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Headline for Image Clinic - Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Clinic India
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Image Clinic - Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Clinic India

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap, MD, FACS is the only plastic surgeon in Delhi who is an Active Member of American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Being an expert in Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery with over 20 years experience, he can help you achieve the look you desire. Please feel free to contact us anytime to find out about the cosmetic surgery cost in Delhi


Dr Kashyap Performs the Tummy Tuck Surgery in Delhi

Dr Kashyap Performs the Tummy Tuck Surgery in Delhi

Tummy tuck is a procedure that reshape the stomach or give a flat tummy. Contact us anytime with any questions you may have, or to schedule your consultation for abdominoplasty procedure in Delhi, India.

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap (MD, FACS)
Mobile: +91-9818369662, 9958221982

#tummytuck #weightloss #abdominoplasty #minitummytuck #plasticsurgeon #plasticsurgerydelhi #nosesurgery #lipsurgery #cosmeticsurgeonindelhi #drkashyap #facelift #eyelidsurgery #360lipo #liposuction #ryhnoplasty #breastaugmentation #breastlift #breastreduction #breastimplant #armlift #necklift #bodycontoring #antiaging


Best Face Lift Surgeon Clinic in Delhi - KAS Medical Center

Best Face Lift Surgeon Clinic in Delhi - KAS Medical Center

A Face Lift can improve sagging in the mid-face and deep creases below the lower eyelids,along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth. Contact us anytime with any questions you may have, or to schedule your consultation for cosmetic and plastic surgery clinic in Delhi, India.

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap
Call: +91-9958221983

#facelift #rhytidectomy #minifacelift #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon


Facial Fat Transfer in Delhi

Facial Fat Transfer in Delhi

KAS medical Center has experienced surgeon and also have many years of experience in this field. If you are looking for the Facial Fat Transfer in Delhi then you can undoubtedly go with KAS medical Center.
To schedule an appointment please call +91-9958221982.
Book video call consultation please call/WhatsApp: +91-9958221983, 9958221982
#facialfattransfer #PRP #KASlift #cosmeticsurgeryclinic #plasticsurgeonindia #bestsurgeonindia


Best Breast Augmentation in Delhi, Implant Surgery Cost in Delhi

Best Breast Augmentation in Delhi, Implant Surgery Cost in Delhi

Breast augmentation has a long and successful track record in satisfying women who wish to enhance, regain or restore balance to their figures. Consult your plan for Breast Implant surgery with our US Board Certified Surgeon via appointment.

Schedule a virtual consultation by:
Phone: 995-822-1981
For Pricing: Text 995-822-1981
Location: Khasra no 541/542, MG Road, Aya Nagar, Metro Pillar 184, Near the Arjan Garh Metro Station, New Delhi, India
Note: Individual results may vary.⁣

#USA, #UK, #Canada, #Australia, #NewZealand, #Nigeria, #Kenya, #Ethiopia, #Uganda, #Tanzania, #Zambia, #Congo, #SriLanka, #Bangladesh, #Afghanistan, #Nepal, #Uzbekistan

#breastaugmentation #autologousfattransfer #breastimplant #breastenlargement #breastsurgeon #plasticsurgeonindia


What is included in a Mommy Makeover? | US Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

What is included in a Mommy Makeover? | US Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Mommy Makeover surgery is a name given to a variety of cosmetic surgeries that can be done to tighten, firm, and rejuvenate parts of the body that change as a result of pregnancy and childbirth. Tummy tuck, breast augmentation, liposuction, arm, buttock or thigh lift, and vaginal rejuvenation are all popular elements of a mommy makeover, but the results are customisable to your wants and needs.

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap (MD, FACS)
Mobile: +91-9818369662, 9958221982


Are You Looking for Best Forehead Reduction Surgeon in Delhi

Are You Looking for Best Forehead Reduction Surgeon in Delhi

Looking for Best forehead shortening surgery in Delhi, India? We at cosmetic plastic surgery clinic, provide forehead reduction Surgery at affordable cost/ price in Delhi, india by top plastic surgeon doctor - Dr. Ajaya Kashyap at KAS Medical Center.

Schedule a consultation by:

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap
Call: +91-9958221981
For Pricing: Text +91-9958221981
Location: Khasra no 541/542, MG Road, Aya Nagar, Metro Pillar 184, Near the Arjan Garh Metro Station, New Delhi, India

#foreheadshortening #foreheadreduction #facesurgeon #realpatient #beauty #realself #plasticsurgeon #cosmeticsurgery #drkashyap #delhi #india


Dr Ajaya Kashyap Best Eyelid Surgeon in Delhi India

Dr Ajaya Kashyap Best Eyelid Surgeon in Delhi India

Blepharoplasty is the medical term for cosmetic eyelid surgery. It’s a popular procedure that continues to gain in stature because it helps rejuvenate a tired and aging appearance caused by droopy eyelids. Contact us anytime with any questions you may have, or to schedule your consultation for Eyelid cosmetic surgery in Delhi, India.

