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organic fertilizer production plant cost


Equipment for pig manure organic fertilizer production process

Equipment for pig manure organic fertilizer production process

There are two steps to process commercial organic fertilizer in the organic fertilizer production line: early fermentation and treatment part and deep processing granulation part. Organic fertilizer equipment needs fermentation compost windrow turner, crusher, mixer, fertilizer granulator, dryer, cooler, screening machine, coating machine, packaging machine, conveyor and other equipment.
The organic fertilizer production plant cost is hundreds of thousands to millions.
Equipment for pig manure organic fertilizer production process
1. The motor power of the initial organic fertilizer fermentation equipment is 7.5kw-11.0 of 3 or 4-meter fermenter. This device can be used in multiple slots.
2. The crushing equipment of organic fertilizer adopts 600 type semi wet material crusher with motor power of 21 kW and output of 3 ≤ 5 tons per hour.
3. The mixer is a horizontal mixer of model 900. The motor power is 7.5kW.
4. Organic fertilizer granulator adopts 3000cm disc granulator with motor power of 11kw and output of 5-6 tons per hour.
5. The dryer is a 12 meter rotary dryer with a motor power of 11 kw.
The moisture content of the particles is 15%, and the drying effect is reasonable, and the output is 3t / h.
6. The cooler is a natural cooling air rotary cooler with a power of 10 meters. The output power of the motor is 7.5kW, and the output power is 3-5 tons per hour.
7. The encapsulation machine adopts 1.2x4m motor power, 5.5kW per minute and 8rpm speed, which achieves the ideal encapsulation effect in the organic fertilizer production process.
8. The screening machine adopts grading screening of raw materials, and is used as 1-meter single outlet material after crushing. This is the finished screen after cooling down.
9. Automatic packaging machine


Equipment price of organic fertilizer production line

Equipment price of organic fertilizer production line

Fermentation steps and methods of new organic fertilizer production line equipment:
One day warm, two days odorless, three days scattered, four days fragrant, five days fat. In particular, the sky temperature can reach 60 ° C ~ 80 ° C, killing E.coli, eggs and other pests; the smell of chicken manure is eliminated on the next day; on the third day, the compost becomes loose and dry, full of white hyphae; on the fourth day, it emits the aroma of wine; on the fifth day, the bacterial fertilizer will ferment and mature, and a little dry can fill the factory. The organic matter content of green ecological organic fertilizer is 45 +, which is a kind of organic fertilizer with comprehensive nutrition. If different elements are targeted, a series of special fertilizers for vegetables, flowers, fruit trees, grain, cotton oil and other crops will be formed. Chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment made of green ecological organic fertilizer.
There are two steps to process commercial organic fertilizer in the organic fertilizer production line: early fermentation and treatment part and deep processing granulation part. Organic fertilizer production process equipment needs fermentation compost windrow turner, crusher, mixer, fertilizer granulator, dryer, cooler, screening machine, coating machine, packaging machine, conveyor and other equipment.
The organic fertilizer production line with an annual output of 5000 tons requires about 700m fermentation tank plant, 500m processing plant and 400m warehouse and office area. The organic fertilizer production plant cost is about 350000 to 500000 yuan.


Cost of organic fertilizer processing plant

Cost of organic fertilizer processing plant
  1. Equipment cost of organic fertilizer production process The total cost of processing equipment is 150000 yuan. The price of one trough fermentation dumper is 40000 yuan, the price of three silos is 8500 yuan, the price of one material grinder is 12000 yuan, the price of one drum screening machine is 10000 yuan, the price of one horizontal mixer is 13000 yuan, the price of five belt conveyors is 27500 yuan, the price of one packaging machine is 35000 yuan.
  2. Land rent Because it is in rural areas, the price is not particularly high. It basically belongs to three types of industrial land, and the rent per mu is about 100000-200000 yuan / year.
  3. Cost of plant construction Among them, the relatively high investment is the cost of building the plant. The construction price is about 300-400 yuan / m2. The 5000 ton organic fertilizer production line needs about 700 m2 of fermentation tank plant, about 500 m2 of processing plant, and 400 m2 of warehouse and office space. The total cost of building the plant is about 350000-500000 yuan.
  4. Total cost Among them, the cost of processing equipment is 150000 yuan, the average rent of land is 150000 yuan / year, the cost of plant construction is 400000 yuan, and the organic fertilizer production plant cost is about 700000 yuan. If the industrial land of class II or above is selected, it needs to be calculated separately.

