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Updated by Nisa on Jan 25, 2025
Headline for 10 Cheapest Countries To Live In the World to Live Your Best Life
Nisa Nisa
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10 Cheapest Countries To Live In the World to Live Your Best Life

When you’re deciding on which country you’d like to move to, researching cost-of-living is critical. A common question is “what are the cheapest countries to live in?” And, this list makes your life just that much easier. So, here's a list of the 10 cheapest places to live in the world. Some contributing factors to choosing the countries on this list are:
Lagatum Prosperity Index
US Department per diem rates
Numbeo Cost of Living
Expat Insider Survey
Trading Economics DPI



Portugal - Cheapest European Country to Live in

Portugal - Cheapest European Country to Live in

Portugal is one of the cheapest countries to live in Western Europe. You can find cheaper properties outside of Lisbon - which extends to utilities and food too.
The average salary is €900 per month which affords you high-quality food, cheap healthcare, and great transport options.


Bulgaria - Top of the List for Cheapest Country to Live in Europe

Bulgaria - Top of the List for Cheapest Country to Live in Europe

South-East Europe’s Bulgaria is at the top of many lists as the cheapest country to live in Europe. Bulgaria is a stable democracy, an EU member, and a Nato member.
The average salary is about €400 per month which comfortably pays for housing, food, utilities, and even quality internet connection. Eating out could cost you as little as €5 in a café in Sofia. Check out more cheap places to live before choosing which country you'd like to make your forever-home.


Kenya - One of the Cheapest to Live in Africa

Kenya - One of the Cheapest to Live in Africa

Nairobi is Kenya’s most developed city and the hub for regional business. Kenya’s average monthly salary is about $600 per month and expat life can be luxurious. Local produce and domestic help is cheap. You’ll be happy to know that English is an official language in Kenya.


South Africa - Low Cost of Living and Value for Money

South Africa - Low Cost of Living and Value for Money

Although South Africa has safety challenges in some places, it is highly ranked among many expats. The average salary is about $1000 per month and stunning coastal towns like Cape Town and Durban tend to be the favorite. Johannesburg is an inland city that’s another choice for expats. South Africa has 11 official languages, however, all official documents and business communications are in English.


Vietnam - Cheapest in Asia

Vietnam - Cheapest in Asia

Vietnam has a great mixture of cultures and a range of stunning attractions. You could live here on about $250 per month.
Accommodation, utilities, and food are cheap and expats can live comfortably on between $500 - $1200 per month. This often includes domestic help.


Thailand - Low Cost-Of-Living and High-Quality of Life

Thailand - Low Cost-Of-Living and High-Quality of Life

This country ranks consistently as one of the best places for expats. The average salary is about USD500 monthly and the cost-of-living is at a fraction of the cost of western countries. A couple can live well on around USD$2000 per month.


Grenada - Slash US Cost-Of-Living by 50%

Grenada - Slash US Cost-Of-Living by 50%

Although Grenada is one of the more expensive countries in the Caribbean it offers great value in terms of island life. Local food is cheap and accommodation is about 50% less than the US.

You’ll need good health insurance to get good healthcare as if you need advanced medical care, you’d need to be transported off the island.

But, Grenada is one of the cheapest places to live in the English-speaking world.


Argentina - One of the Cheapest Latin American Countries to Live in

Argentina - One of the Cheapest Latin American Countries to Live in

An average salary in Argentina is $800 per month and the Argentinian peso has dropped in value against USD in recent years.
While imported goods are expensive, you can find local goods at cheaper rates. Rentals could be as much as 75% less than the US and recreation costs far less than the US too.


Panama - One of the Cheapest (and Easiest) country to move to in the Americas

Panama - One of the Cheapest (and Easiest) country to move to in the Americas

Panama gives you the choice of either living on the Pacific or the Caribbean side. You also have mountainous regions between the 2 coasts. Panama has a world-class health system and the Bilboa is 1:1 to the US Dollar.

Why is Panama one of the cheapest places to live in the world? Well, The cost of living is cheap, you pay 0% tax on foreign income, and you can comfortably live on $1300 per month.


Cambodia - Asias Cheapest Cost-Of-Living for Expats

Cambodia - Asias Cheapest Cost-Of-Living for Expats

Cambodia has been working on infrastructure for the last 15 years to attract foreign investment. Average salaries are about $60-$100 per month and the food is cheap. You can live comfortably on $500 per month as a couple.


Spain is a low cost-of-living choice for many Expats.

Spain is a low cost-of-living choice for many Expats.

Spain's cost-of-living is low for Western Europe. And prices are much lower outside of the major cities of Barcelona and Madrid. One standout is lunch... In many local restaurants you can get a three course meal and a glass of wine for €10 - €15, it is called 'menu de dia' and is a firm favorite of locals and Expats alike.