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Updated by holisticdubai5500 on Jan 22, 2021
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pst giustizia

The Telematic Services Portal of the Ministry of Justice is the portal with which the citizen, the company, and the worker, interact with the judicial offices, using some online services.


pst giustizia

pst giustizia

What is PST Justice?
The Telematic Services Portal of the Ministry of Justice is the portal with which the citizen, the company, and the worker, interact with the judicial offices, using some online services. There are public consultations, and confidential consultations.
The pst giustizia process is a digital reality that involves lawyers. The purpose of the reform, undertaken in the 1990s, has always been to reduce the judicial bureaucracy by speeding up the procedures of civil trials.
Currently the pst giustizia civile process involves the civil as well as the administrative sphere and concerns the filing and consultation of judicial documents as well as communications between professionals and registry offices.
The confidential consultations of the PstGiustizia
The justice portal also allows for more in-depth searches .Once logged in, you can consult:

  1. electronic registers or files,
  2. the general register of electronic addresses (Reginde),
  3. the register containing the certified e-mail addresses of the public administrations (accessible only by the judicial offices, the notifications, executions and protests offices, and by lawyers),
  4. and electronic payments are possible (generally, for lawyers).

These services are available only through a more complex procedure that makes the consultation reserved exclusively for those who are directly interested in a specific procedure.
But if on the one hand the PCT has had a positive impact (reduction of the queues at the courts, acceleration of procedures by remote, greater security in data management), on the other hand all that glitters is not gold.
Problems with editors and with pst.giustizia are on the agenda, all the more so if we refer to current legislation
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