Schedule a consultation by:
Dr. Ajaya Kashyap
Call: +91-9958221981
For Pricing: Text +91-9958221981
Location: Khasra no 541/542, MG Road, Aya Nagar, Metro Pillar 184, Near the Arjan Garh Metro Station, New Delhi, India

#blepharoplasty #eyelidsurgery #lowereyelid #uppereyelid #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #realpatient #beauty #realself


Chin Implant Surgery India Low Cost Benefits - Dr. Kashyap Clinic Delhi

Chin Implant Surgery India Low Cost Benefits - Dr. Kashyap Clinic Delhi

Looking for Best Chin Implant surgery in Delhi, India? We at cosmetic plastic surgery clinic, provide Chin Augmentation Procedure at affordable cost/ price in Delhi, india by top plastic surgeon doctor - Dr. Ajaya Kashyap at KAS Medical Center.
Take Video Consultation with our doctor from the comfort of your home. To book an appointment for Video Consultation Call or Whatsapp: +91-9958221982

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap (MD, FACS)
Mobile: +91-9818369662, 9958221982
Location: Khasra no 541/542, MG Road, Aya Nagar, Metro Pillar 184, Near the Arjan Garh Metro Station, New Delhi, India

#chinaugmentation #chinfiller #chinimplant #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #chinaugmentationdelhi #chinimplantcostinindia #Drkashyap #Delhi #India #medicaltourism


Contact Us Best Forehead Reduction Surgery in Aya Nagar, New Delhi

Contact Us Best Forehead Reduction Surgery in Aya Nagar, New Delhi

Looking for Forehead Reduction Surgery in Delhi, India? We at cosmetic plastic surgery clinic, provide forehead shortening at affordable cost/ price in Delhi, india by US board certified surgeon - Dr. Ajaya Kashyap at KAS Medical Center.
Take Video Consultation with our doctor from the comfort of your home. To book an appointment for Video Consultation Call or Whatsapp: +91-9958221981

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap (MD, FACS)
Mobile: +91-9818369662, 9958221981
Location: Aya Nagar, New Delhi, India

#foreheadshortening #foreheadreduction #foreheadsurgery #drkashyap #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #delhi #india


Best Arm Lift Surgery by US Board Certified Surgeon Dr. Kashyap in Delhi

Best Arm Lift Surgery by US Board Certified Surgeon Dr. Kashyap in Delhi

KAS medical Center has experienced surgeon and also have many years of experience in this field. If you are looking for the Arm lift surgery in Delhi then you can undoubtedly go with KAS Medical Center. You may visit us for a consultation on procedures by our US board certified surgeon Dr. Ajaya Kashyap.

Take Video Consultation with our doctor from the comfort of your home. To book an appointment for Video Consultation Call or Whatsapp: +91-9958221981

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap (MD, FACS)
Mobile: +91-9818369662, 9958221982
Location: Aya Nagar, New Delhi, India

#armlift #brachioplasty #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #drajayakashyap #Delhi #India


Brazilian Buttock Lift | Best Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Delhi

Brazilian Buttock Lift | Best Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Delhi

A Brazilian butt lift is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves the transfer of fat to help create more fullness in your backside. If you have been thinking about getting a Brazilian Buttock Lift surgery in Delhi contact us for an appointment where we can discuss your requirements in more details.

Take Video Consultation with our doctor from the comfort of your home. To book an appointment for Video Consultation Call or Whatsapp: +91-9958221981

Schedule a consultation by:
Dr. Ajaya Kashyap (Triple American Board Certified Surgeon)
Call or Whatsapp: +91-9958221981
Location: Aya Nagar, New Delhi, India

#BrazilianButtLift #ButtLift #BrazilianButtockLift #HipSurgery #Liposuction #CosmeticSurgery #Realself #RealPatient #DrAjayaKashyap


Tummy Tuck Surgery with Stretch Marks Removal Cost in Gurgaon, Delhi

Tummy Tuck Surgery with Stretch Marks Removal Cost in Gurgaon, Delhi

A full tummy tuck can remove a significant amount of stretch marks located below the navel for a smoother, sleeker appearance. For more information on how a tummy tuck can help you say goodbye to unsightly stretch marks, contact Dr. Ajaya Kashyap Triple American Board certified Plastic Surgeon today. Take Video Consultation with our doctor from the comfort of your home. To book an appointment for Video Consultation Call or Whatsapp: +91-9958221981

Schedule a consultation by:
Dr. Ajaya Kashyap
Call: +91-9958221981
Location: Aya Nagar, New Delhi, India

#TummyTuckSurgery #Abdominoplasty #StretchMarksRemoval #BodyLift #CosmeticSurgery #CosmeticSurgeon #PlasticSurgery #PlasticSurgeon #DrKashyap.