Technology of transforming livestock manure into organic fertilizer

Technology of transforming livestock manure into organic fertilizer

The organic fertilizer production process can not only effectively solve the environmental pollution problem of intensive livestock and poultry farms, prevent and control agricultural non-point source pollution, realize the clean production of animal husbandry, but also produce high-quality organic fertilizer products, promote the industrialization process of organic fertilizer, realize the sustainable development of ecological agriculture, achieve the organic combination and coordinated development of regional "breeding" and "planting", and promote the development of agriculture Material treatment and utilization of a virtuous cycle.
The technology of transforming livestock manure into organic fertilizer is as follows
Pig manure is piled up in the fermentation tank by natural composting fermentation method. The surface is covered with straw. After a long period of natural anaerobic fermentation (some as long as several years), it is directly applied to the field in the fertilization season. This method has been widely used in small farms in remote areas. The main reasons are as follows: first, small farm sites are located in remote areas, organic fertilizer production line, far away from residential areas, with vast territory; second, natural composting and fermentation fertilizers are used nearby in small farms, without long-distance transportation. However, most of China's intensive livestock and poultry farms are concentrated in the suburbs of cities, close to residential areas, and there is no large amount of land around them to absorb the continuous flow of livestock manure.
The air drying method is to evenly spread pig manure on the site and use solar energy for natural drying. This method has the advantages of less investment and low cost, but it covers a large area, causes serious environmental pollution, causes more loss of fertilizer nutrients, and is difficult to produce normally in rainy and snowy seasons, so the product is difficult to meet the requirements of harmless. This method is suitable for scattered livestock and poultry farmers, but not for intensive livestock and poultry farms.
The direct and rapid drying method is a rapid processing method which uses high temperature hot flue gas to directly dry and sterilize pig manure, and controls the moisture content of the product below the safe storage moisture. Direct rapid drying method has the advantages of rapid processing, simple operation, good product quality, free from climate restrictions and continuous production. It was widely used in the manure treatment of intensive chicken farms in the 1990s. However, the energy consumption of this method is high, and the secondary pollution is easily caused by improper treatment of drying tail gas. Therefore, when the water content of livestock manure is high, or in areas where coal resources are short and environmental protection requirements are high, its usability is limited.
There are two steps to process commercial organic fertilizer in the organic fertilizer production line: early fermentation and treatment part and deep processing granulation part. Organic fertilizer equipment needs fermentation compost windrow turner, crusher, mixer, fertilizer granulator, dryer, cooler, screening machine, coating machine, packaging machine, conveyor and other equipment. Organic fertilizer production plant cost about 250000 yuan.


What are the production processes of pig manure organic fertilizer?

What are the production processes of pig manure organic fertilizer?

The pig manure organic fertilizer production process uses harmless living bacteria preparation to treat livestock manure. Under the action of a variety of beneficial microorganisms, biological fermentation is carried out. After decomposing the organic matter, nutrients are released. The formed biological heat and high temperature fermentation process can kill insect eggs and bacteria, and achieve resource and industrialization.
Pig manure organic fertilizer production line equipment needs fermentation dumper, pulverizer, screening machine, mixing mixer, granulator, dryer, cooler, screening machine, coating machine, packaging machine, conveyor and other equipment
1. Raw materials: chicken manure, pig manure, cow manure, biogas residue and other kinds of animal manure or raw materials that can be fermented or have fertilizer effect after treatment shall be provided according to a certain proportion (according to market demand and soil test results of various places).
2. Raw material mixing: mix the prepared raw materials evenly to improve the overall uniform fertilizer efficiency content of fertilizer particles.
3. Raw material granulation: evenly mixed raw materials are sent to granulator for granulation (drum granulator or extrusion granulator can be used).
4. Granule drying: the granule made by granulator is sent to the dryer to dry the moisture contained in the granule, so as to increase the granule strength and facilitate the preservation.
5. Particle cooling: the temperature of dried fertilizer particles is too high, which is easy to agglomerate. After cooling, it is easy to bag, store and transport.
6. Particle classification: the cooled particles are classified, and the unqualified particles are crushed and granulated again to screen out the qualified products.
7. Finished film: coating qualified products to increase the brightness and roundness of particles.
8. Finished product packaging: the coated particles, that is, the finished product, are bagged and stored in a ventilated place.
The organic fertilizer production plant cost is hundreds of thousands to millions.


How much does the investment of organic fertilizer production equipment need?

How much does the investment of organic fertilizer production equipment need?

