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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for 05 Tips on Overcoming Culture Shock – Managing expectations wisely!
Joanna James Joanna James
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05 Tips on Overcoming Culture Shock – Managing expectations wisely!

Oftentimes, we find ourselves in foreign territory completely out of our comfort zones- and not only is it a scary situation to be in, it is also one that is so overwhelming and distracting. Here are some tips to help mitigate your circumstances, should you ever find yourself in the position.


Understand, accept and adapt

Moving out of one's comfort zone is probably one of the hardest but essential things that eventually we need to give in to – for the mere sake of growth. As a result, finding ourselves in foreign territory is something that happens to everyone more than they would like to admit- be it switching jobs or migrating to another country! The different, and sometimes even clashing, aspects of the environment that you are newly entering could cause you to experience cultural shock- a sensation of feeling out of place causing your anxieties and insecurities to skyrocket! When this happens, the most important thing to do- first and foremost, understand that differences in climate, values, attitudes, lifestyles, languages, and political and religious views are all subjective and is there only natural to differ from one place to another! Once you realise what you are experiencing, the faster you decide to accept and adapt to the new environment, the easier settling in becomes for you!


Learn and be open-minded

Learning as much as possible about your new destination helps you become more receptive to the changes that are headed your way. As you learn and become more open-minded, understanding the cultural differences and seeing things more prospectively becomes easier and more effortless; you can adapt easier to your new destination! A great place to start with perhaps would be to pick up on some keywords from the native language- it goes to show an effort on your part to try and fit in – efforts are valued by the locals no matter where you go! A great example of a place where you can pick on some local language and habits would be at a one of the many co living space Bangkok has to offer the likes of lyf Sukhumvit 8 Bangkok.


Maintain a Positive Attitude

If there is one thing that helps more than making an effort is to maintain a positive attitude about your experience no matter what. Change is tough- it is a given, but what matter is that you remain resilient and strong through the journey. Maintaining perspective and positivity makes all the difference in trying to adapt to a new environment- not to mention spending time with positive-minded people, having fun and feeling the good vibes!


Touch Base with Home

Do continue to be in touch with family and friends from back home- that way you won't feel entirely alienated in your new 'home'. That being said, it is important to manage some boundaries in doing so- after all, it might become counter-productive and start feeding your homesickness making everything significantly more difficult for you!


Don't compare

No matter what differences you may come across, the one thing you should be mindful about; never compare these differences with your original home. Instead of helping you settle in, doing so it is going to make you miss your roots more and before you know it, you might be on a flight headed back home! Wouldn't you rather consider it an opportunity to learn about a new culture and grow further as a person?

  • A true believer that the pen is a mighty weapon, ventures into reaching the minds of every reader with the earnest hope of leaving an indelible stream of thought.

    A travel writer who has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world.

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