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Updated by pr-570 on Dec 30, 2020
pr-570 pr-570
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5 Best Blood Pressure Apps

Control and monitor your blood pressure with the best mobile apps in the market.




Gherry app is a comprehensive mobile application for the complete management of health, care, and caregiving-related activities of persons who receive and provide care.


Blood Pressure Companion

Blood Pressure Companion

Blood Pressure Companion tracks blood pressure, heart rate, and weight. The app has a clean interface that can be used to visually monitor your blood pressure through a log, chart, and histogram.


Heart Habit

Heart Habit

The Heart Habit app is a smart, easy, and creative way to track and manage your risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. If you have already had a heart attack or stroke, Heart Habit is the perfect companion to manage your future risk.




Pacer is a pedometer and step tracker that feels like having a fitness coach and walking buddy all in one place. Their guided workouts and personalized fitness plans aim to help you achieve your fitness goals.


My Diet Coach

My Diet Coach

My Diet Coach is the fun and easy way to lose weight. The app helps you to discover what keeps you motivated, how to stay on track and avoid food cravings, and how to make small and healthful lifestyle changes.