When choosing organic fertilizer production process equipment, I also suggest starting from small equipment, reducing investment as far as possible to achieve the production purpose, and then expanding the scale when it develops slowly in the later stage, so that the investment in organic fertilizer equipment can start from about 100000 yuan.
At present, the production process of granular organic fertilizer is the most complex, and it is also based on the continuous fermentation process and the production of powdered organic fertilizer. Therefore, the required equipment is relatively comprehensive, including fermentation dumper, forklift bin, semi wet material crusher, horizontal mixer, agitator granulator, rotary dryer, rotary cooler, drum screening machine, coating machine and automatic packaging machine. In the case of special needs of the process, dynamic batching scale is also needed. The smallest organic fertilizer production plant cost is about 200000 yuan.
1. The recovered livestock and poultry manure directly enters the fermentation area. After one fermentation and two aging stacks, the odor of livestock and poultry manure is eliminated. At this stage, fermentation strains can be added to decompose the crude fiber, so that the particle size requirements after crushing meet the particle size requirements of the fertilizer granulator.
2. Pulverize the fermented materials that have completed the second aging and stacking process and enter the mixing mixer. Before mixing, according to the recipe, add N, P, K and some other trace elements to the mixing mixer to start mixing.
3. Transfer the mixed materials to the granulator, granules pass through the dryer and enter the cooling machine, the materials will be sieved after reaching normal temperature, and the particles that meet the requirements will enter the coating machine to wrap the coating film and start packaging, which does not meet the requirements The granules are crushed by the crusher and then returned to the organic fertilizer production line to continue granulation.
4. Automatic packaging of finished products.


What are the equipments in granular organic fertilizer production line

What are the equipments in granular organic fertilizer production line

Granular organic fertilizer production line is a production process with complex processing procedures in organic fertilizer. Therefore, the required organic fertilizer production equipment is relatively complete. In order to make the production rhythm more smooth and ensure the quality of organic fertilizer at the same time, the requirements for the quality and use effect of organic fertilizer production equipment are relatively strict. Therefore, it is suggested that users should choose the equipment of large factories to ensure the quality of organic fertilizer Obstacles. Here is to introduce a full set of organic fertilizer production line equipment.
The organic fertilizer production plant cost is hundreds of thousands to millions.

  1. Fermentation compost windrow turner: it can ferment and turn the materials in the fermentation process.
  2. Crusher: crushing high humidity materials and other raw materials in the organic fertilizer production process .
  3. Mixer: to mix a variety of raw materials.
  4. Granulator: Granulation of mixed materials; easy to separate and package.
  5. Dryer: drying granular materials with certain humidity.
  6. Cooler: it can quickly cool the dried materials and increase the production efficiency.
  7. Screening machine: screen and grade the finished fertilizer.
  8. Coating machine: the particles are coated outside to prevent the caking of fertilizer.
  9. Automatic weighing and packaging machine: quantitative bagging and packaging of finished products.

Equipment investment of organic fertilizer production line

Equipment investment of organic fertilizer production line

The equipment of organic fertilizer production line is composed of organic fertilizer fermentation dumper, fertilizer crusher, mixer, organic fertilizer granulator, organic fertilizer dryer, cooler, screening machine, storage bin, automatic packaging machine, belt conveyor and other equipment. Organic fertilizer can be made from organic materials such as animal manure, straw, rice husk, biogas residue, kitchen waste and urban waste, which can not only reduce environmental pollution, but also turn waste into treasure.
Organic fertilizer production process: after the fermentation of organic fertilizer raw materials, they are crushed into powder in the organic fertilizer crusher. The powder is added into the organic fertilizer mixer for mixing. After mixing evenly, they are put into the organic fertilizer granulator to make granules. The prepared granules are put into the dryer to reduce the moisture content of granules to 10-20%. After cooling, they are put into the cooler for cooling. After cooling, they are put into the screening machine Screening, screening out unqualified products, using the return belt conveyor to re-enter the crusher crushing, screening out finished products can be directly packaged.
The organic fertilizer production line with an annual output of 5000 tons requires about 700m fermentation tank plant, 500m processing plant and 400m warehouse and office area. The organic fertilizer production plant cost is about 350000 to 500000 yuan.


