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Updated by Sagar Narkhede on Jan 10, 2021
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Dr Narkhede Ayurved & Panchkarma Clinic in Thane

All your chronic and acute diseases treated successfully by using ayurvedic medicines and panchakarma treatment therapy. Diseases treated are - 1. Arthritis treatment 2. Infertility treatment 3. Height increase treatment 4. Hair treatment 5. Skin treatment 5. Modern Lifestyle Diseases 6. Digestive system-related diseases 7. Allergy treatment

Shirodhara Treatment | Dr. Narkhde Ayurved & Panchkarma clinic in Thane

Shirodhara is an excellent therapy of panchakarma for treatment of several diseases connected with head, neck, eyes, ears, nose and the nervous system.

Ayurvedic Clinic | Basti Panchakarma | Dotoxify body | Help to weight loss |

Basti Panchakarma is mainly done for balancing Vata Dosha. Basti provides Strength to the emaciated patient and reduces the weight of the obese patient.

Ayurvedic Massage | Enhance & nourish your body | Relives anxiety, stress

Ayurvedic massage is a very popular therapy of Ayurveda. To keep the body healthy and to prevent as well as cure disease Abhyangam(massage) should be done.

Swedan | Dr. Narkhede Ayurved & Panchkarma Speciality Clinic

Swedan Swedan is also called as Herbal Steam Bath. Swedan is a very popular and simple therapy of Ayurveda.Before the administration of panchakarma, the body of the patient is to be suitably prepared, and therapeutic measures used for this purpose is called preparation therapy. Swedan is one of them.To keep the body healthy and to […]

Nasya | Dr. Narkhede Ayurved & Panchkarma Speciality Clinic

Nasya      Nasya is an important procedure amongst the panchakarma.      Nasya is also called as Nasal instillation of medicinal oil, ghee, powders, juices.      Nasya is used for diseases of Ear, Nose, Throat, Eyes, Hair, Brain related diseases.      According to the benefits, there are mainly 3 types of Nasya […]

Netratarpan | Dr. Narkhede Ayurved & Panchkarma Speciality Clinic

Netratarpan Netratarpan is an important sub procedure of panchakarma. It is mainly done for eye diseases. Netratarpan can be done in childhood to old age persons. Netratarpan is a natural rejuvenating procedure of eyes. It is simply an eye care panchakarma. It gives excellent strength to the eye muscles and surrounding areas. In this procedure, […]

Vaman | Dr. Narkhede Ayurved & Panchkarma Speciality Clinic

Vaman Vaman is considered as a panchakarma procedure to detox kapha dosha. Romoval of excess kapha dosha from oral cavity is known as Vaman. Vaman procedure mainly caried out in 3 stages. 1. Purvakarma (preparatary procedure): –  It consist of a) langhan, Deepan, Pachana = Promoting Agni b) Snehana & Abhyangam = Oleation & Massagec) Swedana […]

Virechan | Dr. Narkhede Ayurved & Panchkarma Speciality Clinic

Virechan Virechan is considered as a panchakarma procedure to detox Pitta dosha. Romoval of excess Pitta dosha from gut cavity is known as Virechan. Virechan procedure mainly caried out in 3 stages. 1. Purvakarma (preparatary procedure): –  It consist of a) langhan, Deepan, Pachana = Promoting Agni b) Snehana & Abhyangam = Oleation & Massagec) Swedana […]

Ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis | Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gaut

Best ayurvedic treatment for arthritis in thane by the doctor having over 10 years of experience in ayurvedic medicinal feild and panchakarma treatment.

You can now easily increase your height with our height increase treatment module. The age group recommended for this treatment is from 6 to 24 years.