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Updated by Sangam University on Dec 17, 2020
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5 Things Every Engineering Student Should Have On Their Resume

Preparing an engineering resume does not need a unique format or any fancy information. The key to preparing a winning engineering resume is all about conveying technical expertise. With the increasing competition, the no. of candidates applying for jobs is also increasing. So, if you want to stand out among the scholars who are also graduated from the best university in Rajasthan, you need to prepare a strong resume that reflects your skills and expertise.


1. Include Numbers & Facts

1. Include Numbers & Facts

Including several achievements is the best way to showcase your talent to the recruiter. After all, you are not an art or a literature student who writes about the accomplishments in sentences. Professionals expect engineers to think of their performance in numbers and include them in their resumes. This is the best way to convince the recruiter at the first glance.


2. Explain Your Project

2. Explain Your Project

Every engineering student has to make one minor and major project during their engineering journey. So, you need to write about your project in detail as it reflects your field’s interest to the recruiter. Try to include as many details as you can and do not miss any critical detail.


3. Elaborate Your Education Details

3. Elaborate Your Education Details

Apart from project details and achievements, you should also focus on your academic qualification. You are expected to have a strong grip on your basics so that you can implement them in the future to tackle complicated tasks. That is why it is essential to include your marks and academic accomplishments in your engineering resume.


4. Talk About Your Internships

4. Talk About Your Internships

This is one of the most standard and useful sections of your resume. Almost every university in India ask students to do an internship and prepare a project on that basis. So, here you need to write about your internship done and include details that make you stand out. Always remember that recruiters value real-life experience more than your academic grades. So, do not take this section for granted.


5. Check Your Resume’s Formatting & Structure

5. Check Your Resume’s Formatting & Structure

Finally, when you are done including all the essential details in your resume, cross-check it and ensure that the basic formatting and structuring of the resume is maintained properly.
For that, you need to check -

  • Language should be professional and technical
  • Academic details and marks must be written accurately
  • Proper spacing should be done
  • Same font is used throughout the resume
  • Important detail is highlighted and written in bullet points
  • Contact detail and email must be appropriate Build a professional technical resume by keeping these aforementioned points in mind, and then you are all set your impress the recruiter at first glance. Even if you are recently passed out of school and planning to take admission into the top engineering college in Rajasthan, you should know this. So, do not wait for the right time to come; instead, be the first one to prepare yourself for a better future.