Green organic fertilizer produced by sheep manure production line

Green organic fertilizer produced by sheep manure production line

The green ecological sheep manure organic fertilizer equipment produced by sheep manure organic fertilizer production line, sheep are ruminants, but rarely drink water, so the feces are dry and fine, and the amount of defecation is also small. Sheep manure urine is a kind of hot fertilizer between horse manure urine and cow manure urine. Sheep manure and urine are rich in nutrients, which are easy to decompose and can be absorbed and utilized by crops, but not easy to decompose. It is a good fertilizer with fast and slow fertilizer efficiency. The content of organic matter in sheep manure is 24% ~ 27%, nitrogen is 0.7% ~ 0.8%, phosphorus is 0.45% ~ 0.6%, potassium is 0.3% ~ 0.6%, the content of organic matter in sheep urine is 5%, nitrogen is 1.3% ~ 1.4%, phosphorus is very little, potassium is very rich, up to 2.1% ~ 2.3%
1、 The amount of sheep dung mixed with appropriate amount of straw powder depends on the water content of sheep dung. Generally, 45% of the water content is required for fermentation, that is to say, knead it into a ball by hand, see water through fingers, but do not drip, and disperse as soon as you let go. Then add corn flour and strain. The function of corn flour is to increase the sugar content for strain fermentation, so that multi-dimensional complex enzyme bacteria will soon be dominant.
2、 The mixture will be mixed into the mixer, mixing must be uniform, to be transparent, leaving no lumps.
3、 The mixed ingredients are piled into strips 1.5m-2m in width and 0.8m-1m in height, which are tossed once every two days with a tipping machine in the organic fertilizer production process.
4、 The compost was heated in 2 days, odorless in 4 days, loose in 7 days, fragrant in 9 days and fertilized in 10 days.
1. On the second day of composting, the temperature can reach 60 ℃ - 80 ℃, killing E. coli, eggs and other pests;
2. On the fourth day, the odor of sheep manure was eliminated; on the seventh day, the compost became loose and dry, covered with white hyphae;
3. On the 9th day, a kind of distiller's yeast was produced;
4. On the 10th day, the bacterial manure was fermented and matured;
5、 After a little drying, it can be crushed by a semi wet material grinder, granulated by an organic fertilizer granulator, dried and dehydrated by a dryer, and then screened by a screening machine. The finished organic fertilizer can be packaged and stored. The organic fertilizer production plant cost is hundreds of thousands to millions.


Complete equipment of sheep manure organic fertilizer production line

Complete equipment of sheep manure organic fertilizer production line

A complete set of equipment for sheep manure organic fertilizer production line can use sheep manure treatment machine to pump sheep manure from fecal urinal to the equipment first, and then dehydrate by the equipment. After treatment, the moisture content is about 40%. Crops such as straw and rice bran (containing N, P, K) can also be used as filling materials, and then spread biological bacteria agent. 1kg bacteria agent mixed with 20kg water can be moved into the raw materials, and 1 ton of raw materials can be fermented. Toss once every 1-2 days, generally 7-10 days can be completely rotten.
The organic matter content of the green ecological sheep manure organic fertilizer produced by the sheep manure organic fertilizer production process can reach more than 45%, which is a kind of organic fertilizer with comprehensive nutrition. If different elements are added, a series of special fertilizers for vegetables, flowers, fruit trees, grain, cotton, oil and other crops will be formed.
There are two steps to process commercial organic fertilizer in the organic fertilizer production line: early fermentation and treatment part and deep processing granulation part. Organic fertilizer equipment needs fermentation compost windrow turner, crusher, mixer, fertilizer granulator, dryer, cooler, screening machine, coating machine, packaging machine, conveyor and other equipment. Organic fertilizer production plant cost about 250000 yuan.


What are the main points of equipment selection for organic fertilizer production line?

What are the main points of equipment selection for organic fertilizer production line?

The operating environment of organic fertilizer production line has no peculiar smell, zero pollution and good ventilation. What are the key points of organic fertilizer equipment selection?
1. Determine the size of the equipment: for example, how many tons per year, or how many tons per hour, to determine the price.
2. Determine the shape of particles: powder, columnar, oblate or standard round. The commonly used granulation equipment are: disk granulator, stirring gear granulator, roller extrusion granulator, flat mold granulator, ring membrane granulator. The selection of granulator should be decided according to the local fertilizer market. Different equipment, different prices.
3. Determine the configuration level of equipment: the configuration level of organic fertilizer production process is different, the equipment price is different, and the amount of labor is different
4. Determine the type of fertilizer to be produced. Generally, there are four types of organic fertilizer: pure organic fertilizer, organic-inorganic compound fertilizer, bio organic fertilizer and compound microbial fertilizer. There are different varieties and different equipment.
5. Type selection of fermentation Dumper: the general fermentation forms are: strip stack fermentation, shallow tank fermentation, deep tank fermentation, tower fermentation and rotary cylinder fermentation. The fermentation methods and equipment are different.
6. Determine the types of main organic raw materials: common organic raw materials are chicken manure, pig manure, cow manure, sheep manure, straw, medicine residue, furfural residue, humic acid, pond mud, domestic sludge of urban sewage treatment plant, etc. With different raw materials, the selection of equipment is also slightly different.
The organic fertilizer production plant cost is hundreds of thousands to millions.


