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Updated by witts ministries on Dec 17, 2020
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Top 8 Water Powered Vehicles

Breaking news!
The world's leading organization, World Improvement Ministries, in giving away advanced sciences, is making opportunities available in the NEXT BIG TECHNOLOGY WAVE to sweep the world!

The time to get started is NOW at the beginning of the wave, before the wave hits... Therefore, you can ride the success wave all the way through!

In the 1900s and the 1910s and 1920s, the people who got into oil at that time became extremely wealthy, because they rode that energy wave....

This is the next wave!

Don't miss out!

Just like surfing, if you see the wave starting, the time to start paddling, to join the wave, must be before, the wave is already here. If you wait until the wave is under you, then it is too late!

We already have 100s of successful students/partners, worldwide! The pictures and the videos are just a sampling of the many!
Run Engines entirely on water only. NOT boosters.

If you have medium level mechanic skills, and want to MANUFACTURE, and become a DISTRIBUTOR, We are setting up partners in this exciting earth-changing endeavor!

There is good money to be made, and blessings to the world at the same time!

Become part of the team that puts an end to Combustion Pollution!
And cleans up the Earth!

Go check out the list and witness the Top 8 Water Powered Vehicles!

Over the last 50 years, we have made huge strides in making conversions SIMPLER and EASIER than ever!

Simple versions are just being released now.

Large discounts to brothers that pay tithes and help the poor.

All are welcome!

**If you are interested in joining us by becoming a Manufacturer/Dealer/Partner, Email us today!

Or the Contact Us page of our website:**

Sign up for our free webinar at

We are also setting up manufacturing partners in Cold Fusion and in Anti-Gravity Technologies. (Cold fusion is FAR easier then these other two. Anyone with simple plumbing skills can do it, with our help!)

Do not forget to use this promo code: MSGB
to receive free bonuses!

video links:



Salt Water Powered Quant e Sportlimousine

Salt Water Powered Quant e Sportlimousine

There’s A Car That’s Powered By Salt Water!


Water Powered Car!! Suzuki Samurai Runs on 100% Water

Water Powered Car!! Suzuki Samurai Runs on 100% Water

Distilled-water-powered engine can run cars

Distilled-water-powered engine can run cars

Stan Meyer’s water powered car demonstrated 1986 Channel 6 News

Stan Meyer’s water powered car demonstrated 1986 Channel 6 News

H2O powered Vehicle Philippines!

H2O powered Vehicle Philippines!


Water Powered Engine

Water Powered Engine