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Updated by Danica on Feb 01, 2021
Danica Danica
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disqualification of directors remedy

Know what are all the remedies available for the removal of directors disqualification

Remedies for Disqualified Directors of Strike Off Companies - Muds Management

The ROC (i.e. Registrar of Companies) struck off many companies in September 2017 for not filing for a period of two financial years.

Procedure For Removal Of Disqualification Of Director- Muds Management

Know the procedure for removal of disqualification of director for which MCA undertook massive drive of striking off companies under Companies Act, 2013.
Are You A Prey Of Non-Compliance Clause Of Companies Act, 2013?
Are you putting up with the trauma of being disqualified as a director?
Are you one among many of those directors who suddenly found themselves disqualified due to non-compliance of a company?
Do you think there is no remedial measure for removal of directors’ disqualification before the mandated 5 years?

Step wise Guide to Revive a Struck-off company by NCLT - Muds

Struck-off company implies that its name has been removed from the Registrar of companies, provided that the company failed to file the..
Any person aggrieved by an order of the Registrar, notifying a company as Struck-off under section 248, may file an appeal to the NCLT within a period of three years from the date of the order of the Registrar and if the concerned person can prove to the satisfaction of the NCLT is of the opinion that the removal of the name of the more