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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Tips and Tricks for Traveling in Africa – An essential guide to your trip!
Joanna James Joanna James
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Tips and Tricks for Traveling in Africa – An essential guide to your trip!

If you have finally given into your inner temptations and booked on that jolly ride for Africa, here are some tips and tricks that we wish we were aware of before jet-setting through Africa. Enjoy!


Speaking the language

For those of you who are fretting about getting stuck at an airport forever because you may not be able to hail a taxi given the lack of your fluency in Swahili, we come bearing good news! Despite 1500-2000 different languages being used within the African continent for communicating, English is actually recognized as an official language in many of its countries, along with German and French in few of these countries as well. Granted, however, do make an effort to at least learn some of their key phrases- the locals thoroughly appreciate any effort on your part.


What the locals are actually like

Forget about everything you have ever seen in those overrated movies depicting a very crude image of these natives. All in all, they are some of the friendliest people on the planet. Their heartfelt smiles and greetings are two of the greatest things that are bound to make you fall in love with this wonderful place. Not to mention the genuine effort they put in to build some rapport regardless of where you might be from. Do remember that Africa as a whole, is a very religious set of countries where a prominence of Christianity and Islamism prevail. Therefore, do try to be respectful of their beliefs and conservativism through your actions, speech and attire.


How to avoid border hassles

Unfortunately, corrupt border processes are one aspect of travelling to and in Africa that can be seriously frustrating to many. Majority of the times, you might pass through without any trouble, but now and then, chances are you will have to spend an absurd amount of time for your passport to be processed at the border, with no viable explanation, or be asked to make a 'grease' payment to an official at the post. It helps to be thoroughly informed about your visa requirements and be organized with your documentation to keep these officials from taking you for a ride. If it is clear that there is no reason behind the chaos, be stringent and request for another officer to check out your passport. What helps more than most other things- always put your best self forward- flash some baby blues and warm smiles and you will be on your jolly way in no time!



From tailor-made luxury safari tents to your standard backpacker dorms to luxury hotels in Botswana, the options of where to crash after a tiring day of exploring are countless! While many travellers choose to camp out when travelling through Africa, for those of you who find it a little troubling to rough out, hotels the likes of Avani Hotels & Resorts exist to ease your mind. Larger cities have all the usual accommodation options and the further into the countryside you move, the lesser options that will be available.