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Updated by assianmeals on Jan 27, 2021
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Stir Fry Sauces

Get the best stir fry sauces in Malaysia

How to Make the Perfect Stir Fry Sauce for Malaysian Cooking

Malaysia, represented in its cuisine, is a melting pot of different cultures. Chinese factors have been an important part of the culinary landscape of the world, such as stir fry sauce and Indian cuisine like roti. Besides the indigenous cuisine practices of the region, you can also find a heavy influence of the Indonesian culture of cooking.

4 Effective Tips for Cooking With Stir Fry Sauce

The success of the culinary process has now reached the western world. But in Europe and the US, most people are still not sure of the best way to stir-fry. Go through these helpful guides to know the best way to use the technique before you order stir fry sauce online.