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Updated by olivia-siligato on Dec 10, 2020
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Top 10 Technology Tools for my Future Classroom

Technology tools learned in EDU 228 that can be used in a classroom setting.

Flipgrid | Empower Every Voice

Flipgrid is a simple, free, and accessible video discussion experience for PreK to Ph.D. educators, learners, and families. The SAMR Level is augmentation because this website allows students who normally don't participate in class a chance to express their ideas. Flipgrid is teacher-centered because teachers can get to know the students from a different perspective. It is also student-centered because they feel comfortable enough to answer questions without being scared to say them in front of their classmates. The 6 C's are collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. The students can develop new ways to come up with answers to the teacher's questions and respond to other classmates' videos. Some benefits include students opening up and building confidence to answer questions they know are correct. Some barriers to this website include not having a computer or phone at the house to record the videos and not having internet access at home to access the website. I can use this in my future classroom by having the students answer questions about a reading they did that week.

Play Kahoot! - Enter game PIN here!

Kahoot! is an innovative game-based testing tool that can help students stay engaged in reviewing material for class. This website is student-centered because they are able to practice their skills before a test and get a break from learning new materials. On the SAMR Level, it is redefinition because a device is required for the students and the host. The 6 C's are critical thinking and communication. Through critical thinking, a time limit can be set for each question, and the quicker a student clicks on the answer, the more points they receive. Communication allows the teacher to review a question that a lot of the students may have missed, and the students can work in groups to come up with the correct answer. Some benefits are that the students get to play a game to review rather than fill out a study guide, the students are able to use the technology they normally aren't allowed to during class time, and Kahoot! helps keep the students engaged in what they are reviewing. Some barriers include that the school might not have enough technology for the whole classroom, not all students will be able to use their own devices or have their own, and there might not be an internet connection at the school or at home to play the review game. I can use this in my future classroom as a review for a test that is coming up over the next couple of days.

Flocabulary - Educational Hip-Hop

Flocabulary is a learning program for all grades that uses educational hip-hop music to engage students and increase achievement across the curriculum. The SAMR level this website addresses is redefinition because students can learn vocabulary words through music. Flocabulary is student-centered because students can learn in a new and different way. Although it is mainly audio, the website has worksheets to test student knowledge. The 6 C's addressed are critical thinking and creativity. Students have to learn vocabulary words through hip-hop songs. They also can be creative when selecting vocabulary words. The benefits are that students can learn vocabulary in a different format, auditory learners can remember the words easier, and the music can engage the students in learning new words. The main barrier is that students can be distracted by the music and not pay attention to learning the words. I would use this in my future classroom by having the students create their own songs with the vocabulary words they are learning in class.


BrainPOP is a video viewing platform with animated characters who explain everyday or educational questions in a way that younger students can understand. The SAMR Level is modification as it is a redesign on how to answer questions between a student and a teacher. BrainPOP is student-centered because it relates to the students and expresses common subjects through pictures and pictures. The 6 C's are critical thinking and creativity. A few benefits BrainPOP offers is that students can grasp a better understanding of a topic that they learned in class and students who are visual learners can understand the material better. A barrier is that students can easily get distracted and not watch the video. I can use it in my future classroom by briefly introducing a topic that I will be teaching that day.

Book Creator - bring creativity to your classroom - Book Creator app

Book Creator is a simple tool for creating digital books and allowing the students to take control. You can combine text, images, audio, and videos. The SAMR level addresses modification. Instead of giving a written assignment or book reading, students can use audio context and pictures to deliver information to their audience. Book Creator is student-centered because it allows them to be creative and collaborative by creating stories or responses to content. It is also teacher-centered because they are creating an alternative for delivering content or assessments. The 6 C's addressed are collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, and citizenship. Students can create books with their classmates and create books with audio and video. They also can communicate their understanding of the content and use a variety of ways to address assignments. They also learn how to be digital citizens by sharing content safely. The main benefit of this website is allowing students to have creative freedom on how to address and complete assignments. The main barrier to this is not having internet access or computer access. I would use Book Creator in my future classroom by having the students write a book from the perspective of a historical figure.