Contact Best Facial Fat Transfers Specialist Book Your Appointment Today

Contact Best Facial Fat Transfers Specialist Book Your Appointment Today

Facial fat transfers are the safest, most natural technique to restore facial volume because it transfers fat from elsewhere on your body into the face. If you're looking for a longer-term solution to restore a more youthful, rested appearance to the face, this is the procedure for you!

Interested? Call to make an appointment (995) 822-1981

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Neck Lift Surgery Delhi | Neck Lift Procedure Cost in Gurugram

Neck Lift Surgery Delhi | Neck Lift Procedure Cost in Gurugram

Neck lift procedure tightens loose neck skin for a younger and fresher appearance. If you are looking for the Neck lift surgery in Delhi then you can undoubtedly go with KAS Medical Center. You may visit us for a consultation on procedures by our Triple American Board certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ajaya Kashyap.
Interested? Call to make an appointment (995) 822-1981

#neckliftsurgerycost #plasticsurgerydelhi #imageclinic #neckliftsurgeondelhi #cosmeticsurgeryindia


Thigh Lift Procedure Cost in Delhi Gurugram -

Thigh Lift Procedure Cost in Delhi Gurugram -

If fitness and weight loss efforts have not achieved your goals for a body that is firmer, more youthful-looking and more proportionate to your overall body image, a surgical thigh lift may be right for you.
In comparison to other places in the world, thigh lift surgery cost in India is very economical. You are welcome to contact our clinic, to enquire about the thigh lift surgery cost in Delhi

Interested? Call to make an appointment (995) 822-1982

#thighliftsurgery #thighplastycost #plasticsurgerydelhi #imageclinic #thighliftsurgeondelhi #cosmeticsurgeryindia


Buccal Fat Removal Cost in Delhi - Cheek Fat Reduction Surgery India

Buccal Fat Removal Cost in Delhi - Cheek Fat Reduction Surgery India

Buccal fat removal is a surgery that reduces the size of your cheeks. A surgeon removes the buccal fat pads, creating a slimmer face.

He is a Triple American Board Certified Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon with over 30 years of experience in which 16 years in the U.S.A. & from the past 14 years he is in Delhi. You can learn more about him and see some of his patient's "before and after" pictures on his website -

Book your appointment now.!!!!!!


Book an Appointment with Augmentation Mammoplasty Surgeon in India

Book an Appointment with Augmentation Mammoplasty Surgeon in India

Unhappiness with small breasts is a concern for many women. If you are one amongst those women who are dissatisfied with asmall breast size, then breast augmentation is meant for you. If you are thinking about getting a breast augmentation surgery in Delhi, set up an appointment with Dr. Ajaya Kashyap and discuss it.


Best Arm Lift or Brachioplasty Surgery by Dr Kashyap in Delhi

Best Arm Lift or Brachioplasty Surgery by Dr Kashyap in Delhi

An arm lift, sometimes called an brachioplasty, is a type of cosmetic surgery. It treats sagging underarms by reducing extra skin, tightening and smoothing tissue, and removing extra fat.

If you are thinking about getting a Arm Lift Surgery in Delhi, India, set up an appointment with Dr. Ajaya Kashyap and discuss it.


Blepharoplasty Cosmetic Surgery by Dr Kashyap in Delhi India

Blepharoplasty Cosmetic Surgery by Dr Kashyap in Delhi India

Also called blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery is performed to improve the appearance of the eyelids. It can be done either on upper lids, lower lids or both.

If you are thinking about getting a Eyelid Surgery in Delhi, India, set up an appointment with Dr. Ajaya Kashyap and discuss it.


Best Breast Augmentation Surgery Cost in Delhi Gurgaon

Best Breast Augmentation Surgery Cost in Delhi Gurgaon

Breast augmentation also known as augmentation mammoplasty is surgery to increase breast size. It involves placing breast implants under breast tissue or chest muscles.For some women, breast augmentation is a way to feel more confident. For others, it's part of rebuilding the breast for various conditions.



Best Neck Lift Surgery by Dr. Ajaya Kashyap Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, India

Best Neck Lift Surgery by Dr. Ajaya Kashyap Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, India

A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the jawline and neck.



Contact Today Dr Ajaya Kashyap Best Chin Implant Surgeon in Delhi

Contact Today Dr Ajaya Kashyap Best Chin Implant Surgeon in Delhi

Chin augmentation has been and continues to be a popular surgery even today because it is a safe and easy surgery for the patient while giving outstanding results which produce dramatic, visible changes in the shape of the face.

Need Chin Implant Surgery in Delhi, India. Meet Triple American Board Certified surgeon Dr. Ajaya Kashyap. Take Video Consultation with our doctor from the comfort of your home.
For more details Visit:


Best Surgical Dermabrasion Cost in Delhi

Best Surgical Dermabrasion Cost in Delhi

Surgical Dermabrasion improves surface irregularities of the skin including surgical or accident scars, stretch marks, acne scars, lines and wrinkles especially around the mouth and sun damaged skin. Book an appointment with Dr. Ajaya Kashyap, a best plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Delhi, India.

You can learn more about on his website -