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Updated by Anna Redcliff on May 04, 2022
8 items   1 followers   3 votes   12 views

Restaurant Automation: Top 4 Ways to Increase Table Turnover at a Restaurant

“Best Video Chat Apps of 2020: Niche Leaders and User Favorites”

In this post, we are highlighting the world's best video chat apps of 2020 and talking about the features that have made these apps the top choices.

“Medication Management App Development: How to Build an App That Improves a Patient’s Treatment”

Medication management apps help patients take their pills on time and are in great demand. How can you develop this type of eHealth app?

“How an In-House Online Ordering System Can Help a Restaurant Thrive”

Online ordering systems for restaurants are on the rise. Read our insights to decide whether to go with a ready-made platform or develop your own.

“Telemedicine App Development: How to Build a Doctor On Demand App”

Learn how to build a telemedicine app by looking at the market, development process, examples, challenges, and costs.

Developing a Restaurant Waitlist App: 6 Best Ways to Streamline Table Management

Ready to bring your queues from a physical dimension to a digital? Here’s how to enjoy streamlined processes and grow loyal customers with a restaurant waitlist app.

Developing a Loyalty App for Your Restaurant: Success Stories, Features, and Tips

Discover how your restaurant can use a loyalty app to learn more about your customers and get them to visit more often.

Top 10 Tips for Managing a Remote Software Development Team

This article covers best practices for managing an offshore software development team.

Comparing 3 Popular Pricing Models: Fixed-Price, Time & Materials, and Milestone

This article compares the Fixed-Price, Time & Materials, and Milestone billing models.