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Updated by R. Kent Brown on Sep 15, 2021
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Truck Accident Lawyer

Pursuing a Trucking Accident Claim in Charlotte

If you have suffered injuries because of a trucking crash in Charlotte, you can count on the best Charlotte truck accident attorneys at Brown Moore and Associates, PLLC to aggressively pursue your claim and help you recover the damages that you deserve.

Why Do Blind Spot Truck Crashes Occur?

If a truck driver fails to notice a vehicle lingering in the blind spots and decides to turn, change lanes, come to an abrupt stop, or pass another vehicle, the likelihood of a blind spot truck crash is extremely high. If you have suffered injuries because of a trucking crash in Charlotte, you can count on the truck accident attorneys in Charlotteat Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC to aggressively pursue your claim and help you recover the damages that you deserve.


Unsecured Truck Loads Can Cause Major Accidents

Unsecured Truck Loads Can Cause Major Accidents

Trucks come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and drivers who operate large commercial trucks generally have undergone significantly more training than those who drive pickups. Of course, all trucks have one thing in common: they carry cargo. If you do end up in an accident, call a Charlotte truck accident attorney and schedule your free initial consultation to receive a free case evaluation.

  • Brown Moore & Associates, PLLC, in Charlotte is not a general practice law firm. Instead, they focus their legal practice on providing focused, high-quality legal help to injured people in personal...

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