Process of common organic fertilizer production line

Process of common organic fertilizer production line

The common raw materials of organic fertilizer production line are chicken manure, pig manure, cow manure, sheep manure, straw, medicine residue, furfural residue, humic acid, pond sludge, domestic sludge of urban sewage treatment plant, etc. With different raw materials, the selection of equipment is also slightly different. The operating environment of the organic fertilizer production line has no peculiar smell, zero pollution and good ventilation. Let's share the process of the organic fertilizer production line?

There are two steps to process commercial organic fertilizer in the organic fertilizer production line: early fermentation and treatment part and deep processing granulation part. Organic fertilizer equipment needs fermentation compost windrow turner, crusher, mixer, fertilizer granulator, dryer, cooler, screening machine, coating machine, packaging machine, conveyor and other equipment. Organic fertilizer production plant cost about 250000 yuan.

The organic fertilizer production plant cost is hundreds of thousands to millions.
1. Fermentation compost windrow turner: it can ferment and turn the materials in the fermentation process.
2. Crusher: crushing high humidity materials and other raw materials in the organic fertilizer production process.
3. Mixer: to mix a variety of raw materials.
4. Granulator: Granulation of mixed materials; easy to separate and package.
5. Dryer: drying granular materials with certain humidity.
6. Cooler: it can quickly cool the dried materials and increase the production efficiency.
7. Screening machine: screen and grade the finished fertilizer.
8. Coating machine: the particles are coated outside to prevent the caking of fertilizer.
9. Automatic weighing and packaging machine: quantitative bagging and packaging of finished products.


Introduction of operation process of organic fertilizer production line

Introduction of operation process of organic fertilizer production line

The organic fertilizer production line with an annual output of 5000 tons requires about 700m fermentation tank plant, 500m processing plant and 400m warehouse and office area. The organic fertilizer production plant cost is about 350000 to 500000 yuan.
Introduction of operation process of organic fertilizer production line
1. Raw material ingredients: urea, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphate (monoammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate, heavy calcium, calcium superphosphate), potassium chloride and other raw materials are provided according to a certain proportion (according to market demand and soil test results)
2. Raw material mixing: in the organic fertilizer production process, mix the prepared raw materials evenly to improve the overall uniform fertilizer efficiency content of fertilizer particles
3. Raw material granulation: evenly mixed raw materials are sent to granulator for granulation (drum granulator or extrusion granulator can be used)
4. Granule drying: the granule made by granulator is fed into the dryer to dry the moisture contained in the granule, so as to increase the granule strength and facilitate its preservation
5. Particle cooling: the temperature of dried fertilizer particles is too high and easy to agglomerate. After cooling, it is easy to bag, store and transport
6. Particle classification: the cooled particles are graded, the unqualified particles are send organic fertilizer production line, and the qualified products are screened out
7. Finished film: coating qualified products to increase the brightness and roundness of particles
8. Finished product packaging: the coated particles, that is, the finished product, are bagged and stored in a ventilated place


Production technology of chicken manure organic fertilizer production line

Production technology of chicken manure organic fertilizer production line

Fermentation is the first condition for the production of chicken manure organic fertilizer.
1. The whole fermentation process can destroy the harmful bacteria in the livestock manure and other raw materials. Killing the bacteria is also a crucial step in the whole process of organic fertilizer production line.
2. Efficient microbial agents. After adding microbial agent, the microbial agent was mixed with raw materials, and the initial microbial content of compost was more than 106 / g.
3. Stack height: 1.0-1.5m in height, 1.5-3.0m in width and any length under natural ventilation.
4. Temperature change: in the organic fertilizer production process, the whole composting process consists of four stages: low temperature, medium temperature, high temperature and cooling. The composting temperature is generally 50-60 ℃, and the highest is 70-80 ℃. The process of temperature increasing from low to high is a harmless process of composting. When composting was maintained at 45-65 ℃ for 10 days, pathogenic bacteria, insect eggs and grass seeds could be killed.
5. Toppling: when the composting temperature rises to more than 60 ℃, the composting starts after 48 hours. However, when the temperature exceeds 70 ℃, the composting must be done immediately. When the composting is done, the composting must be done evenly and thoroughly, and the lower layer materials should be turned into the middle and upper part of the compost as far as possible, so as to fully decompose. The times of toppling should be determined according to the degree of composting.
There are two steps to process commercial organic fertilizer in the organic fertilizer production line: early fermentation and treatment part and deep processing granulation part. Organic fertilizer equipment needs fermentation compost windrow turner, crusher, mixer, fertilizer granulator, dryer, cooler, screening machine, coating machine, packaging machine, conveyor and other equipment. Organic fertilizer production plant cost about 250000 yuan.