Bring every family into your classroom

Class Dojo is an educational technology company that connects school teachers, students, and families through communication features, such as a feed for photos and videos from the school day. The SAMR level is redefinition because it's a new way to get engaged online and use it to communicate with parents and students in their learning. Class Dojo is teacher-centered because they are in charge of the online class and communicate with the class and parents. The 6 C's are communication and creativity. Teachers can interact and communicate with parents and get them engaged with the class. Students and teachers can also add videos and complete tasks in the classroom. The benefits are the parents can become involved in their student's educational career, and they can easily view what the students are learning in class. The main barrier is that not every parent will regularly check the class dojo for important information and teacher updates. I would use this in my future classroom by sending out class information and pictures of the students working in class.


Autodraw is a web-based tool that has been developed by Google to help people draw on their computers, smartphones, tablets, and laptops. It can transform a below-average drawing into a beautiful alternative. The SAMR level it addresses is redefinition because it turns drawings into a better version that one couldn't do with just a pen and paper. Autodraw is student-centered because the kids are allowed to get creative with their drawings. It is also teacher-centered because they can get to know the students and see how passionate they are about different topics. The 6 C's addressed are creativity and critical thinking. Students can use their imagination to create any drawing, and they critically think when deciding and figuring out how to draw an image. Some benefits of Autodraw are that students are able to channel the creative side, it works on any web browser or device, and it's easy to use and free. The barriers of this website are that students or teachers may not have access to technology devices, students can become overwhelmed with automated suggestions, and some students may prefer to use paper and crayons. I would use this in my future classroom by having the students draw out a story from a book we read in class.

Prodigy Game

Prodigy is a math-based animated game for kids in grades 1-8 that includes every math course needed for those classes. The SAMR level addressed is redefinition because students have to complete certain tasks by solving math problems. Prodigy is student-centered because the students are able to understand the material better in a way that is fun and enjoyable to them. This website is also teacher-centered because they are able to see how much the students actually understand from the teachings in class. The 6 C's connected to this website are creativity and critical thinking. Students are able to create their own characters and follow different stories. To get to the next task, the student has to correctly answer the math question related to their learning. The benefits are that students learn in ways that might be easier to understand, and the website helps keep the students interested in what they are learning. The barriers of Prodigy are that the students can be distracted if they play it during other classes, and some students may not have easy access to a computer or internet at home to complete homework. I would use this in my future classroom by allowing students to use Prodigy every Friday, or every other week, to make sure they are understanding the materials being taught.

You’ll wonder how you taught without it

Nearpod is a website that that boosts student participation with collaborative activities and formative assessments like VR, polls, collaborative boards, and game-based quizzes. The SAMR level addresses redefinition. Instead of giving a written assignment, this website has ways of interacting with the content with audio and videos. Nearpod is teacher-centered and allows the teachers to get insight from the students in real-time and post-session reports. It is also student-centered because it allows them to interact and respond to the videos and audio throughout the lesson. The 6 C's are collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. The teachers can use a variety of ways to teach the content. Students can work in groups and use a variety of ways to address assignments and react with content. Benefits of Nearpod include: students have a new way of learning the material if they weren't able to understand it previously, and they can receive help from their classmates or teacher if they are confused. The barriers of this website are that it costs money to use, the school might not have enough computers or iPads to give to the students, and the student might not have electronics or internet connection at home to work on the lesson. I would use this in my future classroom after teaching a lesson, so the students can go through the website and fully understand the materials - Free online whiteboard for teachers and classrooms! is a website where teachers can create a class and students receive a digital whiteboard. The teacher can see all of the students' whiteboards in real time and can follow along with their progress. The SAMR level is substitution because technology is wiping out the need for students to have their individual whiteboard or paper to answer questions. teacher-centered because they have an easy and convenient way to assess students quickly and see student progress. The 6 C's this website addresses are creativity and critical thinking. Students and teachers can create their own boards and edit them to their liking. Students also have the ability to analyze and answer the questions without looking at other students' answers. The benefits of this website are that the students can be creative with how to design their boards, and the shy students can answer the questions without getting scared to raise their hand and answer it out loud. The barriers are that schools might not be able to provide electronics for all of the students, and some students might not have internet connection or access to an electronic. I would use this in my classroom to review for an upcoming test or to check student understanding.