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Updated by Alison Cantwell Lyons on May 30, 2013
Alison Lyons Alison Lyons
21 items   5 followers   0 votes   310 views

Visual aids for children with autism

Here is a list of mostly free visual aids that are especially helpful as a tool, not to replace communication but as an aid for children on the autism spectrum. They can be printed out, laminated, with the corners rounded off the edges after cutting. All you need is sticky velcro dots and strips and voila you can make your own book or sequence .

Visual Aids for Learning

Free downloads of visual aids for school and home.

Free Printables! - Practical Autism Resources

This site is designed to make the lives of autism interventionists more productive and satisfying. Browse examples and printables for structured teaching and curriculum support. Find organizational and data collection tools.

What are Visual Strategies | Use Visual Strategies for Autism

Visual Strategies are things that we see. Body movements, environmental cues, pictures, objects and written language can all be used to support communication. Our environment is full of signs and logos and objects and other visual information that supports communication. In addition, we can create our own specially designed visual tools to help meet specific communication needs.

Printable Picture Cards | Use Visual Strategies for Autism

Printable picture cards help children with autism with communication and behavior.

Visuals Engine | ConnectABILITY

Resources for people with a developmental disability and their support networks

Do2Learn: Educational Resources for Special Needs

picture communication cards, songs, games and learning activities for autism, aspergers, fetal alcohol syndrome and disabilities


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The unrivalled search engine for pictures, images and animations

Life Skills Materials

Check out! Speaking of is a site for speech/language pathologists, special education teachers, parents, and others who support people who have communication disorders. This site offers message boards for the exchange of ideas and advice, an IEP Goal Bank, a Materials Exchange, and extensive list of Resource Links.

Grocery Pecs, Autism Pec Symbols, Picture Exchange Communication System

DVD Pecs are FREE See bottom of page for link. Grocery Pecs are a large collection (over 3200) of realistic pictures designed to improve the shopping experience for families with children with autism and communication difficulties. It works exceptionally well for children who use the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) or Pic Symbols (Pics).

English Visual Images

Visuals English Visuals English Visual Images

Other Printables : SEN Teacher ~ Free teaching resources for Special Needs.

Free printed teaching materials, free worksheets and other free paper resources for special needs students and primary aged learners

The Internet Picture Dictionary

Free, online multilingual picture dictionary with interactive activities for English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and ESL learners.

Educational Clip Art Images from DK - (1-12 Grade) -

TeacherVision and DK, the publisher of beautifully illustrated reference books, have teamed up to offer you DK's widely recognized photographs as downloadable clip art to support your classroom and homework activities. These stunning images from DK's popular Eyewitness and e.encyclopedia book series cover a broad range of topics, from the human body and space to holidays and ancient Rome.

Pogo Boards - for creating adaptive communication and learning materials

Pogo Boards - for creating adaptive communication and learning materials. The next generation of board-creating applications used to create custom communication and learning materials for special needs and autism. Use this tool for existing devices from major manufacturers like Ablenet, Saltillo, Zygo.

Free Teaching Resource For Autism & Special | Special Needs Resources and Printables

Free teaching resources for special needs children. Includes flash cards, picture communication cards, timetable activities, emotions and much more.

Scope Website - Nursery Rhymes

It includes 14 favorite Nursery Rhymes. Nursery Rhymes to Sing See and Sign provide a particular focus on communication strategies known to help communication and language development in children with communication difficulties.