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Updated by Shruti Goyal on Mar 04, 2025
Shruti Goyal Shruti Goyal
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IVF- process, treatment, and related issues

IVF- process, treatment, and related issues

Male Infertility: Causes, Tests, and Treatment – IVF Blogs

When a couple fails to conceive despite several attempts over one year, it is highly likely that they may have infertility problems. Infertility is often considered as women’s problem, which is, however, not true. Men can be infertile too. In this situation, they both need to see a doctor in order to confirm whether the…

AMH Blood Test | AMH Levels Test | Indira IVF

AMH blood test is prescribed by doctors to check the ability of women to produce eggs for pregnancy. In the childbearing years, a woman’s ovaries produce thousands of egg cells that are also known as oocytes or ova. These cells are then moved to the fallopian tubes where fertilisation by a sperm happens. As age increases, the number of egg cells declines.

All you need to know about Sperm DNA Fragmentation - indiraivf

As the name suggests, sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF), refers to the breaks and lesions in the sperm’s genetic material.
The higher the number of lesions, the lower the integrity of the genetic material and the likelihood of a full term pregnancy.

Foods to Avoid during Pregnancy | Indira IVF

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting moment of a woman’s life. Though it is filled with happiness and joy it is also surrounded with confusion, doubts, myths and anxiety. One of such common doubt is what should a pregnant woman avoid during pregnancy which can be harmful to her baby. Through this blog I will try to solve your queries so that you can enjoy a stress free pregnancy.

IVF cost in Chennai - Indira IVF provides the best infertility treatment in Chennai. Click to book an appointment with best infertility doctor in Chennai.

Best IVF Centre in Ahmedabad | Best Infertility Clinic in Ahmedabad | Indira IVF

IVF cost in Ahmedabad - Indira IVF provides the best infertility treatment in Ahmedabad. Click to book an appointment with best infertility doctor in Ahmedabad.

Best IVF Centre in New Delhi | Best Infertility Clinic in New Delhi | Indira IVF

IVF cost in Delhi - Indira IVF provides the best infertility treatment in Delhi. Click to book an appointment with best infertility doctor in New Delhi.

Here is What to Look For in a Fertility Clinic | Cost of Male Infertility Treatment

Infertility, traditionally, is seen as a women’s problem. Now it might sound surprising but one of every three cases of infertility is subjected to male infertility. While most males may find it hard to digest, it makes sense to consult a fertility specialist, if they are willing to have a baby. Infertility has become a…

One of the biggest concerns of a fallopian tube blockage diagnosis and treatment is that these tubes do not often cause any symptoms. Most females get to know about this problem when they face difficulty getting pregnant.

Sperm DNA Fragmentation Causes & Symptoms | DNA Fragmentation Test | Indira IVF

Sperm DNA fragmentation is substantially increased in infertile males, and also when adult males with weak semen parameters usually tend to get higher sperm DNA fragmentation, higher sperm DNA fragmentation can be located in adult males with standard semen parameters who might be identified as having unexplained infertility.

Infertility treatment is now affordable, approachable and standardised leading us to achieve a good IVF success rate.

PCOD Diet | PCOS Diet | how to exercise with PCOD - indira iVF

One of the first problems that PCOD brings with it is the side effects of excess male hormones and high production of insulin in a woman’s body. And this very change will enable your body to signal you with the symptoms like menstrual irregularities, fast weight gain, acne, and excess hair growth in unwanted areas and some more.

IVF Cost | What is the IVF Treatment Cost in India - Indira IVF

Embryo transfer is the part of the procedure wherein just one or perhaps many embryos are put into the uterus of the woman with the intention to set up a conception. Visit Indira IVF for best ivf treatment cost in India. The IVF cost in India or anywhere else in the world is primarily dependent on your infertility workup. Hence it varies from person to person. If your friend, relative or colleague was lucky enough to have a baby by going through 2 IVF cycles, you may be fortunate by conceiving in one IVF cycle itself.

ERA test for IVF, ERA test cost in India, success rate of ERA test

As ERA test for IVF is relatively a modern test at the molecular stage that helps in identifying the composition stages of 238 genes that take part in endometrial receptivity. It can thereby let it easy to assess whether or not the endometrium is appropriately responsive for embryo transfer in the specified period or if the supposed window of implantation (WOI) has moved it also brings various types of questions in the minds of healthcare professionals and IVF patients in particular like:Is ERA test painful?

Test Tube Baby Process and Procedure | IVF Test Tube Baby | Indira IVF

Whenever couples are diagnosed with infertility and are advised to go through an IVF process by an IVF doctor or even from around the world. Their minds are filled with numerous queries like what is an IVF baby? Can somebody explain what is an IVF in Hindi is? What is an IVF success rate? What is an IVF treatment cost? Is IVF procedure painful? How does IVF work? Can someone explain the IVF process from start to finish?

How Does IVF Help Male Infertility | Treatment of Male infertility

Before we venture into the treatment of male infertility, we have to know what constitutes male infertility. It is a man’s inadequacy to generate any sperm or even create sperm which is of appropriate quality to fertilize the female’s egg. Male infertility is an aspect in forty percent of infertility conditions, and also male factor infertility is the main reason fifteen percent of times.

Embryo Transfer Technique and Process | ETT in IVF or ICSI | Indira IVF

Embryo transfer is a very crucial step in an IVF/ICSI cycle. It is a process in which embryos (1 or 2 in number) are placed in the uterus with the help of a soft catheter with the intent of achieving a healthy pregnancy. IVF/ICSI is a process in which we give hormone injections to a female for 10 days to prepare multiple eggs.

Success Rate of IUI Treatment | What to expect after IUI | Indira IVF

The side effects of IUI are minimal and other complications might occur varying person to person. In case any of the above-mentioned sympSuccess Rate of IUI Treatment toms sustain for long, consult a doctor immediately. Other complications should be observed and dealt with cautiously.

Advantages and Disadvantages of IUI | Benefits of IUI

Intrauterine Insemination or IUI is one of the first types of fertility intervention procedures, often recommended for couples with unexplained infertility. It is one kind of artificial insemination (AI) treatment. IUI treatment involves placing sperm inside a woman’s uterus in order to facilitate fertilization. The major goal of IUI treatment is to increase the chance of fertilization by increasing the number of sperms that reach the fallopian tubes.

ICSI Cost in India | Cost of ICSI in India | success rate of ICSI

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a medical procedure that helps couples facing pregnancy issues conceive a child successfully. It is basically an alternative reproductive technique that can also be seen as an extension of IVF. ICSI is considered to be one of the most advanced and successful treatments in the country to solve infertility in males.

PCOD Problem at Glance – IVF Blogs

Polycystic ovary disease or PCOD is a hormonal disorder that affects women in their childbearing years. The ovaries in a female’s body make produces female sex hormones and male sex hormones in very small amounts which are crucial for regulating the normal development of eggs during each menstrual cycle. PCOD is the result of the imbalance of these hormones.