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Updated by William Hruska on Mar 09, 2022
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What are the types of automation testing?

Automation testing plays a major role in software testing as it helps in faster and reliable testing. Let us now take a look into what exactly is automation testing and what are its types.

TestingXperts Canada — What is the process of beta testing?

Software testing is an essential part of the software development lifecycle. Different phases of the SDLC cycle require different types of testing. In this article, we will explore one such type of testing that helps to reduce the risk of product failure through customer validation – beta testing.

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Today, every business wants to improve the user experience (UX) by delivering quality
products. And, therefore before the release of the software, businesses do a beta test where they
release a nearly completed version of the software to some users to gain their feedback on usability,
reliability, performance, and quality of the product. Let try to understand all this in more depth.
What is beta testing?
Beta testing is a type of customer validation methodology wherein a nearly completed version (90%-
95% complete) of the software is released in the market to gain end-users feedback on the usability,
functionality, compatibility, reliability of the product. The inputs received from the intended users
helps to improve the quality of the product.
What are the three Rs of beta testing?
The three Rs are:
 Real people – In this testing process the product is tested by real end-users or intended
users or customers
 Real environment – The product is tested by real users in a real environment, i.e. production
 Real product – The end-users test, the real product which is the nearly completed version in
most cases.
When is beta testing done?
This test is done in two situations as stated below:
 Pre-release – In this situation, a nearly completed version (90%-95% complete) of the
software is released to a set no. users to gain their feedback about the product
 Post-release – In this situation, completed software (100% complete) is released in the
market for all end-users. User feedback is collected and improvements are made in the next
Why is beta testing necessary?
 The beta test helps to gain feedback from real users about the product quality which
ultimately helps to make the product more satisfactory for end-users
 This testing method helps the various team of the organizations to make an informed
decision about the product
 It helps to uncover bugs in the software which either got missed during previous test cycles
or might occur after release
 This test helps businesses to know what customers like and don’t like in a product

 This testing process improves customer and business relationship as customers feel valued
and understands that their opinion matters
What are the different types of beta tests?
1. Closed/private test– In this testing method, the software is released to only a limited
number of end-users. These end-users are selected by the business in most cases. But in
some case, these end-users can comprise of already existing users or can be paid testers
2. Open test– In this testing, the software is released to all end-users. Their feedback is
collected and necessary improvements are made
3. Technical test –In this testing, the software is released to the technical group/department of
an organization and is more focused on gaining feedback on technical aspects of the product
which a common user cannot identify
4. Focused test– In this testing method, the software is released to end-user to gain their
feedback on a particular feature or functionality.
What are the steps involved in beta testing?
The steps involved in the testing process are stated below:
1. Start with planning the test – Plan the test by deciding the objective of the test, set up key
metrics that will help to compare actual and expected outcomes. Decide the time duration
of the test.
2. Invite test participants – Carefully select and invite the test participants. The test
participants can either be your existing or non-existing customers, employees, etc. Try to
avoid selecting family and friends as testers as you want and unbiased opinions from testers.
3. Distribute the product to test participants – Distribute the product to testers so that they
can use it for some time before framing an opinion
4. Collect tester’s feedback – Ask for feedback from testers on various aspects of the product.
5. Evaluate and iterate- Based on the feedback received from end-users improve the product
and release it to market
Conclusion: Customer feedback and satisfaction matter a lot for almost every business. This is why,
before and after the release of the software, business always seeks customer’s feedback on the
product. It is done to make the product more useful and satisfactory for end-users. Leverage beta
testing from a next-gen QA and software testing services provider to achieve a quality product and
to deliver a great UX.
About the author: I am a technical content writer and I write articles on various IT related topics. In
In this article, I have tried to share a complete guide on beta testing.

"Usually, the software has to go through various types of the test before it is released in the market for the end-users. One such software testing process is UAT testing which is done by the end-user or product owner to ensure that the software is up to the expectation and is ready for release.

Note : Is regression testing part of functional testing?

Functional testing and Regression testing are often considered as two different software testing practices. But, let me help you in understanding that regression testing is a part of functional testing. Functional testing is a kind of black-box testing where the tester doesn’t validate the bugs in the code. Whereas, functional testing is used for verifying each function of the application is working as per the requirements or not.

User testing, or ease of use testing, is a key part of structuring, settling, and propelling an incredible automated item. It’s tied in with identifying usability issues at any phase of the item improvement cycle with the point of improving the general client experience.

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Mobile devices are inarguably the most disruptive technology invention in recent times and have had an impact on human lives like no other. With the number of mobile devices surpassing the number of human beings on earth, making your application mobile-ready is key to keeping today’s digital consumers happy.

Regression testing is a reliable way to ensure that the applications remain defect-free even after frequent changes. It also ensures that the recent changes have not broken any existing functionality. It helps to find bugs in a new software release and to ensure that the previous bugs are fixed.

High-performing software that works well under all load conditions is the need of an hour for many businesses. Therefore, today businesses adopt various types of testing services to test the quality or reliability of their software.

High-quality software is the need of every business and therefore to achieve it businesses test their product. There are two ways of testing the software namely manual and automated. Though manual testing is slow, limited in coverage and scope, and prone to human errors, it is important and cannot be omitted.

TestingXperts Canada — What is functional testing in QA?

Functional testing is a core activity of the software development process. It ensures that the software application is built in exact accordance with the expected requirements.

What is AI automation testing?

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in software testing is the latest trend, but, is gradually turning out to be rewarding. AI in test automation can actually scale up the performance of testing activities.

User Acceptance Testing is one of the most important software testing types simply because real users are given the responsibility to test the software product. User's behavior and their overall analysis of the product are given due consideration.

How to build an automation test framework for regression testing?

Regression testing in actuality is considered to be an important software testing type, but, in most of the scenarios, it is misinterpreted due to which the strategic advantage of this testing method cannot be utilized properly. In fact, if regression testing is correctly performed then it will help

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Automation testing has proved to be a phenomenal testing activity in the software development and software testing domain. Companies have benefitted greatly through the tactical implementation of test automation for their respective software projects, which in turn leads to higher efficiency and reduced time and efforts.

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Our AI testing experts perform effective Voice and NLP text testing to deliver a fully functional AI bot. AI testing aims to make testing smarter and more efficient.