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Updated by Zylo Lugosi on Jun 02, 2013
Zylo Lugosi Zylo Lugosi
6 items   1 followers   0 votes   2 views


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Fan of Stuff - Crafts, Food, Fandoms, and Life

Okay, for real guys. This has been a long time coming. I didn't realize that I posted the first iteration of this pattern back in 2008! How long does it take to make a free pattern for a scarf? Apparently 5 years. I was chatting earlier this week about websites and showed her mine.

FanofStuff (FanofStuffZylo) on Twitter

The latest from FanofStuff (@FanofStuffZylo). Fan of food, crafts, fandoms, and stuff

FanofStuff Facebook Page

A one woman experiment to incorporate more of the things I love into everyday life. Also general nerdiness and desire to improve my skills in blogging, marketing, photography, tech, cooking, crafting, and anything else I have the energy to do. Thank you for joining on Facebook, and remember to follow FanofStuffZylo on Twitter!

Slowly Growing Blog

You've probably heard a lot that to sell a business or a product, you have to tell a story. A large part of business is just connecting with people. Maybe they don't need you today, but you need to stay in their minds for whenever they do need you.

Slowly Growing Google+

Slowly Growing is a place to share all my passion and geekiness for a range of topics including personal finance, professional growth, small business, and community and economic development. Everyone grows and learns at their own pace and here is a platform to discuss ideas and solutions.

Slowly Growing (SlowGrowBlog) on Twitter

The latest from Slowly Growing (@SlowGrowBlog). Slowly Growing - An at your own pace learning blog about personal finance, small business, and professional growth