A new type of organic fertilizer rotary drum agitator granulator

A new type of organic fertilizer rotary drum agitator granulator

The new type of organic fertilizer rotary drum stirring teeth granulator uses the high-speed rotary mechanical stirring force and the resulting aerodynamic force to make the fine powder materials continuously realize the mixing, granulation, spheroidization, densification and other processes in the fertilizer granulation machine, so as to achieve the purpose of granulation. The granulation method has the advantages of high granulation rate and beautiful appearance.
The new type of organic fertilizer rotary drum stirring gear granulator has uniform granulation size, and the granulation rate can reach more than 97%. It is the preferred granulation equipment for organic-inorganic compound fertilizer, organic fertilizer and bio organic fertilizer. Compared with the drum granulator with coarse fiber and low pelletizing rate, and the gear granulator with no ability to produce materials with more than 8% nitrogen content (easy to stick to the wall), the new three in one granulator can not only produce organic fertilizer, but also produce organic-inorganic compound fertilizer with low energy consumption and high quality.
The shell of the organic fertilizer granulation machine is welded with thickened high carbon steel plate, and the supporting equipment includes tugboat parts, tugboat, transmission parts, wind head, wind tail, etc. The whole machine is durable and not easy to deform. The base design is stable and the operation is more stable. It can save energy consumption and meet the requirements of national environmental protection. According to the needs of users, customized production of the same different specifications of equipment.


Drying equipment of organic fertilizer production line

Drying equipment of organic fertilizer production line

The drying part of the organic fertilizer production line is mainly used for drying raw materials for organic fertilizer production, such as the rapid drying of some domestic waste, some distiller's grains, straw and other materials with high humidity. The advantage of this equipment is that the drying speed (efficiency) is relatively fast, and the energy consumption is also relatively low. It is a necessary equipment for advanced treatment of organic fertilizer.
Features of the equipment: the specific size of drying can be set according to different production processes. In the overall equipment layout, the equipment structure is very compact, which reduces the land occupation area. In the process of operation is also very convenient, drying speed is also very fast. The key problem is the low cost. Ha ha, this is what all fertilizer producers want. In addition, we also have a crushing device inside the drying cylinder, which can make the material better contact with the drying cylinder and increase the drying efficiency.
The working principle of the drying equipment in the organic fertilizer production process equipment is: during the production, these materials with high humidity are transported to the drying equipment by the conveyor belt. Because there are many boards in the drying cylinder, these materials are repeatedly lifted and dropped by the boards when they enter the drying cylinder. After being broken by the crushing device in the cylinder, they are fully contacted with the drying equipment to achieve the drying effect .
The organic fertilizer production plant cost is about 20000 yuan.


Application of bio organic fertilizer can improve soil and reduce pollution

Application of bio organic fertilizer can improve soil and reduce pollution

The fertilizer produced by bio organic fertilizer production process contains a variety of functional microorganisms. After entering the soil, a large number of secondary generation high blood pressure products are produced in the process of growth and reproduction. These products can promote the formation of soil aggregate structure, make the soil loose and soft, which is conducive to fertilizer, water conservation, ventilation and root development. The application of bio organic fertilizer can reduce the cost of chemical fertilizer At the same time, it can enhance the activity of microorganisms and provide a reasonable growth environment for crops.
The bio organic fertilizer production line mainly uses the decomposed waste organic matter as the energy and nutrients of microbial life. There is no environmental pollution in the production process, but reuses the waste organic matter, which is conducive to environmental protection. According to antahuan, 60000 tons of municipal waste, 860000 liters of urine and 230000 tons of groundwater sludge are returned to farmland as organic waste in Japan every year. Therefore, the development of bio organic fertilizer in China is of great significance to reduce environmental pollution and the pressure of chemical fertilizer production and Application on the environment.
The organic fertilizer production line with an annual output of 5000 tons requires about 700m fermentation tank plant, 500m processing plant and 400m warehouse and office area. The organic fertilizer production plant cost is about 350000 to 500000 yuan.


