools and benefits of online-schooling

A good online school helps in reducing academic and peer pressure and creates happy learning experiences for students. With modern virtual learning platforms, a student can spend time and energy as per their individual needs.

So, if you are also looking out for an option to improve your child’s mental health, join an online school now!

Effectiveness of Online Schooling | K8 School Blog

Studies have revealed that an online learning environment makes the teaching and learning process more student-centric. It allows students to choose what, when, and how to manage their studies for the best results. Thankfully, today, digital schooling powered by top online resources creates a superior learning environment for students. Because the use of innovative technology has made education more flexible and productive for students.

Exploring the 5C’s of Online Schooling |

Online schooling help in inculcating 21st-century relevant skills in students. Know about the 5C’s of online schooling through this informative article.

The core elements of a virtual classroom help students to avail the benefits of online education fully. These elements showcase the potential of the presented plan and also predict results. Without effective core elements, an educational institution cannot deliver good results. The 5C’s of online schools cover all aspects of student-centric online education. Making way for a happy joyous and fruitful educational endeavor for our young learners.

How does Technology Enhance the Learning Experience of Students?

Technological advancements in education enhance the way we take learning experiences today. Ultimately providing us with the best quality education in India.

Innovative use of technology triggers the mental faculties of students and improves their learning experiences. With these modern educational solutions, the best quality education is no more a dream that is hard to realize.

Unveiling the Trends and Future prospects of Online Schooling with K8School in 2021 |

Yes! We are ready with the roadmap of success for the best online schooling experience available through 100% virtual mediums in every nook and corner of India. If you have internet access, a compatible device, and the zeal to thrive within an online learning environment, this year is just for you.

Online schooling is a growing trend. In the year 2021, it is believed to reach greater heights. Know the offerings of K8school in 2021 through this article.

How can Online Education reduce Classroom Stress and Pressure

Online schools work on the lines of the universal goal of “quality learning”. This emphasis on quality education makes the process more student-centric and reduces the stress of scoring marks. When we teach students for excellence, great results simply follow. Virtual schooling is not just great to help students with their unique needs but also helps in attaining mastery over the subject matter.

Can Online Learning replace Traditional Schooling in 2021? Technonguide

As the ultimate aim of the education industry is to improve the learning experiences of students, online learning can certainly replace traditional schooling to a great extent.

Here are some reasons in this article that emphasize on why online learning can replace traditional learning in 2021:

5 तरीके जिनसे ऑनलाइन लर्निंग मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम का शिक्षा में किया जा सकता है उपयोग | Youth Ki Awaaz

महामारी काल में ऑनलाइन शिक्षा लेना अब एक लोकप्रिय विकल्प बन चुका है। ऑनलाइन लर्निंग मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम यह शब्द बहुत बार आपने छात्रों, शिक्षकों और हितधारकों से सुना होगा। आइए जानते हैं आखिर क्या है यह ऑनलाइन लर्निंग मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम।

How to Adapt with the Immediate Shift to Online Education

Over the years, we always looked for answers to questions like ‘what is rote learning?’ and how to improve the quality of education imparted in Indian schools. But with all these unresolved issues, and then a bigger challenge came our way.

As we strived hard during the pandemic, virtual schooling silently addressed several issues within our mainstream education system. Unfortunately, the pandemic time did not allow us to introspect much about these solutions, but now as things improved, we could see the opportunities within this medium.

Yes! It is a silver lining to the pandemic that, now students can opt for 100% digital schooling and avail quality education within their home settings.

This is a big step forward when compared to the forced shift to online education.

Indian Education System in 2030 - SRM Articles | Help Care Support

Some goals that we will be able to achieve by the year 2030?

It is believed that in the years to come we will have a better network of online schools and physical schools. So, we will be able to include each Indian student in the mainstream system.

Additionally, by this time, we will improve the quality of early childhood education and care. This will help in making our students up to the age of 6 years fully school-ready.

Most importantly, our system will have a rate of 100% enrollment by the year 2030.
8 Reasons that convince you to Switch to an Online School |

Online school classes conducted by our experienced educators create unprecedented opportunities to learn beyond the four walls of any traditional school.

A survey shows that the eLearning industry is expected to cross a massive figure of 243 billion US dollars by the year 2022 (Source- Statista). These huge numbers talk volumes about the growing trend of using online learning resources, the dominance of the eLearning industry in the coming years, and the emergence of online schools in all parts of the world.

Indeed! The main reason behind this growing popularity is the unmatched opportunities that online platforms offer!


How to Choose a School for your Child's Best Schooling in India?

Selecting the perfect school for your child can be the most difficult choice for you as a parent. School selection is a task which calls for a rigorous comparison of fancy promises, colorful brochures, and the visits of schools premises. But as parents, we know that even the best advertisements cannot guarantee our child’s bright future. While your priority is to settle for nothing but the best schooling in India, the choices around can still leave you bamboozled!

Today as the innovative teaching and learning process has taken a giant stride we have many more alternatives apart from the regular schools.

Online Schooling: The future of Education in India

The future of education depends on foremost factors like affordability, quality and accessibility. Let's find how online schooling can contribute to the future of Indian Education System.

Importance Of Global Education And International Boards In India - EdTechReview

The international boards in India help us achieve world-class global education that is accepted worldwide, which makes it possible for us to become the global citizens of India.

The article gives information about various international boards of education like AdvancED (Now COGNIA), American Curriculum, Cambridge International Examinations and International Baccalaureate Organization (IB), etc.

Read this article to know how global education can be beneficial for your kid

Online Schooling: Paving Way for Digital Literacy | Article Abode

Online schooling is also known as virtual schooling, and cyber schooling. In easier words, an online school is a virtual school that works exactly like an offline institution but on an online platform. Students, teachers, and the school’s management, all the individuals that are related to the school attend it online (using an electronic device). Online schools follow a flexible, systemized, and well-organized curriculum that is structured and designed for students of every kind i.e. differently-abled, gifted students, and normal-pace students.

List of Online Schools in India

If you are looking for the start with the best schooling option right here in India. Here's a detailed comparison of the 4 best digital schooling options for you!

Everything About Online School Education in India

Online schooling in India is a growing succession towards the movement of digitalization in our country. Considering the increasing interest of students towards the same, the future of online education seems brighter and more stable. Since the traditional education system consists of various errors and deficiencies due to human-run management, the new-age learning will eliminate all such deficits with the help of technology-run and automated operations.

Examining the Reality of Online Education in India - The Education and Development Forum (UKFIET)

The challenging school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic provided parents with an insight into online education in India. While some parents preferred online classes over the traditional face-to-face medium, others were frustrated about the negative aspects of online education. With these contrasting opinions as a backdrop, this blog attempts to examine the reality of online education in India.

How an online school can help in overcoming the education gap in India

The education system of India is not growing for a long period of time, causing a huge educational gap that is hard to overcome. The introduction of an online school in India is considered a huge leap forward.

Why Mobile Learning Can Be termed as the Future of Education

Mobile learning is the newest model of education that is being preferred by various online schools, institutions, and universities.

Mobile learning can surely be termed as the future of the Indian education system as it carries enough potential to reach the masses and educate every learner present in the most mobile location of the world.

Parents Interaction with K8 Online School - Questions & Answers

Being a product of the revolution in the education system, K8 School primarily focuses on the holistic development of its students.

Parents that are sceptical about choosing between online and offline schooling were invited to join the session.

This introductory session is to provide parents with an opportunity to clear all their questions & answers about online school admissions.