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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
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Joanna James Joanna James
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Interesting Facts About Myanmar – Fascinating Facets you should know!

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar or Burma is a captivating country in Southeast Asia. It is a rich blend of old customs, sumptuous heritage, and fascinating traditions. Here are some of the most interesting facts about Myanmar that would make you want to visit the country soon.


Magical rituals play a major role

In Myanmar, magical rituals are quite significant and rituals such as Yadaya is performed to keep people away from any terrible misfortunes that may befall them. In fact, Yadaya rituals have significantly influenced the decisions of the Myanmar government in the past. One such example is the sudden and unexplained decision to switch the left-hand road traffic to the right in 1970 – this was in spite of the fact that many Burmese vehicles are catered to serve left-hand traffic. In 1961, around 60,000 pagodas were constructed in Myanmar, which is another noteworthy example of using Yadaya in important decisions of the country.


Climb Stairs – even if the building has 100 storeys!

In Yangon, you may come across many old buildings that come from the time before elevators came into existence. So, don't be much surprised if you see baskets hanging down from the windows, with one end of a rope tied to the basket and the other end being held by the residents. This is how people living in tall buildings have made their life easier during pre-elevator times – all they got to do is place money in their baskets and lower them to a passing vendor if they need anything.


Chinlone is a much-loved pastime

If you take a stroll down a lane that's located in a populous area, you may come across people playing Chinlone in the streets of Myanmar. This sport dates back over 1500 years, which makes it probably older than any other sport played by human civilisation. A game of chinlone is quite fascinating to watch as it includes traditional martial-art moves. Being a non-competitive sport, chinlone only has one team of six players, where a rattan ball is juggled without the use of hands.


Believe it or not – You can eat tea in Myanmar!

Most people know tea as a delicious and healthy beverage that tastes great with ginger, honey, or even peppermint. But in Myanmar, you can actually eat tea in the form of a tea-leaf salad called Lahpet Thoke. Tea leaves are taken through a fermentation process to get this delicious result, which can be tried out along with other Burmese delicacies when you choose to dine at a restaurant located in a hotel in Yangon the likes of PARKROYAL Yangon. In Myanmar, Lahpet Thoke is adored to the point that once the tea is harvested, the largest and the best portion of tea leaves are set aside for this dish, and the rest is taken out to be processed for tea.


You can find the finest rubies in the world here

Myanmar is highly acclaimed for its exquisite rubies, which are known to be the best in the world. With a range of shades including vivid red, blood red, pinkish-red, and purplish red, these rubies have a greater value in many countries. The pigeon blood red ruby is particularly famous and known as the finest variety of Burmese rubies.

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