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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
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Joanna James Joanna James
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5 Bangkok Travel Tips - Top 5 Travel Guidelines for Bangkok Visitors

As one of Asia's most popular tourist hotspots, Bangkok welcomes visitors from around the globe. While listening to common sense is essential when exploring any foreign city, here are some practical travel tips on how to navigate Bangkok without hassle.


Haggle with a Smile

Regarded among the world's top shopping destinations, retail experiences are a part and parcel of every Bangkok holiday. Keep in mind that haggling is not a welcome practice in malls and boutiques as the prices are truly fixed in such locations whereas bargaining down the price is more appropriate in outdoor markets such as the Chatuchak Weekend Market. While it is possible to barter down the price of an item to up to 40% less than the quoted price, it is important to remain polite during the exchange as haggling aggressively can yield the wrong results. Maintain your composure and approach the seller on friendly terms instead of getting confrontational over a few dollars.


Use a Map

The capital of Thailand can be a difficult city to navigate for first-time visitors. This is why purchasing a map is essential to understand the lay of the land and where the nearest public transport hubs are located. Google Maps can be useful but difficult to use when street names are written in the local language. Get yourself a map with both Thai and English place names so one can at least show the map to a local and understand how to reach their destination.


Stay Hydrated

Bangkok is a warm and humid city for most of the year and those hailing from colder climates are likely to feel the heat when they are outside the confines of their air-conditioned rooms at lyf Sukhumvit 8 Bangkok or any other co living space in Bangkok. Always carry a bottle of mineral water when engaging in sightseeing activities to make sure one drinks more than one sweats. Do not buy mineral water bottles that are unsealed as they may be of dubious quality and keep in mind that unless one is drinking coconut water or fruit juices, fizzy drinks are bad thirst quenchers to combat dehydration in the Thai capital


Watch Out for Scams

Bangkok is notorious for its tourist scams from taxi drivers using 'fixed' meters to complete strangers offering you cheap tours of the Grand Palace. It is necessary to exercise caution whenever one engages with a local one has not approached voluntarily and to check whatever information they are relating online before agreeing to follow their instructions. Countless individuals are hoping to make a buck out of Bangkok's ever-increasing tourist population so following common safety rules such as keeping tabs on your wallet, not displaying cash in public and walking away from pushy vendors is important.


Use the MRT

While it may not be the most authentically Thai way to travel, the MRT is the best and safest way to get around the city for less. The Skytrains are equally efficient and affordable when compared to three-wheelers and canal boats that may charge visitors according to their own calculations in some instances. The MRT, on the other hand, offers comfortable and fast transfers to every corner of the city at reasonable rates.