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Updated by HyScale Inc on Mar 19, 2021
HyScale Inc HyScale Inc
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Kubernetes cloud deployment tools


Get started for free with HyScale Kubernetes cloud-native deployment

Cloud-native computing is an approach in software development that utilizes cloud computing to "build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments like public, private, and hybrid clouds". Technologies like containers, microservices, serverless functions, and immutable infrastructure, deployed via declarative code are common elements of this style of architecture .

These techniques enable loosely coupled systems that are resilient, manageable, and observable. Combined with robust automation, they permit engineers to form high-impact changes frequently and predictably with minimal toil.

Frequently, cloud-native applications are built as a group of microservices that run in Docker containers, and perhaps orchestrated in Kubernetes and managed and deployed using DevOps and Git CI workflows although there's an outsized amount of competing open source that supports cloud-native development). The advantage of using Docker containers is that the ability to package all software needed to execute into one executable package. The container runs during a virtualized environment, which isolates the contained application from its environment
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Deploying Microservices to Kubernetes - Hyscale

With microservices architecture enterprises can now break down a complicated monolith with several functionalities piled together into smaller microservices that are dedicated for each functionality. The benefits of microservices include..

Simplified cluster setup and app deployment to K8s with Platform9 and HyScale

Kubernetes is the new norm to deploy your applications though there are many complex pieces to stitch. In this article, we will show you how we can use K8s cluster automation from Platform9 along with a very easy and fast way to deploy applications on K8s using HyScale. We have chosen a sample web application with 2 services to describe that here. You can also deploy complex microservices based applications eg. RobotShop using HyScale with the same ease.

Get multi-cloud enabled and realize k8s cost savings faster

Implementing Kubernetes clusters is a good start, but leverage begins only when your dev teams run workloads on it.
How can you accelerate this?

Faster go-live on Kubernetes with minimal effort and zero friction

Delivering apps to Kubernetes requires that your team writes voluminous scripts, configurations and delivery artifacts. How can you equip your teams to deliver their apps to k8s with ease and without friction?

HyScale open source Vs. Other tools

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Is your CI/CD pipeline ready for containers? - Hyscale

Docker CI CD Container app delivery pipeline for continuous integration/continuous delivery and its challenges. Hyscale CI/CD Pipeline ready for containers.

Play with K8s with cloud native automation solutions - HyScale Kubernetes, compare hyscale with kustomiza skaffold and helm