Production of organic fertilizer by environmental protection earthworm

Production of organic fertilizer by environmental protection earthworm

Before the production of organic fertilizer, it needs to be treated professionally. Only in this way can the harmful substances be eliminated. Only in this way can the pollution-free fertilizer which is really conducive to the growth of crops be produced. Let's tell you a new way to deal with it, that is, to breed some earthworms from the manure, and then use these earthworms to deal with the debris in the manure. The earthworm has a strong ability to decompose the organic matter in the feces, which will not destroy the organic matter in the feces. The earthworm feces itself is a better organic fertilizer, so the treated fertilizer will not produce secondary pollution, and the cost is very low, and it can also get high protein feed in the organic fertilizer production line. In particular, some livestock manure to facilitate the use of this method for harmless treatment is the best.
Earthworm can effectively use the residual nutrients in the livestock manure, reduce the pesticide and some mineral residues in the manure, protect the health of fertilizer and beautiful ecological environment.
This is the most primitive and environmentally friendly method for harmless treatment of organic fertilizer, but it is not suitable for use of large-scale organic fertilizer production process. Some small fertilizer production enterprises can try it.
There are two steps to process commercial organic fertilizer in the organic fertilizer production line: early fermentation and treatment part and deep processing granulation part. Organic fertilizer equipment needs fermentation compost windrow turner, crusher, mixer, fertilizer granulator, dryer, cooler, screening machine, coating machine, packaging machine, conveyor and other equipment. Organic fertilizer production plant cost about 250000 yuan.


What's the price of 5000 tons / year organic fertilizer production line

What's the price of 5000 tons / year organic fertilizer production line

With an annual output of 5000 tons of organic fertilizer production line equipment, an organic fertilizer production line can not only meet the demand of local fertilizer, but also meet the demand of surrounding markets. Bio organic fertilizer is widely used in farmland, fruit trees, flowers, landscaping, lawn, soil improvement and other fields, with good results. The state subsidizes agriculture and supports this industry very much. Therefore, it is a very good choice to make investment choices.
The complete set of equipment of organic fertilizer production line mainly includes: forklift feeder, semi wet material crusher, organic fertilizer granulator, drum screening machine, automatic packaging scale and other main equipment, and each organic fertilizer processing equipment needs to be connected by means of conveyor. The general process flow of organic fertilizer production line is shown in the figure below:
There is no need for manual operation in the whole organic fertilizer production process, but the initial feeding and final packaging all need manual operation. If the pig manure fermentation process is needed in the early stage, a person is needed to operate the dumper. In addition, the general production workshop will separate the power system to control the production line, so a special power personnel is also needed to be responsible for the switch of the main valve. So the whole fertilizer production line needs at least 3 ~ 4 people to operate.
In fact, these equipment have different preparation parameters and specifications, such as granulator, disc granulator and new granulator. The same is true for other equipment. Of course, there are differences in price. About 700m fermenting plant, 500m 2 processing plant, 400m 2 warehouse and office area are needed for the production line of 5000t / a organic fertilizer. The organic fertilizer production plant cost is about 350000 to 500000 yuan.


Investment equipment and construction conditions of organic fertilizer production line

Investment equipment and construction conditions of organic fertilizer production line

Generally in the case of purchasing organic fertilizer production line machinery and equipment, the salesman will make you an effective production line planning scheme based on your own situation. Livestock and poultry products include pig manure, manure, sheep manure, cow manure, horse manure, duck manure, rabbit manure, young pigeon manure and other livestock products, as well as organic manure retted from their stalks. This kind of livestock and straw is pure organic manure when it is not solved according to everything or retted to mellow. If organic manure livestock and poultry products are not used for food crops immediately, it will cause lack of oxygen in the soil layer and disease The problems of harmful growth, slow fertility, burning seedlings and harmful substances endanger the development and harvest of crops.
Investment in a small organic fertilizer production line
The complete set of powdery organic fertilizer production process equipment mainly includes: organic fertilizer dumper, semi wet material crusher, horizontal mixer, drum screening machine and automatic packaging scale.
A complete set of granular organic fertilizer production line main equipment are: organic fertilizer dumper, semi wet material crusher, horizontal mixer, organic fertilizer granulator, drum dryer, cooler, drum screening machine, coating machine and automatic packaging scale, etc.
Basic conditions of organic fertilizer production line project
1. There should be sufficient organic solid wastes (chicken farm, pig farm or other livestock farms, agricultural products processing plant, sugar factory, etc.) around the raw materials.
2. The factory and warehouse are determined according to the scale, such as 400 square meters of factory and warehouse with annual output of 10000 tons, 3000 square meters of factory site (2000 square meters of fermentation site, 1000 square meters of shed site) (can be rented). The organic fertilizer production plant cost is about 350000 to 500000 yuan.
3. The working capital can be large or small according to the supply of raw materials.
4. It will be put into operation for 4-6 months. It will be recovered in half a year and make profits in that year.

