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Updated by Paramjit Singh on Apr 25, 2022
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Top Food list to lose weight fast

Top Foods for Weight Loss and Speed Up Your Metabolism!

Hi Guys, Most of us always worry about our overweight. I know you are very serious about weight loss so I am. For losing weight, we have to start eating right. Most Experts say abs build in the kitchen not in Gym. It means you can reduce fat or Loss Weight or Build Muscles With Right diet Macros according to your body weight. So here I will tell you to top Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian foods, which as health nutrition expert I always recommend to my personal fitness training India client. These foods also help to controls your craving about eating crap.

These Top Foods for Weight Loss also help you to speed up Your metabolism and weight loss.


All leafy green vegetable:

All leafy green vegetable:

I love them to have you first in your choice they are an amazing source of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins. They work in so many ways in our body, low in calories.




Quinoa is the best source of veg. the protein contained in 100 grams is around 13 gram, best things about quinoa it contains all nine essential amino acids and packed with vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamin b, fibers, calcium, and many more benefits.


White eggs

White eggs

Almost one white egg contains around 3.6 grams of protein. Rich in zinc, copper, b6, vitamin d, selenium, phosphorus, it has no cholesterol. White eggs also a best food to take as your after working out out. It is highly recommended food by all exercise instructors.




Berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. They all have immense benefits for us. Good source of vitamin c, fibers and antioxidants, and many More.


Chicken breast

Chicken breast

100 g chicken breast contains around31 grams of protein, Good source of chorine, b6, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, etc.




I remembered how when I was a kid, In our home have grapefruit tree. But that time I was not aware of its benefits. But I use to eat every day in its season time. It helps in your immunity and mainly slows down ur aging process. Study claims also help in
Kidney stones.




Seed like chia seed, pumpkin seed, Fennel Seed, sesame seed, flaxseed, sunflower seed, etc, They all packed with a good amount of nutrition value and help us to lose weight. I love to have in my early breakfast with oats.




They are a good source of protein. 100 grams of fish contain around 22 grams of Protein. Also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin d. The latest science study claims it also helps in your Depression.