Organic Fertilizer Production Line | Factory Price Fast Delivery‎--ZhengZhou Huaqiang

The pig farm estimates the approximate annual output of organic fertilizer production, and then according to the local land use situation, see how much area needs to be determined to be used as the land for the organic fertilizer production plant. After that, the factory was built and produced.

The market price of pig manure organic fertilizer should be 600-800 yuan per ton on average (there is a price difference between the market price in the northern and southern markets). Examining the cost calculation, the organic fertilizer industry is a tax-free enterprise and an environmentally friendly ecological industry. Therefore, investing in an organic fertilizer production line is a very good choice whether it is the prospect or the market!

NPK,Compound Fertilizer Production Line | Factory Price Fast Delivery‎--ZhengZhou Huaqiang

How much does it cost to invest in a small-scale chicken manure organic fertilizer production line? The capital investment of organic fertilizer equipment in the farm is determined according to the output and the degree of automation. A production line of 5,000 to 10,000 tons organic fertilizer production plant cost about 150 to 350,000 yuan, and 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. A production line with a ton of about 250,000 to 500,000 yuan, a production line of 30,000 to 50,000 tons, about 400,000 to 800,000 yuan, and a production line of 50,000 to 100,000 tons, about 650,000 to 1.3 million yuan. The cost of producing one ton of organic fertilizer is about 400-700 yuan, and the market price of one ton of organic fertilizer is about yuan. The annual profit of an organic fertilizer production line with an annual output of 10,000 tons is about 2 million yuan, excluding equipment and production costs.

Organic Fertilizer Disc Granulation Production Line | Factory Price Fast Delivery‎--ZhengZhou Huaqiang

The price of manure organic fertilizer production line equipment is determined according to the output and the degree of automation:
A production line of 5,000 to 10,000 tons requires approximately RMB 120,000 to 300,000, a production line of 20,000 to 30,000 tons requires approximately RMB 250,000 to 400,000, a production line of 30,000 to 50,000 tons requires approximately RMB 400,000 to 800,000, and a production line of 50,000 to 100,000 tons. Probably need 65-1.3 million yuan.
The cost of producing one ton of organic fertilizer is about 300-600 yuan, and the market price of one ton of organic fertilizer is about 700-1300 yuan. The annual profit of an organic fertilizer production line with an annual output of 10,000 tons is about 2 million yuan, excluding equipment and production costs.

Rotary Drum Granulation Production Line | Factory Price Fast Delivery‎--ZhengZhou Huaqiang

Rotary drum granulator is still widely used in compound fertilizer production. We are the China Leading Manufacturer of Rotary Drum Granulation Production Line. Rotary Drum Granulation Production Lines are sold all over the world. The simple granular organic fertilizer production plant cost is about 100000 yuan / set, and the equipment investment of complete granular fertilizer production line is about 200000 yuan / set. Detailed configuration and equipment of organic fertilizer production plant cost can be adjusted according to your actual livestock and poultry.

Roller Press Granulator Fertilizer Production Line

The npk fertilizer dry method double-roller extrusion granulator adopts an extrusion sliding model design scheme. The raw materials enter the pair-roller extrusion and demolding, and then enter the dispersing chamber to demold and granulate. The bottom of the machine is equipped with a screen that meets customer requirements. Produce particles that meet the requirements. The returned material is mixed with the new material again for granulation.
Process flow
Work flow: Feeding (if agglomerated, you can choose a chain crusher for crushing)-granulation-sieving (choose the sieve diameter that suits you)--finished granules- ---Next process
The organic fertilizer production plant cost is about 350000 to 500000 yuan.
We are the China Leading Manufacturer of Roller Press Granulation Production Line. Roller Press Granulation Production Lines are sold all over the world. We can provide free design for companies engaged in fertilizer business.